File: gromos_system.py
Warnings: this class is WIP!
This is a super class for the collection of all Gromos files used inside a project.
Bundle files with the system's topology, coordinates, input parameters, etc. and
start your simulations from here.
Author: Marc Lehner, Benjamin Ries, Felix Pultar
# imports
import io
import os
import copy
import pickle
import inspect
import functools
import importlib
import warnings
# Files
from pygromos.files._basics._general_gromos_file import _general_gromos_file
from pygromos.files.topology.top import Top
from pygromos.files.coord import cnf
from pygromos.files.coord.cnf import Cnf
from pygromos.files.simulation_parameters.imd import Imd
from pygromos.files.qmmm.qmmm import QMMM
from pygromos.files.topology.disres import Disres
from pygromos.files.topology.ptp import Pertubation_topology
from pygromos.files.coord.refpos import Reference_Position
from pygromos.files.coord.posres import Position_Restraints
from pygromos.files.blocks import imd_blocks
# Trajs
from pygromos.files.trajectory.trc import Trc
from pygromos.files.trajectory.tre import Tre
from pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field import _generic_force_field
# Additional
# from pygromos.files.forcefield import forcefield_system
from pygromos.data.ff import Gromos54A7
from pygromos.gromos import GromosXX, GromosPP
from pygromos.utils import bash, utils
from pygromos.utils.typing import Union, List, Dict, Callable
if importlib.util.find_spec("rdkit") is not None:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
has_rdkit = True
has_rdkit = False
skip = {
"solute_info": cnf.solute_infos,
"protein_info": cnf.protein_infos,
"non_ligand_info": cnf.non_ligand_infos,
"solvent_info": cnf.solvent_infos,
exclude_pickle = {}
[docs]class Gromos_System:
required_files = {"imd": Imd, "top": Top, "cnf": Cnf}
optional_files = {
"disres": Disres,
"ptp": Pertubation_topology,
"posres": Position_Restraints,
"refpos": Reference_Position,
"qmmm": QMMM,
traj_files = {"trc": Trc, "tre": Tre}
residue_list: Dict
solute_info: cnf.solute_infos
protein_info: cnf.protein_infos
non_ligand_info: cnf.non_ligand_infos
solvent_info: cnf.solvent_infos
# privates
_checkpoint_path: str
_last_jobID: int # hpcScheduling ID of the last submitted job.
_future_promise: bool # for interest if multiple jobs shall be chained.
_future_promised_files: list
_single_multibath: bool
_single_energy_group: bool
# if this class Variable is set to True, all binary checks will be removed from the systems.
_gromos_binary_checks: bool = True
_gromosPP_bin_dir: str
_gromosXX_bin_dir: str
_gromosPP: GromosPP
_gromosXX: GromosXX
[docs] def __init__(
work_folder: str,
system_name: str,
rdkitMol: Chem.rdchem.Mol = None,
in_mol2_file: str = None,
readIn: bool = True,
forcefield: _generic_force_field = _generic_force_field(),
auto_convert: bool = False,
adapt_imd_automatically: bool = True,
verbose: bool = False,
in_smiles: str = None,
in_residue_list: List = None,
in_top_path: str = None,
in_cnf_path: str = None,
in_imd_path: str = None,
in_disres_path: str = None,
in_ptp_path: str = None,
in_posres_path: str = None,
in_refpos_path: str = None,
in_qmmm_path: str = None,
in_gromosXX_bin_dir: str = None,
in_gromosPP_bin_dir: str = None,
The Gromos_System class is the central unit of PyGromosTools for files and states.
With this class all files can be read-in or the files can be automatically generated from smiles.
Additionally to that can all gromos++ functions be used from the Gromos System, so system generation can be easily accomplished.
if you want to remove all binary checks, do the following:
>>> from pygromos.files.gromos_system.gromos_system import Gromos_System
>>> Gromos_System._gromos_noBinary_checks = True
>>> sys = Gromos_System()
work_folder : str
This gives the initial working folder for the system.
