pygromos.files.forcefield.amber package¶
pygromos.files.forcefield.amber.amberff module¶
- class pygromos.files.forcefield.amber.amberff.AmberFF(name: str = 'amber', path_to_files: Optional[str] = None, auto_import: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)[source]¶
- clean = False¶
- create_cnf(mol: str, in_cnf: Optional[] = None, work_folder: Optional[str] = None, in_mol2_file: Optional[str] = None, gromosPP: Optional[pygromos.gromos.gromosPP.GromosPP] = None) pygromos.files.coord.cnf.Cnf [source]¶
- create_top(mol: str, in_top:, in_mol2_file: Optional[str] = None, work_folder: Optional[str] = None, gromosPP: Optional[pygromos.gromos.gromosPP.GromosPP] = None) [source]¶
- solvate = False¶
- solventbox = 'TIP3PBOX'¶
- class pygromos.files.forcefield.amber.amberff.amber2gromos(in_mol2_file: str, mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, gromosPP: pygromos.gromos.gromosPP.GromosPP, forcefield: pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field, work_folder: str = '.', solvate: bool = False, solventbox: Optional[str] = None, clean: bool = False)[source]¶
- __init__(in_mol2_file: str, mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, gromosPP: pygromos.gromos.gromosPP.GromosPP, forcefield: pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field, work_folder: str = '.', solvate: bool = False, solventbox: Optional[str] = None, clean: bool = False)[source]¶
uses the ambertools programs antechamber, parmchk, and tleap together with the GROMOS++ program amber2gromos to generate a GROMOS topology and coordinate file for a given molecule
- Parameters
in_mol2_file (str) – mol2 file for molecule to be parameterized
mol (Chem.rdchem.Mol) – rdkit molecule of the molecule in in_mol2_file
gromosPP (GromosPP)
forcefield (forcefield_system)
work_folder (str, optional) – where to generate the topology + cnf (default: “.”)
solvate (bool, optional) – should the topology be solvated? (default: False)
solventbox (str, optional) – what solvent should be used for solvation? e.g. TIP3PBOX or CHCL3BOX (default: TIP3PBOX)
clean (bool, optional) – should temporary ambertool files be removed after parameterization? (default: False)
- amber2gromos()[source]¶
converts an AMBER (GAFF) parameter and crd file to a GROMOS top and cnf file
- get_gromos_coordinate_file()[source]¶
- Returns
returns the path to the converted GROMOS coordinate file
- Return type