Source code for pygromos.gromos.gromosXX

FUNCTIONLIB:            wrapper for gromosXX
    This file contains python wrappers for the bash commandline of gromosXX

Author: Benjamin Schroeder

import glob
import os
import datetime
import time
from pygromos.files.simulation_parameters.imd import Imd

from pygromos.utils import bash
from pygromos.utils.utils import time_wait_s_for_filesystem
from pygromos.gromos._gromosClass import _gromosClass

[docs]class _GromosXX(_gromosClass): """ GromosXX This is the gromosXX baseclass. This should be inherited by a concrete class that might reimplement some new features, that are version dependent. Attributes: ----------- bin : str, optional This is the path to the folder containing the binaries of gromosXX. If None, the bash enviroment variables will be used. """
[docs] def __init__( self, gromosXX_bin_dir: str = None, _check_binary_paths: bool = True, ): """ Constructing a gromosXX object. Parameters ---------- gromosXX_bin_dir : str, optional This is the path to the folder containing the binaries of gromosXX. If None, the bash enviroment variables will be used. _dont_check_binary : bool, optional This flag removes the checks of the binary presence for this obj. This can make sense if system access is slow!, by default False - checks will be made """ # lazy me - doc text for functions: functions_text = "\n Methods:\n ---------\n" + "\n".join( ["\t" + x for x in dir(self) if (not x.startswith("_") and callable(getattr(self, x)))] ) self.__doc__ = self.__doc__ + functions_text super().__init__( in_bin_dir=gromosXX_bin_dir, _check_binary_paths=_check_binary_paths ) # initialises the binary checks
def __str__(self): return self.__doc__ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() """ GromosXX Programms """
[docs] @_gromosClass._gromosTypeConverter def md_run( self, in_topo_path: str, in_coord_path: str, in_imd_path: str, out_prefix: str, in_pert_topo_path: str = None, in_disres_path: str = None, in_posresspec_path: str = None, in_refpos_path: str = None, in_qmmm_path: str = None, nomp: int = 1, nmpi: int = 1, out_trc: bool = False, out_tre: bool = False, out_trv: bool = False, out_trf: bool = False, out_trs: bool = False, out_trg: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, _binary_name: str = "md", ) -> str: """ This function is a wrapper for gromosXX md_mpi. You can directly execute the gromosXX md_mpi in a bash enviroment here. Warnings -------- Hybrid jobs are possible, but very difficult to implement correctly to Euler and performance gain is questionable. If OMP should be used, I suggest the md_run - function. Parameters ---------- in_topo_path : str This is the path to the input topology file ( in_coord_path : str This is the path to the input coordinate file (x.cnf) in_imd_path : str This is the path to the input simulation parameter file (x.imd) out_prefix : str This prefix, define the output name. in_pert_topo_path : str, optional This is the path to the pertubation file (x.ptp) in_disres_path : str, optional This is the path to the distance restraint file (x.dat) in_posresspec_path : str, optional This is the path to the position restraint file (x.pos) in_refpos_path : str, optional This is the path to the reference position file (x.rpf) nomp : int, optional How many omp cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableOMP nmpi : int, optional How many mpi cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableMPI (and suggested to have -disableOMP) out_trc : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_tre : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trs : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trg : bool, optional do you want to output the free energy trajectory (x.trg) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) Returns ------- str returns the log_file_path of the simulation. Raises ------ ChildProcessError If the execution of the simulation fails, this error is raised. See Also -------- md_run, repex_mpi """ # BUILD UP str. Command command = [] if nmpi > 1 and nomp > 1: raise ValueError("There are no Hybrid NMPI and NOMP jobs possible with gromos!") elif