Source code for pygromos.files.blocks.pertubation_blocks

import __main__
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import _generic_gromos_block, _generic_field
from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import TITLE as generic_TITLE
from pygromos.utils.typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict, Number

TITLE: generic_TITLE = generic_TITLE


pertubation_eds_state = namedtuple("pertubationEdsState", ["IAC", "CHARGE"])
pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded = namedtuple("pertubationLamState", ["IAC", "MASS", "CHARGE"])

setattr(__main__, pertubation_eds_state.__name__, pertubation_eds_state)
pertubation_eds_state.__module__ = "__main__"

setattr(__main__, pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded.__name__, pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded)
pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded.__module__ = "__main__"

[docs]class atom_mass_type(_generic_field): def __init__(self, N: int, ATMAS: float, ATMASN: str, comment: str = ""): self.N = N self.ATMAS = ATMAS self.ATMASN = ATMASN self.comment = comment
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: return self.comment + "{:<8} {:<3.4f} {:<5}\n".format(self.N, self.ATMAS, self.ATMASN)
[docs]class atom_eds_pertubation_state(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>3} {:>10.5f}" def __init__( self, NR: int, NAME: str, STATES: Dict[int, pertubation_eds_state], ALPHLJ: float = 1.0, ALPHCRF: float = 1.0 ): self.NR = int(NR) self.NAME = NAME self.STATES = STATES self.ALPHLJ = float(ALPHLJ) self.ALPHCRF = float(ALPHCRF)
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: state_str = "".join( [ self.state_format_pattern.format(int(self.STATES[x].IAC), float(self.STATES[x].CHARGE)) for x in sorted(self.STATES) ] ) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + " {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n" return format_str.format(self.NR, self.NAME, self.ALPHLJ, self.ALPHCRF)
[docs]class atom_lam_pertubation_state(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>5} {:>5} {:>10.5f}" def __init__( self, NR: int, RES: int, NAME: str, STATES: Dict[int, pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded], ALPHLJ: float = 1.0, ALPHCRF: float = 1.0, ): self.NR = int(NR) self.RES = int(RES) self.NAME = NAME self.STATES = STATES self.ALPHLJ = float(ALPHLJ) self.ALPHCRF = float(ALPHCRF)
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: state_str = "".join( [ self.state_format_pattern.format( int(self.STATES[x].IAC), float(self.STATES[x].MASS), float(self.STATES[x].CHARGE) ) for x in sorted(self.STATES) ] ) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + " {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n" return format_str.format(self.NR, self.RES, self.NAME, self.ALPHLJ, self.ALPHCRF)
[docs]class atom_lam_pertubation_state_bond(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>5}" def __init__(self, NR: int, atomI: int, atomJ: int, STATES: Dict[int, int]): self.NR = int(NR) self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.STATES = STATES
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: state_str = "".join([self.state_format_pattern.format(int(self.STATES[x])) for x in sorted(self.STATES)]) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + "\n" return format_str.format(self.atomI, self.atomJ)
[docs]class atom_lam_pertubation_state_angle(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>5}" def __init__(self, NR: int, atomI: int, atomJ: int, atomK: int, STATES: Dict[int, int]): self.NR = int(NR) self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.atomK = atomK self.STATES = STATES
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: state_str = "".join([self.state_format_pattern.format(int(self.STATES[x])) for x in sorted(self.STATES)]) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + "\n" return format_str.format(self.atomI, self.atomJ, self.atomK)
[docs]class atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(_generic_field): state_format_pattern = " {:>5}" def __init__(self, NR: int, atomI: int, atomJ: int, atomK: int, atomL: int, STATES: Dict[int, int]): self.NR = int(NR) self.atomI = atomI self.atomJ = atomJ self.atomK = atomK self.atomL = atomL self.STATES = STATES
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: state_str = "".join([self.state_format_pattern.format(int(self.STATES[x])) for x in sorted(self.STATES)]) format_str = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + state_str + "\n" return format_str.format(self.atomI, self.atomJ, self.atomK, self.atomL)
[docs]class MPERTATOM(_generic_gromos_block):
[docs] def __init__( self, NJLA: int = None, NPTB: int = None, STATEIDENTIFIERS: List[str] = [], STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = ["NR", "NAME", "ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"], STATEATOMS: List[atom_eds_pertubation_state] = [], dummy_IAC: int = 22, dummy_CHARGE: float = 0.0, content: List[str] = None, ): """ This block is used for lambda sampling to define the different states. Parameters ---------- NJLA : int number of perturbed atoms NPTB : int number of pertubation states STATEIDENTIFIERS : List[str] string names for states STATEATOMHEADER header for the atom description table STATEATOMS list of atoms, that shall be perturbed dummy_IAC dummy atom VdW type for perturbed atoms dummy_CHARGE dummy atom charge type for perturbed atoms """ if content is None: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) self.NJLA = NJLA self.NPTB = NPTB self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) self.dummy_IAC = dummy_IAC self.dummy_CHARGE = dummy_CHARGE
