Source code for pygromos.files.blocks.topology_blocks

import re
import inspect
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import TITLE as generic_TITLE
from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import _generic_gromos_block, _iterable_gromos_block, _generic_field
from pygromos.utils.typing import (

from pygromos.files.blocks.pertubation_blocks import pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded as pertubation_lam_state


[docs]class distant_Restraint_Type(Enum): half_harmonic_repulsive = -1 full_harmonic_distance_restraint = 0 half_harmonic_attractive = 1
[docs]class geometric_code(Enum): real_atom = 0 virtual_H_atom_aliphaticC = 1 virtual_H_atom_aromaticC = 2 virtual_H_atoms_goc_aliph = 3 virtual_H_atom_aliphaticC_strange = 4 pseudo_H_atom_goc_H_atoms_CH3 = 5 pseudo_H_atoms_goc_of_two_CH3 = 6 pseudo_H_atoms_goc_of_three_CH3 = 7 virtual_atoms_cog = -1 virtual_atoms_com = -2
""" FIELDS """
[docs]class atom_pair_distanceRes(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, i1: int, j1: int, k1: int, l1: int, type1: Union[geometric_code, int], i2: int, j2: int, k2: int, l2: int, type2: Union[geometric_code, int], r0: float, w0: float, rah: Union[distant_Restraint_Type, int], comment: str = "", ): """ Parameters ---------- i1 : int id of atom i of first molecule j1 : int id of atom j of first molecule k1 : int id of atom k of first molecule l1 : int id of atom l of first molecule type1 : int geometric restraintype of first molecule i2 : int id of atom i of second molecule j2 : int id of atom j of second molecule k2 : int id of atom k of second molecule l2 : int id of atom l of second molecule type2 : int geometric restraintype of second molecule r0 : float radius_0 of restraint w0 : float weighting of restraint rah : int restraint_type comment : str, optional comment for this restraint """ try: self.atom1i = int(i1) self.atom1j = int(j1) self.atom1k = int(k1) self.atom1l = int(l1) if type(type1) is geometric_code: self.atom1ic = type1 elif type(type1) is int or (type(type1) is str and str(type1).isdigit()): self.atom1ic = geometric_code(int(type1)) else: raise ValueError("geometric index.rst atom1ic in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(type1)) self.atom2i = int(i2) self.atom2j = int(j2) self.atom2k = int(k2) self.atom2l = int(l2) if type(type2) is geometric_code: self.atom2ic = type2 elif type(type2) is int or (type(type2) is str and str(type2).isdigit()): self.atom2ic = geometric_code(int(type2)) else: raise ValueError("geometric index.rst atom2ic in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(type2)) self.radius_0 = float(r0) self.weight = float(w0) if type(rah) is int or (type(rah) is str and str(rah).isdigit()): self.disResType = distant_Restraint_Type(int(rah)) elif type(rah) is distant_Restraint_Type: self.disResType = rah else: raise ValueError("DisresType in atom_pair_distanceRes unknown\n" + str(rah)) self.comment = comment except IOError: raise IOError("COULD NOT convert a parameter for distancerestraint field into correct form!")
[docs] def to_string(self): if len(self.comment) > 0 and not self.comment.endswith("\n"): self.comment += "\n" return ( self.comment + "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:>3}\n".format( self.atom1i, self.atom1j, self.atom1k, self.atom1l, self.atom1ic.value, self.atom2i, self.atom2j, self.atom2k, self.atom2l, self.atom2ic.value, self.radius_0, self.weight, self.disResType.value, ) )
[docs]class atom_mass_type(_generic_field): def __init__(self, N: int, ATMAS: float, ATMASN: str, comment: str = ""): self.N = N self.ATMAS = ATMAS self.ATMASN = ATMASN self.comment = comment
[docs] def to_string(self): return self.comment + "{:<8} {:<3.4f} {:<5}\n".format(self.N, self.ATMAS, self.ATMASN)
[docs]class bond_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, ICB: int, CB: float, HB: float, B0: float, atomI: Union[str, Iterable[str]], atomJ: Union[str, Iterable[str]], specialNumber: int, ): """ GROMOS bond-stretching parameters for one possible bond Parameters ---------- ICB: int Bond type code CB: float Quartic bond-stretch force constant HB: float Harmonic bond-stretch force constant B0: float Ideal bond length atomI: str, Iterable[str] possible atom I useages atomJ: str, Iterable[str] possible atom J useages specialNumber: int No Idea @Todo: refactor later! """ self.ICB = ICB self.CB = CB self.HB = HB self.B0 = B0 self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.specialNumber = specialNumber
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f}\n".format( self.ICB, self.CB, self.HB, self.B0 ) atomI = self.atomI atomJ = self.atomJ if isinstance(atomI, list): atomI = ",".join(atomI) if isinstance(atomJ, list): atomJ = ",".join(atomJ) str_line += "#\t{:<3} - {:<3} {:<5}\n".format(atomI, atomJ, self.specialNumber) return str_line
[docs]class angle_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, ICT: int, CT: float, CHT: float, T0: float, atomI: Union[str, Iterable[str]], atomJ: Union[str, Iterable[str]], atomK: Union[str, Iterable[str]], specialNumber: int, ): """ GROMOS bond-stretching parameters for one possible bond Parameters ---------- ICT: int Bond-angle type code CT: float Non-harmonic force constant CHT: float Harmonic force constant T0: float Ideal bond angle atomI: str, Iterable[str] possible atom I useages atomJ: str, Iterable[str] possible atom J useages atomK: str, Iterable[str] possible atom K useages specialNumber: int No Idea @Todo: refactor later! """ self.ICT = ICT self.CT = CT self.CHT = CHT self.T0 = T0 self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.atomK = atomK self.specialNumber = specialNumber
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f}\n".format( self.ICT, self.CT, self.CHT, self.T0 ) atomI = self.atomI atomJ = self.atomJ atomK = self.atomK if isinstance(atomI, list): atomI = ",".join(atomI) if isinstance(atomJ, list): atomJ = ",".join(atomJ) if isinstance(atomK, list): atomK = ",".join(atomK) str_line += "#\t{:<3} - {:<3} - {:<3} {:<5}\n".format(atomI, atomJ, atomK, self.specialNumber) return str_line
[docs]class dihedral_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, ICP: int, CP: float, PD: float, NP: int, atomI: str, atomJ: str, atomK: str, atomL: str, special_number: float, concrete_example: str = "", ): """ GROMOS improper (harmonic) dihedral angle parameters Parameters ---------- ICQ: int Dihedral-angle type code CQ: float Force constant Q0: float Phase shift NP: float Multiplicity atomI: str Examples for atomI atomJ: str Examples for atomJ atomK: str Examples for atomK atomL: str Examples for atomL special_number: int No Idea @Todo: refactor later! concrete_example: str, optional giving a concrete example """ self.ICP = ICP self.CP = CP self.PD = PD self.NP = NP self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.atomK = atomK self.atomL = atomL self.concrete_example = concrete_example self.special_number = special_number
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3} {:<3.3f} {:<3.3f} {:<3}\n".format(self.ICP, self.CP, self.PD, self.NP) atomI = self.atomI atomJ = self.atomJ atomK = self.atomK atomL = self.atomL if isinstance(atomI, list): atomI = ",".join(atomI) if isinstance(atomJ, list): atomJ = ",".join(atomJ) if isinstance(atomK, list): atomK = ",".join(atomK) if isinstance(atomL, list): atomL = ",".join(atomL) str_line += "#\t{:<3} - {:<3} - {:<3} - {:<3} {:<5}\n".format( atomI, atomJ, atomK, atomL, self.special_number ) str_line += "#\t{:20}\n".format(self.concrete_example.replace("#", "")) return str_line
[docs]class improper_dihedral_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, ICQ: int, CQ: float, Q0: float, group_type: str, special_number: int): """ GROMOS improper (harmonic) dihedral angle parameters Parameters ---------- ICQ: int Improper dihedral-angle type code CQ: float Force constant Q0: float Ideal improper dihedral angle group_type: str Example Useage special_number: int No Idea @Todo: refactor later! """ self.ICQ = ICQ self.CQ = CQ self.Q0 = Q0 self.group_type = group_type self.special_number = special_number
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f}\n".format(self.ICQ, self.CQ, self.Q0) str_line += "#\t{:<3} {:<5}\n".format(self.group_type, self.special_number) return str_line
[docs]class single_atom_lj_pair_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, IAC: int, TYPE: str, C6: float, C12_1: float, C12_2: float, C12_3: float, CS6: float, CS12: float, LJ14PAIR: Iterable[float], ): """ Parameters ---------- IAC: int vander wals type index.rst TYPE: str atom type C6: float square-root of C6 C12_2: float square-root of C6 C12_3: float square-root of C6 CS6: float No Idea @Todo: refactor later! CS12: float No Idea @Todo: refactor later! LJ14PAIR: Iterable[float] No Idea @Todo: refactor later! """ self.IAC = IAC self.TYPE = TYPE self.C6 = C6 self.C12_1 = C12_1 self.C12_2 = C12_2 self.C12_3 = C12_3 self.CS6 = CS6 self.CS12 = CS12 self.LJ14PAIR = LJ14PAIR
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "#\tIAC TYPE C6 C12_1 C12_2 C12_3\n" str_line += "\t{:<3} {:<3} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f}\n".format( self.IAC, self.TYPE, self.C6, self.C12_1, self.C12_2, self.C12_3 ) str_line += "#\t CS6 CS12\n" str_line += "\t{:<3f} {:<3f}\n".format(self.CS6, self.CS12) str_line += "#\tLJPAIRS\n" str_line += "\t" + "\n\t".join([" ".join(map(str, x)) for x in self.LJ14PAIR]) + "\n" str_line += "#---\n" return str_line
[docs]class mixed_atom_lj_pair_type(_generic_field): def __init__(self, IACI: int, IACJ: int, C6: float, C12_1: float, C12_2: float, C12_3: float): self.IACI = IACI self.IACJ = IACJ self.C6 = C6 self.C12_1 = C12_1 self.C12_2 = C12_2 self.C12_3 = C12_3
