Source code for pygromos.analysis.free_energy_calculation

Free Energy Calculations:
    This module contains functions for free energy calculations
    author: Gerhard König, Benjamin Schroeder

    THIS file was pirated from here:
# Calculations
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import mpmath as mp
from scipy import constants as const

from pygromos.utils.typing import Iterable, Number

class _FreeEnergyCalculator:
    constants: dict
    equation: sp.Function
    simplified_equation: sp.Function

    exp = np.vectorize(lambda x: mp.exp(x))  # this function deals with decimals to
    ln = lambda self, x: mp.ln(x)
    fermifunc = np.vectorize(lambda x, beta: 1 / (1 + mp.exp(beta * x)))

    J_to_cal: float = 0.239005736
    k, T, Vi, Vj = sp.symbols("k T, Vi, Vj")

    def __init__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        msg = ""
        msg += self.__class__.__name__ + "\n"
        msg += "\tEquation: " + str(self.equation) + "\n"
        msg += (
            + "\n\t\t".join([str(key) + ":\t" + str(value) for key, value in self.constants.items()])
            + "\n"
        msg += "\tsimplified Equation: " + str(self.simplified_equation) + "\n"
        return msg

    def calculate(self, Vi: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vj: (Iterable[Number], Number)) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError("This Function needs to be Implemented")

    def _update_function(self):
        self.simplified_equation = self.equation.subs(self.constants)

    def _prepare_type(self, *arrays):
        return tuple(map(lambda arr: np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.float(x), arr)), ndmin=1), arrays))

    def get_equation(cls) -> sp.Function:
        get_equation returns the symoblic Equation
        :return: symbolic implementation of Zwanzig
        :rtype: sp.Function
        return cls.equation

    def get_equation_simplified(cls) -> sp.Function:
        return cls.simplified_equation

    def set_parameters(self):
        set_parameters setter for the parameter
        raise NotImplementedError("This function needs to be implemented")

