Source code for pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks

import warnings

from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import TITLE as generic_TITLE
from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks import _generic_gromos_block
from pygromos.utils.typing import List, Dict, Union, Number

# forward declarations
TITLE: generic_TITLE = generic_TITLE

class _generic_imd_block(_generic_gromos_block):
    name = "genericBlock"
    _order: List[List[str]]  # contains the ordering of all fields in a block

    def __init__(self, used: bool, content: Dict = None):
        super().__init__(, used=used, content=content)

    def block_to_string(self) -> str:
        result = ""
        result += str( + self.line_seperator
        for line in self._order:
            for field_names in line:
                result += "#" + self.field_seperator + self.field_seperator.join(field_names) + self.line_seperator
                result += self.field_seperator
                for element in field_names:
                    element = element.split("(")[0]
                    element = element.split(":")[0]
                    element = element.split(" ")[0]
                    element = element.replace(" ", "")
                    attribute = self.__getattribute__(element)

                        if isinstance(attribute, (str, Number, bool)):  # One element field
                            if isinstance(attribute, (bool, int)):
                                attribute = int(attribute)
                            elif isinstance(attribute, float):  # supress scientific notation for floats!
                                attribute = format(attribute, "f")
                            result += str(attribute) + self.field_seperator
                        elif isinstance(attribute, List) and all(
                            [isinstance(x, (str, Number)) for x in attribute]
                        ):  # list content
                            if all([isinstance(x, str) for x in attribute]):
                                result += self.field_seperator.join(attribute) + self.field_seperator
                            elif all([isinstance(x, Number) for x in attribute]):
                                result += self.field_seperator.join(map(str, attribute)) + self.field_seperator
                                raise ValueError(
                                    "could not Interpret list:  " + str(element) + "\t\n" + str(attribute) + "\nEOF\n"
                        elif isinstance(attribute, List) and all([isinstance(x, List) for x in attribute]):  # matrices
                            pre_parsed_rows = map(lambda x: self.field_seperator.join(map(str, x)), attribute)
                            result += (self.line_seperator + self.field_seperator).join(
                            ) + self.field_seperator
                            result += (self.line_seperator + self.field_seperator).join(
                                map(self.field_seperator.join, attribute)
                            ) + self.field_seperator
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not convert attribute "
                            + str(element)
                            + " to string!\n value of attribute was: \n"
                            + str(attribute)
                            + "\nEOF\n"

                result += self.line_seperator
        result += "END\n"
        return result

    def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]):
        keyLineNumb = 0
        contentlines = []
        for line in content:
            if line.startswith("# "):
                # a new key line was found add values to class
                if len(contentlines) > 0:
                    self._parse_key_content(keyLineNumb=keyLineNumb, contentlines=contentlines)
                    keyLineNumb += 1  # go next key line
                    contentlines = []  # reset content storage
                # no key found -> add data to list to be later added to key
                fields = line.split(self.field_seperator)
                while "" in fields:
        # add fianl key after loop
        self._parse_key_content(keyLineNumb=keyLineNumb, contentlines=contentlines)

    def _parse_key_content(self, keyLineNumb: int = 0, contentlines: List[str] = []):
        # print("----------------")
        # print(contentlines)
        # print(self._order[0])
        # print(keyLineNumb)
        if len(contentlines) == 1:  # it's a one liner
            if len(contentlines[0]) == len(self._order[0][keyLineNumb]):
                # found key-value match
                for key, field in zip(self._order[0][keyLineNumb], contentlines[0]):
                    # first bring key to attribute form
                    key = self._clean_key_from_order(key=key)
                    field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=field, key=key)
                    setattr(self, key, field)
        else:  # parse multi line
            if len(self._order[0][keyLineNumb]) == 1:
                # one key but multiple fields
                key = self._clean_key_from_order(key=self._order[0][keyLineNumb][0])
                field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=contentlines, key=key)
                setattr(self, key, field)
                # set attribute with a list over multiple lines for keys in paralles (example temp baths)
                for i, key in enumerate(self._order[0][keyLineNumb]):
                    field = [x[i] for x in contentlines]
                    key = self._clean_key_from_order(key=key)
                    field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=field, key=key)
                    setattr(self, key, field)

    def _clean_key_from_order(self, key: str) -> str:
        # key = key.replace("("," ").replace("."," ")
        # key.split(" ")
        # return key[0]
        if "(" in key:
            return key.split("(")[0]
        if "." in key:
            return key.split(".")[0]
        if " " in key:
            return key.split(" ")[0]
        return key

    def _try_to_convert_field(self, field: str, key: str) -> any:
        if isinstance(field, str):
                if self.__annotations__[key] is bool:
                    return bool(int(field))  # solves the type problem for simple types
                return self.__annotations__[key](field)  # solves the type problem for simple types
            except Exception:
                return field
        elif isinstance(field, list):
            if all([isinstance(x, str) for x in field]):
                    return [float(x) for x in field]
                except Exception:
                    return field
            elif all([isinstance(x, list) for x in field]) and all([[isinstance(x, list) for x in y] for y in field]):
                    return [[float(x) for x in y] for y in field]
                except Exception:
                    return field

[docs]class SYSTEM(_generic_imd_block): """System Block The system block defines the number of solute molecules and solvent molecules Attributes ---------- NPM: int Number of Solute Molecules NSM: int Number of Solvent Molecules """ name: str = "SYSTEM" # fields NPM: int # number of Solute Molecules NSM: int # number of Solvent Molecules _order = [[["NPM", "NSM"]]] def __init__(self, NPM: int = 0, NSM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NPM = int(NPM) self.NSM = int(NSM)
[docs]class STEP(_generic_imd_block): """Step Block This Block gives the number of simulation steps, Attributes ----------- NSTLIM: int number of simulations Step till terminating. T: float Starting Time DT: float time step [fs] """ name: str = "STEP" # fields NSTLIM: int T: float DT: float _order = [[["NSTLIM", "T", "DT"]]] def __init__(self, NSTLIM: int = 0, T: float = 0, DT: float = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NSTLIM = int(NSTLIM) self.T = float(T) self.DT = float(DT)
[docs]class REPLICA(_generic_imd_block): """REPLICA Block This block is controlling the REPLICA settings in gromos. It works both for T-REMD and H-REMD Attributes ---------- RETL: bool Do you want to rund an RE simulation or not? RETL=0 : turn off RE RETL=1 : turn on RE NRET: int Number of temperatures RET: List[float] List of temperature at each replica LRESCALE: bool controls temperature scaling 0 don't scale temperatures after exchange trial 1 scale temperatures after exchange trial NRELAM: int number of lambda values RELAM: List[float] lambda value for each lambda-replica RETS: List[float] timestep of each LAMBDA replica NRETRIAL: int How many replica exchanges trials should be executed? (NRETRIAL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) NREQUIL: int How many equilibration runs shall be exectured? (NREQUIL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) CONT: bool Is this a continuation run? 0 start from one configuration file 1 start from multiple configuration files Example Block ------------- # RETL 1 # NRET 10 # RET(1..NRET) 300.0 320.0 340.0 360.0 380.0 400.0 420.0 440.0 460.0 480.0 # LRESCALE 1 # NRELAM 10 # RELAM(1..NRELAM 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 # RETS(1..NRELAM) 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 # NRETRIAL 100 # NREQUIL 10 # CONT 0 END """ name: str = "REPLICA" RETL: bool NRET: int RET: List[float] LRESCALE: bool NRELAM: int RELAM: List[float] RETS: List[float] NRETRIAL: int NREQUIL: int CONT: bool _order = [ [ ["RETL"], ["NRET"], ["RET(1 ... NRET)"], ["LRESCALE"], ["NRELAM"], ["RELAM(1 ... NRELAM)"], ["RETS(1 ... NRELAM)"], ["NRETRIAL", "NREQUIL", "CONT"], ] ] def __init__( self, RETL: bool = False, NRET: int = 0, RET: List[float] = [], LRESCALE: int = 0, NRELAM: int = 0, RELAM: List[float] = [], RETS: List[float] = [], NRETRIAL: int = 0, NREQUIL: int = 0, CONT: bool = False, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.RETL = bool(RETL) self.NRET = int(NRET) self.RET = RET self.LRESCALE = bool(LRESCALE) self.NRELAM = int(NRELAM) self.RELAM = RELAM self.RETS = RETS self.NRETRIAL = int(NRETRIAL) self.NREQUIL = int(NREQUIL) self.CONT = bool(CONT)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: setattr(self, "RETL", int(content[1].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NRET", int(content[3].split()[0])) T_values = list(map(float, content[5].split())) if len(T_values) == self.NRET: setattr(self, "RET", T_values) else: raise IOError("REPLICA: NRET was not equal to the number of Temperatures (RET) in IMD!") setattr(self, "LRESCALE", int(content[7].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NRELAM", int(content[9].split()[0])) lambda_val = list(map(float, content[11].split())) if len(lambda_val) == self.NRELAM: setattr(self, "RELAM", lambda_val) else: raise IOError("REPLICA: NRELAM was not equal to the number of lambda values (RELAM) in IMD!") lambda_timestep = list(map(float, content[13].split())) if len(lambda_timestep) == self.NRELAM: setattr(self, "RETS", lambda_timestep) else: raise IOError("REPLICA: NRELAM was not equal to the number of lambda timestep values (RETS) in IMD!") [setattr(self, key, int(value)) for key, value in zip(self._order[0][-1], content[-1].split())] except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse block from str - " + __class__.__name__ + "\n" + str(err.args))
[docs]class NEW_REPLICA_EDS(_generic_imd_block): """REPLICA_EDS Block This block is controlling the REPLICA_EDS settings in gromos and is basically a mixture of EDS and RE block. (Don't use them when using this block!) Attributes ---------- REEDS: bool Shall REEDS be activated? NRES: int Number of s-Values NEOFF: int number of replica exchange eds energy Offset vectors (only used for 2D REEDS - still needs to be present ;)) NUMSTATES: int Number of EDS-states RES: List[float] s_values for all replicas EIR: List[List[float]] energy offsets for all replicas and all states List[List[float]] = REPLICA[EDS_STATE[EIR]] NERTRIAL: int How many replica exchanges trials should be executed? (NRETRIAL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) NREQUIL: int How many equilibration runs shall be exectured? (NREQUIL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) EDS_STAT_OUT: int Shall the replica exchange information be outputted? (__future__ frequency of output.) CONT: bool Is this a continuation run? """ name: str = "REPLICA_EDS" REEDS: bool NRES: int NEOFF: int NUMSTATES: int RES: List[float] EIR: List[float] NRETRIAL: int NREQUIL: int EDS_STAT_OUT: int CONT: bool PERIODIC: int _order = [ [ ["REEDS"], ["NRES", "NUMSTATES", "NEOFF"], ["RES(1 ... NRES)"], ["EIR(NUMSTATES x NRES)"], ["NRETRIAL", "NREQUIL", "CONT", "EDS_STAT_OUT", "PERIODIC"], ] ] def __init__( self, REEDS: bool = False, NRES: int = 0, NUMSTATES: int = 0, NEOFF: int = 0, RES: List[float] = [], EIR: List[List[float]] = [[]], NRETRIAL: int = 0, NREQUIL: int = 0, EDS_STAT_OUT: int = 0, CONT: bool = False, PERIODIC: int = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.REEDS = bool(REEDS) self.NRES = int(NRES) self.NEOFF = int(NEOFF) self.NUMSTATES = int(NUMSTATES) self.RES = RES self.EIR = EIR self.NRETRIAL = int(NRETRIAL) self.NREQUIL = int(NREQUIL) self.CONT = bool(CONT) self.EDS_STAT_OUT = int(EDS_STAT_OUT) self.PERIODIC = int(PERIODIC)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: setattr(self, "REEDS", int(content[1].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NRES", int(content[3].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NEOFF", int(content[3].split()[1])) setattr(self, "NUMSTATES", int(content[3].split()[2])) s_values = list(map(float, content[5].split())) if len(s_values) == self.NRES: setattr(self, "RES", s_values) else: raise IOError("REPLICA_EDS: NRES was not equal to the number of s-values in IMD!") EIR = [] for ind in range(7, 7 + self.NUMSTATES): EIR_line = list(map(float, content[ind].split())) if len(EIR_line) != self.NRES: raise IOError("REPLICA_EDS: NRES was not equal to the number of EIRs given in IMD!") EIR.append(EIR_line) setattr(self, "EIR", EIR) [setattr(self, key, int(value)) for key, value in zip(self._order[0][-1], content[-1].split())] except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse block from str - " + __class__.__name__ + "\n" + str(err.args))