system_name : str
the name of the system, also used as file prefix
in_smiles : str, optional
Molecule input SMILES for file generation, by default None
in_top_path : str, optional
input Gromos topology path (.top), by default None
in_cnf_path : str, optional
input Gromos coordinate path (.cnf), by default None
in_imd_path : str, optional
input Gromos simulation parameters path (.imd), by default None
in_disres_path : str, optional
input Gromos distance restraint path (.disres), by default None
in_ptp_path : str, optional
input pertubation file for free energy calculations (.ptp), by default None
in_posres_path : str, optional
input position restraints file (.por), by default None
in_qmmm_path: str, optional
qmmm parameter file (.qmmm), by default None
in_refpos_path : str, optional
input reference position file (.rpf), by default None
in_gromosXX_bin_dir : str, optional
path to the binary dir of GromosXX, by default None -> uses the set binaries in the PATH variable
in_gromosPP_bin_dir : str, optional
path to the binary dir of GromosPP, by default None -> uses the set binaries in the PATH variable
rdkitMol : Chem.rdchem.Mol, optional
input rdkit Molecule, by default None
in_mol2_file : str, optional
path to input mol2 file, by default None
readIn : bool, optional
readIn all provided files?, by default True
Forcefield : forcefield_system, optional
input PyGromos - forcefield Class , by default forcefield_system()
auto_convert : bool, optional
automatically convert rdkit MOL and smiles to gromos files, by default False
adapt_imd_automatically : bool, optional
adjust the input imd file to the GromosSystem, by default True
verbose : bool, optional
Stay a while and listen!, by default False
Rises warning if files are not present.
self.hasData = False
self._name = system_name
self._work_folder = work_folder
self.smiles = in_smiles
self.top_residue_list = in_residue_list
self.forcefield = forcefield
self.mol = Chem.Mol()
self.in_mol2_file = in_mol2_file
self._checkpoint_path = None
self._last_jobID = None
self.adapt_imd_automatically = adapt_imd_automatically
self.verbose = verbose
self._single_multibath = False
self._single_energy_group = False
# use setter functions that perform additional sanity checks
# and also set the correct directory paths
self.gromosPP = in_gromosPP_bin_dir
self.gromosXX = in_gromosXX_bin_dir
# add functions of gromosPP to system
# For HPC-Queueing
self._future_promise = False
self._future_promised_files = []
if (in_smiles is None and rdkitMol is None and in_mol2_file is None) or not readIn:
if verbose:
warnings.warn("No data provided to gromos_system\nmanual work needed")
# import files:
file_mapping = {
"imd": in_imd_path,
"top": in_top_path,
"ptp": in_ptp_path,
"cnf": in_cnf_path,
"disres": in_disres_path,
"posres": in_posres_path,
"refpos": in_refpos_path,
"qmmm": in_qmmm_path,
self.parse_attribute_files(file_mapping, readIn=readIn, verbose=verbose)
# System Information:
if not self._cnf._future_file:
) = self._cnf.get_system_information(not_ligand_residues=[])
self.residue_list = None
self.solute_info = None
self.protein_info = None
self.non_ligand_info = None
# import molecule from smiles using rdkit
if in_smiles:
self.mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(in_smiles)
self.mol = Chem.AddHs(self.mol)
self.hasData = True
if in_mol2_file:
self.mol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(in_mol2_file)
self.hasData = True
# import molecule from RDKit
if rdkitMol:
self.mol = rdkitMol
self.smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(self.mol)
self.hasData = True
# automate all conversions for rdkit mols or mol2 if possible
if auto_convert:
if self.hasData:
warnings.warn("auto_convert active but no data provided -> auto_convert NOT done!")
# decide if the imd should be adapted (force groups etc.)
# assert if the respective option is activated and cnf/imd files do actually exist
if self.adapt_imd_automatically and not self._cnf._future_file and not self.imd._future_file:
# misc
self._all_files_key = list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.required_files.keys()))
self._all_files_key.extend(list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.optional_files.keys())))
self._all_files = copy.copy(self.required_files)
# Empty Attr
self._traj_files_path = {}
self._trc = None
self._tre = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
msg = "\n"
msg += "GROMOS SYSTEM: " + self.name + "\n"
msg += utils.spacer
msg += "WORKDIR: " + self._work_folder + "\n"
msg += "LAST CHECKPOINT: " + str(self._checkpoint_path) + "\n"
msg += "\n"
msg += "GromosXX_bin: " + str(self.gromosXX_bin_dir) + "\n"
msg += "GromosPP_bin: " + str(self.gromosPP_bin_dir) + "\n"
msg += (
"FILES: \n\t" + "\n\t".join([str(key) + ": " + str(val) for key, val in self.all_file_paths.items()]) + "\n"
msg += "FUTURE PROMISE: " + str(self._future_promise) + "\n"
if (
hasattr(self, "solute_info")
or hasattr(self, "protein_info")
or hasattr(self, "non_ligand_info")
or hasattr(self, "solvent_info")
msg += "SYSTEM: \n"
if (
hasattr(self, "protein_info")
and self.protein_info is not None
and self.protein_info.number_of_residues > 0
if hasattr(self, "protein_info") and self.protein_info is not None:
# +" resIDs: "+str(self.protein_info.residues[0])+"-"+str(self.protein_info.residues[-1])
msg += (
+ str(self.protein_info.name)
+ " nresidues: "
+ str(self.protein_info.number_of_residues)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.protein_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "solute_info") and self.solute_info is not None:
msg += (
+ str(self.solute_info.names)
+ " resID: "
+ str(self.solute_info.positions)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.solute_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "non_ligand_info") and self.non_ligand_info is not None:
# +" resID: "+str(self.non_ligand_info.positions)
msg += (
+ str(self.non_ligand_info.names)
+ " nmolecules: "
+ str(self.non_ligand_info.number)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "solvent_info") and self.solvent_info is not None:
# " resIDs: "+str(self.solvent_info.positions[0])+"-"+str(self.solvent_info.positions[-1])+
msg += (
+ str(self.solvent_info.name)
+ " nmolecules: "
+ str(self.solvent_info.number)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "solute_info") and self.solute_info is not None:
msg += (
+ str(self.solute_info.names)
+ " resID: "
+ str(self.solute_info.positions)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.solute_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "solvent_info") and self.solvent_info is not None:
# " resIDs: "+str(self.solvent_info.positions[0])+"-"+str(self.solvent_info.positions[-1])+
msg += (
+ str(self.solvent_info.name)
+ " nmolecules: "
+ str(self.solvent_info.number)
+ " natoms: "
+ str(self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms)
+ "\n"
msg += "\n\n"
return msg
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def __getstate__(self):
preperation for pickling:
remove the non trivial pickling parts
attribute_dict = self.__dict__
new_dict = {}
for key in attribute_dict.keys():
if key.replace("_", "") in self._traj_files_path:
if isinstance(attribute_dict[key], str) or attribute_dict[key] is None: # traj file is not loaded
else: # traj file was loaded
self._traj_files_path[key] = attribute_dict[key].path
elif not callable(attribute_dict[key]) and key not in skip and key not in exclude_pickle:
new_dict.update({key: attribute_dict[key]})
elif attribute_dict[key] is not None and key in skip and key not in exclude_pickle:
new_dict.update({key: attribute_dict[key]._asdict()})
new_dict.update({key: None})
new_dict.update({"_traj_files_path": self._traj_files_path})
return new_dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__dict__ = state
for key in skip:
if (key in self.__dict__) and not self.__dict__[key] is None:
setattr(self, key, skip[key](**self.__dict__[key]))
# misc
self._all_files_key = list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.required_files.keys()))
self._all_files_key.extend(list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.optional_files.keys())))
self._all_files = copy.copy(self.required_files)
# init_traj attr:
self._trc = None
self._tre = None
self._gromosPP = GromosPP(self._gromosPP_bin_dir, _check_binary_paths=self._gromos_binary_checks)
self._gromosXX = GromosXX(self._gromosXX_bin_dir, _check_binary_paths=self._gromos_binary_checks)
# are promised files now present?
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
copy_obj = self.__class__(system_name="Test", work_folder=self.work_folder, readIn=False, verbose=False)
copy_obj.verbose = self.verbose
return copy_obj
[docs] def copy(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def work_folder(self) -> str:
return self._work_folder
def work_folder(self, work_folder: str):
self._work_folder = work_folder
# Updates the work folder without updating all file paths
[docs] def work_folder_no_update(self, work_folder: str):
self._work_folder = work_folder
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def name(self, system_name: str):
self._name = system_name
def all_files(self) -> Dict[str, _general_gromos_file]:
self._all_files_key = list(self.required_files.keys())
self._all_files = {
key: getattr(self, key)
for key in self._all_files_key
if (hasattr(self, key) and (not getattr(self, key) is None))
return self._all_files
def all_file_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
self._all_files_key = list(self.required_files.keys())
self._all_file_paths = {
key: getattr(self, key).path
for key in self._all_files_key
if (hasattr(self, key) and (not getattr(self, key) is None))
return self._all_file_paths
def top(self) -> Top:
return self._top
def top(self, input_value: Union[str, Top]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value):
self._top = Top(in_value=input_value)
elif self._future_promise:
self._top = Top(in_value=input_value, _future_file=self._future_promise)
self._future_promise = True
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Top):
self._top = input_value
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def cnf(self) -> Cnf:
return self._cnf
def cnf(self, input_value: Union[str, Cnf]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value):
self._cnf = Cnf(in_value=input_value, _future_file=False)
self.residue_list = self._cnf.get_residues()