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3} {:<3} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f} {:<1.7f}\n".format( self.IACI, self.IACI, self.C6, self.C12_1, self.C12_2, self.C12_3 ) return str_line
[docs]class special_atom_lj_pair_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, c): """ Parameters ---------- IAC: int vander wals type index.rst TYPE: str atom type C6: float square-root of C6 C12_2: float square-root of C6 C12_3: float square-root of C6 CS6: float No Idea @Todo: refactor later! CS12: float No Idea @Todo: refactor later! LJ14PAIR: Iterable[float] No Idea @Todo: refactor later! """ self.c
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = self.comment + "\t{:<3}\n".format( self.c, ) return str_line
""" NON-BONDED TERM BLOCKS """ """ BLOCKS """ # forward declarations TITLE: generic_TITLE = generic_TITLE # general Topo Blocks
[docs]class FORCEFIELD(_generic_gromos_block): NAME: str def __init__(self, NAME: str = None, content: List[str] = None): if content is None: super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, used=True) self.NAME = NAME[0].strip() else: super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, used=True, content=content) self.NAME = "\n".join(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator if hasattr(self, "NAME") and type(self.NAME) is str: result += self.NAME + self.line_seperator result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class MAKETOPVERSION(_generic_gromos_block): VERSION: str def __init__(self, VERSION: str = None, content: List[str] = None): if content is None: super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, used=True) self.VERSION = VERSION[0].strip() else: super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, used=True, content=content) self.VERSION = "\n".join(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += self.VERSION + self.line_seperator result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
class _topology_block(_generic_gromos_block): FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION def __init__(self, FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, used=True, content=content) self.FORCEFIELD = FORCEFIELD self.MAKETOPVERSION = MAKETOPVERSION class _iterable_topology_block(_iterable_gromos_block): FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION def __init__(self, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, used=True, content=content) self.FORCEFIELD = FORCEFIELD self.MAKETOPVERSION = MAKETOPVERSION def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # return block as string, split by line and cut block title and END newContent = self.block_to_string().split(self.line_seperator)[1:-2] block = type(self)(content=newContent) return block """ TOPOLOGY BLOCKS """ """ Restraints Blocks """
[docs]class DISTANCERESSPEC(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__( self, KDISH: int = None, KDISC: int = None, RESTRAINTHEADER: list = None, RESTRAINTS: list = None, content: List[str] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- KDISH : KDISC : RESTRAINTHEADER : RESTRAINTS : """ if content is None: content = [ "# KDISH, KDISC\n", str(KDISH) + "\t" + str(KDISC), "\t".join(RESTRAINTHEADER), ] + list(map(str, RESTRAINTS)) super().__init__(used=True, name="DISTANCERESSPEC", content=content)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): # readout KDISH or KDISC # keys = content[0].replace("#", "").strip().split() KDISH, KDISC = content[1].split() # read list header: line_header = content[2].replace("#", "").split() # unify keys: key_dict = {"i": 1, "j": 1, "k": 1, "l": 1, "type": 1} renamed_header = [] for x in line_header: if x in key_dict: renamed_header.append(x + str(key_dict[x])) key_dict[x] += 1 else: renamed_header.append(x) RESTRAINTHEADER = renamed_header # read restraints RESTRAINTS = [] for line in content[3:]: if not line.startswith("#") and len(line.split()) == len(RESTRAINTHEADER): values = line.split() RESTRAINTS_dict = {key: values[RESTRAINTHEADER.index(key)] for key in RESTRAINTHEADER} RESTRAINTS.append(atom_pair_distanceRes(**RESTRAINTS_dict)) elif line.startswith("#"): continue else: print("WARNING! could not Read in :" + line) continue self.KDISH = KDISH self.KDISC = KDISC self.RESTRAINTHEADER = RESTRAINTHEADER self.RESTRAINTS = RESTRAINTS
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += "# KDISH" + self.field_seperator + "KDISC" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.KDISH) + self.field_seperator + str(self.KDISC) + self.line_seperator result += "#{:>4} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>10} {:>10} {:>3}\n".format( *self.RESTRAINTHEADER ) for x in self.RESTRAINTS: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
""" FORCEFIELD BLOCKS """ """ IFP - TYPE Blocks """
[docs]class MASSATOMTYPECODE(_iterable_topology_block): NRMATY: int NMATY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["N", "ATMAS", "ATMASN"] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[atom_mass_type], Iterable[str]], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRMATY: int = None, NMATY: int = None, ): super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) self._content = [] if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRMATY is None: self.NRMATY = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRMATY, int): if NRMATY == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRMATY = NRMATY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NRMATY is not equal to the ammount of MASSATOMTYPES.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRMATY: " + str(type(NRMATY))) if NMATY is None: self.NMATY = max([x.N for x in self.content]) elif isinstance(NMATY, int): if NMATY == max([x.N for x in self.content]): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NMATY = NMATY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NMATY is not the maximal Mass atom type code.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NMATY: " + str(type(NMATY)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: Union[str, List[str]]): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content if "NRMATY" in lines[0] and "NMATY" in lines[0]: NRMATY, NMATY = list(map(int, lines[1].strip().split())) table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + for field in lines[table_start:]: mass_atom_type_code, mass, mass_atom_name = field.strip().split() self.content.append(atom_mass_type(int(mass_atom_type_code), float(mass), str(mass_atom_name)))
# print(self.content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRMATY" + self.field_seperator + "NMATY" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRMATY) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NMATY) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDSTRETCHTYPECODE(_iterable_topology_block): NRBTY: int NBTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ICB(H)[N]", "CB[N]", "HB[N]", "B0[N]"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[bond_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRBTY: int = None, NBTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS bond-stretching parameters Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[atom_mass_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRBTY : int, optional Number of bond types NBTY : int, optional Number of maximal bond index.rst """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRBTY is None: self.NRBTY = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRBTY, int): if NRBTY == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRBTY = NRBTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NRMATY is not equal to the ammount of MASSATOMTYPES.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRMATY: " + str(type(NRBTY))) if NBTY is None: self.NBTY = max([x.ICB for x in self.content]) elif isinstance(NBTY, int): if NBTY == max([x.ICB for x in self.content]): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NBTY = NBTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NMATY is not the maximal Mass atom type code.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NMATY: " + str(type(NBTY)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + table_lines = lines[table_start:] for field in table_lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: ICB, CB, HB, B0 = field.strip().split() # nasty next line formatting of gromos comment_index = table_lines.index(field) + 1 clean = re.sub("\(.*?\)", "", table_lines[comment_index]) # noqa # flake8: noqa split_line = [x for x in clean.replace("#", "").replace("-", "").strip().split(" ") if (len(x) > 0)] split_line = [x.split(",") if ("," in x) else x for x in split_line] if len(split_line) == 3: atomI, atomJ, specialNumber = split_line elif len(split_line) == 2: atomI, atomJ = split_line specialNumber = 0 # generate line params = bond_type( ICB=int(ICB), CB=float(CB), HB=float(HB), B0=float(B0), atomI=atomI, atomJ=atomJ, specialNumber=float(specialNumber), ) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRBTY" + self.field_seperator + "NBTY" + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRBTY) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NBTY) + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDANGLEBENDTYPECODE(_iterable_topology_block): NRTTY: int NTTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ICT(H)[N]", "CT[N]", "CHT[N]", "(T0[N])"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[angle_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRTTY: int = None, NTTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS bond-stretching parameters Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[atom_mass_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRBTY : int, optional Number of bond types NBTY : int, optional Number of maximal bond index.rst """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRTTY is None: self.NRTTY = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRTTY, int): if NRTTY == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRBTY = NRTTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NRMATY is not equal to the ammount of MASSATOMTYPES.