Source code for



import typing as t
from enum import Enum

# enum
[docs]class distant_Restraint_Type(Enum): half_harmonic_repulsive = -1 full_harmonic_distance_restraint = 0 half_harmonic_attractive = 1
[docs]class geometric_code(Enum): real_atom = 0 virtual_H_atom_aliphaticC = 1 virtual_H_atom_aromaticC = 2 virtual_H_atoms_goc_aliph = 3 virtual_H_atom_aliphaticC_strange = 4 pseudo_H_atom_goc_H_atoms_CH3 = 5 pseudo_H_atoms_goc_of_two_CH3 = 6 pseudo_H_atoms_goc_of_three_CH3 = 7 virtual_atoms_cog = -1 virtual_atoms_com = -2
# FIELDS class _generic_field(): def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def to_string(self): raise NotImplementedError("to string method needs to be implemented!") ##COORD
[docs]class atomP(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, resID, resName, atomType, atomID, xp, yp, zp): """ Args: resID: resName: atomType: atomID: xp: yp: zp: """ self.resID = resID self.resName = resName self.atomType = atomType self.atomID = atomID self.xp = xp self.yp = yp self.zp = zp
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: return "{: >5} {: >3} {: <5}{: >7}{: 15.9f}{:15.9f}{:15.9f}\n".format(self.resID, self.resName, self.atomType, self.atomID, self.xp, self.yp, self.zp)
[docs]class atomV(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, resID, resName, atomType, atomID, xv, yv, zv): """ Args: resID: resName: atomType: atomID: xv: yv: zv: """ self.resID = resID self.resName = resName self.atomType = atomType self.atomID = atomID self.xv = xv self.yv = yv self.zv = zv
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: return "{: >5} {: >3} {: <5}{: >7}{: 15.9f}{:15.9f}{:15.9f}\n".format(self.resID, self.resName, self.atomType, self.atomID, self.xv, self.yv, self.zv)
[docs]class lattice_shift(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, atomID, x, y, z): """ Args: atomID: x: y: z: """ self.atomID = atomID self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: return "{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}\n".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
[docs]class atom_pair_distanceRes(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, i1: int, j1: int, k1: int, l1: int, type1: (geometric_code or int), i2: int, j2: int, k2: int, l2: int, type2: (geometric_code or int), r0: float, w0: float, rah: (distant_Restraint_Type or int), comment: str = ""): """ ..function: Constructor of Gromos atom_pair_distanceRes Args: i1 (int): id of atom i of first molecule j1 (int): id of atom j of first molecule k1 (int): id of atom k of first molecule l1 (int): id of atom l of first molecule type1: geometric restraintype of first molecule i2 (int): id of atom i of second molecule j2 (int): id of atom j of second molecule k2 (int): id of atom k of second molecule l2 (int): id of atom l of second molecule type2: r0 (float): radius_0 of restraint w0 (float): weighting of restraint rah: restraint_type comment (str): """ try: self.atom1i = int(i1) self.atom1j = int(j1) self.atom1k = int(k1) self.atom1l = int(l1) if (type(type1) is geometric_code): self.atom1ic = type1 elif (type(type1) is int or (type(type1) is str and str(type1).isdigit())): self.atom1ic = geometric_code(int(type1)) else: raise ValueError("geometric index atom1ic in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(type1)) self.atom2i = int(i2) self.atom2j = int(j2) self.atom2k = int(k2) self.atom2l = int(l2) if (type(type2) is geometric_code): self.atom2ic = type2 elif (type(type2) is int or (type(type2) is str and str(type2).isdigit())): self.atom2ic = geometric_code(int(type2)) else: raise ValueError("geometric index atom2ic in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(type2)) self.radius_0 = float(r0) self.weight = float(w0) if (type(rah) is int or (type(rah) is str and str(rah).isdigit())): self.disResType = distant_Restraint_Type(int(rah)) elif (type(rah) is distant_Restraint_Type): self.disResType = rah else: raise ValueError("DisresType in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(rah)) self.comment = comment except: raise IOError("COULD NOT convert a parameter for distancerestraint field into correct form!")