) = self._cnf.get_system_information(not_ligand_residues=[])
elif self._future_promise:
self._cnf = Cnf(in_value=input_value, _future_file=self._future_promise)
self._future_promise = True
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Cnf):
self._cnf = input_value
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def imd(self) -> Imd:
return self._imd
def imd(self, input_value: Union[str, Imd]):
# Make sure the new Imd (str or Imd object) is updated only if the option
# has been enabled (adapt_imd_automatically) and actually has coordinates
# data that could be used to adapt the imd
is_adaptable = self.adapt_imd_automatically and not (
self.cnf._future_file and (self.residue_list is None or self.solute_info is None)
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value) or self._future_promise:
self._imd = Imd(in_value=input_value)
if is_adaptable:
elif self._future_promise:
self._imd = Imd(in_value=input_value, _future_file=self._future_promise)
self._future_promise = True
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Imd):
self._imd = input_value
if is_adaptable:
elif input_value is None:
self._imd = None
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def refpos(self) -> Reference_Position:
return self._refpos
def refpos(self, input_value: Union[str, Reference_Position]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value) or self._future_promise:
self._refpos = Reference_Position(in_value=input_value)
elif self._future_promise:
self._refpos = Reference_Position(in_value=input_value, _future_file=self._future_promise)
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Reference_Position):
self._refpos = input_value
elif input_value is None:
self._refpos = None
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def posres(self) -> Position_Restraints:
return self._posres
def posres(self, input_value: Union[str, Position_Restraints]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value) or self._future_promise:
self._posres = Position_Restraints(in_value=input_value)
elif self._future_promise:
self._posres = Position_Restraints(in_value=input_value, _future_file=self._future_promise)
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Position_Restraints):
self._posres = input_value
elif input_value is None:
self._posres = None
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def disres(self) -> Disres:
return self._disres
def disres(self, input_value: Union[str, Disres]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value):
self._disres = Disres(in_value=input_value)
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Disres):
self._disres = input_value
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def ptp(self) -> Pertubation_topology:
return self._ptp
def ptp(self, input_value: Union[str, Pertubation_topology]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value):
self._ptp = Pertubation_topology(in_value=input_value)
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, Pertubation_topology):
self._ptp = input_value
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def trc(self) -> Trc:
if self._trc is None and "trc" in self._traj_files_path and self.cnf is not None and not self.cnf._future_file:
self._trc = Trc(traj_path=self._traj_files_path["trc"], in_cnf=self.cnf)
elif self._trc is None and "trc" in self._traj_files_path:
self._trc = Trc(traj_path=self._traj_files_path["trc"])
return self._trc
def trc(self, in_value: Union[str, Trc]):
if isinstance(in_value, str):
self._traj_files_path["trc"] = in_value
self._trc = None
self._trc = in_value
if hasattr(in_value, "path"):
self._traj_files_path["trc"] = in_value
def tre(self) -> Tre:
if self._tre is None and "tre" in self._traj_files_path:
self._tre = Tre(self._traj_files_path["tre"])
return self._tre
def tre(self, in_value: Union[str, Tre]):
if isinstance(in_value, str):
self._traj_files_path["tre"] = in_value
self._tre = None
self._tre = in_value
if hasattr(in_value, "path"):
self._traj_files_path["tre"] = in_value
def qmmm(self) -> QMMM:
return self._qmmm
def qmmm(self, input_value: Union[str, QMMM]):
if isinstance(input_value, str):
if os.path.exists(input_value) or self._future_promise:
self._qmmm = QMMM(in_value=input_value)
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file: " + str(input_value))
elif isinstance(input_value, QMMM):
self._qmmm = input_value
elif input_value is None:
self._qmmm = None
raise ValueError("Could not parse input type: " + str(type(input_value)) + " " + str(input_value))
def gromosXX_bin_dir(self) -> str:
return self._gromosXX_bin_dir
def gromosXX_bin_dir(self, path: str):
self.gromosXX.bin = path
self._gromosXX_bin_dir = path
def gromosPP_bin_dir(self) -> str:
return self._gromosPP_bin_dir
def gromosPP_bin_dir(self, path: str):
self.gromosPP.bin = path
self._gromosPP_bin_dir = path
def gromosXX(self) -> GromosXX:
return self._gromosXX
def gromosXX(self, input_value: Union[str, GromosXX]):
if isinstance(input_value, str) or input_value is None:
self._gromosXX = GromosXX(gromosXX_bin_dir=input_value, _check_binary_paths=self._gromos_binary_checks)
self._gromosXX_bin_dir = input_value
elif isinstance(input_value, GromosXX):
self._gromosXX = input_value
