Python implementation of the Gromos++ program ran_box which is used to generate randomized configurations for liquids (and gases)
Author: Marc Lehner
import warnings
import numpy as np
import copy
import random
import itertools as it
from pygromos.files.topology.top import Top
from pygromos.files.coord.cnf import Cnf
[docs]def ran_box(
in_top_path: str,
in_cnf_path: str,
out_cnf_path: str = "",
periodic_boundary_condition: str = "r",
nmolecule: int = 1,
dens: float = 1.0,
threshold: float = None,
layer: bool = False,
boxsize: float = None,
fixfirst: bool = False,
seed: float = None,
_binary_name: str = "ran_box",
verbose: bool = True,
return_command_only: bool = False,
) -> str:
top = Top(in_value=in_top_path)
cnf = Cnf(in_value=in_cnf_path)
cog = np.array(cnf.center_of_geometry())
if sum([len(cnf.residues[x]) for x in cnf.residues]) > 1:
raise Exception("ran_box works only with one residue in the .cnf file!\nFound: " + str(cnf.get_residues()))
# get volume and box length
minwall = 0.12 # saftey distance of a bond length to box edge
mol_mass = top.get_mass()
volume = 1.66056 * nmolecule * mol_mass / dens
box_length = volume ** (1.0 / 3.0)
divider = int(np.ceil(nmolecule ** (1.0 / 3.0)))
distance = (box_length - 2 * minwall) / float(divider)
# calculate maxRandShift
scale = 0.5 # scale can be manually decreased
maxDist = 0
for atom in copy.deepcopy(cnf).POSITION.content:
pos = np.array([atom.xp, atom.yp, atom.zp])
dis = np.linalg.norm(pos - cog)
if dis > maxDist:
maxDist = dis
maxRandShift = (scale * distance) - maxDist
if maxRandShift < 0:
maxRandShift = 0
if verbose:
warnings.warn("Molecules might overlap! Check cnf manually or decrease the density")
# create new cnf for return and set some attributes
ret_cnf = copy.deepcopy(cnf)
ret_cnf.POSITION.content = []
if hasattr(ret_cnf, "LATTICESHIFTS"):
delattr(ret_cnf, "LATTICESHIFTS")
if hasattr(ret_cnf, "VELOCITY"):
delattr(ret_cnf, "VELOCITY")
if hasattr(ret_cnf, "STOCHINT"):
delattr(ret_cnf, "STOCHINT")
ret_cnf.GENBOX.pbc = 1
ret_cnf.GENBOX.length = [box_length, box_length, box_length]
ret_cnf.GENBOX.angles = [90, 90, 90]
ret_cnf.TITLE.content = str(nmolecule) + " * " + cnf.POSITION.content[0].resName
# add positions
points = list(it.product(range(divider), range(divider), range(divider)))
for ind, (xi, yi, zi) in enumerate(random.sample(points, nmolecule)):
shift = np.array(
[(xi + 0.5) * distance + minwall, (yi + 0.5) * distance + minwall, (zi + 0.5) * distance + minwall]
cnf.rotate(alpha=random.uniform(0, 360), beta=random.uniform(0, 360), gamma=random.uniform(0, 360))
randomShift = np.array(
random.uniform(-maxRandShift, maxRandShift),
random.uniform(-maxRandShift, maxRandShift),
random.uniform(-maxRandShift, maxRandShift),
for atom in copy.deepcopy(cnf).POSITION.content:
pos = np.array([atom.xp, atom.yp, atom.zp])
atom.xp, atom.yp, atom.zp = pos - cog + shift + randomShift
atom.resID = ind + 1
atom.atomID += ind * cnf.POSITION.content[-1].atomID
return out_cnf_path