This module is very specific and not recomended to be used straigth away!
contains some translation and reordering scripts for some pdbs.
[docs]def reorder_lines(header: dict, lines: list) -> list:
"""order_dict = { # charmm_gromos54
"DPPC": {
"N": 4, # Choline "C11": 1, "C14": 2, "C15": 3, "C12": 5, "C11": 6,
"P": 8, # Phosphate "O32":7, "O33":9, "O34": 10, "O31": 11, "C3":
12, # Glycerol "C2": 13, "O21": 14, "C21": 15, "O22": 16, "C22": 17,
"C1": 32, "O11": 33, "C11": 34, "O12": 35, "C12": 36,
"C23", "C24",": 18, # Fatty acid chain1 "C25",": 19, "C26",": 20,
"C27",": 21, "C28",": 22, "C29",": 23, "C210": 24, "C211": 25,
"C212": 26, "C213": 27, "C214": 28, "C215": 29, "C216": 30,
"C13": 31, "C14", # Fatty acid chain2 "C15", "C2C": 37, "C16",
"C2D": 38, "C17", "C2E": 39, "C18", "C2F": 40, "C19", "C2G": 41,
"C110""C2H": 42, "C111""C2I": 43, "C112""C2J": 44, "C113""C2K": 45,
"C114""C2L": 46, "C115""C2M": 47, "C116""C2N": 48, "C2O": 49, "C2P":
"SOLV": {
"HW1":2, "HW2":3
new_lines = ["" for x in range(len(lines))] residue = 0 offset = 0
for index.rst, line in enumerate(lines):
res_index = header["resnum"] resname_index = header["resname"]
atomname_index = header["atomname"] atomname = line[atomname_index]
resname = line[resname_index]
residue = line[res_index] offset = index.rst
if(resname in order_dict):
relativ_pos = order_dict[resname][atomname]
new_lines[relativ_pos+offset] = line
new_lines[offset] = line
#print(new_lines[len(new_lines)-1]) return new_lines
header (dict):
lines (list):
[docs]def rename_atom_types(lines, header, in_ff=False, out_ff=False, translation_unknown=False):
translation_dict = {}
charm_gromos_sel = ["gromos", "charmm"]
reverse = 0
if type(in_ff) == bool or type(out_ff) == bool:
translation_unknown = True
elif in_ff in charm_gromos_sel and out_ff in charm_gromos_sel:
if in_ff in "gromos":
reverse = 1
translation_dict = { # charmm_gromos54
"DPPC": {
"N": "N", # Choline
"C13": "C33",
"C14": "C34",
"C15": "C35",
"C12": "C32",
"C11": "C31",
"P": "P", # Phosphate
"O13": "O32",
"O14": "O33",
"O11": "O34",
"O12": "O31",
"C1": "C3", # Glycerol
"C2": "C2",
"O21": "O21",
"C21": "C21",
"O22": "O22",
"C22": "C22",
"C3": "C1",
"O31": "O11",
"C31": "C11",
"O32": "O12",
"C32": "C12",
"C23": "C23", # Fatty acid chain1
"C24": "C24",
"C25": "C25",
"C26": "C26",
"C27": "C27",
"C28": "C28",
"C29": "C29",
"C210": "C210",
"C211": "C211",
"C212": "C212",
"C213": "C213",
"C214": "C214",
"C215": "C215",
"C216": "C216",
# Fatty acid chain2
"C33": "C13",
"C34": "C14",
"C35": "C15",
"C36": "C16",
"C37": "C17",
"C38": "C18",
"C39": "C19",
"C310": "C110",
"C311": "C111",
"C312": "C112",
"C313": "C113",
"C314": "C114",
"C315": "C115",
"C316": "C116",
"SOLV": {"OH2": "OW", "H1": "HW1", "H2": "HW2"},
"POT": {"POT": "NA"}, # dirty HACK!
"NA": {"NA": "NA"}, # dirty HACK!
"CLA": {"CLA": "CL"},
print("ops i don't know the in_ff or out_ff")
if translation_unknown:
index = 1
resnum = 0
for line in lines:
atom_name_index = header["atomname"]
res_index = header["resname"]
if resnum != line[header["resnum"]]:
index = 1
resnum = line[header["resnum"]]
key_res = line[res_index]
key = line[atom_name_index]
if key_res == "POT":
line[res_index] = "NA+"
if key_res == "CLA":
line[res_index] = "CL-"
atomname = key[0] + str(index)
line[atom_name_index] = atomname
index += 1
if not reverse:
for line in lines:
index = header["atomname"]
res_index = header["resname"]
key_res = line[res_index]
key = line[index]
if key_res == "POT":
line[res_index] = "NA+"
if key_res == "CLA":
line[res_index] = "CL-"
line[index] = translation_dict[key_res][key]
print("not implemented")
return lines
[docs]def consecutivley_renumber(header: dict, lines: list) -> list:
new_lines = []
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
# print(str(index.rst) + "line:\t"+ str(line))
if isinstance(line, list):
line[header["atomnum"]] = int(index)
return new_lines
[docs]def check_ATOM_columns(lines: list) -> (dict, list):
keys = ["key", "atomnum", "atomname", "resname", "resnum", "x", "y", "z", "occupancy", "bfactor", "segmentid"]
# get sh ortest line - minimal columns
lines = [line.split() for line in lines if (line.startswith("ATOM"))]
len_lines = list(map(lambda x: len(x), lines))
min_len = min(len_lines)
# all lines same length?
if min_len * len(lines) != sum(len_lines):
print("Not All ATOM lines have the same length!\n taking shortest line to build header!")
line = lines[len_lines.index(min_len)]
offset_pointer = 0
# check lines - add columns to standard template
if min_len > len(keys): # does the line have the minimal number of groups?
if len(line[3 + offset_pointer]) == 1: # is there a altloc column?
keys.insert(3, "altLoc")
offset_pointer += 1
if line[4 + offset_pointer]: # is there a chainID
keys.insert(4 + offset_pointer, "chain")
offset_pointer += 1
if len(line[5 + offset_pointer]) == 1: # is there an insertion column?
keys.insert(5 + offset_pointer, "insertion")
if min_len - offset_pointer > 10:
if str(line[10]).isdigit():
offset_pointer += 1
if min_len - offset_pointer > 11:
if str(line[11]).isdigit():
offset_pointer += 1
# make a dict
pdb_header = {key: ind for ind, key in enumerate(keys)}
return pdb_header, lines
[docs]def read_pdb_simple(path) -> (list, list, list):
in_file = open(path, "r")
lines = in_file.readlines()
header = True
footer = False
head_lines = []
atom_lines = []
foot_lines = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("ATOM"):
header = False
elif not line.startswith("ATOM") and not header:
footer = True
if header:
elif footer:
return head_lines, atom_lines, foot_lines
[docs]def rename_atom_attribute(pattern: str, replace: str, lines: list) -> list:
return [line.replace(pattern, replace) for line in lines if ("ATOM" in line)]
[docs]def filter_atoms_from_residue(filter_out: str, residue_name: str, lines: list) -> (list, list):
filtered_out = list(filter(lambda x: filter_out in x and residue_name in x, lines))
filtered_in = list(filter(lambda x: not (filter_out in x and residue_name in x), lines))
return filtered_in, filtered_out