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NJLA = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = [] STATEATOMS = [] first = True for line in content: # print(line) if "#" in line: pass else: if field > 3: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = [ "NR", "NAME", ] [STATEATOMHEADER.extend(["IAC" + str(x), "CHARGE" + str(x)]) for x in range(1, self.NPTB + 1)] STATEATOMHEADER += ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"] self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(self.STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} final_state_line = { key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("IAC" not in key and "CHARGE" not in key) } states = { x: pertubation_eds_state( IAC=int(state_line["IAC" + str(x)]), CHARGE=float(state_line["CHARGE" + str(x)]) ) for x in range(1, 1 + self.NPTB) } final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_eds_pertubation_state(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NJLA, NPTB = tuple(map(int, line.split())) self.NJLA = NJLA self.NPTB = NPTB elif field == 1: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.split() self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS field += 1 self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
@property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NJLA @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) } """ ADD FUNCTIONS """
[docs] def add_state_atoms(self, state_atoms: List[atom_eds_pertubation_state]): """ This function can add states and atoms, but also overwrite state values of existing atoms. If a new state is defined only for a subset of atoms, all other atoms are set to the default dummy. If a new atom misses a state definition, this state will be set to dummy. Parameters ---------- state_atoms: List[atom_eds_pertubation_state] """ # some preperations: dummy_state = pertubation_eds_state(IAC=self.dummy_IAC, CHARGE=self.dummy_CHARGE) insert_id = self.STATEATOMHEADER.index("ALPHLJ") # find all new states unique_stateIDs = np.unique(np.concatenate([list(natom.STATES.keys()) for natom in state_atoms])) # TODO: not urgent; state number adaptation ( present states 1,2,3,4 new state 8 - id should be 5 not 8) unique_states = list(map(str, ["state" + str(x) if isinstance(x, Number) else x for x in unique_stateIDs])) # insert new state IDs off = 0 for unique_state in unique_stateIDs: self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off, "IAC" + str(unique_state)) self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off + 1, "CHARGE" + str(unique_state)) off += 2 # add new state names self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.extend(unique_states) # increase the number of new states self.NPTB += len(unique_states) # 1. Update already present atoms: atomIDs = [atom.NR for atom in state_atoms] for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if atom.NR in atomIDs: new_atom = state_atoms[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] atom.NAME = new_atom.NAME atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in new_atom.STATES.items()}) # add missing dummies # print(unique_stateIDs) atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # remove present atom del atomIDs[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] else: # add missing dummies atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # 2. add new atoms new_atoms = [atom for atom in state_atoms if (atom.NR in atomIDs)] for atom in new_atoms: atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) if (key not in atom.STATES)}) self.STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.NJLA += 1
[docs] def delete_state(self, stateIDs: Union[int, List[int]] = None, stateNames: Union[str, List[str]] = None): """ This function deletes an state column. Parameters ---------- stateIDs: int number of the state Returns ------- """ if stateIDs is not None: if isinstance(stateIDs, int): stateIDs = [stateIDs] for state in stateIDs: for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if state in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[state] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(state) and not "CHARGE" + str(state) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateIDs)) elif stateNames is not None: if isinstance(stateNames, str): stateNames = [stateNames] for stateN in stateNames: # print(stateN) stateID = self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.index(stateN) + 1 for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if stateID in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[stateID] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[stateID - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(stateID) and not "CHARGE" + str(stateID) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateNames)) elif stateNames is None and stateIDs is None: raise Exception("Please give either stateNames or stateIDs")
[docs] def delete_atom(self, atomNR: Union[int, List[int]]): """ This function removes atom lines from the ptp file. Parameters ---------- atomNR: int atom to be removed. """ if isinstance(atomNR, int): atomNR = [atomNR] # ind_offset = 0 new_STATEATOMS = [] for ind, atom in enumerate(self.STATEATOMS): if atom.NR in atomNR: continue else: new_STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.STATEATOMS = new_STATEATOMS self.NJLA -= len(atomNR)