[docs]class zwanzigEquation(_FreeEnergyCalculator): """Zwanzig Equation This class is a nice wrapper for the zwanzig Equation. dF = - \beta \ln(\langle e^(-beta(V_j-V_i)) \rangle) """ k, T, Vi, Vj = sp.symbols("k T, Vi, Vj") equation: sp.Function = -(1 / (k * T)) * sp.log(sp.exp(-(1 / (k * T)) * (Vj - Vi))) constants: dict
[docs] def __init__( self, T: float = 298, k: float = const.k * const.Avogadro, kT: bool = False, kJ: bool = False, kCal: bool = False, ): """ __init__ Here you can set Class wide the parameters T and k for the Zwanzig Equation Parameters ---------- T: float, optional Temperature in Kelvin, defaults to 398 k: float, optional boltzmann Constant, defaults to const.k*const.Avogadro kT: bool, optional overwrites T and k to set all results in units of $k_bT$ kJ: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kJ/(mol*K) kCal: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kcal/(mol*K) """ self.constants = {} if kT: self.set_parameters(T=1, k=1) elif kJ: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=const.k * const.Avogadro / 1000) elif kCal: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=const.k * const.Avogadro * self.J_to_cal / 1000) else: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=k) self._update_function()
[docs] def calculate(self, Vi: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vj: (Iterable[Number], Number)) -> float: """zwanzig Calculate a free energy difference with the Zwanzig equation (aka exponential formula or thermodynamic perturbation). The initial state of the free energy difference is denoted as 0, the final state is called 1. The function expects two arrays of size n with potential energies. The first array, u00, contains the potential energies of a set of Boltzmann-weighted conformations of an MD or MC trajectory of the initial state, analyzed with the Hamiltonian of the initial state. The second array, u01 , contains the potential energies of a trajectory of the initial state that was analyzed with the potential energy function of the final state. The variable kT expects the product of the Boltzmann constant with the temperature that was used to generate the trajectory in the respective units of the potential energies. See Zwanzig, R. W. J. Chem. Phys. 1954, 22, 1420-1426. doi:10.1063/1.1740409 Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array Potential energies of state I Vj : np.array Potential energies of state J Returns ------- float free energy difference """ return float(self._calculate_mpmath(Vi=Vi, Vj=Vj))
[docs] def _calculate_implementation_bruteForce(self, Vi: (Iterable, Number), Vj: (Iterable, Number)) -> float: """ _calculate_implementation_bruteForce This is a plain implementation of the zwanzig equation. It is not very numerical robust Parameters ---------- Vi Vj Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array Potential energies of state I Vj : np.array Potential energies of state J Returns ------- float free energy difference """ if not (len(Vi) == len(Vj)): raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: The given arrays for Vi and Vj must have the same length. \n Actually they have: " + str(len(Vi) + " \t " + str(len(Vj))) + "\n" ) # Typcasting Vi, Vj = self._prepare_type(Vi, Vj) beta = 1 / (self.constants[self.k] * self.constants[self.T]) # calculate Beta # Calculate the potential energy difference in reduced units of kT dVij = -beta * (Vj - Vi) # Exponentiate to obtain exp(-Delta U/kT) try: edVij = self.exp(dVij) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError( "Zwanzig Error: Overflow in exponentiation of potential energy difference. Aborting calculation." ) # average of exponents meandVij = np.mean(edVij) # Return free energy difference try: # dF = zwanzigEquation.calculate(Vi, Vr) - zwanzigEquation.calculate(Vj, Vr) dF = -(1 / beta) * (meandVij).ln() except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: Problems taking logarithm of the average exponentiated potential energy difference " ) return dF
[docs] def _calculate_meanEfficient(self, Vi: (Iterable, Number), Vj: (Iterable, Number)) -> float: """ _calculate_meanEfficient Calculate a free energy difference with the Zwanzig equation (aka exponential formula or thermodynamic perturbation). The initial state of the free energy difference is denoted as 0, the final state is called 1. The function expects two arrays of size n with potential energies. The first array, u00, contains the potential energies of a set of Boltzmann-weighted conformations of an MD or MC trajectory of the initial state, analyzed with the Hamiltonian of the initial state. The second array, u01 , contains the potential energies of a trajectory of the initial state that was analyzed with the potential energy function of the final state. The variable kT expects the product of the Boltzmann constant with the temperature that was used to generate the trajectory in the respective units of the potential energies. This is an efficient more overflow robust implementation of the Zwanzig Equation. @Author: Gerhard König See Zwanzig, R. W. J. Chem. Phys. 1954, 22, 1420-1426. doi:10.1063/1.1740409 _calculate_implementation_bruteForce This is a plain implementation of the zwanzig equation. It is not very numerical robust Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array