[docs]class REPLICA_EDS(_generic_imd_block): name: str = "REPLICA_EDS" REEDS: bool NRES: int NUMSTATES: int RES: List[float] EIR: List[float] NRETRIAL: int NREQUIL: int EDS_STAT_OUT: int CONT: bool _order = [ [ ["REEDS"], ["NRES", "NUMSTATES"], ["RES(1 ... NRES)"], ["EIR(NUMSTATES x NRES)"], ["NRETRIAL", "NREQUIL", "CONT", "EDS_STAT_OUT"], ] ]
[docs] def __init__( self, REEDS: bool = True, NRES: int = 0, NUMSTATES: int = 0, RES: List[float] = [0], EIR: List[List[float]] = [[0]], NRETRIAL: int = 0, NREQUIL: int = 0, EDS_STAT_OUT: int = 0, CONT: bool = True, content: List[str] = None, ): """REPLICA_EDS Block This block is controlling the REPLICA_EDS settings in gromos and is basically a mixture of EDS and RE block. (Don't use them when using this block!) Attributes ---------- REEDS: bool Shall REEDS be activated? NRES: int Number of s-Values NUMSTATES: int Number of EDS-states RES: List[float] s_values for all replicas EIR: List[List[float]] energy offsets for all replicas and all states List[List[float]] = REPLICA[EDS_STATE[EIR]] NERTRIAL: int How many replica exchanges trials should be executed? (NRETRIAL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) NREQUIL: int How many equilibration runs shall be exectured? (NREQUIL*STEP.NSTLIM == total simulation time) EDS_STAT_OUT: int Shall the replica exchange information be outputted? (__future__ frequency of output.) CONT: bool Is this a continuation run? """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.REEDS = REEDS self.NRES = NRES self.NUMSTATES = NUMSTATES self.RES = RES self.EIR = EIR self.NRETRIAL = NRETRIAL self.NREQUIL = NREQUIL self.CONT = CONT self.EDS_STAT_OUT = EDS_STAT_OUT
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: setattr(self, "REEDS", int(content[1].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NRES", int(content[3].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NUMSTATES", int(content[3].split()[1])) s_values = list(map(float, content[5].split())) if len(s_values) == self.NRES: setattr(self, "RES", s_values) else: raise IOError("REPLICA_EDS: NRES was not equal to the number of s-values in IMD!") EIR = [] for ind in range(7, 7 + self.NUMSTATES): EIR_line = list(map(float, content[ind].split())) if len(EIR_line) != self.NRES: raise IOError("REPLICA_EDS: NRES was not equal to the number of EIRs given in IMD!") EIR.append(EIR_line) setattr(self, "EIR", EIR) [setattr(self, key, int(value)) for key, value in zip(self._order[0][-1], content[-1].split())] except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse block from str - " + __class__.__name__ + "\n" + str(err.args))
[docs]class BOUNDCOND(_generic_imd_block): """Boundary Condition Block This block describes the boundary condition of the coordinate system. Attributes ---------- NTB : int, optional Boundary conditions, by default 0 -1 : truncated octahedral 0 : vacuum 1 : rectangular 2 : triclinic NDFMIN : int, optional number of degrees of freedom subtracted for temperature, by default 0 """ name: str = "BOUNDCOND" NTB: int NDFMIN: int _order = [[["NTB", "NDFMIN"]]] def __init__(self, NTB: int = 0, NDFMIN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTB = int(NTB) self.NDFMIN = int(NDFMIN)
[docs]class STOCHDYN(_generic_imd_block): """Stochastic Dynamics block This block is for Stochastic Dynamics Attributes ---------- NTSD: int NTFR: int NSFR: int NBREF: int RCUTF: float CFRIC: float TEMPSD: float """ name: str = "STOCHDYN" NTSD: int NTFR: int NSFR: int NBREF: int RCUTF: float CFRIC: float TEMPSD: float _order = [[["NTSD", "NTFR", "NSFR", "NBREF", "RCUTF", "CFRIC", "TEMPSD"]]] def __init__( self, NTSD: int = 0, NTFR: int = 0, NSFR: int = 0, NBREF: int = 0, RCUTF: float = 0, CFRIC: float = 0, TEMPSD: float = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTSD = int(NTSD) self.NTFR = int(NTFR) self.NSFR = int(NSFR) self.NBREF = int(NBREF) self.RCUTF = float(RCUTF) self.CFRIC = float(CFRIC) self.TEMPSD = float(TEMPSD)
[docs]class PERTURBATION(_generic_imd_block): """Pertubation Block This block is for Thermodynamic integration Attributes ---------- NTG: int 0..1 controls use of free-energy calculation. 0: no free-energy calculation (default) 1: calculate dH/dRLAM NRDGL: int 0,1 controls reading of initial value for RLAM. 0: use initial RLAM parameter from PERTURBATION block 1: read from configuration RLAM: float 0.0..1.0 initial value for lambda DLAMT: float >= 0.0 rate of lambda increase in time. ALPHLJ: float >= 0.0 Lennard-Jones soft-core parameter ALPHC: float >= 0.0 Coulomb-RF soft-core parameter NLAM: int > 0 power dependence of lambda coupling NSCALE: int 0..2 controls use of interaction scaling 0: no interaction scaling 1: interaction scaling 2: perturbation for all atom pairs with scaled interactions. No perturbation for others. ExampleBlock ____________ # NTG NRDGL RLAM DLAMT 1 0 0.0 0.0 # ALPHLJ ALPHC NLAM NSCALE 0.5 0.5 2 0 """ name: str = "PERTURBATION" NTG: int NRDGL: int RLAM: float DLAMT: float ALPHLJ: float ALPHC: float NLAM: int NSCALE: int _order = [[["NTG", "NRDGL", "RLAM", "DLAMT"], ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHC", "NLAM", "NSCALE"]]] def __init__( self, NTG: int = 0, NRDGL: int = 0, RLAM: float = 0, DLAMT: float = 0, ALPHLJ: float = 0, ALPHC: float = 0, NLAM: int = 0, NSCALE: int = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTG = int(NTG) self.NRDGL = int(NRDGL) self.RLAM = float(RLAM) self.DLAMT = float(DLAMT) self.ALPHLJ = float(ALPHLJ) self.ALPHC = float(ALPHC) self.NLAM = int(NLAM) self.NSCALE = int(NSCALE)
[docs]class PRECALCLAM(_generic_imd_block): """ Attributes ---------- NTG: int Returns ------- """ name = "PRECALCLAM" NRLAM: int MINLAM: float MAXLAM: float _order = [[["NRLAM", "MINLAM", "MAXLAM"]]]
[docs] def __init__(self, NRLAM: int = 0, MINLAM: float = 0, MAXLAM: float = 0, content: List[str] = None): """ Can be used to caluclate multiple extra lambda values Parameters ---------- NRLAM: int 0 : off >1 : precalculating energies for NRLAM extra lambda values MINLAM between 0 and 1: minimum lambda value to precalculate energies MAXLAM between MINLAM and 1: maximum lambda value to precalculate energies """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NRLAM = int(NRLAM) self.MINLAM = float(MINLAM) self.MAXLAM = float(MAXLAM)