self._gromosXX._check_binary_paths = self._gromos_binary_checks
self._gromosXX_bin_dir = input_value.bin
raise ValueError(f"Could not parse input type: {str(type(input_value))} {str(input_value)}")
def gromosPP(self) -> GromosPP:
return self._gromosPP
def gromosPP(self, input_value: Union[str, GromosPP]):
if isinstance(input_value, str) or input_value is None:
self._gromosPP = GromosPP(gromosPP_bin_dir=input_value, _check_binary_paths=self._gromos_binary_checks)
self._gromosPP_bin_dir = input_value
elif isinstance(input_value, GromosPP):
self._gromosPP = input_value
self._gromosPP._check_binary_paths = self._gromos_binary_checks
self._gromosPP_bin_dir = input_value.bin
raise ValueError(f"Could not parse input type: {str(type(input_value))} {str(input_value)}")
System generation
[docs] def get_script_generation_command(self, var_name: str = None, var_prefixes: str = "") -> str:
if var_name is None:
var_name = var_prefixes + self.__class__.__name__.lower()
gen_cmd = "#Generate " + self.__class__.__name__ + "\n"
gen_cmd += "\n"
gen_cmd += (
"from "
+ self.__module__
+ " import "
+ self.__class__.__name__
+ " as "
+ self.__class__.__name__
+ "_class"
+ "\n"
if hasattr(self, "_gromos_binary_checks") and not self._gromos_binary_checks:
gen_cmd += (
self.__class__.__name__ + "_class._gromos_binary_checks = " + str(self._gromos_binary_checks) + "\n"
gen_cmd += (
+ " = "
+ __class__.__name__
+ '_class(work_folder="'
+ self.work_folder
+ '", system_name="'
+ self.name
+ '")\n'
for arg, path in self.all_file_paths.items():
gen_cmd += str(var_name) + "." + str(arg) + ' = "' + str(path) + '"\n'
if self.gromosXX_bin_dir is not None:
gen_cmd += str(var_name) + ".gromosXX_bin_dir = '" + str(self.gromosXX_bin_dir) + "'\n"
if self.gromosPP_bin_dir is not None:
gen_cmd += str(var_name) + ".gromosPP_bin_dir = '" + str(self.gromosXX_bin_dir) + "'\n"
gen_cmd += "\n"
return gen_cmd
[docs] def parse_attribute_files(self, file_mapping: Dict[str, str], readIn: bool = True, verbose: bool = False):
This function sets dynamically builds the output folder, the file objs of this class and checks their dependencies.
file_mapping: Dict[str, Union[str, None]]
attribute name: input path
# File/Folder Attribute managment
check_file_paths = []
# Check if system folder is present
if not os.path.exists(self._work_folder):
# Check if file- paths are valid
all_files = {key: val for key, val in self.required_files.items()}
[check_file_paths.append(x) for k, x in file_mapping.items() if (x is not None)]
if len(check_file_paths) > 0:
bash.check_path_dependencies(check_file_paths, verbose=verbose)
# SET Attribute-FILES
for attribute_name, file_path in file_mapping.items():
if readIn and file_path is not None:
if verbose:
print("Parsing File: ", attribute_name)
obj = all_files[attribute_name](file_path)
elif attribute_name in self.required_files:
if verbose:
print("Generate Empty: ", attribute_name)
obj = all_files[attribute_name](None, _future_file=True)
obj.path = file_path
if file_path is not None:
self._future_promise = True
obj = None
setattr(self, "_" + attribute_name, obj)
# if read in of files - try to adapt the imd file necessaries
def _update_all_file_paths(self):
for file_name in self._all_files_key:
if hasattr(self, file_name) and not getattr(self, file_name) is None:
file_obj = getattr(
if file_obj._future_file:
if self.verbose or True:
warnings.warn("Did not change file path as its only promised " + str(file_obj.path))
file_obj.path = (
self._work_folder + "/" + self.name + "." + getattr(self, file_name)._gromos_file_ending
[docs] def rebase_files(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.work_folder) and os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.work_folder)):
def _check_promises(self):
# misc
self._all_files_key = list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.required_files.keys()))
self._all_files_key.extend(list(map(lambda x: "_" + x, self.optional_files.keys())))
for promised_file_key in self._future_promised_files:
promised_file = getattr(self, promised_file_key)
if os.path.exists(promised_file.path):
if self.verbose:
if promised_file_key == "trc":
"_" + promised_file_key,
self._all_files[promised_file_key](traj_path=promised_file.path, in_cnf=self.cnf),
setattr(self, "_" + promised_file_key, self._all_files[promised_file_key](promised_file.path))
warnings.warn("Promised file was not found: " + promised_file_key)
if len(self._future_promised_files) == 0:
self._future_promise = False
[docs] def auto_convert(self):
# init forcefield
# find all kwargs
ff_kwargs = {"work_folder": self._work_folder}
if self.smiles is not None:
ff_kwargs["smiles"] = self.smiles
if self.in_mol2_file is not None:
ff_kwargs["in_mol2_file"] = self.in_mol2_file
if self.top_residue_list is not None:
ff_kwargs["residue_list"] = self.top_residue_list
if self.forcefield.name == "amberff_gaff":
ff_kwargs["gromosPP"] = self.gromosPP
# convert
self.top = self.forcefield.create_top(mol=self.mol, in_top=self.top, **ff_kwargs)
self.cnf = self.forcefield.create_cnf(mol=self.mol, in_cnf=self.cnf, **ff_kwargs)
[docs] def rdkit2GromosName(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError("please find your own way to get the Gromos Name for your molecule.")