Potential energies of state I Vj : np.array Potential energies of state J Returns ------- float free energy difference """ if not (len(Vi) == len(Vj)): raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: The given arrays for Vi and Vj must have the same length. \n Actually they have: " + str(len(Vi) + " \t " + str(len(Vj))) + "\n" ) Vi, Vj = self._prepare_type(Vi, Vj) beta = 1 / (self.constants[self.k] * self.constants[self.T]) # Calculate the potential energy difference in reduced units of kT dVij = -beta * (Vj - Vi) # Calculate offset for increased numerical stability meandVij = np.mean(dVij) # Exponentiate to obtain exp(-Delta U/kT) try: edVij = self.exp(dVij - meandVij) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError( "Zwanzig Error: Overflow in exponentiation of potential energy difference. Aborting calculation." ) # Return free energy difference try: dF = -(1 / beta) * ((np.mean(edVij)).ln() + meandVij) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: Problems taking logarithm of the average exponentiated potential energy difference " + str(np.mean(edVij)) ) return dF
[docs] def _calculate_efficient(self, Vi: (Iterable, Number), Vj: (Iterable, Number)) -> float: """ _calculate_efficient Calculate a free energy difference with the Zwanzig equation (aka exponential formula or thermodynamic perturbation). The initial state of the free energy difference is denoted as 0, the final state is called 1. The function expects two arrays of size n with potential energies. The first array, u00, contains the potential energies of a set of Boltzmann-weighted conformations of an MD or MC trajectory of the initial state, analyzed with the Hamiltonian of the initial state. The second array, u01 , contains the potential energies of a trajectory of the initial state that was analyzed with the potential energy function of the final state. The variable kT expects the product of the Boltzmann constant with the temperature that was used to generate the trajectory in the respective units of the potential energies. This is an efficient more overflow robust implementation of the Zwanzig Equation. @Author: Gerhard König See Zwanzig, R. W. J. Chem. Phys. 1954, 22, 1420-1426. doi:10.1063/1.1740409 $dF = \frac{1}{\beta} * \ln(\langlee^{-\beta * (V_j-V_i)}\rangle)$ Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array Potential energies of state I Vj : np.array Potential energies of state J Returns ------- float free energy difference """ if not (len(Vi) == len(Vj)): raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: The given arrays for Vi and Vj must have the same length. \n Actually they have: " + str(len(Vi) + " \t " + str(len(Vj))) + "\n" ) Vi, Vj = self._prepare_type(Vi, Vj) beta = 1 / (self.constants[self.k] * self.constants[self.T]) # Calculate the potential energy difference in reduced units of kT dVij = -beta * (Vj - Vi) # Return free energy difference from scipy import special as s dF = -np.float(1 / beta) * s.logsumexp(np.array(dVij, dtype=np.float), b=1 / len(dVij)) return dF
[docs] def _calculate_mpmath(self, Vi: (Iterable, Number), Vj: (Iterable, Number)) -> float: """ implementation of zwanzig with mpmath package, another way of having a robust variant, but this one is very close to the initial equation thanks to the mpmath package. $dF = \frac{1}{\beta} * \ln(\langlee^{-\beta * (V_j-V_i)}\rangle)$ Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array Potential energies of state I Vj : np.array Potential energies of state J Returns ------- float free energy difference """ beta = np.float(1 / (self.constants[self.k] * self.constants[self.T])) return -(1 / beta) * np.float( mp.ln(np.mean(list(map(mp.exp, -beta * (np.array(Vj, ndmin=1) - np.array(Vi, ndmin=1)))))) )
[docs] def set_parameters(self, T: float = None, k: float = None): """ set_parameters setter for the parameters T and k Parameters ---------- T: float, optional Temperature in Kelvin, defaults to 398 k: float, optional boltzmann Constant, defaults to const.k*const.Avogadro """ if isinstance(T, (Number)): self.constants.update({self.T: T}) if isinstance(k, (Number)): self.constants.update({self.k: k}) self._update_function()
[docs]class zwanzig(zwanzigEquation): pass
[docs]class threeStateZwanzig(zwanzigEquation): """ this class provides the implementation for the Free energy calculation with EDS. It calculates the free energy via the reference state. $dF = dF_{BR}-dF_{AR} = \frac{1}{\beta} * ( \ln(\langle e^{-\beta * (V_j-V_R)}\rangle) - \ln(\langle e^{-\beta * (V_i-V_R)}\rangle))$ """ k, T, Vi, Vj, Vr = sp.symbols("k T Vi Vj Vr") equation: sp.Function = -(1 / (k * T)) * ( sp.log(sp.exp(-(1 / (k * T)) * (Vi - Vr))) - sp.log(sp.exp(-(1 / (k * T)) * (Vj - Vr))) )
[docs] def __init__( self, kCal: bool = False, T: float = 298, k: float = const.k * const.Avogadro, kT: bool = False, kJ: bool = False, ): """ __init__ this class provides the implementation for the Free energy calculation with EDS. It calculates the free energy via the reference state. Parameters ---------- T: float, optional Temperature in Kelvin, defaults to 398 k: float, optional boltzmann Constant, defaults to const.k*const.Avogadro kT: bool, optional overwrites T and k to set all results in units of $k_bT$ kJ: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kJ/(mol*K) kCal: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kcal/(mol*K) """ super().__init__(kCal=kCal, T=T, k=k, kT=kT, kJ=kJ)