[docs]class MULTIBATH(_generic_imd_block): """MULTIBATH Block This block controls the Thermostat of a simulation. Multiple temperature baths can be coupled. Attributes ---------- ALGORITHM: int temperature coupling algorithm weak-coupling(0) nose-hoover(1) nose-hoover-chains(2) num (where num is the number of chains to use) NUM: int, optional Mumber of chains in Nosé Hoover chains scheme [only specify when needed] NBATHS: int Number of temperature baths TEMP0: List[float] temperature of each bath (list len == NBATHS) TAU: List[float] coupling of the temperaturebath to the system (list len == NBATHS) DOFSET: int Number of set of Degrees of freedom. LAST: List[int] (list len == DOFSET) Last atoms of each DOFSet COMBATH: List[int] (list len == DOFSET) Index of the temperature baths IRBATH: List[int] (list len == DOFSET) IRBAHT? See Also -------- _generic_imd_block, _generic_gromos_block """ name: str = "MULTIBATH" ALGORITHM: int NUM: int NBATHS: int TEMP0: List[float] TAU: List[float] DOFSET: int LAST: List[int] COMBATH: List[int] IRBATH: List[int] _order: List[List[str]] = [ [ ["ALGORITHM"], ["NUM"], ["NBATHS"], ["TEMP0(1 ... NBATHS)", "TAU(1 ... NBATHS)"], ["DOFSET"], ["LAST(1 ... DOFSET)", "COMBATH(1 ... DOFSET)", "IRBATH(1 ... DOFSET)"], ] ] # num is not part of the imd file!? def __init__( self, ALGORITHM: int = 0, NBATHS: int = 0, TEMP0: List[float] = [], TAU: List[float] = [], DOFSET: int = 0, LAST: List[int] = [], COMBATH: List[int] = [], IRBATH: List[int] = [], NUM: int = None, content: List[str] = None, ): if content is None: self.ALGORITHM = int(ALGORITHM) self.NUM = NUM self.NBATHS = int(NBATHS) self.TEMP0 = list(TEMP0) self.TAU = list(TAU) self.DOFSET = int(DOFSET) self.LAST = list(LAST) self.COMBATH = list(COMBATH) self.IRBATH = list(IRBATH) if not len(TEMP0) == len(TAU): warnings.warn("Warning in MULTIBATH block. There must be the same number of TEMP0 and TAU parameters") if not len(TEMP0) == int(NBATHS): warnings.warn("Warning in MULTIBATH block. There must be the same number of BATHS and TEMP0 parameters") warnings.warn(TEMP0) warnings.warn(NBATHS) if not len(LAST) == int(NBATHS): warnings.warn("Warning in MULTIBATH block. There must be the same number of BATHS and LAST parameters") if not len(LAST) == len(COMBATH): warnings.warn( "Warning in MULTIBATH block. There must be the same number of COMBATH and LAST parameters." ) if not len(LAST) == len(IRBATH): warnings.warn("Warning in MULTIBATH block. There must be the same number of IRBATH and LAST parameters") super().__init__(used=True) else: super().__init__(used=True, content=content)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: setattr(self, self._order[0][0][0], int(content[1].split()[0])) if "NUM" in content[0]: setattr(self, self._order[0][1][0], int(content[1].split()[1])) setattr(self, self._order[0][2][0], int(content[3].split()[0])) TEMP0 = [] TAU = [] # Read in the temperatures of each temp bath for ind in range(5, 5 + self.NBATHS): fields = list(map(float, content[ind].split())) TEMP0.append(fields[0]) TAU.append(fields[1]) setattr(self, "TEMP0", TEMP0) setattr(self, "TAU", TAU) # Read in DOFSET setattr(self, self._order[0][4][0], int(content[5 + self.NBATHS + 1].split()[0])) LAST = [] COMBATH = [] IRBATH = [] # Read in the last atoms of each temp bath for ind in range(5 + 3 + self.NBATHS, 5 + 3 + 2 * self.NBATHS): fields = list(map(float, content[ind].split())) LAST.append(fields[0]) COMBATH.append(fields[1]) IRBATH.append(fields[2]) setattr(self, "LAST", LAST) setattr(self, "COMBATH", COMBATH) setattr(self, "IRBATH", IRBATH) except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse " + __class__.__name__ + " block!\n" + str(err.args))
[docs] def adapt_multibath( self, last_atoms_bath: Dict[int, int], algorithm: int = None, num: int = None, T: Union[float, List[float]] = None, TAU: float = None, ) -> None: """adapt_multibath This function is adding each atom set into a single multibath. #TODO implementation not correct with com_bath and irbath! Works for super simple cases though Parameters ---------- last_atoms_bath : Dict[int,int] lastatom:bath algorithm : int int code for algorihtm T : float,List[float], optional temperature value TAU : float, optional coupling var Returns ------- None """ if T is None: if any([self.TEMP0[0] != T_test for T_test in self.TEMP0]): raise ValueError("Temperatures are not the same, this is not implemented in adapt multibath!") T = self.TEMP0[0] else: self.TEMP0 = [float(T) for x in range(len(self.TEMP0))] if TAU is None: if any([self.TAU[0] != T_test for T_test in self.TAU]): raise ValueError("Temperatures are not the same, this is not implemented in adapt multibath!") TAU = self.TAU[0] else: self.TAU = [float(TAU) for x in range(len(self.TAU))] if algorithm is None: pass else: self.ALGORITHM = int(algorithm) if num is not None: self.NUM = int(num) # print("MBATH") # print(last_atoms_bath) # print("\n") # print(last_atoms_bath.values()) # print("\n") # print(set(last_atoms_bath.values())) self.NBATHS = len(set(last_atoms_bath.values())) self.DOFSET = len(last_atoms_bath) self.LAST = [int(last_atom) for last_atom in last_atoms_bath] self.COMBATH = [int(last_atoms_bath[last_atom]) for last_atom in last_atoms_bath] self.IRBATH = [int(last_atoms_bath[last_atom]) for last_atom in last_atoms_bath] if self.NBATHS != len(self.TEMP0): self.TEMP0 = [float(self.TEMP0[0]) for x in range(self.NBATHS)] self.TAU = [float(self.TAU[0]) for x in range(self.NBATHS)]
[docs] def block_to_string(self) -> str: result = "" result += str( + "\n" result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(self._order[0][0]) + "\n" result += " " + str(int(self.ALGORITHM)) + "\n" if self.ALGORITHM == "2": if self.NUM is None: raise Exception("You need to specify the NUM parameter for MULTIBATH if ALGORITHM is 2!") result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(self._order[0][1]) + "\n" result += " " + str(self.NUM) + "\n" result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(self._order[0][2]) + "\n" result += " " + str(int(self.NBATHS)) + "\n" result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(self._order[0][3]) + "\n" for index in range(len(self.TEMP0)): result += " " + str(float(self.TEMP0[index])) + self.field_seperator + str(float(self.TAU[index])) + "\n" result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(map(str, self._order[0][4])) + "\n" result += " " + str(int(self.DOFSET)) + "\n" result += "# " + self.field_seperator.join(map(str, self._order[0][5])) + "\n" for index in range(len(self.LAST)): result += ( " " + str(int(self.LAST[index])) + self.field_seperator + str(int(self.COMBATH[index])) + self.field_seperator + str(int(self.IRBATH[index])) + "\n" ) result += "END\n" return result
