restraintmaker.interface_Pymol package
restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.RestraintMaker_Logic module
Contains the class Logic_Handler, which defines the program flow, decides which user activities are allowed and manages Importers, Selections, Restraints, Filters, Optimzers and Exporters.
- class restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.RestraintMaker_Logic.Logic_Handler(all_atoms: List[restraintmaker.utils.Utilities.Atom])[source]
- __init__(all_atoms: List[restraintmaker.utils.Utilities.Atom])[source]
Handles the program flow. By defining it inside a class we get proper encapsulation and prevent problems with multiple imports
When a GUI Program Launches it should create one instance of a Logic_Handler and use it to control the program flow. It should pass GUI-events to it (by calling the react_to_event method.). The GUI Module should NOT need to directly access any other modules. (Except utilities). Warning: To keep things clean there is not backwards communicatopn from the Logic_Handler to the GUI module. It is the GUI Modules responsibility to check on the current state of the program, after creating events. Warning: I really do NOT want the GUI-Program to inherit form the Logic_Handler. It will inherit from a GUI Element (e.g. interface_Pymol.Wizard). Python suppports multiple inheritance, but I don’t.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO WRITE A NEW GUI MODULE: The GUI Module should have the following functions/Elements
- Buttons/Lists… for the different actions that can be performed (Import, RestraintType, Selection …). These should call the function set_importer_type, set_restraint_type …
The GUI Program should use the action_states dict, to check which actions are currently available.
2 Toggle buttons / radio buttons… to switch between select / delete mode and atom / restraint mode
Events: The GUI Module is responsible for translating whatever events it understands into events relevant to the selections. It can do this by calling the function react_to_event(event_type, kw_args) Recommended translations: SELECT: When the user clicks a certain Atom
MOVE: Mouse movement / keyboard arrows … SIZE: Mouse wheel / keyboard arrows CONFIRM: Double Click, Enter …
The GUI module should check the state of the program (event_state dict and selected_atoms, selected-restraints) every time after calling react_to_event. I recommend wrapping the react_to_event function into a function of the GUI module to do that automatically.
Some Selections (SphericalSelection & subclasses) are more intuitive if the GUI program draws a sphere at the corresponding position. => If you want that you have to introduce special for the GUI module to check the current selection
- Parameters
all_atoms (t.List[u.Atom]) – List of all atoms in the Molecules, which should be connected
- _check_selection_status()[source]
_check_selection_status needs to be called at the end of every react_to_*_event function, after updating the selection.
It checks if the selection has finished and adds the selected atoms to the list, if necessary.
- Return type
- _set_exporter_type(new_exporter_type: type)[source]
changes the current type of Exporter and creates and applies an Exporter of that type. @Warnings Should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking.
- Parameters
new_exporter_type (t.Type[Exporter]) – type of the new Filter
- Return type
- _set_filter_type(new_filter_type: type)[source]
changes the current type of Filter and creates and applies a Filter of that type.
@Warnings should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking
- Parameters
new_filter_type (t.Type[Filter]) – type of the new Filter
- Return type
- _set_importer_type(new_importer_type: Type[])[source]
_set_importer_type changes the current Importer type, and creates and apllies a new Importer of that type.
- Warning
Should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking
- Parameters
new_importer_type (type[Importer]) – An available type of Importer
- Returns
- Return type
:raises TypeError if new_importer_type is not in available_importer_types
- _set_optimizer_type(new_optimizer_type: type)[source]
changes the current type of Optimizer and creates and applies a Optimizer of that type. @Warnings Should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking.
- Parameters
new_optimizer_type (t.Type[Filter]) – type of the new Filter
- Return type
- _set_restraint_type(new_restraint_type: Type[restraintmaker.utils.Restraints._Restraint])[source]
_set_restraint_type changes the current type of Restraint.
- Warning
Should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking
- Parameters
new_restraint_type (type[Restraint._Restraint}) – A type of restraint
- Returns
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError if new_restraint_type is not in available_restraint_types
- _set_selection_type(new_selection_type: type)[source]
chagnes the current type of Selection and starts a new selection of that type.
@warnings: Should only be called via set_action_type which handles type checking
- Parameters
new_selection_type (t.Type[Selection]) – type of the new Selection
- Return type
- react_to_event(event_type: restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.pymol_utilities.program_states.EventType, **kw_args: Any)[source]
react_to_event should be called by the GUI-module to report an event
react_to_event will then call the relevant update function of the active selection and refresh all atom lists etc.
@Waring react_to_event will change the state of the program (i.e. selected_atoms, selected_restraints, mode and actions states) It is strongly recommended to wrap react_to_event into a function of the GUI-module, which will check these and redraw the scene and de?activate buttons, if necessary/.
- Parameters
event_type (program_states.EventType) – What kind of event was triggered?
kw_args (dict) – Arguments the relevant update function will need
- Return type
- Raises
BadArgumentException – if args to not match the the corresponding logic_handler.react_to_*_event_function
NotImplementedError – if a new event_type is used, which the function does not know about.