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>3} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>3}{:>10}" for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + " {:10} {:10}" if len(self.STATEATOMHEADER) != self.NPTB * 2 + 4: tmp_list = " ".join(["CHARGE" + str(x) + " " + "IAC" + str(x) for x in range(self.NPTB)]) self.STATEATOMHEADER = self.STATEATOMHEADER[:2] + tmp_list.split(" ") + self.STATEATOMHEADER[-2:] return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += "# NJLA " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB" + self.line_seperator result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NJLA) + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.line_seperator result += "# state_identifiers" + self.line_seperator result += ( self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(map(str, self.STATEIDENTIFIERS)) + self.line_seperator ) result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTATOMPARAM(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NJLA: int = None, STATEIDENTIFIERS=None, dummy_IAC=22, dummy_CHARGE=0.0, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_IAC = dummy_IAC self.dummy_CHARGE = dummy_CHARGE if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ "NR", "RES", "NAME", ] for s in range(self.NPTB): self.STATEATOMHEADER += [ "IAC", "MASS", "CHARGE", ] self.STATEATOMHEADER += ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NJLA = 0 self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NJLA is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NJLA: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NJLA) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) )
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NJLA = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: # comment = line if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = [ "NR", "RES", "NAME", ] [ STATEATOMHEADER.extend(["IAC" + str(x), "MASS" + str(x), "CHARGE" + str(x)]) for x in range(1, 3) ] STATEATOMHEADER += ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHCRF"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} final_state_line = { key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("IAC" not in key and "CHARGE" not in key and "MASS" not in key) } states = { x: pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded( IAC=int(round(float(state_line["IAC" + str(x)]))), MASS=float(state_line["MASS" + str(x)]), CHARGE=float(state_line["CHARGE" + str(x)]), ) for x in range(1, 3) } final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NJLA = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NJLA = NJLA self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
@property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NJLA @property def states(self) -> Dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) } """ ADD FUNCTIONS """
[docs] def add_state_atoms(self, state_atoms: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state]): """ This function can add states and atoms, but also overwrite state values of existing atoms. If a new state is defined only for a subset of atoms, all other atoms are set to the default dummy. If a new atom misses a state definition, this state will be set to dummy. Parameters ---------- state_atoms: List[atom_eds_pertubation_state] """ # some preperations: pre_dummy_state = lambda atomMass: pertubation_lam_state_nonbonded( # noqa: E731 IAC=self.dummy_IAC, MASS=atomMass, CHARGE=self.dummy_CHARGE ) insert_id = self.STATEATOMHEADER.index("ALPHLJ") # find all new states keys = np.array([list(natom.STATES.keys()) for natom in state_atoms], ndmin=1) unique_stateIDs = np.unique(np.concatenate(keys)) # TODO: not urgent; state number adaptation ( present states 1,2,3,4 new state 8 - id should be 5 not 8) unique_states = list(map(str, ["state" + str(x) if isinstance(x, Number) else x for x in unique_stateIDs])) # insert new state IDs off = 0 for unique_state in unique_stateIDs: self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off, "IAC" + str(unique_state)) self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off + 1, "mass" + str(unique_state)) self.STATEATOMHEADER.insert(insert_id + off + 2, "CHARGE" + str(unique_state)) off += 3 # add new state names if hasattr(self, "STATEIDENTIFIERS"): self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.extend(unique_states) self.NPTB += len(unique_states) else: self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = unique_states self.NPTB = len(unique_states) # increase the number of new states # 1. Update already present atoms: atomIDs = [atom.NR for atom in state_atoms] for atom in self.STATEATOMS: atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] dummy_state = pre_dummy_state(atomMass=possible_masses[0]) if atom.NR in atomIDs: new_atom = state_atoms[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] atom.NAME = new_atom.NAME atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in new_atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in new_atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] # add missing dummies # print(unique_stateIDs) atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # remove present atom del atomIDs[atomIDs.index(atom.NR)] else: # add missing dummies atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in unique_stateIDs if key not in atom.STATES}) # 2. add new atoms new_atoms = [atom for atom in state_atoms if (atom.NR in atomIDs)] for atom in new_atoms: atom.STATES.update({key: val for key, val in atom.STATES.items()}) possible_masses = [val.MASS for key, val in atom.STATES.items() if (val.MASS > 0)] dummy_state = pre_dummy_state(atomMass=possible_masses[0]) atom.STATES.update({key: dummy_state for key in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) if (key not in atom.STATES)}) self.STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.NJLA += 1
