Gromos Tutorial

This tutorial will provide a quick introduction to how to setup, perform and analyze a MD simulation of a peptide in Gromos.

First we will generated the required input files, afterwards the simulation will be prepared with energy minimizations and equilibration. Finally a short MD simulation will be executed and quickly analyzed.

But first some minor definitions will be prepared.

import os
# Check if the path to this pacakge is set, else try to add it.
    import pygromos
    import os, sys, copy
    root_dir = os.getcwd()

    #if package is not installed and path not set correct - this helps you out :)
    import pygromos

from pygromos.utils import bash

#General path definitions:
## Project dir - The project dir will contain  all files and results generated from this notebook.
project_dir = os.path.abspath("example_files/Tutorial_System")
input_dir = project_dir+"/input" # contains prepared files (pdb of the peptide)

## Gromos Bin Path
gromosXX_bin = None
gromosPP_bin = None #None uses the Path variable - can be used . if you require a specific compiled gromos version, add a path here.

Build the input files

When a simulation study of a particular system or process is to be carried out, a number of choices have to be made with respect to the set-up of the simulation.

In PyGromosTools, the central hub to manage all these files is a GromosSystem object. Each file can be stored or generated with this object and it can be used to construct the system, that should be simulated.

The essential files of a Simulation are: * a topology file, containing all the topological and force-field information of the molecular system to be studied. * a coordinate file, representing the system of interest. * a simulation parameter file, telling the simulation engine, which simulation technique should be used and which physical parameters should be set.

from pygromos.files.gromos_system import Gromos_System

# Build Gromos System object
build_system = Gromos_System(work_folder=project_dir, system_name='peptide')

#set file building folder
build_system.work_folder = bash.make_folder(project_dir+"/a_build_initial_files")

/home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/files/gromos_system/ UserWarning: Did not change file path as its only promised None
  warnings.warn("Did not change file path as its only promised " + str(file_obj.path))

Expert Tip: Whenever you wonder about what a class or a function in our package does, you can use the standard help function of Python to get the information of the Docstring of the source code! This often helps understanding the code.

Help on Gromos_System in module pygromos.files.gromos_system.gromos_system object:

class Gromos_System(builtins.object)
 |  Gromos_System(work_folder: str, system_name: str, rdkitMol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol = None, in_mol2_file: str = None, readIn: bool = True, forcefield: pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field = <pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field object at 0x7f799f5a9460>, auto_convert: bool = False, adapt_imd_automatically: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, in_smiles: str = None, in_residue_list: List = None, in_top_path: str = None, in_cnf_path: str = None, in_imd_path: str = None, in_disres_path: str = None, in_ptp_path: str = None, in_posres_path: str = None, in_refpos_path: str = None, in_qmmm_path: str = None, in_gromosXX_bin_dir: str = None, in_gromosPP_bin_dir: str = None)
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __getstate__(self)
 |      preperation for pickling:
 |      remove the non trivial pickling parts
 |  __init__(self, work_folder: str, system_name: str, rdkitMol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol = None, in_mol2_file: str = None, readIn: bool = True, forcefield: pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field = <pygromos.files.forcefield._generic_force_field._generic_force_field object at 0x7f799f5a9460>, auto_convert: bool = False, adapt_imd_automatically: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, in_smiles: str = None, in_residue_list: List = None, in_top_path: str = None, in_cnf_path: str = None, in_imd_path: str = None, in_disres_path: str = None, in_ptp_path: str = None, in_posres_path: str = None, in_refpos_path: str = None, in_qmmm_path: str = None, in_gromosXX_bin_dir: str = None, in_gromosPP_bin_dir: str = None)
 |          The Gromos_System class is the central unit of PyGromosTools for files and states.
 |          With this class all files can be read-in or the files can be automatically generated from smiles.
 |          Additionally to that can all gromos++ functions be used from the Gromos System, so system generation can be easily accomplished.
 |          if you want to remove all binary checks, do the following:
 |          >>> from pygromos.files.gromos_system.gromos_system import Gromos_System
 |          >>> Gromos_System._gromos_noBinary_checks = True
 |          >>> sys = Gromos_System()
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      work_folder : str
 |          This gives the initial working folder for the system.
 |      system_name : str
 |          the name of the system, also used as file prefix
 |      in_smiles : str, optional
 |          Molecule input SMILES for file generation, by default None
 |      in_top_path : str, optional
 |          input Gromos topology path (.top), by default None
 |      in_cnf_path : str, optional
 |          input Gromos coordinate path (.cnf), by default None
 |      in_imd_path : str, optional
 |          input Gromos simulation parameters path (.imd), by default None
 |      in_disres_path : str, optional
 |          input Gromos distance restraint path (.disres), by default None
 |      in_ptp_path : str, optional
 |          input pertubation file for free energy calculations (.ptp), by default None
 |      in_posres_path : str, optional
 |          input position restraints file (.por), by default None
 |      in_qmmm_path: str, optional
 |          qmmm parameter file (.qmmm), by default None
 |      in_refpos_path : str, optional
 |          input reference position file (.rpf), by default None
 |      in_gromosXX_bin_dir : str, optional
 |          path to the binary dir of GromosXX, by default None -> uses the set binaries in the PATH variable
 |      in_gromosPP_bin_dir : str, optional
 |          path to the binary dir of GromosPP, by default None -> uses the set binaries in the PATH variable
 |      rdkitMol : Chem.rdchem.Mol, optional
 |          input rdkit Molecule, by default None
 |      in_mol2_file : str, optional
 |          path to input mol2 file, by default None
 |      readIn : bool, optional
 |          readIn all provided files?, by default True
 |      Forcefield : forcefield_system, optional
 |          input PyGromos - forcefield Class , by default forcefield_system()
 |      auto_convert : bool, optional
 |          automatically convert rdkit MOL and smiles to gromos files, by default False
 |      adapt_imd_automatically : bool, optional
 |          adjust the input imd file to the GromosSystem, by default True
 |      verbose : bool, optional
 |          Stay a while and listen!, by default False
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      Warning
 |          Rises warning if files are not present.
 |  __repr__(self) -> str
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setstate__(self, state)
 |  __str__(self) -> str
 |      Return str(self).
 |  adapt_imd(self, not_ligand_residues: List[str] = [])
 |  auto_convert(self)
 |  copy(self)
 |  generate_posres(self, residues: List = [<class 'int'>], keep_residues: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)
 |  get_file_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]
 |          get the paths of the files in a dict.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Dict[str, str]
 |          returns alle file paths, with attribute file name as key.
 |  get_script_generation_command(self, var_name: str = None, var_prefixes: str = '') -> str
 |  parse_attribute_files(self, file_mapping: Dict[str, str], readIn: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)
 |          This function sets dynamically builds the output folder, the file objs of this class and checks their dependencies.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      file_mapping: Dict[str, Union[str, None]]
 |          attribute name: input path
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |  prepare_for_simulation(self, not_ligand_residues: List[str] = [])
 |  rdkit2Gromos(self)
 |  rdkit2GromosName(self) -> str
 |  rdkitImport(self, inputMol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol)
 |  read_files(self, verbose: bool = False)
 |  rebase_files(self)
 |  save(self, path: Union[str, _io.FileIO] = None, safe: bool = True) -> str
 |      This method stores the Class as binary obj to a given path or fileBuffer.
 |  work_folder_no_update(self, work_folder: str)
 |      # Updates the work folder without updating all file paths
 |  write_files(self, cnf: bool = False, imd: bool = False, top: bool = False, ptp: bool = False, disres: bool = False, posres: bool = False, refpos: bool = False, qmmm: bool = False, mol: bool = False, all: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods defined here:
 |  load(path: Union[str, _io.FileIO] = None) -> object from builtins.type
 |      This method stores the Class as binary obj to a given path or fileBuffer.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties defined here:
 |  all_file_paths
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |  all_files
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  cnf
 |  disres
 |  gromosPP
 |  gromosPP_bin_dir
 |  gromosXX
 |  gromosXX_bin_dir
 |  imd
 |  name
 |  posres
 |  ptp
 |  qmmm
 |  refpos
 |  top
 |  trc
 |  tre
 |  work_folder
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'_checkpoint_path': <class 'str'>, '_future_promise...
 |  optional_files = {'disres': <class 'pygromos.files.topology.disres.Dis...
 |  required_files = {'cnf': <class 'pygromos.files.coord.cnf.Cnf'>, 'imd'...
 |  traj_files = {'trc': <class 'pygromos.files.trajectory.trc.Trc'>, 'tre...

The Topology File

The first task is to generate a molecular topology file containing the topological and force-field data concerning the molecular system under consideration. Specifying a complete molecular topology for a large molecule, however, is a tedious task. Therefore, in GROMOS a molecular topology is generated from molecular topology building blocks which carry the topological information of molecules like amino acid residues, nucleotides, etc., see Vol. 3. The molecular topology building blocks can be linked together into a complete molecular topology file using the GROMOS++ program make_top.