[docs] def calculate( self, Vi: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vj: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vr: (Iterable[Number], Number) ) -> float: """ calculate this method calculates the zwanzig equation via the intermediate reference state R using the Zwanzig equation. Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array the potential energy of stateI while sampling stateR Vj : np.array the potential energy of stateJ while sampling stateR Vr : np.array the potential energy of stateR while sampling stateR Returns ------- float free energy difference """ return float(self._calculate_implementation_useZwanzig(Vi=Vi, Vj=Vj, Vr=Vr))
[docs] def _calculate_implementation_useZwanzig( self, Vi: (Iterable, Number), Vj: (Iterable, Number), Vr: (Iterable[Number], Number) ) -> float: """ calculate this method calculates the zwanzig equation via the intermediate reference state R using the Zwanzig equation. it directly accesses the zwanzig implmentation. Parameters ---------- Vi : np.array the potential energy of stateI while sampling stateR Vj : np.array the potential energy of stateJ while sampling stateR Vr : np.array the potential energy of stateR while sampling stateR Returns ------- float free energy difference """ if not (len(Vi) == len(Vj) == len(Vr)): raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: The given arrays for Vi and Vj must have the same length. \n Actually they have: " + str(len(Vi) + " \t " + str(len(Vj))) + "\n" ) # Type Casting Vi, Vj, Vr = self._prepare_type(Vi, Vj, Vr) # Build Zwanzig zwanz = zwanzigEquation() zwanz.constants = self.constants # Calc # V1 <- VR == V1-Vr dF1r = zwanz.calculate(Vi=Vr, Vj=Vi) # V2 <- VR == V2-Vr dF2r = zwanz.calculate(Vi=Vr, Vj=Vj) # (V1 <- VR) - (VR -> V2) dF = dF2r - dF1r return dF
[docs]class dfEDS(threeStateZwanzig): pass
[docs]class bennetAcceptanceRatio(_FreeEnergyCalculator): """ This class implements the BAR method. $dF = -\frac{1}{\beta} * \ln( \frac{f\langle(V_j-V_i+C)\rangle_i}{f\langle(V_i-V_j-C)\rangle_j})+C$ with : $ f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^(\beta x)}$ - fermi function """ k, T, beta, C, Vi_i, Vj_i, Vi_j, Vj_j = sp.symbols("k T beta C Vi_i Vj_i Vi_j Vj_j") equation: sp.Function = (1 / (k * T)) * ( sp.log(sp.exp((1 / (k * T)) * (Vi_j - Vj_j + C))) - sp.log(sp.exp((1 / (k * T)) * (Vj_i - Vi_i + C))) ) constants: dict = {T: 298, k: const.k * const.Avogadro, C: Number} # Numeric parameters convergence_radius: float max_iterations: int min_iterations: int
[docs] def __init__( self, C: float = 0.0, T: float = 298, k: float = const.k * const.Avogadro, kT: bool = False, kJ: bool = False, kCal: bool = False, convergence_radius: float = 10 ** (-5), max_iterations: int = 500, min_iterations: int = 1, ): """ __init__ Here you can set Class wide the parameters T and k for the bennet acceptance ration (BAR) Equation Parameters ---------- C: float, optional is the initial guess of the free Energy. T: float, optional Temperature in Kelvin, defaults to 398 k: float, optional boltzmann Constant, defaults to const.k*const.Avogadro kT: bool, optional overwrites T and k to set all results in units of $k_bT$ kJ: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kJ/(mol*K) kCal: bool, optional overwrites k to get the Boltzman constant with units kcal/(mol*K) convergence_radius: float, optional when is the result converged? if the deviation of one to another iteration is below the convergence radius. max_iterations: int, optional maximal number of iterations. min_iterations: int, optional minimal number of iterations """ self.constants = {} if kT: self.set_parameters(T=1, k=1, C=C) elif kJ: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=const.k * const.Avogadro / 1000, C=C) elif kCal: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=const.k * const.Avogadro * self.J_to_cal / 1000, C=C) else: self.set_parameters(T=T, k=k) # deal with numeric params: self.convergence_radius = convergence_radius self.min_iterations = min_iterations self.max_iterations = max_iterations self._update_function()
[docs] def calculate( self, Vi_i: Iterable[Number], Vj_i: Iterable[Number], Vi_j: Iterable[Number], Vj_j: Iterable[Number], verbose: bool = False, ) -> float: """ calculate this function is calculating the free energy difference of two states with the BAR method. Parameters ---------- Vi_i : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateI Vj_i : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateI Vi_j : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateJ Vj_j : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateJ Returns ------- float free energy difference """ return self._calculate_optimize(Vi_i, Vj_i, Vi_j, Vj_j, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def _calc_bar(self, C: Number, Vj_i: np.array, Vi_i: np.array, Vi_j: np.array, Vj_j: np.array) -> Number: """ _calc_bar this function is calculating the free energy difference of two states for one iteration of the BAR method. It is implemented straight forwad, but therefore not very numerical stable. Parameters ---------- Vi_i : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateI Vj_i : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateI Vi_j : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateJ Vj_j : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateJ Returns ------- float free energy difference """ # Calculate the potential energy difference in reduced units of kT dV_j = (Vi_j - Vj_j) + C dV_i = (Vj_i - Vi_i) - C # Exponentiate to obtain fermi(-Delta U/kT) try: ferm_dV_i = 1 / (1 + self.exp(self.constants[self.beta] * dV_i)) ferm_dV_j = 1 / (1 + self.exp(self.constants[self.beta] * dV_j)) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError( "Zwanzig Error: Overflow in exponentiation of potential energy difference. Aborting calculation." ) # get average mean_edV_i = np.mean(ferm_dV_i) mean_edV_j = np.mean(ferm_dV_j) # Return free energy difference try: ddF = (1 / self.constants[self.beta]) * self.ln(mean_edV_j / mean_edV_i) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( "BAR Error: Problems taking logarithm of the average exponentiated potential energy difference " + str(err.args) ) dF = ddF + C return dF
[docs] def _calc_bar_mpmath(self, C: Number, Vj_i: np.array, Vi_i: np.array, Vi_j: np.array, Vj_j: np.array) -> Number: """ _calc_bar this function is calculating the free energy difference of two states for one iteration of the BAR method. It is implemented straight forwad, but therefore not very numerical stable. Parameters ---------- Vi_i : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateI Vj_i : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateI Vi_j : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateJ Vj_j : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateJ Returns ------- float free energy difference """ # Calculate the potential energy difference in reduced units of kT dV_j = (Vi_j - Vj_j) + C dV_i = (Vj_i - Vi_i) - C # Exponentiate to obtain fermi(-Delta U/kT) try: ferm_dV_j = self.fermifunc(dV_j, self.constants[self.beta]) ferm_dV_i = self.fermifunc(dV_i, self.constants[self.beta]) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError( "Zwanzig Error: Overflow in exponentiation of potential energy difference. Aborting calculation." ) # get average mean_edV_j = np.mean(ferm_dV_j) mean_edV_i = np.mean(ferm_dV_i) # Return free energy difference try: ddF = (1 / self.constants[self.beta]) * mp.ln(mean_edV_j / mean_edV_i) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( "BAR Error: Problems taking logarithm of the average exponentiated potential energy difference " + str(err.args) ) return np.float(ddF + C)
[docs] def _calculate_optimize( self, Vi_i: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vj_i: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vi_j: (Iterable[Number], Number), Vj_j: (Iterable[Number], Number), C0: float = 0, verbose: bool = False, ) -> float: """ _calculate_optimize this function is calculating the free energy difference of two states with the BAR method. it iterates over the _calc_bar method and determines the convergence and the result. Parameters ---------- Vi_i : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateI Vj_i : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateI Vi_j : np.array potential energies of stateI while sampling stateJ Vj_j : np.array potential energies of stateJ while sampling stateJ Returns ------- float free energy difference """ if not ( (len(Vi_i) == len(Vi_i)) and (len(Vi_j) == len(Vj_j)) ): # I and J simulation don't need the same length. raise ValueError( "Zwanzig Error: The given arrays for Vi and Vj must have the same length. \n Actually they have: " + str(len(Vi_i) + " \t " + str(len(Vj_i))) + "\n" + str(len(Vi_j) + " \t " + str(len(Vj_j))) + "\n" ) # Calc Beta self.constants.update({self.beta: 1 / (self.constants[self.k] * self.constants[self.T])}) # given C? if not isinstance(C0, type(None)): self.constants.update({self.C: C0}) # optimization scheme: if verbose: print("Iterate: \tconvergence raidus: " + str(self.convergence_radius)) iteration = 0 convergence = self.convergence_radius + 1 while self.max_iterations > iteration: dF = self._calc_bar_mpmath(C=self.constants[self.C], Vj_i=Vj_i, Vi_i=Vi_i, Vi_j=Vi_j, Vj_j=Vj_j) # calc dF newC = dF convergence = abs(self.constants[self.C] - dF) if verbose: print("Iteration: " + str(iteration) + "\tdF: " + str(dF), "\tconvergence", convergence) if convergence > self.convergence_radius or self.min_iterations > iteration: iteration += 1 self.constants.update({self.C: newC}) else: break print() if iteration >= self.max_iterations: raise Exception( "BAR is not converged after " + str(iteration) + " steps. stopped at: " + str(self.constants[self.C]) ) print("Final Iterations: ", iteration, " Result: ", dF) return float(dF)
[docs] def set_parameters(self, C: float = None, T: float = None, k: float = None): """ set_parameters setter for the parameters T and k Parameters ---------- T: float, optional Temperature in Kelvin, defaults to 398 k: float, optional boltzmann Constant, defaults to const.k*const.Avogadro C: float, optional C is the initial guess of the free energy difference. """ if isinstance(T, Number): self.constants.update({self.T: T}) if isinstance(k, Number): self.constants.update({self.k: k}) if isinstance(C, Number): self.constants.update({self.C: C}) self._update_function()
# alternative class names
[docs]class bar(bennetAcceptanceRatio): pass