[docs] def delete_state(self, stateIDs: Union[int, List[int]] = None, stateNames: Union[str, List[str]] = None): """ This function deletes an state column. Parameters ---------- stateIDs: int number of the state Returns ------- """ if stateIDs is not None: if isinstance(stateIDs, int): stateIDs = [stateIDs] for state in stateIDs: for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if state in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[state] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(state) and not "CHARGE" + str(state) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateIDs)) elif stateNames is not None: if isinstance(stateNames, str): stateNames = [stateNames] for stateN in stateNames: # print(stateN) stateID = self.STATEIDENTIFIERS.index(stateN) + 1 for atom in self.STATEATOMS: if stateID in atom.STATES: del atom.STATES[stateID] del self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[stateID - 1] self.STATEATOMHEADER = [ x for x in self.STATEATOMHEADER if (not x == "IAC" + str(stateID) and not "CHARGE" + str(stateID) == x) ] self.NPTB -= len(set(stateNames)) elif stateNames is None and stateIDs is None: raise Exception("Please give either stateNames or stateIDs")
[docs] def delete_atom(self, atomNR: Union[int, List[int]]): """ This function removes atom lines from the ptp file. Parameters ---------- atomNR: int atom to be removed. """ if isinstance(atomNR, int): atomNR = [atomNR] # ind_offset = 0 new_STATEATOMS = [] for ind, atom in enumerate(self.STATEATOMS): if atom.NR in atomNR: continue else: new_STATEATOMS.append(atom) self.STATEATOMS = new_STATEATOMS self.NJLA -= len(atomNR)
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = ( "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5}{:>5}{:>10}" for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + " {:10} {:10}" ) return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NJLA " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NJLA) + self.line_seperator result += "# state_identifiers" + self.line_seperator result += ( "# " + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(map(str, self.STATEIDENTIFIERS)) + self.line_seperator ) result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTBONDSTRETCH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_bond] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPB: int = None, dummy_BOND=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_BOND = dummy_BOND if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPB = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPB is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPB: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPB) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPB @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPB = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_bond(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPB = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPB = NPB self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPB " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPB) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTBONDSTRETCHH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_bond] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPB: int = None, dummy_BOND=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_BOND = dummy_BOND if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPB = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPB is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPB: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPB) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPB @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPB = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_bond(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPB = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPB = NPB self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPB " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPB) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTBONDANGLE(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_angle] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPA: int = None, dummy_ANGLE=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_ANGLE = dummy_ANGLE if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPA = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPA is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPA: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPA) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPA @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPA = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_angle(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPA = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPA = NPA self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPA " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPA) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTBONDANGLEH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_angle] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPA: int = None, dummy_ANGLE=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_ANGLE = dummy_ANGLE if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPA = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPA is not None and not len(STATEATOMS) == NPA: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPA) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPA @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPA = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_angle(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPA = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPA = NPA self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPA " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPA) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTPROPERDIH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPD: int = None, dummy_DIH=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_DIH = dummy_DIH if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPD = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPD is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPD: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPD) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPD @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPD = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPD = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPD = NPD self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPD " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPD) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTPROPERDIHH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPD: int = None, dummy_DIH=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_DIH = dummy_DIH if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPD = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPD is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPD: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPD) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPD @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPD = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPD = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPD = NPD self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPD " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPD) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs] class PERTPROPERDIH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPD: int = None, dummy_DIH=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_DIH = dummy_DIH if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPD = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPD is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPD: raise ValueError( "NJLA must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NJLA=" + str(NPD) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPD @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPD = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPD = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPD = NPD self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPD " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPD) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTIMROPERDIH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPD: int = None, dummy_IMP=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_DIH = dummy_IMP if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPD = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPD is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPD: raise ValueError( "NPD must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NPD=" + str(NPD) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPD @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPD = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPD = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPD = NPD self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPD " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPD) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result
[docs]class PERTIMROPERDIHH(_generic_gromos_block): def __init__( self, STATEATOMS: List[atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral] = None, STATEATOMHEADER: Tuple[str] = None, NPD: int = None, dummy_IMP=22, content: List[str] = None, ): self.NPTB = 2 self.dummy_DIH = dummy_IMP if content is None: if STATEATOMHEADER is None: self.STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] else: self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER if STATEATOMS is None: self.STATEATOMS = [] else: self.STATEATOMS = [] self.NPD = 0 # self.add_state_atoms(STATEATOMS) super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__) else: super().__init__(used=True, name=__class__.__name__, content=content) # You can check yourself :) if NPD is not None and len(STATEATOMS) != NPD: raise ValueError( "NPD must be equal to the length of STATEATOMS! NPD=" + str(NPD) + "\t stateatoms" + str(len(STATEATOMS)) + "\n\n" + str(self) ) @property def nStates(self) -> int: return self.NPTB @property def nTotalStateAtoms(self) -> int: return self.NPD @property def states(self) -> dict: return { self.STATEIDENTIFIERS[state - 1]: { atom.NR: atom.STATES[state] for atom in sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR) } for state in range(1, self.NPTB + 1) }
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): field = 0 NPD = None STATEIDENTIFIERS = None STATEATOMHEADER = None STATEATOMS = [] first = True stdid = False for line in content: if "#" in line: if "state_identifiers" in line: stdid = True elif stdid: STATEIDENTIFIERS = line.replace("#", "").split() stdid = False continue else: if field > 0: if first: STATEATOMHEADER = ["atomI", "atomJ", "atomK", "atomL", "type1", "type2"] first = False state_line = {key: value for key, value in zip(STATEATOMHEADER, line.split())} state_line.update({"NR": len(STATEATOMS) + 1}) final_state_line = {key: state_line[key] for key in state_line if ("type" not in key)} states = {1: state_line["type1"], 2: state_line["type2"]} final_state_line.update({"STATES": states}) STATEATOMS.append(atom_lam_pertubation_state_dihedral(**final_state_line)) elif field == 0: NPD = int(line.strip()) field += 1 self.NPD = NPD self.STATEIDENTIFIERS = STATEIDENTIFIERS self.STATEATOMHEADER = STATEATOMHEADER self.STATEATOMS = STATEATOMS
""" STR FUNCTIONS """ def _state_STATEATOMHEADER_str(self): state_format_pattern = "{:>5} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5}" + "".join([" {:>5} " for x in range(self.NPTB)]) + "" return state_format_pattern.format(*self.STATEATOMHEADER)
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = + self.line_seperator result += ( "# NPD " + self.field_seperator + "NPTB = " + self.field_seperator + str(self.NPTB) + self.field_seperator + self.line_seperator ) result += self.field_seperator + str(self.NPD) + self.line_seperator result += "# " + self._state_STATEATOMHEADER_str() + self.line_seperator result += "".join(map(str, sorted(self.STATEATOMS, key=lambda x: x.NR))) result += "END" + self.line_seperator return result