Source code for pygromos.files.otherfiles.new_repdat

FUNCTIONLIB:            Repdat File
    From a Replica-Exchange simulation a repdat file will be created, that gives insight on the replica exchanges of the simulation
Author: Benjamin Schroeder

import pandas as pd

from pygromos.files._basics import parser
from pygromos.files.blocks import replica_exchange_blocks as blocks
from pygromos.utils.typing import Dict, List, Union, Repdat_Type

[docs]class Repdat(pd.DataFrame): # """Replica exchange statistic file This class is a representation for all transition information during a replica exchange run. it adds some useful functionality. """ _gromos_file_ending = "restat" # pandas specific parameters: @property def _constructor(self): return Repdat _metadata = ["added_property"] added_property = 1 # This will be passed to copies # gromos fun SYSTEM: blocks.repex_system DATA: pd.DataFrame # transition_traces[replica][["trials", "positions". "state_pot"]] transition_traces: Dict[int, Dict[str, List[float]]] = None # count_state_per_position[replicaposition][["tot_nup", "tot_ndown", "states_index", "dt", "dt_nup", "dt_ndown"]] count_state_per_position: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List[int], int]]] = None # count_state_per_position[replica] replica_round_trips: Dict[int, int] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, input_path: str): """Repdat_Constructor Parameters ---------- input_path : str path to gromos repdadat file """ if type(input_path) is str: system, df = parser.read_repdat(input_path, Vj_header=True) self.system = system self.DATA = df # future data field a pandas frame! self.path = input_path else: raise NotImplementedError("Not correct yet!")
[docs] def _clean_replica_round_trips(self, replica_round_trips: Dict[int, int]) -> Dict[int, int]: """_clean_replica_round_trips - privat This function cleans up so that the minimal rountrip number in a roundtrip dict is 0 Parameters ---------- replica_round_trips : Dict[int:int] a dictionary containing all replica roundtrip counts Returns ------- Dict[int:int] a dictionary containing all replica roundtrip counts with lowest value 0 """ # clean up indices that are -1 clean_replica_round_trips = {} for key, item in replica_round_trips.items(): if item != -1: clean_replica_round_trips.update({key: item}) else: clean_replica_round_trips.update({key: 0}) return clean_replica_round_trips
[docs] def _caculate_transition_traces(self) -> None: """ TODO: refactor code! ..autofunction: _caculate_transition_traces calculates the transition traces for all replicas from raw data and stores them in self.transition_traces. In the end you recieve the trace a replica coord system moved through s dist format: {replicaID: {[trials...], [position...], [PotE...]}} :return: None :rtype: None """ replicas = len(self.system.s) # follow transitions of one state transition_dict = { x: x for x in range(1, replicas + 1) } # keeps track of unique id and current replica position. tmp_dict = {x: x for x in range(1, replicas + 1)} transition_result_dict = { x: {"trial": [], "position": [], "state_pot": []} for x in range(1, replicas + 1) } # init transition dicts following one replica with inital start # go through repda and count tmp_run = 1 for index, row in self.DATA_NEW.iterrows(): if tmp_run != # new trial transition_dict = tmp_dict tmp_dict = {x: x for x in range(1, replicas + 1)} tmp_run = # Exchange Replica replica = int(transition_dict[int(row.ID)]) # get the replica unique id # record Exchange if row.s == 1: # only hit when exchange and not partner already exchangeds # new_pos transition_result_dict[replica]["trial"].append(int( transition_result_dict[replica]["position"].append(int(row.partner)) transition_result_dict[replica]["state_pot"].append(row.state_potentials) # exchange reps tmp_dict[int(row.partner)] = replica else: transition_result_dict[replica]["trial"].append(int( transition_result_dict[replica]["position"].append(int(row.ID)) transition_result_dict[replica]["state_pot"].append(row.state_potentials) tmp_dict[int(row.ID)] = replica # if (replica == 2 and < 10): # print("trial ",, "ID ", row.ID, "partner ", row.partner) # print("replica: ", transition_dict[row.ID], "vs.", transition_dict[row.partner]) # print("transd", transition_result_dict[2]["position"]) traces = {x: pd.DataFrame(transition_result_dict[x]) for x in transition_result_dict} [df.insert(0, "replicaID", replicaID) for replicaID, df in traces.items()] self.transition_traces = pd.concat(traces)