Many molecular topology building blocks are available in the molecular topology building block files (*.mtb), which are standard data files that come together with the GROMOS package.

In case the needed molecular topology building blocks are not part of the standard distribution, they must be constructed. Constructing a new topology building block may require estimation of additional force-field parameters, which have to be added to the interaction function parameter file (*.ifp).

When generating a molecular topology for the system of interest one should also address the protonation state of the molecular groups according to the pH and of the solvent and counter ions that need to be included in the simulation box. In case of a molecular complex, e.g. a DNA-protein complex, the two separately generated molecular topologies for the protein and the DNA can be merged using the GROMOS++ program com top.

Building the Topology File

In this section you should build a molecular topology of a linear charged penta-peptide with water as a solvent, including two Cl− counter ions.

programs: make_top, check_top

build topology for single molecule

You will build the molecular topology file of the linear charged penta-peptide Val-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Gln by using the GROMOS++ program make_top. As input following parameters will be provided: * in_building_block_lib_path: the molecular topology building block file is specified. In the code below, you will see, that we gather the forcefield information from the Gromos54A7 force field, which is directly provided by PyGromosTools * in_parameter_lib_path: specifies the interaction function parameter file. Also here we take the parameters directly from the Gromos54A7 forcefield from PyGromosTools. * in_solvent: The string name of the desired solvent. * in_sequence: the sequence of the building blocks for the amino acid residues, including the amino and carboxy terminus is specified (NH3+ VAL TYR ARG LYSH GLN COO-). (Notice that both termini are charged)

from import Gromos54A7 #Get standard information of the GROMOS54A7 force field.

#Generate the topology
build_system.make_top(in_sequence="NH3+ VAL TYR ARG LYSH GLN COO-",
                     in_building_block_lib_path = Gromos54A7.mtb,
                     in_parameter_lib_path= Gromos54A7.ifp)

#Here the residues in the topology file will be printed out :)  - this corresponds to the RESNAME Block in the topology file:

The Coordinate File

Coordinates for biomolecules are often available from X-ray or NMR experiments and can be obtained in Protein Data Bank (PDB) format, which can be converted to GROMOS format using the GROMOS++ program pdb2g96. However, the conversion is not always straightforward since the naming and numbering of the atoms in the PDB format usually do not match the GROMOS format.

Moreover, the coordinates for hydrogen atoms are not present in the PDB files (when the structure was determined using X-ray diffraction data) and have to be generated using the GROMOS++ program gch.

When the structure is determined using NMR data, the PDB structure often contains more hydrogen atoms than are needed for GROMOS, as in the GROMOS force field only polar and aromatic hydrogens are explicitly represented. Aliphatic hydrogens are non-existing due to the use of so-called united atoms. The aliphatic hydrogen and carbon atoms are merged to form united atoms which have their own parameters. If no atomic coordinates for the solute are available from experimental data, the coordinates have to be generated using molecular modeling software. Often parts of the structure (e.g. flexible loops) are not resolved in the experiment and therefore not available in the PDB and have to be modeled as well.

Periodic Boxes

When a simulation of a solute in solution is to be carried out, a (periodic) box (be it rectangular, triclinic or truncated octahedral) is put around the solute and filled with solvent molecules up to the required density. The solvent coordinates can e.g. be generated using the GROMOS++ program sim box. The generated box should be sufficiently large to allow the use of a reasonable non-bonded interaction cut-off radius. Putting the solute in a box of solvent using the sim_box program will result in several high-energy atom-atom contacts at the solute-solvent interface and at the box edges. In order to relax the generated configuration the solvent configuration should be energy minimized while positionally restraining the solute. Counter-ion atomic coordinates can then be generated using the GROMOS++ program ion, which can replace a number of solvent molecules by ions.

programs: pdb2g96, gch

Building the Coordinate File

The initial coordinate .pdb file is already provided in the input directory as peptide.pdb. Open the file peptide.pdb and check if the atom names match the names in the molecular topology object SOLUTEATOM block. In the pdb file peptide.pdb the coordinates for hydrogen atoms are not given and have to be generated. If the atom names are correct, you can continue in the second next cell by converting the PDB file peptide.pdb into the GROMOS format using the GROMOS++ program pdb2g96. The hydrogen atoms will be added to the coordinate file according to the topological requirements.

Warning: When converting coordinate files from the Protein Data Bank to GROMOS format many difficulties may emerge. If you encounter problems using the pdb2g96 program, have a look at Sec. 4-7.3. There you can find further documentation on the advanced usage of this program. Especially the use of a library that matches residue and atom names might be useful in many cases. pdb2g96.lib which you can find in the directory is an example of the PDB library file. ***

#Compare the atom names of the pdb file input/peptide.pdb with the printed ones here:
#   NRP: number of solute atoms
#  ATNM: atom number
#  MRES: residue number
#  PANM: atom name of solute atom
#   IAC: integer (van der Waals) atom type code
#  MASS: mass of solute atom
#    CG: charge of solute atom
#   CGC: charge group code (0 or 1)
#   INE: number of excluded atoms
# INE14: number of 1-4 interactions
#                                           INE14
        1       1       H1      21      1.008   0.248   0       4       2       3       4       5
                                                                                2       6       9
        2       1       H2      21      1.008   0.248   0       3       3       4       5
                                                                                2       6       9
        3       1       N       8       14.0067 0.129   0       4       4       5       6       9
                                                                                4       7       8       10      11
        4       1       H3      21      1.008   0.248   0       1       5
                                                                                2       6       9
        5       1       CA      14      13.019  0.127   1       6       6       7       8       9       10      11
                                                                                2       12      13
        6       1       CB      14      13.019  0.0     0       3       7       8       9
                                                                                2       10      11
        7       1       CG1     16      15.035  0.0     0       1       8
                                                                                1       9
        8       1       CG2     16      15.035  0.0     1       0
                                                                                1       9
        9       1       C       12      12.011  0.45    0       4       10      11      12      13
                                                                                2       14      27
        10      1       O       1       15.9994 -0.45   1       1       11
                                                                                2       12      13
        11      2       N       6       14.0067 -0.31   0       4       12      13      14      27
                                                                                3       15      28      29
        12      2       H       21      1.008   0.31    1       1       13
                                                                                2       14      27
        13      2       CA      14      13.019  0.0     0       5       14      15      27      28      29
                                                                                4       16      18      30      31
        14      2       CB      15      14.027  0.0     0       8       15      16      17      18      19      20
                                                                                        22      27
                                                                                2       28      29
        15      2       CG      12      12.011  0.0     1       9       16      17      18      19      20      21
                                                                                        22      23      24
                                                                                1       27
        16      2       CD1     12      12.011  -0.14   0       8       17      18      19      20      21      22
                                                                                        24      25
        17      2       HD1     20      1.008   0.14    1       4       18      20      21      24
        18      2       CD2     12      12.011  -0.14   0       6       19      20      22      23      24      25
        19      2       HD2     20      1.008   0.14    1       3       22      23      24
        20      2       CE1     12      12.011  -0.14   0       5       21      22      23      24      25
                                                                                1       26
        21      2       HE1     20      1.008   0.14    1       3       22      24      25
        22      2       CE2     12      12.011  -0.14   0       3       23      24      25
                                                                                1       26
        23      2       HE2     20      1.008   0.14    1       2       24      25
        24      2       CZ      12      12.011  0.203   0       2       25      26
        25      2       OH      3       15.9994 -0.611  0       1       26
        26      2       HH      21      1.008   0.408   1       0
        27      2       C       12      12.011  0.45    0       4       28      29      30      31
                                                                                2       32      44
        28      2       O       1       15.9994 -0.45   1       1       29
                                                                                2       30      31
        29      3       N       6       14.0067 -0.31   0       4       30      31      32      44
                                                                                3       33      45      46
        30      3       H       21      1.008   0.31    1       1       31
                                                                                2       32      44
        31      3       CA      14      13.019  0.0     0       5       32      33      44      45      46
                                                                                3       34      47      48
        32      3       CB      15      14.027  0.0     0       3       33      34      44
                                                                                3       35      45      46
        33      3       CG      15      14.027  0.0     1       2       34      35
                                                                                3       36      37      44
        34      3       CD      15      14.027  0.09    0       3       35      36      37
                                                                                2       38      41
        35      3       NE      11      14.0067 -0.11   0       4       36      37      38      41
                                                                                4       39      40      42      43
        36      3       HE      21      1.008   0.24    0       1       37
                                                                                2       38      41
        37      3       CZ      12      12.011  0.34    0       6       38      39      40      41      42      43
        38      3       NH1     10      14.0067 -0.26   0       3       39      40      41
                                                                                2       42      43
        39      3       HH11    21      1.008   0.24    0       1       40
                                                                                1       41
        40      3       HH12    21      1.008   0.24    0       0
                                                                                1       41
        41      3       NH2     10      14.0067 -0.26   0       2       42      43
        42      3       HH21    21      1.008   0.24    0       1       43
        43      3       HH22    21      1.008   0.24    1       0
        44      3       C       12      12.011  0.45    0       4       45      46      47      48
                                                                                2       49      57
        45      3       O       1       15.9994 -0.45   1       1       46
                                                                                2       47      48
        46      4       N       6       14.0067 -0.31   0       4       47      48      49      57
                                                                                3       50      58      59
        47      4       H       21      1.008   0.31    1       1       48
                                                                                2       49      57
        48      4       CA      14      13.019  0.0     0       5       49      50      57      58      59
                                                                                3       51      60      61
        49      4       CB      15      14.027  0.0     1       3       50      51      57
                                                                                3       52      58      59
        50      4       CG      15      14.027  0.0     0       2       51      52
                                                                                2       53      57
        51      4       CD      15      14.027  0.0     1       2       52      53
                                                                                3       54      55      56
        52      4       CE      15      14.027  0.127   0       4       53      54      55      56
        53      4       NZ      8       14.0067 0.129   0       3       54      55      56
        54      4       HZ1     21      1.008   0.248   0       2       55      56
        55      4       HZ2     21      1.008   0.248   0       1       56
        56      4       HZ3     21      1.008   0.248   1       0
        57      4       C       12      12.011  0.45    0       4       58      59      60      61
                                                                                2       62      69
        58      4       O       1       15.9994 -0.45   1       1       59
                                                                                2       60      61
        59      5       N       6       14.0067 -0.31   0       4       60      61      62      69
                                                                                3       63      70      71
        60      5       H       21      1.008   0.31    1       1       61
                                                                                2       62      69
        61      5       CA      14      13.019  0.0     0       5       62      63      69      70      71
                                                                                1       64
        62      5       CB      15      14.027  0.0     0       3       63      64      69
                                                                                4       65      66      70      71
        63      5       CG      15      14.027  0.0     1       3       64      65      66
                                                                                3       67      68      69
        64      5       CD      12      12.011  0.29    0       4       65      66      67      68
        65      5       OE1     1       15.9994 -0.45   0       1       66
                                                                                2       67      68
        66      5       NE2     7       14.0067 -0.72   0       2       67      68
        67      5       HE21    21      1.008   0.44    0       1       68
        68      5       HE22    21      1.008   0.44    1       0
        69      5       C       12      12.011  0.27    0       2       70      71
        70      5       O1      2       15.9994 -0.635  0       1       71
        71      5       O2      2       15.9994 -0.635  1       0
# Generate coordinate file:

#show the coordinates that were generated.
Initial Write out

Next we will write out all generated files, such we have the initial products of our efforts.

# Now write all files, such that you can check them directly.
print("Path before rebase: "+str(build_system.cnf.path))

#check this
print("Path after rebase: "+build_system.cnf.path)

#Check also how the system path and attributes were automatically updated.

Path before rebase: None
File imd is empty , can not be written!
Path after rebase: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/a_build_initial_files/peptide.cnf

WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/a_build_initial_files

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: None
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/a_build_initial_files/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/a_build_initial_files/peptide.cnf
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        []  resID: []  natoms: 0
        Non-LIGANDS:    []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0
        SOLVENT:        []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0

add hydrogens

Have a look at the cnf coordinates in the GromosSystem (next cell). You will notice that the hydrogen atoms have been added to the coordinate file with the Cartesian coordinates being set to zero.

#print x lines of the Position Block of valine
print("".join([str(atomP) for atomP in build_system.cnf.POSITION if("VAL" == atomP.resName)]))
    1 VAL   H1         1    0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000000000
    1 VAL   H2         2    0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000000000
    1 VAL   N          3    1.196200000    1.413300000    1.529800000
    1 VAL   H3         4    0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000000000
    1 VAL   CA         5    1.237300000    1.322400000    1.421900000
    1 VAL   CB         6    1.116100000    1.268700000    1.345400000
    1 VAL   CG1        7    1.041700000    1.369500000    1.257600000
    1 VAL   CG2        8    1.157800000    1.148100000    1.261100000
    1 VAL   C          9    1.335700000    1.393300000    1.328600000
    1 VAL   O         10    1.447800000    1.344200000    1.316600000

In order to generate meaningful coordinates for the hydrogen atoms run the GROMOS++ program protonate (or gch). It will generate the coordinates for hydrogen atoms by geometric means using the information from the molecular topology file. The argument tolerance sets the tolerance that is used for keeping the coordinates of hydrogens that are already present in the coordinate file.

# Add the hydrogen positions

#store the current files with a different name: = "peptideH"

#visualize again the nice structure

File imd is empty , can not be written!

Optional: Convert cnf to pdb

pdb_path = build_system.cnf.write_pdb(build_system.work_folder+"/vacuum_hpeptide.pdb")

Energy Minimization - Vacuum

Before putting the penta-peptide into a box of solvent, its configuration can be relaxed by energy minimisation.

Simulation Parameter File

The GROMOS simulation parameter file (also called imd) template_emin_vac can be parsed like follows and contains the following blocks:

from import  template_emin_vac

#load simulation parameter file (Imd) File
build_system.imd = template_emin_vac

#for nicer code we will store the simulation parameter file in a variable.
emin_vac_imd_file = build_system.imd


In the TITLE block you specify what is done with following input file, so you know what you did with it later and can easily reuse it.

        steepest descent energy minimization of the peptide in vacuum

        >>> Generated with PyGromosTools (riniker group) <<<

The existence of the ENERGYMIN block means that Gromos will perform an energy minimisation (EM) run. The NTEM switch indicates which minimisation algorithm to be used. With NTEM = 1 we indicate that the steepest-descent algorithm (Sec. 2-11.2) is used. NCYC gives the number of steps before resetting of conjugate-gradient search direction in case we would use the conjugate gradient method (NTEM = 2). Using DELE the energy threshold (the difference in energy between two energy minimisation steps) for stopping the minimisation process (convergence) is specified. The initial step size and maximum step size is given in DX0 and DXM, respectively. Using FLIM the absolute value of the forces can be limited to a maximum value before the algorithm is applied (see also 4-93).

Help on ENERGYMIN in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class ENERGYMIN(_generic_imd_block)
 |  ENERGYMIN(NTEM: int = 0, NCYC: int = 0, DELE: float = 0, DX0: float = 0, DXM: float = 0, NMIN: int = 0, FLIM: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  ENERGYMIN block
 |  This block takes care of managing the Energyminimization controls.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTEM:   int
 |      controls energy minimisation mode.
 |      0: do not do energy minimisation (default)
 |      1: steepest-descent minimisation
 |      2: Fletcher-Reeves conjugate-gradient minimisation
 |      3: Polak-Ribiere conjugate-gradient minimisation
 |  NCYC:   int
 |      >0 number of steps before resetting the conjugate-gradient search direction
 |      =0 reset only if the energy grows in the search direction
 |  DELE:   float
 |      >0.0 energy threshold for convergence
 |      >0.0 (conjugate-gradient) RMS force threshold for convergence
 |  DX0:    float
 |      >0.0 initial step size
 |  DXM:    float
 |      >0.0 maximum step size
 |  NMIN:   float
 |      >0 minimum number of minimisation steps
 |  FLIM:   float
 |      >=0.0 limit force to maximum value (FLIM > 0.0 is not recommended)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTEM: int = 0, NCYC: int = 0, DELE: float = 0, DX0: float = 0, DXM: float = 0, NMIN: int = 0, FLIM: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'DELE': <class 'float'>, 'DX0': <class 'float'>, 'D...
 |  name = 'ENERGYMIN'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

# The current ENERGYMIN Block
#        NTEM    NCYC    DELE    DX0     DXM     NMIN    FLIM
         1       0       0.100000        0.010000        0.050000        2000    0.000000

In the SYSTEM block you specify the number of solutes (NPM) and solvent (NSM) molecules. You only have one solute NPM = 1 and no solvent molecules NSM = 0 because you still did not add any solvent molecules to the configuration file and the peptide is still in vacuum. Otherwise you would have to tell MD++ how many solvent molecules you are using.

