from pygromos.utils.typing import List
[docs]class gromos_tre_block_names_table:
totals_subblock_names: List[str]
eds_subblock_names_singleState: List[str]
lam_subblock_names_singleLam: List[str]
[docs]class gromos_2015_tre_block_names_table(gromos_tre_block_names_table):
totals_subblock_names = [
eds_subblock_names_singleState = ["total", "nonbonded", "special"]
eds_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific
lam_subblock_names_singleLam = [
lam_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific
[docs]class gromos_2020_tre_block_names_table(gromos_tre_block_names_table):
totals_subblock_names = [
eds_subblock_names_singleState = ["total", "nonbonded", "special", "offset"]
eds_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific
lam_subblock_names_singleLam = [
lam_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific
[docs]class gromos_2021_tre_block_names_table(gromos_tre_block_names_table):
totals_subblock_names = [
eds_subblock_names_singleState = ["total", "nonbonded", "special", "offset"]
eds_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific
lam_subblock_names_singleLam = [
lam_subblock_names = (
None # is generated on the fly in get_eds of TRE - depends on num_states -> simulation specific