[docs] def _calculate_ndowns_nups_for_each_state( self, time_stride: int = -1, min_state_potential_treshold: float = None, verbose: bool = False ): """_calculate_ndowns_nups_for_each_state calculates the visit counts for each replicaID position (Temperature or s_value). It splits into substates depending on the state potentials, to destinguish which state passed by. Up and Downs are counted from top to bottom. Additionally also a time dependend series is generated. This can be binned by the argument time_window. If the min_state_potential_treshold is given, than a minimal state is also dependent on the other states, if they are below the threshold, the state is undefined. In the end you recieve the position state visit counts in a dict: format: {{replicaposition:{"tot_nup":[], "tot_ndown":[], "dt":float, "dt_nup":[], "dt_ndown":[]}} Parameters ---------- time_stride : int, optional determines the window bin size of flow trajectory for each replicaID. This there are total_transitions/time_window bins containing time_window many flow values. default -1 counts all frames min_state_potential_treshold : float, optional a threshold, defining if a state is governing a system at a time point t verbose : bool, optional Returns ------- None """ # define needed stuff for calc: replica_traces = self.get_replica_traces() num_states = len(self.system.state_eir) num_replica = len(self.system.s) if time_stride < 1: time_stride = 1 # arbitrary window size value, that seems reasonable! len(replica_traces[list(replica_traces.keys())[0]]["trial"]) * 0.01 extreme_positions = (1, num_replica) # gives the extreme values of the replicaID dist replica_extreme_position_memory = { replica: -1 for replica in range(1, num_replica + 1) } # which replicaID visited which extreme? replica_extreme_position_memory.update( {1: extreme_positions[0], num_replica: extreme_positions[1]} ) # init pos1 and last one # result vars # for easier keeping track of state indices state_index = {key: key for key in range(num_states)} if min_state_potential_treshold is not None: # add an undef state if multiple residues are below threshold. state_index.update({"undefined": num_states}) num_states += 1 count_state_perpos = { positionID: { "tot_nup": [0 for state in state_index], "tot_ndown": [0 for state in state_index], "dt": time_stride, "pot_tresh": min_state_potential_treshold, "states_index": state_index, "dt_nup": [[0 for state in state_index]], "dt_ndown": [[0 for state in state_index]], } for positionID in range(1, num_replica + 1) } if verbose: print("general: ", extreme_positions) if verbose: print("time_window_size: ", time_stride) # if verbose: print("INITIAL") # if verbose: print("Initial count_per_repPos\n", count_state_per_position) # if verbose: print("Initial current_extremePos_replica\n", replica_extreme_position_memory) # as side product easily the round trips can be calculated! replica_round_trips = {replica: -1 for replica in range(1, num_replica + 1)} replica_round_trips[1] = 0 replica_round_trips[num_replica] = 0 for index, (replicaID, trial, position, pot_energies) in replica_traces[::time_stride].iterrows(): count_state_perpos[position]["dt_ndown"].append([0 for state in state_index]) count_state_perpos[position]["dt_nup"].append([0 for state in state_index]) if position in extreme_positions and replica_extreme_position_memory[replicaID] != position: replica_extreme_position_memory.update({replicaID: position}) replica_round_trips[replicaID] += 1 # This replicaID has already seen an extreme pos if replica_extreme_position_memory[replicaID] in extreme_positions: # who is the active state? if ( min_state_potential_treshold is not None ): # NEW shall no other state be in an undersampling situation? undersampling_state_energies = [ float(val) for val in list(pot_energies.values()) if (float(val) < min_state_potential_treshold) ] if 1 == len( undersampling_state_energies ): # clean active states - only one state at a time underSampling active_state = undersampling_state_energies.index(min(undersampling_state_energies)) else: # no clear state presen skip active_state = state_index["undefined"] else: undersampling_state_energies = [ float(val) for val in list(pot_energies.values()) ] # if(float(val) < 200)] active_state = undersampling_state_energies.index(min(undersampling_state_energies)) # determine if replicaID comes from top or bottom and add +1 to stat if replica_extreme_position_memory[replicaID] == extreme_positions[0]: # coming from top count_state_perpos[position]["tot_ndown"][active_state] += 1 count_state_perpos[position]["dt_ndown"][-1][active_state] += 1 elif replica_extreme_position_memory[replicaID] == extreme_positions[1]: # coming_from bottom count_state_perpos[position]["tot_nup"][active_state] += 1 count_state_perpos[position]["dt_nup"][-1][active_state] += 1 else: # NEW has never seen any thing raise ValueError("A replicaID has never seen a extreme position should not reach this code!") else: continue if verbose: print("\nFINAL") if verbose: print("Final extreme_positions", replica_extreme_position_memory) if verbose: print( "Final position counts totup/totdown: ", [ (count_state_perpos[pos]["tot_nup"], count_state_perpos[pos]["tot_ndown"]) for pos in count_state_perpos ], ) if verbose: print("Final positoin counts keys", count_state_perpos[1].keys()) if verbose: print("counted rountrips per replicaID!: ", replica_round_trips) # store trajs in pd.dataframes. tmp_counts = self._clean_replica_round_trips(replica_round_trips) for x, data in tmp_counts.items(): column_names = ["state_" + str(data["states_index"][x]) for x in sorted(data["states_index"])] tmp = pd.DataFrame(data["dt_nup"]) tmp.columns = column_names data["dt_nup"] = tmp tmp = pd.DataFrame(data["dt_ndown"]) tmp.columns = column_names data["dt_ndown"] = tmp self.count_state_per_position = count_state_perpos self.replica_round_trips = tmp_counts
[docs] def _calculate_replica_roundtrips(self): """ ..autofunction: _calculate_replica_roundtrips This function is calculating the roundtrips over all replica positions for each replica. :return: None :rtype: None """ # define needed stuff for calc: replica_traces = self.get_replica_traces() _ = len(self.system.state_eir) num_replica = len(self.system.s) extreme_positions = (1, num_replica) # gives the extreme values of the replica dist replica_extreme_position_memory = { replica: -1 for replica in range(1, num_replica + 1) } # which replica visited which extreme? replica_extreme_position_memory.update( {1: extreme_positions[0], num_replica: extreme_positions[1]} ) # init pos1 and last one # as side product easily the round trips can be calculated! replica_round_trips = {replica: -1 for replica in range(1, num_replica + 1)} replica_round_trips[1] = 0 replica_round_trips[num_replica] = 0 # only go over_extreme postitions. extreme_position_trace = replica_traces.loc[replica_traces.position.isin(extreme_positions)].sort_values( "trial" ) for index, (replicaID, trial, position, pot_energies) in extreme_position_trace.sort_values( "trial" ).iterrows(): # go through each replica trace # print(trial, position, pot_energies) if position in extreme_positions and replica_extreme_position_memory[replicaID] != position: replica_extreme_position_memory.update({replicaID: position}) replica_round_trips[replicaID] += 1 else: continue self.replica_round_trips = self._clean_replica_round_trips(replica_round_trips)
[docs] def append(self, repdat: Union[List[Repdat_Type], Repdat_Type]): """append This function concatenates two repdat files into the executing obj. Parameters ---------- repdat : List[Repdat] or Repdat one or multiple Repdat files. Returns ------- None """ # if(self.system != repdat.system): # raise ValueError("The two repdats seem not to come from the same simulation, as the system settings are different!") if not isinstance(repdat, List): repdat = [repdat] self.DATA_NEW = pd.concat([self.DATA_NEW, *map(lambda x: x.data2, repdat)], ignore_index=True) = pd.Series(map(lambda i: 1 + int(i) // len(self.system.s), self.DATA_NEW.index))
[docs] def clean_file_runs(self): """clean_file DEAPRECEATED - ABOUT TO BE REMOVED! Updates the run numbers to be continous sequential. (for example needed for concatenation) """ tmp_run = 0 offset = 0 for line in self.DATA: if int(tmp_run) > int( tmp_run = int( elif int(tmp_run) < int( tmp_run += offset += 1 = offset
[docs] def get_replica_traces(self, recalculate: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """get_replica_traces returns a replica_traces dictionary. Parameters ---------- recalculate : bool, optional shall the dict be recalculated, if already present? Returns ------- Dict[int, Dict[str,List[float]]] dictionary containing all individual replica_traces """ if not isinstance(self.transition_traces, pd.DataFrame) or recalculate: self._caculate_transition_traces() return self.transition_traces
