from pygromos.files.coord.cnf import Cnf
from pygromos.files.blocks import coord_blocks as blocks
from pygromos.utils.typing import Dict, List, Union, Position_Restraints_Type, Cnf_Type
[docs]class Position_Restraints(Cnf):
This class is a representation of the gromos .cnf coordinate files. It
allows reading, analysis and modifying of the coordinate files.
is a child of general_gromos_file
_future_file: bool
path: str
# general
_gromos_file_ending: str = "pos"
residues: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]
# Standard Gromos blocks
TITLE: blocks.TITLE # required
POSRESSPEC: blocks.POSRESSPEC # required
# private
_block_order: List[str] = [
_required_blocks: List[str] = ["TITLE", "POSRESSPEC"]
_main_block: str = "POSRESSPEC"
def __init__(
in_value: Union[str, dict, Position_Restraints_Type, Cnf_Type],
clean_resiNumbers_by_Name: bool = False,
verbose: bool = False,
_future_file: bool = False,
if isinstance(in_value, Cnf):
for block in self._block_order:
if hasattr(in_value, block):
setattr(self, block, getattr(in_value, block))
self.POSRESSPEC = blocks.POSRESSPEC(in_value.POSITION.block_to_string().split("\n")[1:-2])
self.path = None
self._future_file = False
super().__init__(in_value=in_value, _future_file=_future_file)