[docs]class PRESSURESCALE(_generic_imd_block): """PRESSURESCALE Block This block controls the barostat of the simulation Attributes ----------- COUPLE: int off(0), calc(1), scale(2) SCALE: int off(0), iso(1), aniso(2), full(3), semianiso(4) COMP: float compessibility TAUP: float coupling strength VIRIAL: int none(0), atomic(1), group(2) SEMIANISOTROPIC: List[int] (semianisotropic couplings: X, Y, Z) e.g. 1 1 2: x and y jointly coupled and z separately coupled e.g. 0 0 1: constant area (xy-plane) and z coupled to a bath PRES0: List[List[float]] reference pressure """ name: str = "PRESSURESCALE" COUPLE: int SCALE: int COMP: float TAUP: float VIRIAL: int SEMIANISOTROPIC: List[int] PRES0: List[List[float]] _order = [ [["COUPLE", "SCALE", "COMP", "TAUP", "VIRIAL"], ["SEMIANISOTROPIC COUPLINGS(X, Y, Z)"], ["PRES0(1...3,1...3)"]] ] def __init__( self, COUPLE: int = 0, SCALE: int = 0, COMP: float = 0, TAUP: float = 0, VIRIAL: int = 0, SEMIANISOTROPIC: List[int] = [], PRES0: List[List[float]] = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.COUPLE = int(COUPLE) self.SCALE = int(SCALE) self.COMP = float(COMP) self.TAUP = float(TAUP) self.VIRIAL = int(VIRIAL) self.SEMIANISOTROPIC = list(SEMIANISOTROPIC) self.PRES0 = list(PRES0)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: [setattr(self, key, value) for key, value in zip(self._order[0][0], content[1].split())] setattr(self, "SEMIANISOTROPIC", list(map(int, content[3].split()))) setattr(self, "PRES0", [list(map(float, x.split())) for x in content[5:]]) except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not read string for block " + __class__.__name__ + "\n" + str(err.args))
[docs]class FORCE(_generic_imd_block): """FORCE Block this Block is controlling the forcefield options. It can turn on and of terms, as well as generate force sub groups for analysis. Attributes ----------- BONDS: bool ANGLES: bool IMPROPER: bool DIHEDRAL: bool ELECTROSTATIC: bool VDW: bool NEGR: int Number of Energy subgroups NRE: List[int] List of last atoms for Energy subgroups. (NRE len == NEGR) """ name: str = "FORCE" BONDS: bool ANGLES: bool IMPROPER: bool DIHEDRAL: bool ELECTROSTATIC: bool VDW: bool NEGR: int NRE: List[int] _order = [[["BONDS", "ANGLES", "IMPROPER", "DIHEDRAL", "ELECTROSTATIC", "VDW"], ["NEGR", "NRE"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, BONDS: bool = True, ANGLES: bool = True, IMPROPER: bool = True, DIHEDRAL: bool = True, ELECTROSTATIC: bool = True, VDW: bool = True, NEGR: int = 0, NRE: List[int] = [], content: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: BONDS: ANGLES: IMPROPER: DIHEDRAL: ELECTROSTATIC: VDW: NEGR: NRE (list): """ if content is None: self.BONDS = bool(int(BONDS)) self.ANGLES = bool(int(ANGLES)) self.IMPROPER = bool(int(IMPROPER)) self.DIHEDRAL = bool(int(DIHEDRAL)) self.ELECTROSTATIC = bool(int(ELECTROSTATIC)) self.VDW = bool(int(VDW)) try: self.NEGR = int(NEGR) except Exception: if isinstance(NEGR, list): self.NEGR = int(NEGR[0]) NRE = NEGR[1:] + NRE self.NRE = NRE super().__init__(used=True) else: super().__init__(used=True, content=content)
def _parse_key_content(self, keyLineNumb: int = 0, contentlines: List[str] = []): if keyLineNumb == 0: for key, field in zip(self._order[0][keyLineNumb], contentlines[0]): # first bring key to attribute form key = self._clean_key_from_order(key=key) field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=field, key=key) setattr(self, key, field) else: # NEGR key = "NEGR" field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=contentlines[0][0], key=key) setattr(self, key, field) # NRE key = "NRE" field = self._try_to_convert_field(field=contentlines[0][1:], key=key) setattr(self, key, field)
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: fields = content[1].split(self.field_seperator) while "" in fields: fields.remove("") self._parse_key_content(keyLineNumb=0, contentlines=[fields]) setattr(self, self._order[0][1][0], int(content[3].split()[0])) setattr(self, self._order[0][1][1], list(map(int, content[3].split()[1:]))) except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse FORCE block!\n" + str(err.args))
[docs] def adapt_energy_groups(self, energy_groups: Dict[int, int]): """ Change the Force groups. Parameters ---------- residues : Dict[int, int] the dictionary contains the forceGroups with the ID of the respective last atom. {forceGroupID: lastAtom} = {1:12, 2:26, 3:128} """ self.NEGR = len(energy_groups) self.NRE = [int(energy_groups[forceGroupID]) for forceGroupID in sorted(energy_groups)]
def __adapt_energy_groups(self, residues: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]): """ Old REEDS option adapt_energy_groups This method is very "crude" and will put each residue into an own energy group. Parameters ---------- residues : Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] you can get this dict from cnf class. Returns ------- None """ # set Energy Group ammount self.NEGR = len(residues) # total ammount of Engergy groups if "SOLV" in residues and len(residues["SOLV"]) == 0: self.NEGR -= 1 # make residues sortable, dict_m = {} solvent_names = ["WAT", "SOLV"] for x in sorted(residues): if type(residues[x]) == dict and x not in dict_m and x not in solvent_names: dict_m.update(residues[x]) elif x in dict_m and not x == "SOLV" and not x == "SOL": raise Exception("Found mutliple residues for the same residue id!") # build up NRE self.NRE = [] count = 0 for x in sorted(dict_m.keys()): val = dict_m[x] count += val self.NRE.append(count) # add solvents to NRE, but only if there are solvents present_solvents = [x for x in residues if (x in solvent_names)] if len(present_solvents) > 0: if [isinstance(residues[x], dict) and residues[x] != 0 for x in present_solvents]: self.NRE.append(sum(residues["SOLV"].values()) + count) elif [isinstance(residues[x], int) and residues[x] != 0 for x in present_solvents]: self.NRE.append(residues["SOLV"] + count)
[docs]class CONSTRAINT(_generic_imd_block): """CONSTRAINT block This block is controlling constraining the atoms during a simulation. Attributes ---------- NTC: int NTCP: int NTCP0: int NTCS: int NTCS0: int """ name: str = "CONSTRAINT" NTC: int NTCP: int NTCP0: float NTCS: int NTCS0: float _order = [[["NTC"], ["NTCP", "NTCP0(1)"], ["NTCS", "NTCS0(1)"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, NTC: int = 0, NTCP: int = 0, NTCP0: float = 0, NTCS: int = 0, NTCS0: float = 0, content: List[str] = None ): """ Args: NTC: NTCP: NTCP0: NTCS: NTCS0: """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTC = int(NTC) self.NTCP = int(NTCP) self.NTCP0 = float(NTCP0) self.NTCS = int(NTCS) self.NTCS0 = float(NTCS0)
[docs]class PAIRLIST(_generic_imd_block): """PAIRLIST Block This block is controlling the pairlist control. Attributes ---------- ALGORITHM: int standard(0) (gromos96 like pairlist) grid(1) (md++ grid pairlist) grid_cell(2) (creates a mask) NSNB: int frequency (number of steps) a pairlist is constructed RCUTPL: float short-range cut-off in twin-range RCUTL: float intermediate-range cut-off in twin-range SIZE: str, float grid cell size (or auto = 0.5 * RCUTP) TYPE: str, bool chargegoup(0) (chargegroup based cutoff) atomic(1) (atom based cutoff) """ name: str = "PAIRLIST" ALGORITHM: int NSNB: int RCUTPL: float RCUTL: float SIZE: Union[str, float] TYPE: Union[str, bool] _order = [[["ALGORITHM", "NSNB", "RCUTP", "RCUTL", "SIZE", "TYPE"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, ALGORITHM: int = 0, NSNB: int = 0, RCUTP: float = 0, RCUTL: float = 0, SIZE: Union[str, float] = 0, TYPE: Union[str, bool] = False, content: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: ALGORITHM: NSNB: RCUTP: RCUTL: SIZE: TYPE: """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.ALGORITHM = int(ALGORITHM) self.NSNB = int(NSNB) self.RCUTP = float(RCUTP) self.RCUTL = float(RCUTL) self.SIZE = SIZE self.TYPE = TYPE