Help on SYSTEM in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class SYSTEM(_generic_imd_block)
 |  SYSTEM(NPM: int = 0, NSM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  System Block
 |      The system block defines the number of solute molecules and solvent molecules
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NPM:    int
 |      Number of Solute Molecules
 |  NSM:    int
 |      Number of Solvent Molecules
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      SYSTEM
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NPM: int = 0, NSM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NPM': <class 'int'>, 'NSM': <class 'int'>, 'name':...
 |  name = 'SYSTEM'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None


#        NPM     NSM
         1       0
STEP Block

The step block takes core of how long and with

Help on STEP in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class STEP(_generic_imd_block)
 |  STEP(NSTLIM: int = 0, T: float = 0, DT: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  Step Block
 |      This Block gives the number of simulation steps,
 |  Attributes
 |  -----------
 |  NSTLIM: int
 |      number of simulations Step till terminating.
 |  T:  float
 |      Starting Time
 |  DT: float
 |      time step [fs]
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      STEP
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NSTLIM: int = 0, T: float = 0, DT: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'DT': <class 'float'>, 'NSTLIM': <class 'int'>, 'T'...
 |  name = 'STEP'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NSTLIM          T       DT
         3000    0.000000        0.002000

In the BOUNDCOND block you specify which periodic boundary conditions (PBC) you are going to use in the EM procedure. NTB = 0 defines a vacuum simulation: PBC are not applied. To indicate the truncated octahedron (t) PBC, NTB is set to -1, for rectangular (r) PBC NTB is 1, and for the triclinic (c) PBC NTB is 2. NDFMIN defines the number of degrees of freedom subtracted from the total number of degrees of freedom for the calculation of the temperature.

Help on BOUNDCOND in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class BOUNDCOND(_generic_imd_block)
 |  BOUNDCOND(NTB: int = 0, NDFMIN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  Boundary Condition Block
 |      This block describes the boundary condition of the coordinate system.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |      NTB : int, optional
 |          Boundary conditions, by default 0
 |          -1 : truncated octahedral
 |           0 : vacuum
 |           1 : rectangular
 |           2 : triclinic
 |      NDFMIN : int, optional
 |          number of degrees of freedom subtracted for temperature, by default 0
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTB: int = 0, NDFMIN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NDFMIN': <class 'int'>, 'NTB': <class 'int'>, 'nam...
 |  name = 'BOUNDCOND'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTB     NDFMIN
         0       0

With the PRINTOUT block you can specify how often (every NTPRth step) you are printing out the energies to the output file.

Help on PRINTOUT in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class PRINTOUT(_generic_imd_block)
 |  PRINTOUT(NTPR: int = 0, NTPP: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  PRINTOUT block
 |      This Block manages the output frequency into the .omd/std-out file.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTPR: int
 |      print out energies, etc. every NTPR steps
 |  NTPP: int
 |      =1 perform dihedral angle transition monitoring
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      PRINTOUT
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTPR: int = 0, NTPP: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NTPP': <class 'int'>, 'NTPR': <class 'int'>, 'name...
 |  name = 'PRINTOUT'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTPR    NTPP
         10      0

Bonds vibrate at high frequencies (hν ≫ kBT ). Therefore, these vibrations are of quantum-mechanical nature. So constraining the bond lengths is a better approximation than treating them as classical harmonic oscillators. Constraining all bond lengths of the solute and solvent (NTC=3) allows the use of a rather large time step of 2 fs. In this example the constraints are imposed by the SHAKE algorithm for both solute (NTCP=1) and solvent (NTCS=1) with a tolerance of 0.0001. See 4-90 for more information.

Help on CONSTRAINT in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class CONSTRAINT(_generic_imd_block)
 |  CONSTRAINT(NTC: int = 0, NTCP: int = 0, NTCP0: float = 0, NTCS: int = 0, NTCS0: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  CONSTRAINT block
 |      This block is controlling constraining the atoms during a simulation.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTC:    int
 |  NTCP:   int
 |  NTCP0:  int
 |  NTCS:   int
 |  NTCS0:  int
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTC: int = 0, NTCP: int = 0, NTCP0: float = 0, NTCS: int = 0, NTCS0: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Args:
 |          NTC:
 |          NTCP:
 |          NTCP0:
 |          NTCS:
 |          NTCS0:
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NTC': <class 'int'>, 'NTCP': <class 'int'>, 'NTCP0...
 |  name = 'CONSTRAINT'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTC
#        NTCP    NTCP0(1)
         1       0.000100
#        NTCS    NTCS0(1)
         1       0.000100

In the FORCE block you tell MD++ which terms it should use for the energy and force calculation. For bond angles, improper dihedrals, torsional dihedrals and the non-bonded interactions the standard terms of the GROMOS force field are switched on (1). Because we are using bond-length constraints and the SHAKE algorithm, we have to switch off (0) the bond-stretching terms for the bonds involving hydrogen atoms and not involving hydrogen atoms.. In the last line of this block, the energy groups are defined. In general, we define one or more energy groups for every molecule, and one comprising all the solvent molecules. The first integer is the number of energy groups we want to use (in the present case we only have one energy group). The following numbers are the atom sequence numbers of the last atom of each energy group. By defining these energy groups we 7-9 tell MD++ to sum up the energies between the atoms within these groups and calculate the inter-group energies, which can be very useful.

         0       1       1       1       1       1
#        NEGR    NRE
         1       71

In the PAIRLIST block you specify which algorithm you will use for the pairlist generation. The cut-off used in the short-range pairlist construction is given by RCUTP and for GROMOS it is usually 0.8 nm. The cut-off used in the long-range interactions is given by RCUTL and for GROMOS it is usually 1.4 nm. The pairlist is generated every 5th (NSNB) step. TYPE specifies the type of the cut-off, whether it is based on the distance between charge-groups (0) or on the distance between atoms (1).

Warning: Think very carefully about the definition of energy groups before running the simulation. Energies of energy groups can not be calculated from the trajectories in an efficient way. So, changing an energy-group definition will result in rerunning the simulation. ***

Help on PAIRLIST in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class PAIRLIST(_generic_imd_block)
 |  PAIRLIST(ALGORITHM: int = 0, NSNB: int = 0, RCUTP: float = 0, RCUTL: float = 0, SIZE: Union[str, float] = 0, TYPE: Union[str, bool] = False, content: List[str] = None)
 |  PAIRLIST Block
 |          This block is controlling the pairlist control.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  ALGORITHM: int
 |      standard(0) (gromos96 like pairlist)
 |      grid(1) (md++ grid pairlist)
 |      grid_cell(2) (creates a mask)
 |  NSNB:   int
 |      frequency (number of steps) a pairlist is constructed
 |  RCUTPL: float
 |      short-range cut-off in twin-range
 |  RCUTL:  float
 |      intermediate-range cut-off in twin-range
 |  SIZE:   str, float
 |      grid cell size (or auto = 0.5 * RCUTP)
 |  TYPE:   str, bool
 |      chargegoup(0) (chargegroup based cutoff)
 |      atomic(1)     (atom based cutoff)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      PAIRLIST
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, ALGORITHM: int = 0, NSNB: int = 0, RCUTP: float = 0, RCUTL: float = 0, SIZE: Union[str, float] = 0, TYPE: Union[str, bool] = False, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Args:
 |          ALGORITHM:
 |          NSNB:
 |          RCUTP:
 |          RCUTL:
 |          SIZE:
 |          TYPE:
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'ALGORITHM': <class 'int'>, 'NSNB': <class 'int'>, ...
 |  name = 'PAIRLIST'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

         0       5       0.800000        1.400000        0.4     0

In the NONBONDED block you specify using NLRELE which method for the evaluation of long-range electrostatic interactions is used. Since you will use the reaction-field method, the value of NLRELE should be equal to 1. The long-range electrostatic interactions are truncated beyond a certain cutoff (RCUTL in the PAIRLIST block). Beyond the reaction-field cut-off radius (RCRF) the electrostatic interactions are replaced by a static reaction field with a dielectric permittivity of EPSRF. RCRF and RCUTL should be identical. Because we are doing the energy minimisation in vacuo EPSRF is set to 1. With NSLFEXCL equal to 1, you include the contributions of excluded atoms to the electrostatic energy. The ionic strength of the continuum is set to 0 (APPAK). All other switches are not used for the reaction-field method. See 4-98 for more information.