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRMATY: " + str(type(NRTTY))) if NTTY is None: self.NTTY = max([x.ICT for x in self.content]) elif isinstance(NTTY, int): if NTTY == max([x.ICT for x in self.content]): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NTTY = NTTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NMATY is not the maximal Mass atom type code.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NMATY: " + str(type(NTTY)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + table_lines = lines[table_start:] for field in table_lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: ICT, CT, CHT, T0 = field.strip().split() # nasty next line formatting of gromos comment_index = table_lines.index(field) + 1 clean = re.sub("\(.*?\)", "", table_lines[comment_index]) # noqa # flake8: noqa split_line = [x for x in clean.replace("#", "").replace("-", "").strip().split(" ") if (len(x) > 0)] split_line = [x.split(",") if ("," in x) else x for x in split_line] if len(split_line) == 4: atomI, atomJ, atomK, specialNumber = split_line elif len(split_line) == 3: atomI, atomJ, atomK = split_line specialNumber = 0 params = angle_type( ICT=int(ICT), CT=float(CT), CHT=float(CHT), T0=float(T0), atomI=atomI, atomJ=atomJ, atomK=atomK, specialNumber=int(specialNumber), ) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRTTY" + self.field_seperator + "NTTY" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRTTY) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NTTY) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class TORSDIHEDRALTYPECODE(_iterable_topology_block): NRPTY: int NPTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ICP(H)[N]", "CP[N]", "PD", "NP"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[dihedral_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRPTY: int = None, NPTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS (trigonometric) dihedral torsional angle parameters Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[atom_mass_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRPTY : int, optional Number of dihedral-angle types NPTY : int, optional Number of maximal dihedral-angle index.rst """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRPTY is None: self.NRPTY = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRPTY, int): if NRPTY == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRPTY = NRPTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NRMATY is not equal to the ammount of MASSATOMTYPES.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRPTY: " + str(type(NRPTY))) if NPTY is None: self.NPTY = max([x.ICP for x in self.content]) elif isinstance(NPTY, int): if NPTY == max([x.ICP for x in self.content]): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NPTY = NPTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NPTY is not the maximal Mass atom type code.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NMATY: " + str(type(NPTY)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + table_lines = lines[table_start:] for field in table_lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: ICP, CP, PD, NP = field.strip().split() # nasty next line formatting of gromos comment_index = table_lines.index(field) + 1 clean = re.sub("\(.*?\)", "", table_lines[comment_index]) # noqa # flake8: noqa split_line = [x for x in clean.replace("#", "").strip().split(" ") if (len(x) > 0)] # print("splits", split_line) special_number = float(split_line[-1]) if (split_line[-1].isdigit()) else 0 atom_dihedral_string = ["X" if (len(x) == 0) else x for x in split_line[0].split("-")] atom_dihedral_string = [ ["X" if (len(y) == 0) else y for y in x.split(",")] if ("," in x) else x for x in atom_dihedral_string ] atom_dihedral_string = [x for x in split_line[0].split("-") if (len(x) > 0 and not x == "-")] # print("Atoms-String: ", atom_dihedral_string) if len(atom_dihedral_string) == 4: atomI, atomJ, atomK, atomL = atom_dihedral_string elif len(atom_dihedral_string) == 2: atomI, atomJ, atomK, atomL = ["X"] + atom_dihedral_string + ["X"] elif len(atom_dihedral_string) == 1: atomI, atomJ, atomK, atomL = ["X"] + atom_dihedral_string + ["X"] + ["X"] else: # print(atom_dihedral_string) atomI, atomJ, atomK, atomL = atom_dihedral_string + ["X"] concrete_example = ( table_lines[comment_index + 1] if (table_lines[comment_index + 1].startswith("#")) else "" ) # print(concrete_example) params = dihedral_type( ICP=int(ICP), CP=float(CP), PD=float(PD), NP=float(NP), atomI=atomI, atomJ=atomJ, atomK=atomK, atomL=atomL, special_number=int(special_number), concrete_example=concrete_example, ) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRPTY" + self.field_seperator + "NPTY" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRPTY) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTY) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class IMPDIHEDRALTYPECODE(_iterable_topology_block): NRQTY: int NQTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ICQ", "CQ", "Q0"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[improper_dihedral_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRQTY: int = None, NQTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS improper dihedral type parameters Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[atom_mass_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRQTY : int, optional Number of improperDihedrals types NQTY : int, optional Number of maximal improperDihedrals index.rst """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) # print(self.content) if NRQTY is None: self.NRQTY = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRQTY, int): if NRQTY == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRQTY = NRQTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NRQTY is not equal to the ammount of MASSATOMTYPES.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRQTY: " + str(type(NRQTY))) if NQTY is None: self.NQTY = max([x.ICQ for x in self.content]) elif isinstance(NQTY, int): if NQTY == max([x.ICQ for x in self.content]): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NQTY = NQTY else: raise ValueError("IN MASSATOMTYPECODE NQTY is not the maximal Mass atom type code.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NQTY: " + str(type(NQTY)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + table_lines = lines[table_start:] for field in table_lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: ICQ, CQ, Q0 = field.strip().split() # nasty next line formatting of gromos comment_index = table_lines.index(field) + 1 clean = re.sub("\(.*?\)", "", table_lines[comment_index]) # noqa # flake8 ignore split_line = [x for x in clean.replace("#", "").replace("-", "").strip().split(" ") if (len(x) > 0)] split_line = [x.split(",") if ("," in x) else x for x in split_line] if len(split_line) == 3: groupType, special_number = " ".join(split_line[:2]), split_line[2] elif len(split_line) == 2: groupType = split_line special_number = 0 params = improper_dihedral_type( ICQ=int(ICQ), CQ=float(CQ), Q0=float(Q0), group_type=groupType, special_number=int(special_number) ) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRQTY" + self.field_seperator + "NQTY" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRQTY) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NQTY) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class SINGLEATOMLJPAIR(_iterable_topology_block): NRATT: int table_header = ["IAC", "TYPE", "C6", "C12(1)", "C12(2)", "C12(3)"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: List[str], NRATT: int = None, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- content NRATT FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRATT is None: self.NRATT = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRATT, int): if NRATT == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRATT = NRATT else: raise ValueError("IN number of terms NRATT is not equal to the ammount of terms.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRATT: " + str(type(NRATT)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + table_lines = lines[table_start:] subblock_end = -1 end_string = "#--" for subblock_start, field in enumerate(table_lines): if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0 and subblock_start >= subblock_end: # print("START: ", field) IAC, TYPE, C6, C12_1, C12_2, C12_3 = field.strip().split() IAC, TYPE, C6, C12_1, C12_2, C12_3 = [ int(IAC), str(TYPE), float(C6), float(C12_1), float(C12_2), float(C12_3), ] LJ14PAIR = [] subblock_lines = 0 secondCS = False for subblock_line in table_lines[subblock_start + 1 :]: subblock_lines += 1 # print(subblock_line) if end_string in subblock_line: subblock_end = subblock_start + subblock_lines break elif not subblock_line.startswith("#") and not secondCS: CS6, CS12 = list(map(float, subblock_line.strip().split())) secondCS = True elif not subblock_line.startswith("#") and subblock_lines > 2: LJ14PAIR.append(list(map(int, subblock_line.split()))) params = single_atom_lj_pair_type( IAC=IAC, TYPE=TYPE, C6=C6, C12_1=C12_1, C12_2=C12_2, C12_3=C12_3, CS6=CS6, CS12=CS12, LJ14PAIR=LJ14PAIR, ) # print(params) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRATT" result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRATT) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class MIXEDATOMLJPAIR(_iterable_topology_block): NRMTT: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IACI", "IACJ", "C6", "C12_1", "C12_2", "C12_3"] """ GROMOS 43A1 normal van der Waals parameters for mixed atom type pairs (I,J) """
[docs] def __init__( self, content: List[str], NRMTT: int = None, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- content NRATT FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRMTT is None: self.NRMTT = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRMTT, int): if NRMTT == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRMTT = NRMTT else: raise ValueError("IN number of terms NRMTT is not equal to the ammount of terms.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRMTT: " + str(type(NRMTT)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start == len(lines): # as there is no table header in the file table_start = 0 table_lines = lines[table_start:] for field in table_lines: if not field.startswith("#"): IACI, IACJ, C6, C12_1, C12_2, C12_3 = field.strip().split() self.content.append( mixed_atom_lj_pair_type( IACI=int(IACI), IACJ=int(IACJ), C6=float(C6), C12_1=float(C12_1), C12_2=float(C12_2), C12_3=float(C12_3), ) )