[docs]class NONBONDED(_generic_imd_block): """NONBONDED block This block is controlling the Nonbonded term evaluation Attributes ---------- NLRELE: int 1-3 method to handle electrostatic interactions -1 : reaction-field (LSERF compatibility mode) 0 : no electrostatic interactions 1 : reaction-field 2 : Ewald method 3 : P3M method APPAK: float >= 0.0 reaction-field inverse Debye screening length RCRF: float >= 0.0 reaction-field radius EPSRF: float = 0.0 || > 1.0 reaction-field permittivity NSLFEXCL: bool contribution of excluded atoms to reaction field false=off/true=on NSHAPE: float -1..10 lattice sum charge-shaping function -1 : gaussian 0..10 : polynomial ASHAPE: float > 0.0 width of the lattice sum charge-shaping function NA2CLC: int 0..4 controls evaluation of lattice sum A2 term 0 : A2 = A2~ = 0 1 : A2~ exact, A2 = A2~ 2 : A2 numerical, A2~ = A2 3 : A2~ exact from Ewald or from mesh and atom coords, A2 numerical 4 : A2~ averaged from mesh only, A2 numerical TOLA2: float > 0.0 tolerance for numerical A2 evaluation EPSLS: float = 0.0 || > 1.0 lattice sum permittivity (0.0 = tinfoil) NKX, NKY, NKZ: float > 0 maximum absolute Ewald k-vector components KCUT: float > 0.0 Ewald k-space cutoff NGX, NGY, NGZ: float > 0 P3M number of grid points NASORD: int 1..5 order of mesh charge assignment function NFDORD: int 0..5 order of the mesh finite difference operator 0 : ik - differentiation 1..5 : finite differentiation NALIAS: float > 0 number of mesh alias vectors considered NSPORD: float order of SPME B-spline functions (not available) NQEVAL: float >= 0 controls accuracy reevaluation 0 : do not reevaluate > 0 : evaluate every NQEVAL steps FACCUR: float > 0.0 rms force error threshold to recompute influence function NRDGRD: bool 0,1 read influence function 0 : calculate influence function at simulation start up 1 : read influence function from file (not yet implemented) NWRGRD: bool 0,1 write influence function 0 : do not write 1 : write at the end of the simulation (not yet implemented) NLRLJ: bool 0,1 controls long-range Lennard-Jones corrections 0 : no corrections 1 : do corrections (not yet implemented) SLVDNS: float > 0.0 average solvent density for long-range LJ correction (ignored) """ name: str = "NONBONDED" NLRELE: int APPAK: float RCRF: float EPSRF: float NSLFEXCL: bool NSHAPE: int ASHAPE: float NA2CLC: int TOLA2: str EPSLS: float NKX: int NKY: int NKZ: int KCUT: float NGX: int NGY: int NGZ: int NASORD: int NFDORD: int NALIAS: int NSPORD: int NQEVAL: int FACCUR: float NRDGRD: bool NWRGRD: bool NLRLJ: bool SLVDNS: float _order = [ [ ["NLRELE"], ["APPAK", "RCRF", "EPSRF", "NSLFEXCL"], ["NSHAPE", "ASHAPE", "NA2CLC", "TOLA2", "EPSLS"], ["NKX", "NKY", "NKZ", "KCUT"], ["NGX", "NGY", "NGZ", "NASORD", "NFDORD", "NALIAS", "NSPORD"], ["NQEVAL", "FACCUR", "NRDGRD", "NWRGRD"], ["NLRLJ", "SLVDNS"], ] ] def __init__( self, NLRELE: int = 0, APPAK: float = 0, RCRF: float = 0, EPSRF: float = 0, NSLFEXCL: bool = False, NSHAPE: int = 0, ASHAPE: float = 0, NA2CLC: int = 0, TOLA2: str = 0, EPSLS: float = 0, NKX: int = 0, NKY: int = 0, NKZ: int = 0, KCUT: float = 0, NGX: int = 0, NGY: int = 0, NGZ: int = 0, NASORD: int = 0, NFDORD: int = 0, NALIAS: int = 0, NSPORD: int = 0, NQEVAL: int = 0, FACCUR: float = 0, NRDGRD: bool = False, NWRGRD: bool = False, NLRLJ: bool = False, SLVDNS: float = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NLRELE = NLRELE self.APPAK = APPAK self.RCRF = RCRF self.EPSRF = EPSRF self.NSLFEXCL = NSLFEXCL self.NSHAPE = int(NSHAPE) self.ASHAPE = ASHAPE self.NA2CLC = int(NA2CLC) self.TOLA2 = str(TOLA2) self.EPSLS = EPSLS self.NKX = int(NKX) self.NKY = int(NKY) self.NKZ = int(NKZ) self.KCUT = KCUT self.NGX = int(NGX) self.NGY = int(NGY) self.NGZ = int(NGZ) self.NASORD = int(NASORD) self.NFDORD = int(NFDORD) self.NALIAS = int(NALIAS) self.NSPORD = int(NSPORD) self.NQEVAL = int(NQEVAL) self.FACCUR = FACCUR self.NRDGRD = bool(int(NRDGRD)) self.NWRGRD = bool(int(NWRGRD)) self.NLRLJ = bool(int(NLRLJ)) self.SLVDNS = SLVDNS
[docs]class INITIALISE(_generic_imd_block): """INITIALISE block This block controls the Initialisation of a simulation. Attributes ---------- NTIVEL: bool 0,1 controls generation of initial velocities 0: read from configuration (default) 1: generate from Maxell distribution at temperature TEMPI NTISHK: int 0..3 controls shaking of initial configuration 0: no intial SHAKE (default) 1: initial SHAKE on coordinates only 2: initial SHAKE on velocities only 3: initial SHAKE on coordinates and velocities NTINHT: bool 0,1 controls generation of initial Nose-Hoover chain variables 0: read from configuration (default) 1: reset variables to zero. NTINHB: bool 0,1 controls generation of initial Nose-Hoover (chain) barostat variables 0: read from strartup file (if applicable) (default) 1: reset variables to zero NTISHI: bool 0,1 controls initial setting for lattice shift vectors 0: read from configuration (default) 1: reset shifts to zero. NTIRTC: bool 0,1 controls initial setting of positions and orientations for roto-translational constraints 0: read from configuration (default) 1: reset based on initial configuraion of startup file NTICOM: int 0,1,2 controls initial removal of COM motion 0: no initial system COM motion removal (default) 1: initial COM translation is removed 2: initial COM rotation is removed NTISTI: bool 0,1 controls generation of stochastic integrals 0: read stochastic integrals and IG from configuration (default) 1: set stochastic integrals to zero and use IG from here. IG: int random number generator seed TEMPI: float initial temperature """ name = "INITIALISE" NTIVEL: bool NTISHK: int NTINHT: bool NTINHB: bool NTISHI: bool NTIRTC: bool NTICOM: int NTISTI: bool IG: int TEMPI: float _order = [[["NTIVEL", "NTISHK", "NTINHT", "NTINHB"], ["NTISHI", "NTIRTC", "NTICOM"], ["NTISTI"], ["IG", "TEMPI"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, NTIVEL: bool = False, NTISHK: int = 0, NTINHT: bool = False, NTINHB: bool = False, NTISHI: bool = False, NTIRTC: bool = False, NTICOM: int = 0, NTISTI: bool = False, IG: int = 0, TEMPI: float = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: NTIVEL: NTISHK: NTINHT: NTINHB: NTISHI: NTIRTC: NTICOM: NTISTI: IG: TEMPI: """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTIVEL = NTIVEL self.NTISHK = NTISHK self.NTINHT = NTINHT self.NTINHB = NTINHB self.NTISHI = NTISHI self.NTIRTC = NTIRTC self.NTICOM = NTICOM self.NTISTI = NTISTI self.IG = IG self.TEMPI = TEMPI