Help on NONBONDED in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class NONBONDED(_generic_imd_block)
 |  NONBONDED(NLRELE: int = 0, APPAK: float = 0, RCRF: float = 0, EPSRF: float = 0, NSLFEXCL: bool = False, NSHAPE: int = 0, ASHAPE: float = 0, NA2CLC: int = 0, TOLA2: str = 0, EPSLS: float = 0, NKX: int = 0, NKY: int = 0, NKZ: int = 0, KCUT: float = 0, NGX: int = 0, NGY: int = 0, NGZ: int = 0, NASORD: int = 0, NFDORD: int = 0, NALIAS: int = 0, NSPORD: int = 0, NQEVAL: int = 0, FACCUR: float = 0, NRDGRD: bool = False, NWRGRD: bool = False, NLRLJ: bool = False, SLVDNS: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  NONBONDED block
 |      This block is controlling the Nonbonded term evaluation
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NLRELE: int
 |      1-3 method to handle electrostatic interactions
 |      -1 : reaction-field (LSERF compatibility mode)
 |      0 : no electrostatic interactions
 |      1 : reaction-field
 |      2 : Ewald method
 |      3 : P3M method
 |  APPAK: float
 |      >= 0.0 reaction-field inverse Debye screening length
 |  RCRF: float
 |      >= 0.0 reaction-field radius
 |  EPSRF: float
 |       = 0.0 || > 1.0 reaction-field permittivity
 |  NSLFEXCL: bool
 |      contribution of excluded atoms to reaction field false=off/true=on
 |  NSHAPE: float
 |      -1..10 lattice sum charge-shaping function
 |      -1 : gaussian
 |      0..10 : polynomial
 |  ASHAPE: float
 |      > 0.0 width of the lattice sum charge-shaping function
 |  NA2CLC: int
 |      0..4 controls evaluation of lattice sum A2 term
 |      0 : A2 = A2~ = 0
 |      1 : A2~ exact, A2 = A2~
 |      2 : A2 numerical, A2~ = A2
 |      3 : A2~ exact from Ewald or from mesh and atom coords, A2 numerical
 |      4 : A2~ averaged from mesh only, A2 numerical
 |  TOLA2: float
 |       > 0.0 tolerance for numerical A2 evaluation
 |  EPSLS: float
 |      = 0.0 || > 1.0 lattice sum permittivity (0.0 = tinfoil)
 |  NKX, NKY, NKZ: float
 |      > 0 maximum absolute Ewald k-vector components
 |  KCUT: float
 |      > 0.0 Ewald k-space cutoff
 |  NGX, NGY, NGZ: float
 |      > 0 P3M number of grid points
 |  NASORD: int
 |      1..5 order of mesh charge assignment function
 |  NFDORD: int
 |      0..5 order of the mesh finite difference operator
 |      0 : ik - differentiation
 |      1..5 : finite differentiation
 |  NALIAS: float
 |      > 0 number of mesh alias vectors considered
 |  NSPORD: float
 |      order of SPME B-spline functions (not available)
 |  NQEVAL: float
 |      >= 0 controls accuracy reevaluation
 |      0 : do not reevaluate
 |      > 0 : evaluate every NQEVAL steps
 |  FACCUR: float
 |      > 0.0 rms force error threshold to recompute influence function
 |  NRDGRD: bool
 |      0,1 read influence function
 |      0 : calculate influence function at simulation start up
 |      1 : read influence function from file (not yet implemented)
 |  NWRGRD: bool
 |      0,1 write influence function
 |      0 : do not write
 |      1 : write at the end of the simulation (not yet implemented)
 |  NLRLJ: bool
 |      0,1 controls long-range Lennard-Jones corrections
 |      0 : no corrections
 |      1 : do corrections (not yet implemented)
 |  SLVDNS: float
 |      > 0.0 average solvent density for long-range LJ correction (ignored)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NLRELE: int = 0, APPAK: float = 0, RCRF: float = 0, EPSRF: float = 0, NSLFEXCL: bool = False, NSHAPE: int = 0, ASHAPE: float = 0, NA2CLC: int = 0, TOLA2: str = 0, EPSLS: float = 0, NKX: int = 0, NKY: int = 0, NKZ: int = 0, KCUT: float = 0, NGX: int = 0, NGY: int = 0, NGZ: int = 0, NASORD: int = 0, NFDORD: int = 0, NALIAS: int = 0, NSPORD: int = 0, NQEVAL: int = 0, FACCUR: float = 0, NRDGRD: bool = False, NWRGRD: bool = False, NLRLJ: bool = False, SLVDNS: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'APPAK': <class 'float'>, 'ASHAPE': <class 'float'>...
 |  name = 'NONBONDED'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NLRELE
         0.000000        1.400000        61.000000       1
#        NSHAPE          ASHAPE          NA2CLC          TOLA2   EPSLS
         -1      1.400000        2       1e-10   0.000000
#        NKX     NKY     NKZ     KCUT
         10      10      10      100.000000
#        NGX     NGY     NGZ     NASORD          NFDORD          NALIAS          NSPORD
         32      32      32      3       2       3       4
#        NQEVAL          FACCUR          NRDGRD          NWRGRD
         100000          1.600000        0       0
#        NLRLJ   SLVDNS
         0       33.300000

Perform Emin

In order to run the MD++ program, a shell script needs to be prepared. Open the shell script em peptide. run and adapt the paths and the names of the files according to your system.

from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import emin

out_prefix = "emin_vacuum"

## Preparing emin gromos system
in_emin_system = build_system.copy()
in_emin_system.work_folder = project_dir
in_emin_system._gromosXX_bin_dir = gromosXX_bin
in_emin_system.imd = emin_vac_imd_file # This step is not necessary, as we did this before

from pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks import WRITETRAJ
in_emin_system.imd.add_block(block=WRITETRAJ(NTWE=25, NTWX=25))



WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/data/simulation_parameters_templates/vac_emin.imd
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/peptideH.cnf
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        []  resID: []  natoms: 0
        Non-LIGANDS:    []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0
        SOLVENT:        []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0

out_emin_system = emin(in_gromos_system=in_emin_system,


Script:  /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/simulations/hpc_queuing/job_scheduling/schedulers/

Simulation Setup:

steps_per_run:  3000
equis:  0
simulation runs:  1

 submit final analysis part

ANA jobID: 0


Once the energy minimisation is finished, the file with the minimized coordinates, peptide min.cnf, and the general output file, em peptide.omd, that reports the progress of the minimisation, will be written out. Have a look at both files and check if the minimisation has finished successfully.


This is nice, but how do we actually get to this structure! In the next cell the development of the total Potential energy over the energyminimization steps is shown. As you can see, the Potential energy of the whole system is decreasing, which indicates a relaxatio of the peptide structure and an optimization of the different forcefield terms. Ergo finding a minimal total potential system energy as possible is desirable in energyminimizations.

out_emin_system.tre.get_totals().totene.plot(xlabel="steps", ylabel="$V_{tot}~[kJ/mol]$")

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='steps', ylabel='$V_{tot}~[kJ/mol]$'>

The effect seend in the total potential energy can also be observed of course in the peptide molecue coordinats.

view = out_emin_system.trc.view
/home/mlehner/anaconda3/envs/pygro2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mdtraj/core/ UserWarning: top= kwargs ignored since this file parser does not support it
  warnings.warn('top= kwargs ignored since this file parser does not support it')

Finally we wan to store our energy minimization results as a python pickle obj.

out_emin_system_path ="/emin_vac_result.obj")

#if you want to load the file:
#out_emin_system = Gromos_System.load(out_emin_system.work_folder+"/emin_vac_result.obj")

Solvatistation and Solvent Energy Minimization

Now you can put the energy minimized penta-peptide in a box of solvent to simulate an aequos environment. This can be done with the sim_box function of the gromosSyste, which can solvate the solute in a pre-equilibrated box of solvent molecules. As input for the function sim_box you have to specify the following input arguments: * periodic_boundary_condition: the resulting box shape under the argument (r - rectangular, t - truncated octahedron, c - triclinic) * in_solvent_cnf_file_path: the coordinate file of the pre-equilibrated box of solvent molecules under the argument (we are using a template \(H_2O\) of the SPC model provided in * minwall: minimum solute-to-wall distance in \(nm\) * threshold: the minimum solute-to-solvent distance ins \(nm\) * rotate: If you are using a rectangular box (@pbc r) it is recommended to use an additional argument. With this additional argument the solute can be rotated (before solvating) such that the largest distance between any two solute atoms is directed along the z-axis, and the largest atom-atom distance in the xy-plane lies in the y-direction. An input file sim box peptide.arg is already prepared.