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRMTT" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRMTT) + self.line_seperator result += "# TABLE CONTENT: " + self.line_seperator result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class SPECATOMLJPAIR(_iterable_topology_block): NRST: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["???"]
[docs] def __init__( self, content: List[str], NRST: int = None, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- content NRATT FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION """ super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, atom_mass_type) for x in content]): self.content = content else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) if NRST is None: self.NRST = len(self.content) elif isinstance(NRST, int): if NRST == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR self.NRST = NRST else: raise ValueError("IN number of terms NRST is not equal to the ammount of terms.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of NRST: " + str(type(NRST)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): # TODO: implement # warnings.warn("SPECIAL LJ BLOCK IS NOT IMPLEMENTED!") return []
################################################################### # Top() class blocks ###################################################################
[docs]class soluteatom_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__( self, ATNM: int, MRES: int, PANM: str, IAC: int, MASS: float, CG: float, CGC: int, INE: int, INEvalues: List[int], INE14: int, INE14values: List[int], ): """soluteatom_type Parameters ---------- ATNM : int [description] MRES : int [description] PANM : str [description] IAC : int [description] MASS : float [description] CG : float [description] CGC : int [description] INE : int [description] INEvalues : [type] [description] INE14 : int [description] INE14values : [type] [description] """ self.ATNM = ATNM self.MRES = MRES self.PANM = PANM self.IAC = IAC self.MASS = MASS self.CG = CG self.CGC = CGC self.INE = INE self.INEvalues = INEvalues self.INE14 = INE14 self.INE14values = INE14values
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.ATNM) + "\t" + str(self.MRES) + "\t" + str(self.PANM) + "\t" + str(self.IAC) + "\t" + str(self.MASS) + "\t" + str(self.CG) + "\t" + str(self.CGC) + "\t" + str(self.INE) ) lcounter = 0 temp_INE = len(self.INEvalues) for iter in self.INEvalues: str_line += "\t" + str(iter).strip() lcounter += 1 if (lcounter % 6) == 0 and temp_INE > 6: str_line += "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" temp_INE -= 6 str_line += "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + str(self.INE14) for iter in self.INE14values: str_line += "\t" + str(iter) str_line += "\n" return str_line
[docs]class bondstretchtype_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, CB: float, CHB: float, B0: float): """ GROMOS bondstretchtype for a single pair Parameters ---------- CB: float quartic force constant CHB: float harmonic force constant B0: float bond length at minimum energy """ self.CB = CB self.CHB = CHB self.B0 = B0
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CB) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CHB) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.B0) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class bondanglebendtype_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, CT: float, CHT: float, T0: float): """ GROMOS bondanglebendtype for a single angle Parameters ---------- CT: float quartic force constant CHT: float harmonic force constant T0: float angle at minimum energy """ self.CT = CT self.CHT = CHT self.T0 = T0
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CT) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CHT) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.T0) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class top_bond_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IB: int, JB: int, ICB: int): """ GROMOS bond definition for a single pair Parameters ---------- IB: int Atom number i JB: int Atom number j ICB: int Bond type code """ self.IB = IB self.JB = JB self.ICB = ICB
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = "\t" + str(self.IB) + "\t" + str(self.JB) + "\t" + str(self.ICB) + "\n" return str_line
[docs]class bondangle_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IT: int, JT: int, KT: int, ICT: int): """ GROMOS bondangleype for a single pair Parameters ---------- IT: int atom number in angle JT: int atom number in angle KT: int atom number in angle ICT: int bond angle type code """ self.IT = IT self.JT = JT self.KT = KT self.ICT = ICT
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = "\t" + str(self.IT) + "\t" + str(self.JT) + "\t" + str(self.KT) + "\t" + str(self.ICT) + "\n" return str_line
[docs]class impdihedraltype_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, CQ: float, Q0: float): """ GROMOS impdihedraltype for a single pair Parameters ---------- CQ: float force constant of improper dihedral per degrees square Q0: float improper dihedral angle at minimum energy in degrees """ self.CQ = CQ self.Q0 = Q0
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CQ) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.Q0) + "\n" return str_line
[docs]class impdihedralh_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IQH: int, JQH: int, KQH: int, LQH: int, ICQH: int): """ GROMOS impdihedralH for a single pair Parameters ---------- IQH:int JQH:int KQH:int LQH:int IQH,JQH,KQH,LQH: atom sequence numbers of atoms forming an improper dihedral ICQH:int improper dihedral type code """ self.IQH = IQH self.JQH = JQH self.KQH = KQH self.LQH = LQH self.ICQH = ICQH
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.IQH) + "\t" + str(self.JQH) + "\t" + str(self.KQH) + "\t" + str(self.LQH) + "\t" + str(self.ICQH) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class impdihedral_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IQ: int, JQ: int, KQ: int, LQ: int, ICQ: int): """ GROMOS impdihedral for a single pair Parameters ---------- IQ:int JQ:int KQ:int LQ:int IQ,JQ,KQ,LQ: atom sequence numbers of atoms forming an improper dihedral ICQ:int improper dihedral type code """ self.IQ = IQ self.JQ = JQ self.KQ = KQ self.LQ = LQ self.ICQ = ICQ
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.IQ) + "\t" + str(self.JQ) + "\t" + str(self.KQ) + "\t" + str(self.LQ) + "\t" + str(self.ICQ) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class torsdihedraltype_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, CP: float, PD: float, NP: int): """ GROMOS dihedraltype for a single pair Parameters ---------- CP:float force constant PD:float phase-shift angle NP:int multiplicity """ self.CP = CP self.PD = PD self.NP = NP
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CP) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.PD) + "\t" + str(self.NP) + "\n" return str_line
[docs]class dihedralh_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IPH: int, JPH: int, KPH: int, LPH: int, ICPH: int): """ GROMOS dihedral for a single pair Parameters ---------- """ self.IPH = IPH self.JPH = JPH self.KPH = KPH self.LPH = LPH self.ICPH = ICPH
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.IPH) + "\t" + str(self.JPH) + "\t" + str(self.KPH) + "\t" + str(self.LPH) + "\t" + str(self.ICPH) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class top_dihedral_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IP: int, JP: int, KP: int, LP: int, ICP: int): """ GROMOS dihedral for a single pair Parameters ---------- """ self.IP = IP self.JP = JP self.KP = KP self.LP = LP self.ICP = ICP
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.IP) + "\t" + str(self.JP) + "\t" + str(self.KP) + "\t" + str(self.LP) + "\t" + str(self.ICP) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class crossgihedralh_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, APH: int, BPH: int, CPH: int, DPH: int, EPH: int, FPH: int, GPH: int, HPH: int, ICCH: int): """ GROMOS Cross Dihedral type for H Parameters ---------- APH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral BPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral CPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral DPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral EPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral FPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral GPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral HPH : int number of atoms forming a dihedral ICCH : int dihedral type code """ self.APH = APH self.BPH = BPH self.CPH = CPH self.DPH = DPH self.EPH = EPH self.FPH = FPH self.GPH = GPH self.HPH = HPH self.ICCH = ICCH