nmpi > 1: command += ["mpirun -n " + str(nmpi * nomp) + " "] # --loadbalance " --cpus-per-proc " + + " " command += [self._bin + _binary_name + "_mpi"] elif nomp >= 1: command += ["export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str(nomp) + " && "] command += [self._bin + _binary_name] else: command += [self._bin + _binary_name] command += ["@topo", str(in_topo_path)] command += ["@conf", str(in_coord_path)] command += ["@input", str(in_imd_path)] if in_pert_topo_path is not None: command += ["@pttopo", str(in_pert_topo_path)] if in_disres_path is not None: command += ["@distrest", str(in_disres_path)] if in_posresspec_path is not None: print("POSRES", in_posresspec_path) command += ["@posresspec", str(in_posresspec_path)] if in_refpos_path is not None: command += ["@refpos", str(in_refpos_path)] if in_qmmm_path is not None: command += ["@qmmm", str(in_qmmm_path)] if isinstance(out_prefix, str): command += ["@fin", str(out_prefix) + ".cnf"] log_file_path = out_prefix + ".omd" if out_trc: command += ["@trc", str(out_prefix) + ".trc"] if out_trv: command += ["@trv", str(out_prefix) + ".trv"] if out_trf: command += ["@trf", str(out_prefix) + ".trf"] if out_tre: command += ["@tre", str(out_prefix) + ".tre"] if out_trs: command += ["@trs", str(out_prefix) + ".trs"] if out_trg: command += ["@trg", str(out_prefix) + ".trg"] else: raise ValueError("Outprefix needs to be string got: " + type(out_prefix) + " - " + str(out_prefix)) command_text = " ".join(command) + " > " + log_file_path + "\n" if verbose: print("COMMAND: ", command_text) start_time = process = bash.execute(command_text) md_run_return = process.poll() # bash.wait_for_fileSystem(out_prefix+".cnf") end_time = duration = end_time - start_time time.sleep(time_wait_s_for_filesystem) log_file = open(log_file_path, "a") log_file.write("\n\nREMARKS\n") failed = False if md_run_return == 0: log_file.write("\tRUN:\tSUCESSFUL\n") else: log_file.write("\tRUN:\tFAILED\n") omd_file_content = open(log_file_path, "r").read_lines() if len(omd_file_content) > 0: print("\t" + "\n\t".join(omd_file_content)) else: print("\t None") failed = True log_file.write("\tTIME:\n\tstart: " + str(start_time) + "\tend: " + str(end_time) + "\n") log_file.write("\tDuration:\t " + str(duration) + "\n") log_file.write("END\n") log_file.close() if failed: raise ChildProcessError("GromosXX MD Run Failed!\n\nLOG:" + "\n".join(open(log_file_path, "r").readlines())) return log_file_path
[docs] @_gromosClass._gromosTypeConverter def repex_run( self, in_topo_path: str, in_coord_path: str, in_imd_path: str, out_prefix: str, in_pert_topo_path: str = None, in_disres_path: str = None, in_posresspec_path: bool = False, in_refpos_path: bool = False, out_trc: bool = True, out_tre: bool = True, out_trs: bool = False, out_trg: bool = False, out_trf: bool = False, out_trv: bool = False, nomp: int = 1, nmpi: int = 1, verbose: bool = True, _binary_name: str = "repex_mpi", ) -> str: """ This function is a wrapper for gromosXX repex_mpi. You can directly execute the gromosXX repex_mpi in a bash enviroment here. Warnings -------- Hybrid jobs are possible, but very difficult to implement correctly to Euler and performance gain is questionable. Parameters ---------- in_topo_path : str This is the path to the input topology file ( in_coord_path : str This is the path to the input coordinate file (x.cnf) in_imd_path : str This is the path to the input simulation parameter file (x.imd) - needs to contain a Replica Exchange or RE-EDS block. out_prefix : str This prefix, define the output name. in_pert_topo_path : str, optional This is the path to the pertubation file (x.ptp) in_disres_path : str, optional This is the path to the distance restraint file (x.dat) in_posresspec_path : str, optional This is the path to the position restraint file (x.pos) in_refpos_path : str, optional This is the path to the reference position file (x.rpf) nomp : int, optional How many omp cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableOMP nmpi : int, optional How many mpi cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableMPI (and suggested to have -disableOMP) out_trc : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_tre : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trs : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trg : bool, optional do you want to output the free energy trajectory (x.trg) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trf : bool, optional do you want to output the free energy trajectory (x.trg) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trv : bool, optional do you want to output the free energy trajectory (x.trg) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) queueing_systems : NONE This var is not in use yet! - under development Returns ------- str returns the log_file_path of the simulation. Raises ------ ChildProcessError If the execution of the simulation fails, this error is raised. See Also -------- md_run, md_mpi_run """ if nomp > 1: # OMP Hybrid sopt_job? command = [ "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str(nomp) + " && mpirun -n " + str(nmpi) + " --loadbalance --cpus-per-proc " + str(nomp) + " " ] else: command = ["mpirun", "-n ", str(nmpi)] command.append(self._bin + _binary_name) # input params check if in_topo_path: command += ["@topo", str(in_topo_path)] else: raise IOError("Did not get an input top file. Got: " + in_topo_path) if in_imd_path: command += ["@input", str(in_imd_path)] # Input cnf file depends if we have the CONT keyword or not # with CONT == 1, the convention is to give the name of the # file without the "_1" extension imd = Imd(in_imd_path) if hasattr(imd, "REPLICA") and imd.REPLICA is not None and imd.REPLICA.CONT: tmp_path = "/".join(os.path.abspath(in_coord_path).split("/")[:-1]) in_coord_path = sorted(glob.glob(tmp_path + "/*.cnf"))[0] in_coord_path = in_coord_path.replace("_1.cnf", ".cnf") elif hasattr(imd, "REPLICA_EDS") and imd.REPLICA_EDS is not None and imd.REPLICA_EDS.CONT: tmp_path = "/".join(os.path.abspath(in_coord_path).split("/")[:-1]) in_coord_path = sorted(glob.glob(tmp_path + "/*.cnf"))[0] in_coord_path = in_coord_path.replace("_1.cnf", ".cnf") else: raise IOError("Did not get an input imd file. Got: " + in_imd_path) if in_coord_path: command += ["@conf", str(in_coord_path)] else: raise IOError("Did not get an input coord file. Got: " + in_coord_path) if in_pert_topo_path: command += ["@pttopo", str(in_pert_topo_path)] if in_disres_path: command += ["@distrest", str(in_disres_path)] if in_posresspec_path: command += ["@posresspec", str(in_posresspec_path)] if in_refpos_path: command += ["@refpos", str(in_refpos_path)] if out_prefix: command += ["@fin", str(out_prefix + ".cnf")] if out_trc: command += ["@trc", str(out_prefix + ".trc")] if out_trs: command += ["@trs", str(out_prefix + ".trs")] if out_tre: command += ["@tre", str(out_prefix + ".tre")] if out_trg: command += ["@trg", str(out_prefix + ".trg")] if out_trf: command += ["@trf", str(out_prefix + ".trf")] if out_trv: command += ["@trv", str(out_prefix + ".trv")] command += ["@repout", str(out_prefix + "_repout.dat")] command += ["@repdat", str(out_prefix + "_repdat.dat")] log_file_path = out_prefix + ".omd" command_text = " ".join(command) + " >> " + log_file_path + "\n" if verbose: print(command_text) os.system('echo "" >' + str(log_file_path)) if verbose: start_time = time.ctime() if verbose: print("START: " + str(start_time)) # bash.execute(command, verbose=True) md_run = os.system(command_text) time.sleep(time_wait_s_for_filesystem) if verbose: end_time = time.ctime() if verbose: print("END: " + str(end_time)) print("MDRUN OUT: ", md_run) # if (md_run != 0): # raise ChildProcessError("GromosXX REPEX Run Failed!\n \t return value: " + str(md_run) + "\n\tLOG:" + "\n\t\t".join(open(log_file_path, "r").readlines())) return log_file_path
[docs]class GromosXX(_GromosXX): """ GromosXX This is the class represents gromosXX. Attributes: ----------- bin : str, optional This is the path to the folder containing the binaries of gromosXX. If None, the bash enviroment variables will be used. """ def __init__(self, gromosXX_bin_dir: str = None, _check_binary_paths: bool = True): super().__init__(gromosXX_bin_dir=gromosXX_bin_dir, _check_binary_paths=_check_binary_paths)