Help on function sim_box in module pygromos.gromos.gromosPP:

sim_box(in_solvent_cnf_file_path: str, periodic_boundary_condition: str = 'r', gathering_method: str = None, minwall: float = 0.8, threshold: float = None, rotate: str = None, boxsize: bool = False, _binary_name: str = 'sim_box', verbose: bool = False) -> str
    When simulating a molecule in solution or in a crystal containing solvent
    molecules, the atomic coordinates of the solvent molecules are to be
    generated, if they are not available from experiment. Program sim_box can
    solvate a solute in a pre-equilibrated box of solvent molecules. The file
    specifying the solvent configuration should contain a BOX block with the
    dimensions corresponding to the pre-equilibrated density. The solvent
    topology is read from the solvent block in the specified topology.

    in_top_path : str
        the path to the input topology file (.top)
    in_cnf_path : str
        the path to the input coordinate file (.cnf), which shall be solvated
    in_solvent_cnf_file_path : str
        the path to the input coordinate file of the solvent  (.cnf), that shall be used to solvate (checkout for templates)
    out_cnf_path : str, optional
        the path to the resulting coordinate (.cnf) file, by default ""
    periodic_boundary_condition : str, optional
        describes the boundary condition of the given system in the cnf. (r - rectangle, v - vacuum, ), by default "r"
    gathering_method : str, optional
        the gathering method to be used, by default None
    minwall : float, optional
        minimum solute to wall distance, by default 0.8
    threshold : float, optional
        minimum solvent-solute distance, by default None ->  0.23 nm
    rotate : str, optional
        rotate solute: biggest axis along z, second along y, by default None
    boxsize : bool, optional
        use boxsize specified in solute coordinate file, by default False
    _binary_name : str, optional
        name of the binary, by default "sim_box"
    verbose : bool, optional
        stay a while and listen!, by default False

        return the path to the resulting cnf path.

dict_keys(['_future_file', '_topology', '_xyz', '_rmsd_traces', '_unitcell_lengths', '_unitcell_angles', '_time_default_to_arange', '_time', '_step', 'TITLE', 'path', '_view'])

build box system

To put the solvent box around the penta-peptide use following commands:

from import spc

#setup a fresh gromos System:
box_system = out_emin_system.copy()
#box_system = gromos_system.Gromos_System.load(out_emin_system_path) #if you do this step after a break, you could also decide to load the serialized obj from before.

box_system.imd = None = "solvate_box"
box_system.work_folder = bash.make_folder(project_dir+"/c_"

## set box and solvate the system

box_system.rebase_files() #write out the files (optional) - so you can check them in the folder
box_system.cnf.view #show the results
/home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/files/gromos_system/ UserWarning: did not find the required imd found
  warnings.warn("did not find the required " + file_name + " found")

Add Ions

After solvating the system, two \(Cl-\) ions shall be added to the box as counter charges for the two positive peptide residues (Arginine and Lysine).

To add the ions, we need to know the name of the building block in Gromos54A7. We can checkout the names of the Atomtype names in the topology of our system:

print([ a for a in])
[['54'], ['O'], ['OM'], ['OA'], ['OE'], ['OW'], ['N'], ['NT'], ['NL'], ['NR'], ['NZ'], ['NE'], ['C'], ['CH0'], ['CH1'], ['CH2'], ['CH3'], ['CH4'], ['CH2r'], ['CR1'], ['HC'], ['H'], ['DUM'], ['S'], ['CU1+'], ['CU2+'], ['FE'], ['ZN2+'], ['MG2+'], ['CA2+'], ['P,SI'], ['AR'], ['F'], ['CL'], ['BR'], ['CMet'], ['OMet'], ['NA+'], ['CL-'], ['CChl'], ['CLChl'], ['HChl'], ['SDmso'], ['CDmso'], ['ODmso'], ['CCl4'], ['CLCl4'], ['FTFE'], ['CTFE'], ['CHTFE'], ['OTFE'], ['CUrea'], ['OUrea'], ['NUrea'], ['CH3p']]

After finding the atomtype name (hint: ‘CL-’), we next can use it to add two of these ions to our system with the ion function.

Help on function ion in module pygromos.gromos.gromosPP:

ion(in_building_block_lib_path: str, in_parameter_lib_path: str, periodic_boundary_condition: str = 'v', negative: list = None, positive: list = None, potential: float = 0.8, mindist: float = 0.8, random_seed: int = None, exclude: str = None, _binary_name: str = 'ion', verbose: bool = False) -> str
    When simulating a charged solute in solution, one may wish to include
    counter-ions in the molecular system in order to obtain a neutral system, or
    a system with a specific ionic strength. The program ion can replace solvent
    molecules by atomic ions by placing the
    ion at the position of the first atom of a solvent molecule. Substitution of
    solvent molecules by positive or negative ions can be performed by selecting
    the solvent positions with the lowest or highest Coulomb potential, respectively,
    or by random selection. In order to prevent two ions being placed too
    close together, a sphere around each inserted ion can be specified from which
    no solvent molecules will be substituted by additional ions. In addition, the user can
    specify specific water molecules that should not be considered for

    in_top_path : str
        the path to the input topology file (.top)
    in_cnf_path : str
        the path to the input coordinate file (.cnf), to which the ions shall be added
    out_cnf_path : str
        the path to the resulting coordinate (.cnf) file
    periodic_boundary_condition : str, optional
        describes the boundary condition of the given system in the cnf. (r - rectangle, v - vacuum, ). a gathering method can be optionally added with a whitespace seperation., by default "v"
    negative : list, optional
        the first element of the list is the number of ions and the second element of the list is the type of ion, optionally a third element can be passed giving the residue name, by default None
    positive : list, optional
        the first element of the list is the number of ions and the second element of the list is the type of ion, optionally a third element can be passed giving the residue name, by default None
    potential : float, optional
        cutoff for potential calculation[nm], by default 0.8
    mindist : float, optional
        minimum distance between ions[nm], by default 0.8
    random_seed : int, optional
        provide the used random seed, by default None
    exclude : str, optional
        if you want to exclude solvent molecules, define a gromos selection here, by default None
    _binary_name : str, optional
        the program name, by default "ion"
    verbose : bool, optional
        stay a while and listen, by default False

        returns the resulting cnf-file path

from import spc

## Build directory and setup a fresh Gromos System
ion_system = box_system.copy() = "ion"
ion_system.work_folder = bash.make_folder(project_dir+"/d_"

#Add the ions to the System
ion_system.ion(negative=[2, "CL-"])

ion_system.rebase_files()   #write out the files, so you can check them (optional)
ion_system.cnf.view  #show the results.

Energy Minimization BOX

In order to relax the unfavorable atom-atom contacts between the solute and the solvent, energy minimization of the solvent should be performed while keeping the solute positionally restrained (i.e. connecting the atom to a reference position by a spring). In order to do that two additional files, in which the positionally restrained atoms and the reference coordinates are specified, have to be generated from the coordinate file in our gromos system. Afterwards, we are going to run the second energy minimization

build posistion restraints

To apply position restraints to our simulation for the peptide, we first need to generate a selection of residues, that shall not be modified by the energyminimization. This translates to the residues of the peptide. After this the function generate_posres can be used to generate two files. * position restraints - posres(.por) This file defines the selection of atoms, that shall be restrained during the simulation. * reference position - refpos (.rpf) This files defines a reference position for the system. Gromos will restrain the selected atoms in the posres file to the reference position file. So if the atom position during the simulation deviates from the refpos file, the program will restrain the atom, such it moves towards the reference position.


from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import emin from import template_emin # Preparing emin gromos system in_eminBox_system = ion_system.copy() = "emin_solvBox" in_eminBox_system.work_folder = project_dir # Build position restraints ## Build selection for residues restrain_res = [k for k in in_eminBox_system.cnf.residues if(not k in ("CL-", "SOLV"))] print("Selection of residues: ", restrain_res) ## Build the restrain files in_eminBox_system.generate_posres(residues=restrain_res) # Check simulation params in_eminBox_system.imd = template_emin #Here we use template simulation parameters, The blocks are the same as above in the vacuum case with slight deviations. in_eminBox_system.imd.INITIALISE.NTISHI = 1 in_eminBox_system.prepare_for_simulation() in_eminBox_system
Selection of residues:  ['VAL', 'TYR', 'ARG', 'LYSH', 'GLN']

GROMOS SYSTEM: emin_solvBox
WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System
LAST CHECKPOINT: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/emin_vac_result.obj

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/data/simulation_parameters_templates/emin.imd
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/emin_solvBox.cnf
        posres: None
        refpos: None
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        ['CL6', 'CL7']  resID: [6, 7]  natoms: 2
        Non-LIGANDS:    []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0
        SOLVENT:        SOLV  nmolecules: 930  natoms: 2790

In the ouptut of the in_eminBox_system two new files appeared the posres and refpos file:

ion has replaced 2 solvent molecules in /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/d_ion/ion.cnf by
2 negative ions (CL-)
Solvent molecules were selected according to the highest / lowest
electrostatic potential