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.APH) + "\t" + str(self.BPH) + "\t" + str(self.CPH) + "\t" + str(self.DPH) + "\t" + str(self.EPH) + "\t" + str(self.FPH) + "\t" + str(self.GPH) + "\t" + str(self.HPH) + "\t" + str(self.ICCH) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class crossgihedral_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, AP: int, BP: int, CP: int, DP: int, EP: int, FP: int, GP: int, HP: int, ICC: int): """ GROMOS Cross Dihedral type for NON H Atoms Parameters ---------- AP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral BP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral CP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral DP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral EP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral FP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral GP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral HP : int number of atoms forming a dihedral ICC : int dihedral type code """ self.AP = AP self.BP = BP self.CP = CP self.DP = DP self.EP = EP self.FP = FP self.GP = GP self.HP = HP self.ICC = ICC
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.AP) + "\t" + str(self.BP) + "\t" + str(self.CP) + "\t" + str(self.DP) + "\t" + str(self.EP) + "\t" + str(self.FP) + "\t" + str(self.GP) + "\t" + str(self.HP) + "\t" + str(self.ICC) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class ljparameters_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IAC: int, JAC: int, C12: float, C6: float, CS12: float, CS6: float): """ GROMOS LJ parameter pair Parameters ---------- """ self.IAC = IAC self.JAC = JAC self.C12 = C12 self.C6 = C6 self.CS12 = CS12 self.CS6 = CS6
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.IAC) + "\t" + str(self.JAC) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.C12) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.C6) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.CS12) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.CS6) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class ljexception_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, AT1: int, AT2: int, C12: float, C6: float): """ GROMOS LJ exception pair Parameters ---------- """ self.AT1 = AT1 self.AT2 = AT2 self.C12 = C12 self.C6 = C6
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.AT1) + "\t" + str(self.AT2) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.C12) + "\t" + "{:.6e}".format(self.C6) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class solventatom_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, I: int, ANMS: str, IACS: int, MASS: float, CGS: float): # noqa: E741 """ GROMOS solventatom line Parameters ---------- """ self.I = I # noqa: E741 self.ANMS = ANMS self.IACS = IACS self.MASS = MASS self.CGS = CGS
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( "\t" + str(self.I) + "\t" + str(self.ANMS) + "\t" + str(self.IACS) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.MASS) + "\t" + "{:.5e}".format(self.CGS) + "\n" ) return str_line
[docs]class solventconstr_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, ICONS: int, JCONS: int, CONS: float): """ GROMOS SOLVENTCONSTR entry Parameters ---------- """ self.ICONS = ICONS self.JCONS = JCONS self.CONS = CONS
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = "\t" + str(self.ICONS) + "\t" + str(self.JCONS) + "\t" + str(self.CONS) + "\n" return str_line
[docs]class constraint_type(_generic_field):
[docs] def __init__(self, IC: int, JC: int, ICC: float): """[summary] Parameters ---------- IC : int [description] JC : int [description] ICC : float [description] """ self.IC = IC self.JC = JC self.ICC = ICC
[docs] def to_string(self): str_line = ( self.fieldseperator + str(self.IC) + self.fieldseperator + str(self.JC) + self.fieldseperator + str(self.ICC) + self.lineseperator ) return str_line
class _topology_table_block(_iterable_topology_block): table_header: Iterable[str] table_line_type = _generic_field def __init__( self, content: Union[str, dict, _topology_table_block_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, **kwargs ): """ Parent class for all table like GROMOS topolgy blocks. Offers a standard implementation of read and write functions Requirements for child classes: table_header and table_line_type need to be defined additional attributes can be passed via kwargs Parameters ---------- content : str or dict or None content of the table like GROMOS block FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD, optional [description], by default None MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION, optional [description], by default None """ # set attributes for attribute in vars(__class__): if attribute.isupper(): # is_allcapital()): setattr(self, attribute, kwargs[attribute]) # init _iterable_topology_block super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if len(kwargs.keys()) == 1: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: setattr(self, key, len(self.content)) elif isinstance(value, int): if value == len(self.content): # CHECK FOR POSSIBLE ERROR setattr(self, key, value) else: raise ValueError("In " + + " is " + str(key) + " not equal to the ammount.") else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of " + str(key) + ": " + str(type(key))) def _check_import_method(self, content: str = None): if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and all([isinstance(x, type(self.table_line_type)) for x in content]): self.content = content elif isinstance(content, str): self.read_content_from_str(content.split(self.line_seperator)) else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content))) def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if not hasattr(self, "table_header"): raise Exception("Could not find table_header of " + elif not hasattr(self, "table_line_type"): raise Exception("Could not find table_line_type of " + else: if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content # Table Reading: table_start = 0 for line in lines: table_start += 1 if all([field in line for field in self.table_header]): break if table_start > len(lines): raise ValueError("Could not find the TABLE start in " + else: self._read_table(lines[table_start:]) def _read_table(self, table: str): # get information of the needed structure of the sub class signature = inspect.signature(self.table_line_type.__init__) parameter_name = [name for name in signature.parameters if (name != "self")] parameter_type = {name: signature.parameters[name].annotation for name in parameter_name} # loop over the table (=content) to create the sub classes (=table_line_type) for table_line in table: if not (table_line.startswith("#") or len(table_line) == 0): # pre parse all non-empty non-comment lines into a list of strings fields = table_line.strip().split() if len(fields) != len(parameter_name): raise Exception( "Fields are not matching the ammount of needed arguments!\n " "#fileds: " + str(len(fields)) + "\t#args: " + str(len(parameter_name)) + "\n\n " "require: " + str(parameter_name) + "\t got: " + str(fields) ) # generate arguments dict for line parsing (= table_line_type class construction) kwargs = {key: parameter_type[key](field) for key, field in zip(parameter_name, fields)} self.content.append(self.table_line_type(**kwargs)) def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator for x in self.content: result += x.to_string() return result
[docs]class PHYSICALCONSTANTS(_topology_block): def __init__( self, content: Union[str, dict, PHYSICALCONSTANTS_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): # Default definition of physical constants self.FPEPSI = 138.9354 self.HBAR = 0.0635078 self.SPDL = 299792.458 self.BOLTZ = 0.00831441 super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) def _check_import_method(self, content: str = None): # elif (type(content) == __class__): # self.content = content if content == [[""]] or content == [""] or content is None: self.content = [self.FPEPSI, self.HBAR, self.SPDL, self.BOLTZ] elif isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif isinstance(content, str): self.read_content_from_str(content.split(self.line_seperator)) elif isinstance(content, tuple) and len(content) == 4: self.FPEPSI, self.HBAR, self.SPDL, self.BOLTZ = content self.content = [self.FPEPSI, self.HBAR, self.SPDL, self.BOLTZ] else: raise IOError("I don't understand the type of content: " + str(type(content)))
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content stash = [] for field in lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: stash.append(float(field.strip())) if len(stash) >= 4: self.FPEPSI = stash[0] self.HBAR = stash[1] self.SPDL = stash[2] self.BOLTZ = stash[3] self.content = (self.FPEPSI, self.HBAR, self.SPDL, self.BOLTZ) elif len(stash) == 0: self.content = (self.FPEPSI, self.HBAR, self.SPDL, self.BOLTZ) else: raise IOError("Not enough arguments provided in PHYSICALCONSTANTS")
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "# FPEPSI: 1.0/(4.0*PI*EPS0) (EPS0 is the permittivity of vacuum)" + self.line_seperator result += str(self.FPEPSI) + self.line_seperator result += "# HBAR: Planck's constant HBAR = H/(2* PI)" + self.line_seperator result += str(self.HBAR) + self.line_seperator result += "# SPDL: Speed of light (nm/ps)" + self.line_seperator result += str(self.SPDL) + self.line_seperator result += "# BOLTZ: Boltzmann's constant kB" + self.line_seperator result += str(self.BOLTZ) + self.line_seperator result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class TOPVERSION(_topology_block): def __init__( self, content: Union[str, Dict[str, str], TOPVERSION_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content)