[docs] def prepare_for_simulation(self, not_ligand_residues: List[str] = []):
[docs] def adapt_imd(self, not_ligand_residues: List[str] = []):
# Get residues
if (
and self.residue_list is None
and self.solute_info is None
and self.protein_info is None
and self.non_ligand_info is None
raise ValueError(
"The residue_list, solute_info, protein_info adn non_ligand_info are required for automatic imd-adaptation."
if not self.cnf._future_file:
cres, lig, prot, nonLig, solvent = self.cnf.get_system_information(
self.residue_list = cres
self.solute_info = lig
self.protein_info = prot
self.non_ligand_info = nonLig
self.solvent_info = solvent
# System
self.imd.SYSTEM.NPM = 1
self.imd.SYSTEM.NSM = len(self.residue_list["SOLV"]) if ("SOLV" in self.residue_list) else 0
# boundary condition:
from pygromos.files.blocks.coord_blocks import Pbc
# vacuum if no box or GENBOX-pbc == Vacuum
if not self.cnf._future_file and (not hasattr(self.cnf, "GENBOX") or self.cnf.GENBOX.pbc == Pbc.vacuum):
self.imd.BOUNDCOND.NTB = Pbc.vacuum.value
elif not self.cnf._future_file and (not hasattr(self.cnf, "GENBOX") or self.cnf.GENBOX.pbc == Pbc.rectangular):
self.imd.BOUNDCOND.NTB = Pbc.rectangular.value
# Energy and Force Group
energy_groups = {}
if self._single_energy_group:
energy_groups = {
+ self.protein_info.number_of_atoms
+ self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms
+ self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms: 1
# solute
if self.solute_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
energy_groups.update({self.solute_info.positions[0]: self.solute_info.number_of_atoms})
# protein
if self.protein_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
energy_groups.update({self.protein_info.start_position: self.protein_info.number_of_atoms})
# ligand
if self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
solv_add = self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms
solv_add = 0
# solvent
if self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
max_key = max(energy_groups) + 1 if (len(energy_groups) > 0) else 1
energy_groups.update({max_key: self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms + solv_add})
# sort all entries in list
last_atom_count = 0
sorted_energy_groups = {}
for ind, key in enumerate(sorted(energy_groups)):
value = energy_groups[key] + last_atom_count
sorted_energy_groups.update({1 + ind: value})
last_atom_count = value
# adapt energy groups in IMD with sorted list of energy groups created above
# Multibath:
if hasattr(self.imd, "MULTIBATH") and not getattr(self.imd, "MULTIBATH") is None:
last_atoms_baths = {}
if self._single_multibath:
sorted_last_atoms_baths = {
+ self.protein_info.number_of_atoms
+ self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms
+ self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms: 1
if self.solute_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
last_atoms_baths.update({self.solute_info.positions[0]: self.solute_info.number_of_atoms})
if self.protein_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
last_atoms_baths.update({self.protein_info.start_position: self.protein_info.number_of_atoms})