        >>> Generated with PyGromosTools (riniker group) <<<
    1 VAL   H1         1   -0.466039509    0.107068229   -0.151069220
    1 VAL   H2         2   -0.401465786    0.026940681   -0.024813902
    1 VAL   N          3   -0.432414924    0.018324392   -0.119519889
    1 VAL   H3         4   -0.505798596   -0.049378313   -0.125221767
    1 VAL   CA         5   -0.318752364   -0.024224333   -0.202467114
    1 VAL   CB         6   -0.373465010   -0.031635286   -0.345171611
    1 VAL   CG1        7   -0.375327181    0.100384420   -0.422508155
    1 VAL   CG2        8   -0.312775396   -0.149655615   -0.421315267
    1 VAL   C          9   -0.202187437    0.069532034   -0.170330753
    1 VAL   O         10   -0.203245639    0.121386106   -0.058800328
    2 TYR   N         11   -0.102128907    0.084161731   -0.256737514
    2 TYR   H         12   -0.098080944    0.029885412   -0.340636582
    2 TYR   CA        13    0.018655880    0.167364265   -0.246683687
    2 TYR   CB        14   -0.002756278    0.314387014   -0.283236038
    2 TYR   CG        15   -0.048773935    0.406717195   -0.170250028
    2 TYR   CD1       16   -0.182678567    0.413240325   -0.133567598
    2 TYR   HD1       17   -0.260065781    0.384896607   -0.204888104
    2 TYR   CD2       18    0.048327903    0.468975895   -0.092686587
    2 TYR   HD2       19    0.151325797    0.473772485   -0.128020125
    2 TYR   CE1       20   -0.217487257    0.473004714   -0.013000399
    2 TYR   HE1       21   -0.322783097    0.484771339    0.012564216
    2 TYR   CE2       22    0.013175251    0.530464601    0.026900147
    2 TYR   HE2       23    0.089050177    0.587521539    0.080458541
    2 TYR   CZ        24   -0.119337180    0.527807813    0.068756454
    2 TYR   OH        25   -0.145507035    0.540882621    0.201568903
    2 TYR   HH        26   -0.081715914    0.607922948    0.239449083
    2 TYR   C         27    0.115805998    0.136914297   -0.132474868
    2 TYR   O         28    0.211640835    0.063818891   -0.157056503
    3 ARG   N         29    0.083151951    0.165250087   -0.006686980
    3 ARG   H         30    0.001388625    0.218814191    0.014470360
    3 ARG   CA        31    0.172035422    0.131181336    0.105343321
    3 ARG   CB        32    0.160963320    0.232822082    0.219172617
    3 ARG   CG        33    0.031760480    0.225513789    0.300801725
    3 ARG   CD        34    0.065987501    0.269750448    0.443226804
    3 ARG   NE        35    0.003769017    0.179854770    0.541485965
    3 ARG   HE        36   -0.091497332    0.201673696    0.562658053
    3 ARG   CZ        37    0.062141586    0.075048175    0.601186018
    3 ARG   NH1       38    0.184794140    0.032263967    0.568343747
    3 ARG   HH11      39    0.228843408   -0.042435179    0.618121597
    3 ARG   HH12      40    0.228807480    0.065885805    0.485091775
    3 ARG   NH2       41   -0.001260231    0.013058464    0.701645134
    3 ARG   HH21      42    0.041195663   -0.065563290    0.746532886
    3 ARG   HH22      43   -0.089541851    0.046195549    0.734918729
    3 ARG   C         44    0.173254971   -0.013870953    0.154028761
    3 ARG   O         45    0.185208597   -0.042309231    0.273103508
    4 LYSH  N         46    0.162807050   -0.103932982    0.056721659
    4 LYSH  H         47    0.182603907   -0.070849428   -0.035551490
    4 LYSH  CA        48    0.156904142   -0.250588582    0.065120742
    4 LYSH  CB        49    0.048571437   -0.300415450    0.160991537
    4 LYSH  CG        50    0.085934868   -0.439794674    0.211848260
    4 LYSH  CD        51   -0.037748891   -0.523515797    0.245045132
    4 LYSH  CE        52    0.005417510   -0.661279435    0.295709174
    4 LYSH  NZ        53   -0.108328480   -0.754275429    0.300034383
    4 LYSH  HZ1       54   -0.135609930   -0.776899716    0.206528187
    4 LYSH  HZ2       55   -0.185192371   -0.711020046    0.347158498
    4 LYSH  HZ3       56   -0.081715914   -0.837556030    0.348574218
    4 LYSH  C         57    0.136972566   -0.313251518   -0.073044194
    4 LYSH  O         58    0.031106181   -0.367340392   -0.104625036
    5 GLN   N         59    0.236073002   -0.287496691   -0.157925246
    5 GLN   H         60    0.316859105   -0.234277179   -0.132579675
    5 GLN   CA        61    0.263132888   -0.332739421   -0.295157267
    5 GLN   CB        62    0.160944769   -0.282204560   -0.397220388
    5 GLN   CG        63    0.167762938   -0.132321877   -0.427113398
    5 GLN   CD        64    0.066161499   -0.088257923   -0.532680987
    5 GLN   OE1       65   -0.042879991   -0.039560951   -0.503277398
    5 GLN   NE2       66    0.105103739   -0.093861261   -0.659724117
    5 GLN   HE21      67    0.041195663   -0.065563290   -0.731234275
    5 GLN   HE22      68    0.197931140   -0.125751231   -0.678828780
    5 GLN   C         69    0.402663055   -0.277858242   -0.325644310
    5 GLN   O1        70    0.448562786   -0.295773090   -0.440523695
    5 GLN   O2        71    0.458569483   -0.212000520   -0.235286858

ion has replaced 2 solvent molecules in /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/d_ion/ion.cnf by
2 negative ions (CL-)
Solvent molecules were selected according to the highest / lowest
electrostatic potential