[docs]class ATOMTYPENAME(_topology_block): def __init__( self, content: Union[str, Dict[str, str], ATOMTYPENAME_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content)
[docs]class RESNAME(_topology_block): def __init__( self, content: Union[str, Dict[str, str], RESNAME_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content)
[docs]class SOLUTEATOM(_iterable_topology_block): NRP: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IB", "JB", "ICB"] def __init__( self, content: Union[str, Dict[str, str], _iterable_topology_block_Type], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, ): super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) def _check_import_method(self, content=None): if isinstance(content, list) and all([isinstance(x, str) for x in content]): self.read_content_from_str(content) elif type(content) == __class__: self.content = content elif content is __class__: self.content = content
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): contentLines = [] if isinstance(content, str): lines = content.split("\n") else: lines = content for field in lines: if not field.strip().startswith("#") and not len(field.strip()) == 0: contentLines.append(field) # set NRP and check for sanity try: self.NRP = int(contentLines.pop(0)) except Exception: self.NRP = 0 if self.NRP < 0: raise IOError("NPR in SOLUTEATOM Block is " + str(self.NRP)) elif self.NRP == 0: content = None else: for _ in range(self.NRP): # main import loop dump1 = contentLines.pop(0).strip().split() if len(dump1) < 8: raise IOError("Not enough arguments provided in SOLUTEATOM Block") else: ATNM, MRES, PANM, IAC, MASS, CG, CGC, INE = dump1[0:8] if 1 <= int(INE): INEvalues = [int(i) for i in dump1[8:]] # keep reading in lines until we have all the data needed. while int(INE) > len(INEvalues): try: if len(contentLines) == 0: raise IOError( "Not enough lines provided for multi line INE in SOLUTEATOM Block\nATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES) ) elif any(i in contentLines[0] for i in ["\t\t\t\t\t", " "]): INEvalues.extend([int(i) for i in contentLines.pop(0).strip().split()]) else: raise IOError( "no intendation detected for mult line INE in SOLUTEATOM Block or too large number for INE\nATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES) ) except IOError: raise IOError("Problem reading INE for ATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES)) else: INEvalues = [] dump2 = contentLines.pop(0).strip().split() if len(dump2) < 1: raise IOError( "Not enough arguments provided in SOLUTEATOM Block\nATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES) ) else: INE14 = dump2[0] if 1 <= int(INE14): INE14values = [int(i) for i in dump2[1:]] # keep reading in lines until we have all the data needed. while int(INE14) > len(INE14values): try: if len(contentLines) == 0: raise IOError( "Not enough lines provided for multi line INE14 in SOLUTEATOM Block\nATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES) ) elif any(i in contentLines[0] for i in ["\t\t\t\t\t", " "]): INE14values.extend([int(i) for i in contentLines.pop(0).strip().split()]) else: raise IOError( "no intendation detected for mult line INE14 in SOLUTEATOM Block or too large number for INE14\nATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES) ) except IOError: raise IOError("Problem reading INE14 for ATNM=" + str(ATNM) + " MRES=" + str(MRES)) else: INE14values = [] # pass everything to the subclass maker params = soluteatom_type( int(ATNM), int(MRES), PANM, int(IAC), float(MASS), float(CG), int(CGC), int(INE), INEvalues, int(INE14), INE14values, ) self.content.append(params)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += "# NRP: number of solute atoms" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRP) + self.line_seperator result += "# ATNM: atom number\n# MRES: residue number\n# PANM: atom name of solute atom\n# IAC: integer (van der Waals) atom type code\n# MASS: mass of solute atom\n# CG: charge of solute atom\n# CGC: charge group code (0 or 1)\n# INE: number of excluded atoms\n# INE14: number of 1-4 interactions\n# ATNM MRES PANM IAC MASS CG CGC INE\n# INE14\n" for iter in self.content: result += iter.to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDSTRETCHTYPE(_topology_table_block): NBTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["CB", "CHB", "B0"] table_line_type = bondstretchtype_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[bondstretchtype_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NBTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BONDSTRETCHTYPE block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[bondstretchtype_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NBTY : int, optional Number of bondstretchtypes """ kwargs = {"NBTY": NBTY} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NBTY: number of covalent bond types" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NBTY) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BOND(_topology_table_block): NBON: int = 1 table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IB", "JB", "ICB"] table_line_type = top_bond_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[top_bond_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NBON: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BOND block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[top_bond_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NBON : int, optional Number of bonds """ kwargs = {"NBON": NBON} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NBON: number of bonds NOT involving H atoms in solute" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NBON) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDH(_topology_table_block): NBONH: int = 1 table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IBH", "JBH", "ICBH"] table_line_type = top_bond_type # reused data type for simplicity
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[top_bond_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NBONH: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BONDH block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[top_bond_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NBONH : int, optional Number of bonds with H """ kwargs = {"NBONH": NBONH} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NBONH: number of bonds involving H atoms in solute" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NBONH) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDANGLEBENDTYPE(_topology_table_block): NBTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["CT", "CHT", "T0"] table_line_type = bondanglebendtype_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[bondanglebendtype_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NBTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BONDSTRETCHTYPE block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[bondanglebendtype_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NBTY : int, optional Number of bondstretchtypes """ kwargs = {"NBTY": NBTY} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NBTY: number of angle types" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NBTY) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDANGLE(_topology_table_block): NTHE: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IT", "JT", "KT", "ICT"] table_line_type = bondangle_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[bondangle_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NTHE: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BONDSTRETCHTYPE block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[bondangle_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NTHE : int, optional Number of bondangles """ kwargs = {"NTHE": NTHE} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NTHE: number of angles" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NTHE) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class BONDANGLEH(_topology_table_block): NTHEH: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ITH", "JTH", "KTH", "ICTH"] table_line_type = bondangle_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[bondangle_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NTHEH: int = None, ): """ GROMOS BONDANGLEH block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[bondangle_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NTHEH : int, optional Number of bondangles """ kwargs = {"NTHEH": NTHEH} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NTHEH: number of bondangles involving a H" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NTHEH) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class IMPDIHEDRALTYPE(_topology_table_block): NQTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["CQ", "Q0"] table_line_type = impdihedraltype_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[impdihedraltype_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NQTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS IMPDIHEDRALTYPE block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[impdihedraltype_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NQTY : int, optional Number of impdihedraltype """ kwargs = {"NQTY": NQTY} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NQTY: number of improper dihedrals" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NQTY) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class IMPDIHEDRALH(_topology_table_block): NQHIH: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IQH", "JQH", "KQH", "LQH", "ICQH"] table_line_type = impdihedralh_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[impdihedralh_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NQHIH: int = None, ): """ GROMOS IMPDIHEDRALH block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[impdihedralh_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NQHIH : int, optional Number of impdihedralH """ kwargs = {"NQHIH": NQHIH} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NQHIH: number of improper dihedrals involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NQHIH) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class IMPDIHEDRAL(_topology_table_block): NQHI: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IQ", "JQ", "KQ", "LQ", "ICQ"] table_line_type = impdihedral_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[impdihedral_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NQHI: int = None, ): """ GROMOS IMPDIHEDRAL block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[impdihedral_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NQHI : int, optional Number of impdihedral """ kwargs = {"NQHI": NQHI} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NQHI: number of improper dihedrals NOT involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NQHI) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