[docs] def to_string(self): if (len(self.comment) > 0 and not self.comment.endswith("\n")): self.comment += "\n" return self.comment + "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:>3}\n".format( self.atom1i, self.atom1j, self.atom1k, self.atom1l, self.atom1ic.value, self.atom2i, self.atom2j, self.atom2k, self.atom2l, self.atom2ic.value, self.radius_0, self.weight, self.disResType.value)
# BLOCKS ##genericblock: class _generic_gromos_block: def __init__(self, name: str, used: bool): # content:str, """ Args: name (str): used (bool): """ self.used = used = name self.line_seperator = " \n" self.field_seperator = " \t " # self.content = content def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator.join(self.content) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result def get_name(self): return def __str__(self): return self.block_to_string() ##MISC
[docs]class timestep_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, t: float, step: int, subcontent=False): """ Args: t (float): step (int): subcontent: """ super().__init__(used=True, name="TIMESTEP") self.t = t self.step = step self.subcontent = subcontent
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += " \t{} \t{} \n".format(self.step, self.t) result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class title_block(_generic_gromos_block): order = [[["content"]]]
[docs] def __init__(self, content): """ Args: content: """ super().__init__(used=True, name="TITLE") self.content = content
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = "" result += str( + "\n" result += "".join(self.content) if ("\t >>> Generated with python lib function_libs utilities. (riniker group)\n" not in self.content): result += "\t >>> Generated with python lib function_libs utilities. (riniker group)\n" result += "\t >>> line_seperator: " + repr(self.line_seperator) + "\t field_seperator: " + repr( self.field_seperator) + "\n" result += "END\n" return result
##COORD Blocks
[docs]class atom_pos_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, content: t.List[atomP]): """ Args: content: """ if (content): super().__init__(used=True, name="POSITION") self.content = content else: raise ValueError("atom_pos block Constructor is missing correct argument combination!")
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class atom_vel_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, content: t.List[atomV]): """ Args: content: """ super().__init__(used=True, name="VELOCITY") self.content = content
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class atom_ref_pos_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, content: list): """ Args: content (list): """ if (content): super().__init__(used=True, name="REFPOSITION") self.content = content else: raise ValueError("atom_pos block Constructor is missing correct argument combination!")
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class lattice_shifts_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, content: t.List[lattice_shift]): """ Args: content: """ super().__init__(used=True, name="LATTICESHIFTS") self.content = content
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class genbox_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, pbc: Enum, length: list, angles: list, euler: list, origin: list): """ Args: pbc (Enum): length (list): angles (list): euler (list): origin (list): """ super().__init__(used=True, name="GENBOX") self.pbc = pbc self.length = length self.angles = angles self.euler = euler self.origin = origin
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "{:>5}\n".format(str(self.pbc.value)) result += "{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}\n".format(self.length[0], self.length[1], self.length[2]) result += "{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}\n".format(self.angles[0], self.angles[1], self.angles[2]) result += "{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}\n".format(self.euler[0], self.euler[1], self.euler[2]) result += "{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}{:>15.9f}\n".format(self.origin[0], self.origin[1], self.origin[2]) result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class distance_res_spec_block(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, KDISH: int, KDISC: int, RESTRAINTHEADER: list, RESTRAINTS: list): """ Args: KDISH (int): KDISC (int): RESTRAINTHEADER (list): RESTRAINTS (list): """ super().__init__(used=True, name="DISTANCERESSPEC") self.KDISH = KDISH self.KDISC = KDISC self.RESTRAINTHEADER = RESTRAINTHEADER self.RESTRAINTS = RESTRAINTS
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += "# KDISH" + self.field_seperator + "KDISC" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.KDISH) + self.field_seperator + str(self.KDISC) + self.line_seperator result += "#{:>4} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>10} {:>10} {:>3}\n".format( *self.RESTRAINTHEADER) for x in self.RESTRAINTS: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result