if self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
solv_add = self.non_ligand_info.number_of_atoms
# raise Exception("The imd adaptation for nonLigand res and multibath was not written yet!")
# TODO: Do something for non-Ligands better in future
solv_add = 0
if self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms > 0:
max_key = max(last_atoms_baths) + 1 if (len(last_atoms_baths) > 0) else 1
last_atoms_baths.update({max_key: self.solvent_info.number_of_atoms + solv_add})
last_atom_count = 0
sorted_last_atoms_baths = {}
for ind, key in enumerate(sorted(last_atoms_baths)):
value = last_atoms_baths[key] + last_atom_count
sorted_last_atoms_baths.update({value: 1 + ind})
last_atom_count = value
ff_name = self.forcefield.name
if (
ff_name == "openforcefield"
or ff_name == "smirnoff"
or ff_name == "off"
or ff_name == "openff"
or ff_name == "amberff_gaff"
# adjust harmonic forces
if hasattr(self.imd, "COVALENTFORM") and not getattr(self.imd, "COVALENTFORM") is None:
if self.verbose:
print("Please make sure to use harmonic forces for simulations with OpenForceField torsions")
setattr(self.imd, "COVALENTFORM", imd_blocks.COVALENTFORM(NTBBH=1, NTBAH=1, NTBDN=0))
# adjust amberscale for LJ forces
if hasattr(self.imd, "AMBER") and not getattr(self.imd, "AMBER") is None:
if self.verbose:
print("Please make sure to use amber LJ forces for simulations with OpenForceField LJ parameters")
setattr(self.imd, "AMBER", imd_blocks.AMBER(AMBER=1, AMBSCAL=1.2))
[docs] def generate_posres(self, residues: List = [int], keep_residues: bool = True, verbose: bool = False):
self.posres = self.cnf.gen_possrespec(residues=residues, keep_residues=keep_residues, verbose=verbose)
self.refpos = self.cnf.gen_refpos()
IO - Files:
[docs] def read_files(self, verbose: bool = False):
for file_name in self.required_files:
getattr(self, file_name).read_file()
except FileExistsError:
warnings.warn("did not find the required " + file_name + " found")
for file_name in self.optional_files:
getattr(self, file_name).read_file()
except FileExistsError:
if verbose:
warnings.warn("did not find the optional " + file_name + " found")
[docs] def write_files(
cnf: bool = False,
imd: bool = False,
top: bool = False,
ptp: bool = False,
disres: bool = False,
posres: bool = False,
refpos: bool = False,
qmmm: bool = False,
mol: bool = False,
all: bool = True,
verbose: bool = False,
if all:
control = {k.replace("_", ""): all for k in self._all_files_key}
control = {
"top": top,
"imd": imd,
"cnf": cnf,
"ptp": ptp,
"disres": disres,
"posres": posres,
"refpos": refpos,
"qmmm": qmmm,
for file_name in control:
if control[file_name] and hasattr(self, file_name) and (not getattr(self, file_name) is None):
file_obj = getattr(self, file_name)
if file_obj.path is None:
print("File " + str(file_name) + " is empty , can not be written!")
elif file_obj._future_file:
print("File " + str(file_name) + " is promised , can not be written: " + str(file_obj.path))
if verbose:
print("Write out: " + str(file_name) + "\t" + file_obj.path)
if file_name in self.required_files:
warnings.warn("did not find the required " + file_name + " found")
elif verbose:
warnings.warn("did not find the required " + file_name + " found")
if mol:
print(Chem.MolToMolBlock(self.mol), file=open(self._work_folder + "/" + self.name + ".mol", "w+"))
[docs] def get_file_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
get the paths of the files in a dict.
Dict[str, str]
returns alle file paths, with attribute file name as key.
return {x: file_obj.path for x, file_obj in self.all_files.items()}
[docs] def rdkitImport(self, inputMol: Chem.rdchem.Mol):
self.mol = inputMol
[docs] def rdkit2Gromos(self):
# generate top
"topology generated with PyGromos from RDKit molecule: "
+ str(Chem.MolToSmiles(self.mol))
+ " "
+ str(self.name)
self.top.add_block(blocktitle="PHYSICALCONSTANTS", content=[""], verbose=True)
self.top.add_block(blocktitle="TOPVERSION", content=[["2.0"]])
[docs] def save(self, path: Union[str, io.FileIO] = None, safe: bool = True) -> str:
This method stores the Class as binary obj to a given path or fileBuffer.
safe_skip = False
if isinstance(path, str):
if os.path.exists(path) and safe:
safe_skip = True
bufferdWriter = open(path, "wb")
elif isinstance(path, io.BufferedWriter):
bufferdWriter = path
path = bufferdWriter.name
raise IOError("Please give as parameter a path:str or a File Buffer. To " + str(self.__class__) + ".save")
if not safe_skip:
pickle.dump(obj=self, file=bufferdWriter)
self._checkpoint_path = path
return path
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, path: Union[str, io.FileIO] = None) -> object:
This method stores the Class as binary obj to a given path or fileBuffer.
if isinstance(path, str):
bufferedReader = open(path, "rb")
elif isinstance(path, io.BufferedReader):
bufferedReader = path
raise IOError("Please give as parameter a path:str or a File Buffer.")