# def block_to_string(self) -> str: # result = + "\n" # result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "# NQHI: number of improper dihedrals" + self.line_seperator # result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NQHI) + self.line_seperator # result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(self.table_header) + self.line_seperator # for x in self.content: # result += x.to_string() # result += "END\n" # return result
[docs]class TORSDIHEDRALTYPE(_topology_table_block): NPTY: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["CP", "PD", "NP"] table_line_type = torsdihedraltype_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[torsdihedraltype_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NPTY: int = None, ): """ GROMOS IMPDIHEDRAL block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[torsdihedraltype_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NQTY : int, optional Number of torsion dihedrals """ kwargs = {"NPTY": NPTY} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NPTY: number of torsion dihedrals" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTY) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class DIHEDRALH(_topology_table_block): NPHIH: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IPH", "JPH", "KPH", "LPH", "ICPH"] table_line_type = dihedralh_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[dihedralh_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NPHIH: int = None, ): """ GROMOS DIHEDRAL block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[dihedralh_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NPHIH : int, optional Number of dihedralH """ kwargs = {"NPHIH": NPHIH} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NPHIH: number of torsion dihedrals involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPHIH) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class DIHEDRAL(_topology_table_block): NPHI: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IP", "JP", "KP", "LP", "ICP"] table_line_type = top_dihedral_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[top_dihedral_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NPHI: int = None, ): """ GROMOS DIHEDRAL block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[top_dihedral_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NPHI : int, optional Number of tors dihedral """ kwargs = {"NPHI": NPHI} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NPHI: number of dihedrals NOT involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPHI) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class CROSSDIHEDRALH(_topology_table_block): NPHIH: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["APH", "BPH", "CPH", "DPH", "EPH", "FPH", "GPH", "HPH", "ICCH"] table_line_type = crossgihedralh_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[crossgihedralh_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NPHIH: int = None, ): """[summary] Parameters ---------- content : Union[Iterable[crossgihedralh_type], str] [description] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD, optional [description], by default None MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION, optional [description], by default None NPHIH : [type], optional number of cross dihedrals involving H atoms in solute, by default None """ kwargs = {"NPHIH": NPHIH} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NPHIH: number of dihedrals involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPHIH) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class CROSSDIHEDRAL(_topology_table_block): NPHI: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["AP", "BP", "CP", "DP", "EP", "FP", "GP", "HP", "ICC"] table_line_type = crossgihedralh_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[crossgihedral_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NPHI: int = None, ): """[summary] Parameters ---------- content : Union[Iterable[crossgihedral_type], str] [description] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD, optional [description], by default None MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION, optional [description], by default None NPHI : [type], optional number of cross dihedrals NOT involving H atoms in solute, by default None """ kwargs = {"NPHI": NPHI} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NPHI: number of cross dihedrals NOT involving H atoms" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPHI) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class LJPARAMETERS(_topology_table_block): NRATT2: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IAC", "JAC", "C12", "C6", "CS12", "CS6"] table_line_type = ljparameters_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[ljparameters_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRATT2: int = None, ): """ GROMOS LJPARAMETERS block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[ljparameters_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRATT2 : int, optional Number of LJPARAMETERS """ kwargs = {"NRATT2": NRATT2} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += ( "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRATT2: number of LJ interaction types = NRATT*(NRATT+1)/2" + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRATT2) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
class _generic_topology_groups(_topology_block): NSM: int NSP: List[int] def __init__( self, content: Union[str, dict] = None, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NSM: int = None, NSP: List[int] = None, ): if NSP is not None: if NSM is not None: if len(NSP) == NSM: self.NSM = NSM else: raise ValueError("FUn") else: self.NSM = len(NSP) self.NSP = list(map(int, NSP)) super().__init__( FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=[str(NSM)] + list(map(str, NSP)) ) else: super().__init__(FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, content=content) if len(self.content) == 1 and len(self.content[0]) - 1 == int(self.content[0][0]): self.NSM = int(self.content[0][0]) self.NSP = [int(x) for x in self.content[0][1:]] elif len(self.content) > 1: self.NSM = int(self.content[0][0]) self.NSP = [] [ self.NSP.extend(list(map(int, t))) if (isinstance(t, list)) else self.NSP.extend([int(t)]) for t in self.content[1:] ] else: raise ValueError("SOLUTEMOLECULES has not the correct number of fields.") # Clean COntent self.content = [[self.NSM]] self.content.extend([[x] for x in self.NSP]) def block_to_string(self) -> str: # Clean COntent self.content = [[self.NSM]] self.content.extend([[x] for x in self.NSP]) return super().block_to_string()
[docs]class SOLUTEMOLECULES(_generic_topology_groups): pass
[docs]class TEMPERATUREGROUPS(_generic_topology_groups): pass
[docs]class PRESSUREGROUPS(_generic_topology_groups): pass
[docs]class LJEXCEPTIONS(_topology_table_block): NEX: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["AT1", "AT2", "C12", "C6"] table_line_type = ljexception_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[ljexception_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NEX: int = None, ): """ GROMOS LJEXCEPTIONS block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[ljexception_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NEX : int, optional Number of LJEXCEPTIONS """ kwargs = {"NEX": NEX} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "# This block defines special LJ-interactions based on atom numbers \n# This overrules the normal LJ-parameters (including 1-4 interactions)\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NEX: number of exceptions" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NEX) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class SOLVENTATOM(_topology_table_block): NRAM: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["I", "ANMS", "IACS", "MASS", "CGS"] table_line_type = solventatom_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[solventatom_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NRAM: int = None, ): """ GROMOS solventatom block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[solventatom_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NRAM : int, optional Number of solventatom """ kwargs = {"NRAM": NRAM} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NRAM: number of atoms per solvent molecule" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NRAM) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class SOLVENTCONSTR(_topology_table_block): NCONS: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["ICONS", "JCONS", "CONS"] table_line_type = solventconstr_type