[docs]class COMTRANSROT(_generic_imd_block): """COMTRANSROT block This block controls the center of mass translation and rotation removal. (flying ice cube problem) Attributes ---------- NSCM : int controls system centre-of-mass (com) motion removal 0: no com motion removal (default) < 0: com translation and rotation are removed every abs(NSCM) steps. > 0: com translation is removed every NSCM steps. """ name: str = "COMTRANSROT" NSCM: int _order = [[["NSCM"]]] def __init__(self, NSCM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NSCM = NSCM
[docs]class QMMM(_generic_imd_block): """QMMM Block The QMMM block describes how to treat an embedded QM zone Attributes ---------- NTQMMM: int Define if QM/MM is applied (1) or not (0, default) NTQMSW: int QM software package to use. Available options are MNDO (0, default), Turbomole (1), DFTB (2), MOPAC (3), ORCA (4), and XTB (5) RCUTQ: float Cutoff for inclusion of MM charge groups. If the value is 0, all particles are considered. NTWQMMM: int Write QM/MM related data to special trajectory every NTWQMMM step. Switch off with 0. QMLJ: int Define if LJ interaction is activated in the QM zone (1) or not (0). MMSCAL: float Scale MM charges with (2/pi)*atan(x*(r_{mm}-r_{mm})). Values > 0.0 describe the scaling factor, values < 0.0 turn off scaling (default). """ name: str = "QMMM" # fields NTQMMM: int # Define if QM/MM is applied (1) or not (0, default) NTQMSW: int # QM software package to use. Available options are MNDO (0, default), Turbomole (1), DFTB (2), MOPAC (3), ORCA (4), and XTB (5) RCUTQ: float # Cutoff for inclusion of MM charge groups. If the value is 0, all particles are considered. NTWQMMM: int # Write QM/MM related data to special trajectory every NTWQMMM step. Switch off with 0. QMLJ: int # Define if LJ interaction is activated in the QM zone (1) or not (0). MMSCAL: float # Scale MM charges with (2/pi)*atan(x*(r_{mm}-r_{mm})). Values > 0.0 describe the scaling factor, values < 0.0 turn off scaling (default). _order = [[["NTQMMM", "NTQMSW", "RCUTQ", "NTWQMMM", "QMLJ", "MMSCAL"]]] def __init__( self, NTQMMM: int = 0, NTQMSW: int = 0, RCUTQ: float = 0.0, NTWQMMM: int = 0, QMLJ: int = 0, MMSCAL: float = -1.0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTQMMM = int(NTQMMM) self.NTQMSW = int(NTQMSW) self.RCUTQ = float(RCUTQ) self.NTWQMMM = int(NTWQMMM) self.QMLJ = int(QMLJ) self.MMSCAL = float(MMSCAL)
[docs]class EDS(_generic_imd_block): """EDS block This block is used in an EDS simulation. Attributes ----------- NUMSTATES: int EDS-States S: float smoothness parameter EIR: List[float] energy offsets EDS: bool, optional turn on EDS_simulation ALPHLJ: float, optional ALPHC: float, optional FUNCTIONAL: int, optional 1: Single s Hamiltonian (default) 2: Hamiltonian with NUMSTATES*(NUMSTATES-1)/2 (pairwise) S parameters ==> changes type of S 3: Hamiltonian with (NUMSTATES-1) S parameters ==> changes type of S """ _order = [[["EDS"], ["ALPHLJ", "ALPHC"], ["FUNCTIONAL FORM"], ["NUMSTATES"], ["S"], ["EIR"]]] def __init__( self, NUMSTATES: int = 0, S: float = 0, EIR: List[float] = [], EDS: bool = 1, ALPHLJ: float = 0.0, ALPHC: float = 0.0, FUNCTIONAL: int = 1, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: = "EDS" self.EDS = EDS self.ALPHLJ = ALPHLJ self.ALPHC = ALPHC self.FUNCTIONAL = FUNCTIONAL self.NUMSTATES = NUMSTATES self.S = S self.EIR = EIR
[docs] def read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str]): try: setattr(self, "EDS", int(content[1].split()[0])) setattr(self, "ALPHLJ", float(content[3].split()[0])) setattr(self, "ALPHC", float(content[3].split()[1])) setattr(self, "FUNCTIONAL", int(content[5].split()[0])) setattr(self, "NUMSTATES", int(content[7].split()[0])) setattr(self, "S", list(map(float, content[9].split()))) setattr(self, "EIR", list(map(float, content[11].split()))) except Exception as err: raise IOError("Could not parse block from str - " + __class__.__name__ + "\n" + str(err.args))
[docs]class DISTANCERES(_generic_imd_block): """DISTANCERES Block""" name = "DISTANCERES" NTDIR: int NTDIRA: int CDIR: int DIR0: int TAUDIR: int FORCESCALE: int VDIR: int NTWDIR: int _order = [[["NTDIR", "NTDIRA", "CDIR", "DIR0", "TAUDIR", "FORCESCALE", "VDIR", "NTWDIR"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, NTDIR: int = 0, NTDIRA: int = 0, CDIR: int = 0, DIR0: int = 0, TAUDIR: int = 1, FORCESCALE: int = 0, VDIR: int = 0, NTWDIR: int = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: NTDIR: NTDIRA: CDIR: DIR0: TAUDIR: FORCESCALE: VDIR: NTWDIR: """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTDIR = NTDIR self.NTDIRA = NTDIRA self.CDIR = CDIR self.DIR0 = DIR0 self.TAUDIR = TAUDIR self.FORCESCALE = FORCESCALE self.VDIR = VDIR self.NTWDIR = NTWDIR
[docs]class POSITIONRES(_generic_imd_block): """POSITIONRES block This block allows the managment of the Position Restraints during the Simulation. Attributes ---------- NTPOR: 0..3 controls atom positions re(con)straining. 0: no position re(con)straints (default) 1: restraining with force constant CPOR 2: restraining with force constant CPOR weighted by atomic B-factors 3: constraining NTPORB: 0,1 controls reading of reference positions and B-factors 0: read reference positions from startup file. 1: read reference positions and B-factors from special file NTPORS: 0,1 controls scaling of reference positions upon pressure scaling 0: do not scale reference positions 1: scale reference positions CPOR: >= 0 position restraining force constant """ name = "POSITIONRES" NTPOR: int NTPORB: int NTPORS: int CPOR: int _order = [[["NTPOR", "NTPORB", "NTPORS", "CPOR"]]] def __init__(self, NTPOR: int = 0, NTPORB: int = 0, NTPORS: int = 0, CPOR: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTPOR = NTPOR self.NTPORB = NTPORB self.NTPORS = NTPORS self.CPOR = CPOR
[docs]class PRINTOUT(_generic_imd_block): """PRINTOUT block This Block manages the output frequency into the .omd/std-out file. Attributes ---------- NTPR: int print out energies, etc. every NTPR steps NTPP: int =1 perform dihedral angle transition monitoring """ name: str = "PRINTOUT" NTPR: int NTPP: int _order = [[["NTPR", "NTPP"]]] def __init__(self, NTPR: int = 0, NTPP: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: = "PRINTOUT" self.NTPR = NTPR self.NTPP = NTPP
[docs]class ENERGYMIN(_generic_imd_block): """ENERGYMIN block This block takes care of managing the Energyminimization controls. Attributes ---------- NTEM: int controls energy minimisation mode. 0: do not do energy minimisation (default) 1: steepest-descent minimisation 2: Fletcher-Reeves conjugate-gradient minimisation 3: Polak-Ribiere conjugate-gradient minimisation NCYC: int >0 number of steps before resetting the conjugate-gradient search direction =0 reset only if the energy grows in the search direction DELE: float >0.0 energy threshold for convergence >0.0 (conjugate-gradient) RMS force threshold for convergence DX0: float >0.0 initial step size DXM: float >0.0 maximum step size NMIN: float >0 minimum number of minimisation steps FLIM: float >=0.0 limit force to maximum value (FLIM > 0.0 is not recommended) """ name = "ENERGYMIN" NTEM: int NCYC: int DELE: float DX0: float DXM: float NMIN: int FLIM: float _order = [["NTEM NCYC DELE DX0 DXM NMIN FLIM".split()]] def __init__( self, NTEM: int = 0, NCYC: int = 0, DELE: float = 0, DX0: float = 0, DXM: float = 0, NMIN: int = 0, FLIM: float = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTEM = NTEM self.NCYC = NCYC self.DELE = DELE self.DX0 = DX0 self.DXM = DXM self.NMIN = NMIN self.FLIM = FLIM