obj = pickle.load(file=bufferedReader)
if hasattr(obj, "cnf") and hasattr(obj.cnf, "POSITION"):
) = obj._cnf.get_system_information()
obj._checkpoint_path = path
return obj
super privates - don't even read!
def __SystemConstructionAttributeFinder(self, func: Callable) -> Callable:
This decorator trys to find input parameters of the function in the gromossystem and will automatically assign those to the function call!
functional programming
func : callable
returns the wrapped function
def _findGromosSystemAttributes(*args, **kwargs):
# print("attribute finder", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
# collect input parameters present in system/ replace them with
tmp_files = []
for k in inspect.signature(func).parameters:
attr_key = k.replace("in_", "").replace("_path", "")
# print(attr_key)
if "in" in k and "path" in k and attr_key in dir(self):
grom_obj = getattr(self, attr_key)
if isinstance(grom_obj, str):
kwargs.update({k: grom_obj})
elif hasattr(grom_obj, "path") and grom_obj.path is None:
tmp_file_path = self.work_folder + "/tmp_in_file." + grom_obj._gromos_file_ending
kwargs.update({k: tmp_file_path})
grom_obj.write(grom_obj.path) # make sure filestatus is good :)
kwargs.update({k: grom_obj.path})
args = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, self.gromosPP.__class__), args))
# execute function
# print("attibuteFinder 2:", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
r = func(self.gromosPP, *args, **kwargs)
# remove tmp_files
[bash.remove_file(p) for p in tmp_files]
return r
# Override signature for usage in jupyter env or IDE
sig = inspect.signature(func)
red_params = []
for key, par in sig.parameters.items():
attr_key = key.replace("in_", "").replace("_path", "")
if "in" in key and "path" in key and attr_key in dir(self):
red_sig = sig.replace(parameters=red_params)
_findGromosSystemAttributes.__signature__ = red_sig
return _findGromosSystemAttributes
def __SystemConstructionUpdater(self, func: Callable) -> Callable:
This decorator trys to find output parameters of the function in the gromossystem and will automatically update the state of those attributes!
functional programming
func: callable
the function to be wrapped
def _updateGromosSystem(*args, **kwargs):
# print("updater", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
# collect out_paths
update_dict = {}
for k in inspect.signature(func).parameters:
if "out" in k and "path" in k:
attr_key = k.replace("out_", "").replace("_path", "")
kwargs.update({k: self.work_folder + "/tmp_out_file." + attr_key})
update_dict.update({k: attr_key})
# execute function
# print("updater2", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
r = func(*args, **kwargs)
# print("updater3", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
# update attribute states and remove tmp files.
for k in update_dict:
setattr(self, update_dict[k], kwargs[k])
getattr(self, update_dict[k]).path = None
return r
# Override signature for usage in jupyter env or IDE
sig = inspect.signature(func)
red_params = []
for key, par in sig.parameters.items():
if "out" in key and "path" in key:
red_sig = sig.replace(parameters=red_params)
_updateGromosSystem.__signature__ = red_sig
return _updateGromosSystem
def __ionDecorator(self, func: Callable) -> Callable:
This Helper Decorator should be removed soon! it helps with gromosPP ion,
to add the ion params to the topology. -> Convenience for tech debt
func: callable
the function to be wrapped
def generate_ion_top(
in_building_block_lib_path=Gromos54A7.mtb, in_parameter_lib_path=Gromos54A7.ifp, *args, **kwargs
# execute function
r = func(*args, **kwargs)
top_cl = self.work_folder + "/aux_tmp.top"
sequence = ""
if "negative" in kwargs:
nIons, ion = kwargs["negative"]
sequence += (ion + " ") * nIons
if "positive" in kwargs:
nIons, ion = kwargs["positive"]
sequence += (ion + " ") * nIons
self.top += Top(top_cl)
# bash.remove_file(top_cl)
return r
# Override signature for usage in jupyter env or IDE
sig = inspect.signature(func)
sig2 = inspect.signature(self._gromosPP.make_top)
red_params = [sig2.parameters["in_building_block_lib_path"]]
red_sig = sig.replace(parameters=red_params)
generate_ion_top.__signature__ = red_sig
return generate_ion_top
def __bind_gromosPPFuncs(self):
if self._gromosPP is not None:
func = [k for k in dir(self._gromosPP) if (not k.startswith("_") and k != "bin")]
v = {
f: self.__SystemConstructionUpdater(
self.__SystemConstructionAttributeFinder(getattr(self._gromosPP, f))
for f in func
# this is clunky and needs to be removed in future
rewrap = self.__ionDecorator(v["ion"])
v.update({"ion": rewrap})
[exclude_pickle.update({f: None}) for f in func]