- set_action_states()[source]
checks the current state of the program and decides, which actions are allowed at the moment
many TODOs
- Return type
- set_action_type(x_type)[source]
set_action should be called by the GUI module when the user selects an Importer, Restraint, Selection, Filter, Optimizer or Exporter
It will then call the relevant _set_X_type function.
@Warnings set_action_type will change the state of the program (i.e. selected_atoms, selected_restraints, mode and actions states) It is strongly recommended to wrap react_to_event into a function of the GUI-module, which will check these and redraw the scene and de?activate buttons, if necessary/.
- Parameters
x_type (type) – A type of Importer, Selection, Restraint, Filter, Optimizer or Exporter
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – if the specified type is not recognized
- set_mode(select_delete: bool, atom_restraint: bool)[source]
set_mode should be called by the GUI module when the user toggles the buttons to change the program mode
warning: set_action_type will change the state of the program (i.e. selected_atoms, selected_restraints, mode and actions states) It is strongly recommended to wrap react_to_event into a function of the GUI-module, which will check these and redraw the scene and de?activate buttons, if necessary/.
- Parameters
select_delete (bool) – Select mode (True) or Delete mode (False)?
atom_restraint (bool) – Atoms mode (True) or Delete mode (False)?
- Return type
restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.RestraintMaker_Pymol module
This module plugs in the restraintmaker logic into PyMOL. It basically contains the GUI-realisation and the linkeage to the logic.
- class restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.RestraintMaker_Pymol.Restraints_Wizard(_self=<module 'pymol.cmd' from '/home/bschroed/miniconda3/envs/restraintmakerDev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymol/'>)[source]
This class helps generating dis res. Sources: label(Wizard)
- __init__(_self=<module 'pymol.cmd' from '/home/bschroed/miniconda3/envs/restraintmakerDev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymol/'>)[source]
Initialize PyMol to the wizard!
- Parameters
- _action_button_pressed(x_name: str)[source]
button_pressed should be called when any of the action buttons is pressed.
It will call the releveant logic_handler.set_*_type method, redraw the molecule and enable/disabnle buttons if necessary. I think it is easier to pack all buttons into one function, and go through a switch table, than to define seperate functions for importer, Selection etc, plus a function called in all cases
- Parameters
x_name (str) – The __name__ attribute of a type Importer, Restraint, Selection, Filter, Optimizer or Exporter
- Raises
TypeError if x_type is not a type of Importer, Restraint, Selection, Filter, Optimizer or Exporter
:return - :rtype: None :warning: The x_type attribute MUST be of type string, not type, because of technical issues: To be able to pass this function to the interface_Pymol pyhton interpreter all its arguments need to be of type string So the interface_Pymol module will work with __name__ instead of __class__ attributes
- _toggle_button_pressed(button)[source]
_mode_button pressed is called when one of the 2 buttons defining the user mode is pressed.
- Parameters
button (str) – Which button was pressed
- Returns
- Return type
- check_objects_exists(obj: str) bool [source]
check_if_onject_exists checks if a interface_Pymol object of a certain name existst. :warning: Pymol does not count Selections as objects.
- Parameters
sele (str) – Name of a interface_Pymol selection
- Returns
Selection contains at least one object: True. Selection does not exist or is empty: False
- Return type
- do_dirty()[source]
TODO: Find a better way to detect movement of pseudoatom: Do_position? / Save last positon and only call do move if it actually moved TODO STRUC: Move this out to a provider function. The GUI handling program should not deal with special cases for certain selction types.
- do_key(k, x, y, mod)[source]
- Parameters
k (int) – pressed key
x (float) – coordinate x
y (float) – coordinate y
mod – shift pressed
- do_special(k, x, y, mod)[source]
control special actions of the keyboard
- Parameters
k (int) – pressed key
x (int) – coordinate x
y (float) – coordinate y
mod (int) – pressed shift?
- Return type
- file_nr = 1
- redraw()[source]
redraw paints all selected atoms, and the atoms in the active selection in different colours. Sets all other atoms back to standard colours
- Different colours for 1) Atoms in the curently active selections (not yet confirmed)
Selected Atoms
Atoms in restraints
Atoms in restraints we are looking at at the moment (in tst mode))
- Returns
- Return type
- trigger_event(event_type: restraintmaker.interface_Pymol.pymol_utilities.program_states.EventType, **kw_args: Any)[source]
trigger_event will call the logic_handler’s appropriate react_to_*_event function, depending on event_type and cause the wizard and the view to apply the changes caused by the event.
TypeError will be thrown if trigger_event is called without explicitly stating the keywords of the target update function
- Parameters
event_type (program_states.EventType) – what event has been caused? Acceptable values: ‘select’, ‘move’, ‘size’, ‘confirm’
kw_args (t.Any) – Arguments the relevant update functon will need. KEYWORDS OF THE CORRESPONDING _Selection._update_* function MUST BE GIVEN. (** => dict)
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – if event_type can not be resolved to a logic.handler.react_to_*_event function
u.BadArgumentException – if args to not match the the corresponding logic_handler.react_to_*_event_function