[docs] def get_replicaPosition_dependend_nup_ndown_for_each_state( self, time_window_size: int = -1, potential_treshold: float = None, recalculate: bool = False ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List or float]]]: """ ..autofunction: get_replicaPosition_dependend_nup_ndown_for_each_state This function is returning the replica position visit counts by each simulation state, per state. :param time_window_size: how many timesteps shall be binned :type time_window_size: int :param potential_treshold: if defined, and there is a time window, in which multiple states are below this threshold, the count is in an undefined state. :type potential_treshold: float :param recalculate: shall the dict be recalculated? :type recalculate: bool :return: returns a dict for all replica positions and their state visit counts. :rtype: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List or float]]] """ if not isinstance(self.count_state_per_position, pd.DataFrame) or recalculate: self._calculate_ndowns_nups_for_each_state( time_stride=time_window_size, min_state_potential_treshold=potential_treshold ) else: if not all( [ self.count_state_per_position[1]["dt"] == time_window_size, self.count_state_per_position[1]["pot_tresh"] == potential_treshold, ] ): self._calculate_ndowns_nups_for_each_state( time_stride=time_window_size, min_state_potential_treshold=potential_treshold ) return self.count_state_per_position
[docs] def get_replicaPosition_dependend_nup_ndown( self, time_window_size: int = -1, potential_treshold: float = None, recalculate: bool = False ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List, pd.DataFrame, dict, float]]]: """ ..autofunction: get_replicaPosition_dependend_nup_ndown This function is returning the replica position visit counts by all simulation state. :param time_window_size: how many timesteps shall be binned :type time_window_size: int :param potential_treshold: if defined, and there is a time window, in which multiple states are below this threshold, the count is in an undefined state. :type potential_treshold: float :param recalculate: shall the dict be recalculated? :type recalculate: bool :return: returns a dict for all replica positions and the visit counts. :rtype: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[List or float]]] """ if not isinstance(self.replicas_pos_visit_counts, Dict): replicas_pos_visit_counts = {} for replica, statistics in self.get_replicaPosition_dependend_nup_ndown_for_each_state( time_window_size=time_window_size, potential_treshold=potential_treshold, recalculate=recalculate ).items(): replica_pos_visit_counts = { replica: { "tot_nup": sum(statistics["tot_nup"]), "tot_ndown": sum(statistics["tot_ndown"]), "dt": statistics["dt"], "dt_nup": list(map(lambda x: sum(x), statistics["dt_nup"])), "dt_ndown": list(map(lambda x: sum(x), statistics["dt_ndown"])), } } replicas_pos_visit_counts.update(replica_pos_visit_counts) return replicas_pos_visit_counts
[docs] def get_replica_roundtrips(self, recalculate: bool = False) -> Dict[int, int]: """ ..autofunction: get_replica_roundtrips This function is returning the count of rountrips (RT) for each replica. :param recalculate: shall the dict be recalculated? :type recalculate: bool :return: returns a dict for all replica and their rountrip counts. :rtype: Dict[int,int] """ if not isinstance(self.replica_round_trips, pd.DataFrame) or recalculate: self._calculate_replica_roundtrips() return self.replica_round_trips
[docs] def write(self, out_path: str) -> str: """ ..autofunction: Write out a repdat file to the outpath. :param out_path: determines the output path :type out_path: str :return: out_path :rtype:str """ # content_dict{"system":..., "header":..., "data":....} file = open(out_path, "w") file.write(str(self.system)) file.write("\n\n") # print header: file.write( "#" + "\t".join( [ "ID", "partner", "run", "li", "Ti", "Epoti", "lj", "Tj", "Epotj", "p", "s", "si", "sj", " ".join(["V" + str(i) for i in range(1, len(self.system.state_eir) + 1)]), ] ) + "\n" ) # file.write("\n#"+"\t".join(self.content["header"])+"\n") for line in self.DATA: file.write(str(line)) file.close() return out_path