[docs] def __init__( self, content: Union[Iterable[solventconstr_type], str], FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NCONS: int = None, ): """ GROMOS SOLVENTCONSTR block Parameters ---------- content: Union[Iterable[solventconstr_type], str] FORCEFIELD : FORCEFIELD MAKETOPVERSION : MAKETOPVERSION NCONS : int, optional Number of SOLVENTCONSTR """ kwargs = {"NCONS": NCONS} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NCONS: number of constraints" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NCONS) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class CONSTRAINT(_topology_table_block): NCON: int table_header: Iterable[str] = ["IC", "JC", "ICC"] table_line_type = constraint_type def __init__( self, content: str or dict or None, FORCEFIELD: FORCEFIELD = None, MAKETOPVERSION: MAKETOPVERSION = None, NCON: int = None, ): kwargs = {"NCON": NCON} super().__init__(content=content, FORCEFIELD=FORCEFIELD, MAKETOPVERSION=MAKETOPVERSION, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: str): return super().read_content_from_str(content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + "\n" result += "#" + self.field_seperator + "NCON: number of constraints" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NCON) + self.line_seperator result += super().block_to_string() result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class atom_lam_pertubation_state(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>5} {:>5} {:>10.5f}" def __init__( self, NR: int, RES: int, NAME: str, STATES: Dict[int, pertubation_lam_state], ALPHLJ: float = 1.0, ALPHCRF: float = 1.0, ): self.NR = int(NR) self.RES = int(RES) self.NAME = NAME self.STATES = STATES self.ALPHLJ = float(ALPHLJ) self.ALPHCRF = float(ALPHCRF)
[docs] def to_string(self): state_str = "".join( [ self.state_format_pattern.format( int(self.STATES[x].IAC), float(self.STATES[x].MASS), float(self.STATES[x].CHARGE) ) for x in sorted(self.STATES) ] ) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + " {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n" return format_str.format(self.NR, self.RES, self.NAME, self.ALPHLJ, self.ALPHCRF)
[docs]class PERTATOMPARAM(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NJLA: int = None, STATEIDENTIFIERS: List[str] = None, dummy_IAC: int = 22, dummy_CHARGE: int = 0.0, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_IAC = dummy_IAC self.dummy_CHARGE = dummy_CHARGE if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ "NR", "RES", "NAME", ] self.STATEATOMHEADER += ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NJLA = 0 self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NJLA is not None and not len(STATEATOMS) == NJLA: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NJLA) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) )
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NJLA = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: # comment = line if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = [ "NR", "RES", "NAME", ] [ STATEATOMHEADER.extend(["IAC" + str(x), "MASS" + str(x), "CHARGE" + str(x)]) for x in range(1, 3) ] STATEATOMHEADER += ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} final_state_line = { key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("IAC" not in key and "CHARGE" not in key and "MASS" not in key) } states = { x: pertubation_lam_state( IAC=int(round(float(state_line["IAC" + str(x)]))), MASS=float(state_line["MASS" + str(x)]), CHARGE=float(state_line["CHARGE" + str(x)]), ) for x in range(1, 3) } final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NJLA = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NJLA = NJLA self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
@property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NJLA @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) } """ ADD FUNCTIONS """
[docs] def add_state_atoms(self, state_atoms: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state]): """ This function can add states and atoms, but also overwrite state values of existing atoms. If a new state is defined only for a subset of atoms, all other atoms are set to the default dummy. If a new atom misses a state definition, this state will be set to dummy. Parameters ---------- state_atoms: List[atom_eds_pertubation_state] """ # some preperations: pre_dummy_state = lambda atomMass: pertubation_lam_state( # noqa: E731 IAC=self.dummy_IAC, MASS=atomMass, CHARGE=self.dummy_CHARGE ) insert_id = self.STATEATOMHEADER.index("ALPHLJ") # find all new states keys = np.array([list(natom.STATES.keys()) for natom in state_atoms], ndmin=1) unique_stateIDs = np.unique(np.concatenate(keys)) # Todo: not urgent; state number adaptation ( present states 1,2,3,4 new state 8 - id should be 5 not 8) unique_states = list(map(str, ["state" + str(x) if isinstance(x, Number) else x for x in unique_stateIDs])) # insert new state IDs off = 0 for unique_state in unique_stateIDs: self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off, "IAC" + str(unique_state)) self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off + 1, "mass" + str(unique_state)) self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off + 2, "CHARGE" + str(unique_state)) off += 3 # add new state names if hasattr(self, "STATEIDENTIFIERS"): self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.extend(unique_states) self.NPTB += len(unique_states) else: self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = unique_states self.NPTB = len(unique_states) # increase the number of new states # 1. Update already present atoms: atomIDs = [atom.NR for atom in state_atoms] for atom in self.STATEATOMS: atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] dummy_state = pre_dummy_state(atomMass=possible_masses[0]) if atom.NR in atomIDs: new_atom = state_atoms[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] atom.NAME = new_atom.NAME atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in new_atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in new_atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] # add missing dummies # print(unique_stateIDs) atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # remove present atom del atomIDs[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] else: # add missing dummies atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # 2. add new atoms new_atoms = [atom for atom in state_atoms if (atom.NR in atomIDs)] for atom in new_atoms: atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] dummy_state = pre_dummy_state(atomMass=possible_masses[0]) atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) if (key not in atom.STATES)}) self.STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.NJLA += 1
[docs] def delete_state(self, stateIDs: Union[int, List[int]] = None, stateNames: Union[str, List[str]] = None): """ This function deletes an state column. Parameters ---------- stateIDs: int number of the state Returns ------- """ if stateIDs is not None: if isinstance(stateIDs, int): stateIDs = [stateIDs] for state in stateIDs: for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if state in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[state] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(state) and not "CHARGE" + str(state) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateIDs)) elif stateNames is not None: if isinstance(stateNames, str): stateNames = [stateNames] for stateN in stateNames: # print(stateN) stateID = self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.index(stateN) + 1 for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if stateID in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[stateID] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[stateID - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(stateID) and not "CHARGE" + str(stateID) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateNames)) else: raise Exception("Please give either stateNames or stateIDs")
[docs] def delete_atom(self, atomNR: Union[int, List[int]]): """ This function removes atom lines from the ptp file. Parameters ---------- atomNR: int atom to be removed. """ if isinstance(atomNR, int): atomNR = [atomNR] # ind_offset = 0 new_STATEATOMS = [] for ind, atom in enumerate(self.STATEATOMS): if atom.NR in atomNR: continue else: new_STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.STATEATOMS = new_STATEATOMS self.NJLA -= len(atomNR)
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = ( "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5}{:>5}{:>10}" for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + " {:10} {:10}" ) return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NJLA " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NJLA) + self.line_seperator result += "# state_identifiers" + self.line_seperator result += ( "# " + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(map(str, self.STATEIDENTIFIERS)) + self.line_seperator ) result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class SCALEDINTERACTIONS(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__(self, values=None, content=None): """ Not exactly sure what these parameters do """ if content is None: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) self.values = values else: super().__init__(used=True, name="SCALEDINTERACTIONS", content=content)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator for i, v in enumerate(self.values): result += str(v) + self.field_seperator if not i: result += self.line_seperator result += self.line_seperator + "END\n" return result
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content): # values values = [] values.append(content[0]) for v in content[1].split(): values.append(v) self.values = values