[docs]class WRITETRAJ(_generic_imd_block): """WRITETRAJ The WRITETRAJ Block manages the output frequency of GROMOS. Here you can determine how often a file should be written. Attributes ---------- NTWX: int controls writing of coordinate trajectory 0: no coordinate trajectory is written (default) >0: write solute and solvent coordinates every NTWX steps <0: write solute coordinates every |NTWX| steps NTWSE: int >= 0 selection criteria for coordinate trajectory writing 0: write normal coordinate trajectory >0: write minimum-energy coordinate and energy trajectory (based on the energy entry selected by NTWSE and as blocks of length NTWX) (see configuration/ or ene_ana library for indices) NTWV: int controls writing of velocity trajectory 0: no velocity trajectory is written (default) >0: write solute and solvent velocities every NTWV steps <0: write solute velocities every |NTWV| steps NTWF: int controls writing of force trajectory 0: no force trajectory is written (default) >0: write solute and solvent forces every NTWF steps <0: write solute forces every |NTWF| steps NTWE: int >= 0 controls writing of energy trajectory 0: no energy trajectory is written (default) >0: write energy trajectory every NTWE steps NTWG: int >= 0 controls writing of free energy trajectory 0: no free energy trajectory is written (default) >0: write free energy trajectory every NTWG steps NTWB: int >= 0 controls writing of block-averaged energy trajectory 0: no block averaged energy trajectory is written (default) >0: write block-averaged energy variables every |NTWB| steps (and free energies if NTWG > 0) trajectory """ name = "WRITETRAJ" NTWX: int NTWSE: int NTWV: int NTWF: int NTWE: int NTWG: int NTWB: int _order = [[["NTWX", "NTWSE", "NTWV", "NTWF", "NTWE", "NTWG", "NTWB"]]]
[docs] def __init__( self, NTWX: int = 0, NTWSE: int = 0, NTWV: int = 0, NTWF: int = 0, NTWE: int = 0, NTWG: int = 0, NTWB: int = 0, content: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: NTWX: NTWSE: NTWV: NTWF: NTWE: NTWG: NTWB: """ super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTWX = int(NTWX) self.NTWSE = int(NTWSE) self.NTWV = int(NTWV) self.NTWF = int(NTWF) self.NTWE = int(NTWE) self.NTWG = int(NTWG) self.NTWB = int(NTWB)
[docs]class AMBER(_generic_imd_block): """AMBER block Attributes ---------- Amber: bool AMBSCAL: float """ name: str = "AMBER" Amber: bool AMBSCAL: float _order = [[["AMBER", "AMBSCAL"]]] def __init__(self, AMBER: int = 0, AMBSCAL: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: = "AMBER" self.AMBER = AMBER self.AMBSCAL = AMBSCAL
[docs]class COVALENTFORM(_generic_imd_block): """COVALENTFORM Block The COVALENTFORM Block manages the functional form of the Bonded contributions to the force field. It is optional in an imd file to define the block. Attributes ---------- NTBBH: int 0,1 controls bond-stretching potential 0: quartic form (default) 1: harmonic form NTBAH: int 0,1 controls bond-angle bending potential 0: cosine-harmonic (default) 1: harmonic NTBDN: int 0,1 controls torsional dihedral potential 0: arbitrary phase shifts (default) 1: phase shifts limited to 0 and 180 degrees. """ name = "COVALENTFORM" NTBBH: int NTBAH: int NTBDN: int _order = [[["NTBBH", "NTBAH", "NTBDN"]]] def __init__(self, NTBBH: int = 0, NTBAH: int = 0, NTBDN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTBBH = NTBBH self.NTBAH = NTBAH self.NTBDN = NTBDN
[docs]class INNERLOOP(_generic_imd_block): """INNERLOOP block Attributes ---------- NTILM: int NTILS: int NGPUS: int """ name = "INNERLOOP" NTILM: int NTILS: int NGPUS: int _order = [[["NTILM", "NTILS", "NGPUS"]]] def __init__(self, NTILM: int = 0, NTILS: int = 0, NGPUS: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTILM = NTILM self.NTILS = NTILS self.NGPUS = NGPUS
[docs]class LAMBDA(_generic_imd_block): """ LAMBDA block This block is controlling the perturbation for free energy calculations. Attributes ---------- NTIL: int NTLI(1): int or List[int] NILG1(1): int or List[int] NILG2(1): int or List[int] ALI(1): float or List[float] BLI(1): float or List[float] CLI(1): float or List[float] DLI(1): float or List[float] ELI(1): float or List[float] """ name: str = "LAMBDA" NTIL: int NTLI: List[int] NILG1: List[int] NILG2: List[int] ALI: List[float] BLI: List[float] CLI: List[float] DLI: List[float] ELI: List[float] _order: List[List[str]] = [ [ ["NTIL"], ["NTLI(1..)", "NILG1(1..)", "NILG2(1..)", "ALI(1..)", "BLI(1;;)", "CLI(1;;)", "DLI(1;;)", "ELI(1;;)"], ] ] def __init__( self, NTIL: int = 0, NTLI: List[int] = [], NILG1: List[int] = [], NILG2: List[int] = [], ALI: List[float] = [], BLI: List[float] = [], CLI: List[float] = [], DLI: List[float] = [], ELI: List[float] = [], content: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTIL = NTIL self.NTLI = NTLI self.NILG1 = NILG1 self.NILG2 = NILG2 self.ALI = ALI self.BLI = BLI self.CLI = CLI self.DLI = DLI self.ELI = ELI if not len(NTLI) == len(NILG1): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and NILG1 parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(NILG2): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and NILG2 parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(ALI): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and ALI parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(BLI): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and BLI parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(CLI): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and CLI parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(DLI): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and DLI parameters.") if not len(NTLI) == len(ELI): warnings.warn("Warning in LAMBDA Block. There must be the same number of NTLI and ELI parameters.")
[docs]class ROTTRANS(_generic_imd_block): """Roto-translational block This block is for roto-translational constraints. Note: use either centre of mass removal or roto-translational constraints but not both! Attributes ---------- RTC: int turn roto-translational constraints on (1) RTCLAST: int last atom of subset to be roto-translationally constrained """ name: str = "ROTTRANS" RTC: int RTCLAST: int _order = [[["RTC", "RTCLAST"]]] def __init__(self, RTC: int = 0, RTCLAST: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.RTC = RTC self.RTCLAST = RTCLAST
[docs]class RANDOMNUMBERS(_generic_imd_block): """ Random Numbers Block """ name: str = "RANDOMNUMBERS" NTRNG: int NTGSL: int _order = [[["NTRNG"], ["NTGSL"]]] def __init__(self, NTRNG: int = 0, NTGSL: int = 0, content: List[str] = None): super().__init__(used=True, content=content) if content is None: self.NTRNG = int(NTRNG) self.NTGSL = int(NTGSL)