        >>> Generated with PyGromosTools (riniker group) <<<
    1 VAL   H1         1   -0.466039509    0.107068229   -0.151069220
    1 VAL   H2         2   -0.401465786    0.026940681   -0.024813902
    1 VAL   N          3   -0.432414924    0.018324392   -0.119519889
    1 VAL   H3         4   -0.505798596   -0.049378313   -0.125221767
    1 VAL   CA         5   -0.318752364   -0.024224333   -0.202467114
    1 VAL   CB         6   -0.373465010   -0.031635286   -0.345171611
    1 VAL   CG1        7   -0.375327181    0.100384420   -0.422508155
    1 VAL   CG2        8   -0.312775396   -0.149655615   -0.421315267
    1 VAL   C          9   -0.202187437    0.069532034   -0.170330753
    1 VAL   O         10   -0.203245639    0.121386106   -0.058800328
    2 TYR   N         11   -0.102128907    0.084161731   -0.256737514
    2 TYR   H         12   -0.098080944    0.029885412   -0.340636582
    2 TYR   CA        13    0.018655880    0.167364265   -0.246683687
    2 TYR   CB        14   -0.002756278    0.314387014   -0.283236038
    2 TYR   CG        15   -0.048773935    0.406717195   -0.170250028
    2 TYR   CD1       16   -0.182678567    0.413240325   -0.133567598
    2 TYR   HD1       17   -0.260065781    0.384896607   -0.204888104
    2 TYR   CD2       18    0.048327903    0.468975895   -0.092686587
    2 TYR   HD2       19    0.151325797    0.473772485   -0.128020125
    2 TYR   CE1       20   -0.217487257    0.473004714   -0.013000399
    2 TYR   HE1       21   -0.322783097    0.484771339    0.012564216
    2 TYR   CE2       22    0.013175251    0.530464601    0.026900147
    2 TYR   HE2       23    0.089050177    0.587521539    0.080458541
    2 TYR   CZ        24   -0.119337180    0.527807813    0.068756454
    2 TYR   OH        25   -0.145507035    0.540882621    0.201568903
    2 TYR   HH        26   -0.081715914    0.607922948    0.239449083
    2 TYR   C         27    0.115805998    0.136914297   -0.132474868
    2 TYR   O         28    0.211640835    0.063818891   -0.157056503
    3 ARG   N         29    0.083151951    0.165250087   -0.006686980
    3 ARG   H         30    0.001388625    0.218814191    0.014470360
    3 ARG   CA        31    0.172035422    0.131181336    0.105343321
    3 ARG   CB        32    0.160963320    0.232822082    0.219172617
    3 ARG   CG        33    0.031760480    0.225513789    0.300801725
    3 ARG   CD        34    0.065987501    0.269750448    0.443226804
    3 ARG   NE        35    0.003769017    0.179854770    0.541485965
    3 ARG   HE        36   -0.091497332    0.201673696    0.562658053
    3 ARG   CZ        37    0.062141586    0.075048175    0.601186018
    3 ARG   NH1       38    0.184794140    0.032263967    0.568343747
    3 ARG   HH11      39    0.228843408   -0.042435179    0.618121597
    3 ARG   HH12      40    0.228807480    0.065885805    0.485091775
    3 ARG   NH2       41   -0.001260231    0.013058464    0.701645134
    3 ARG   HH21      42    0.041195663   -0.065563290    0.746532886
    3 ARG   HH22      43   -0.089541851    0.046195549    0.734918729
    3 ARG   C         44    0.173254971   -0.013870953    0.154028761
    3 ARG   O         45    0.185208597   -0.042309231    0.273103508
    4 LYSH  N         46    0.162807050   -0.103932982    0.056721659
    4 LYSH  H         47    0.182603907   -0.070849428   -0.035551490
    4 LYSH  CA        48    0.156904142   -0.250588582    0.065120742
    4 LYSH  CB        49    0.048571437   -0.300415450    0.160991537
    4 LYSH  CG        50    0.085934868   -0.439794674    0.211848260
    4 LYSH  CD        51   -0.037748891   -0.523515797    0.245045132
    4 LYSH  CE        52    0.005417510   -0.661279435    0.295709174
    4 LYSH  NZ        53   -0.108328480   -0.754275429    0.300034383
    4 LYSH  HZ1       54   -0.135609930   -0.776899716    0.206528187
    4 LYSH  HZ2       55   -0.185192371   -0.711020046    0.347158498
    4 LYSH  HZ3       56   -0.081715914   -0.837556030    0.348574218
    4 LYSH  C         57    0.136972566   -0.313251518   -0.073044194
    4 LYSH  O         58    0.031106181   -0.367340392   -0.104625036
    5 GLN   N         59    0.236073002   -0.287496691   -0.157925246
    5 GLN   H         60    0.316859105   -0.234277179   -0.132579675
    5 GLN   CA        61    0.263132888   -0.332739421   -0.295157267
    5 GLN   CB        62    0.160944769   -0.282204560   -0.397220388
    5 GLN   CG        63    0.167762938   -0.132321877   -0.427113398
    5 GLN   CD        64    0.066161499   -0.088257923   -0.532680987
    5 GLN   OE1       65   -0.042879991   -0.039560951   -0.503277398
    5 GLN   NE2       66    0.105103739   -0.093861261   -0.659724117
    5 GLN   HE21      67    0.041195663   -0.065563290   -0.731234275
    5 GLN   HE22      68    0.197931140   -0.125751231   -0.678828780
    5 GLN   C         69    0.402663055   -0.277858242   -0.325644310
    5 GLN   O1        70    0.448562786   -0.295773090   -0.440523695
    5 GLN   O2        71    0.458569483   -0.212000520   -0.235286858
    6 CL-   CL-       72   -0.498584400   -0.238913847   -0.020900428
    7 CL-   CL-       73   -0.302768665    0.293656105    0.699788447
    1 SOLV  OW        74    1.326391995   -1.191127515   -0.190725428
    1 SOLV  HW1       75    1.246610283   -1.250363472   -0.179433959
    1 SOLV  HW2       76    1.342544714   -1.175201155   -0.288126253
    2 SOLV  OW        77   -0.804324664    0.483084746    1.116278463
    2 SOLV  HW1       78   -0.795884454    0.575557397    1.079180521
    2 SOLV  HW2       79   -0.743545314    0.421412459    1.066267106
    3 SOLV  OW        80   -1.114253284    1.125814730   -0.130726335
    3 SOLV  HW1       81   -1.050867782    1.164987609   -0.064034927
    3 SOLV  HW2       82   -1.062837217    1.074528079   -0.199473394
    4 SOLV  OW        83    1.470653724   -0.136787060   -1.009224839
    4 SOLV  HW1       84    1.539469535   -0.088044157   -0.955466500
    4 SOLV  HW2       85    1.488937293   -0.235039184   -1.005524050
    5 SOLV  OW        86    1.216448808   -0.626960595   -1.012420962
    5 SOLV  HW1       87    1.257661249   -0.593192160   -0.927786518
    5 SOLV  HW2       88    1.233101950   -0.725225787   -1.020688434
    6 SOLV  OW        89    0.320401420    1.559303182    0.955261739
    6 SOLV  HW1       90    0.412194365    1.528579333    0.930128771
    6 SOLV  HW2       91    0.252544521    1.497491756    0.915558468
    7 SOLV  OW        92    0.949419785   -0.351062113   -0.141976508
    7 SOLV  HW1       93    0.912114289   -0.443850822   -0.142188122
    7 SOLV  HW2       94    1.021249331   -0.343874448   -0.211188637
    8 SOLV  OW        95    0.958787753   -0.914270034   -1.168159611
    8 SOLV  HW1       96    1.032683645   -0.979204522   -1.186171666
    8 SOLV  HW2       97    0.928700965   -0.923527880   -1.073235766
    9 SOLV  OW        98   -1.233115694    0.027205044   -1.263183241
    9 SOLV  HW1       99   -1.276112057   -0.044576653   -1.317960619
    9 SOLV  HW2      100   -1.190644308   -0.013529879   -1.182320781
   10 SOLV  OW       101    0.151358093   -1.343645803   -0.647417945
   10 SOLV  HW1      102    0.141455363   -1.291554920   -0.732212662
   10 SOLV  HW2      103    0.117371098   -1.289209596   -0.570715753
   11 SOLV  OW       104   -0.589462246    0.544235023    0.463474587
   11 SOLV  HW1      105   -0.502675232    0.511558037    0.426032914
   11 SOLV  HW2      106   -0.604889404    0.502564829    0.553069087
   12 SOLV  OW       107    0.996917417    0.281229442    0.391238737
   12 SOLV  HW1      108    0.960037272    0.370473978    0.365222919
   12 SOLV  HW2      109    1.017165981    0.228251213    0.308868684
   13 SOLV  OW       110   -0.518074322   -0.456930471   -1.364574820
   13 SOLV  HW1      111   -0.516607540   -0.413282379   -1.454542748
   13 SOLV  HW2      112   -0.549096757   -0.391009722   -1.296065042
   14 SOLV  OW       113   -0.896430622    1.529702824    0.657723813
   14 SOLV  HW1      114   -0.957865873    1.451186790    0.649801880
   14 SOLV  HW2      115   -0.801898986    1.497582756    0.663533171
   15 SOLV  OW       116   -0.757040297   -1.282591746   -0.598531405
   15 SOLV  HW1      117   -0.694156674   -1.204898512   -0.595218001
   15 SOLV  HW2      118   -0.851142986   -1.249642936   -0.590741587
   16 SOLV  OW       119   -0.505804702   -1.350350162   -1.311300259
   16 SOLV  HW1      120   -0.469537490   -1.424550826   -1.367683594
   16 SOLV  HW2      121   -0.507543248   -1.265780780   -1.364639618
   17 SOLV  OW       122   -1.102976732   -0.726997997    1.029523503
   17 SOLV  HW1      123   -1.114506045   -0.751301624    1.125846881
   17 SOLV  HW2      124   -1.023785459   -0.775354084    0.992212835
   18 SOLV  OW       125    1.270326808    1.127053927   -0.049953716
   18 SOLV  HW1      126    1.337740101    1.098081858   -0.117909869
   18 SOLV  HW2      127    1.272742300    1.064577376    0.028102251
   19 SOLV  OW       128   -1.355839933   -1.026886748    1.221881469
   19 SOLV  HW1      129   -1.378633044   -1.097070120    1.289385459
   19 SOLV  HW2      130   -1.437899025   -0.974268872    1.199528900
   20 SOLV  OW       131   -0.095658762   -1.054950191    0.431231590
   20 SOLV  HW1      132   -0.003486993   -1.085108252    0.455658904
   20 SOLV  HW2      133   -0.152800079   -1.052666103    0.513277592
   21 SOLV  OW       134    1.444330332   -1.075334691   -1.224115400
   21 SOLV  HW1      135    1.391170155   -1.147961105   -1.180515350
   21 SOLV  HW2      136    1.541552843   -1.089341023   -1.205325367
   22 SOLV  OW       137   -0.929831158   -0.190609585    0.300858977
   22 SOLV  HW1      138   -0.934773171   -0.242591065    0.215564991
   22 SOLV  HW2      139   -0.853929695   -0.125675706    0.295951151
   23 SOLV  OW       140    0.782604019   -0.182038547   -0.889598041
   23 SOLV  HW1      141    0.742462942   -0.258719924   -0.839494634
   23 SOLV  HW2      142    0.823572979   -0.215493493   -0.974474044
   24 SOLV  OW       143   -0.825777234   -0.258468951    0.588644965
   24 SOLV  HW1      144   -0.905928712   -0.221674958    0.541491418
   24 SOLV  HW2      145   -0.847678616   -0.348496452    0.626285514
   25 SOLV  OW       146   -1.067514593   -0.191834224    0.940104706
   25 SOLV  HW1      147   -1.047387444   -0.225597609    0.848145369
   25 SOLV  HW2      148   -1.143452207   -0.244083451    0.978899484
   26 SOLV  OW       149   -1.511131810   -0.786646194    1.442582219
   26 SOLV  HW1      150   -1.522452803   -0.853227003    1.368821172
   26 SOLV  HW2      151   -1.577966966   -0.805090973    1.514656367
   27 SOLV  OW       152    1.055269316   -0.444633549    0.598479279
   27 SOLV  HW1      153    1.011273715   -0.518212094    0.546976928
   27 SOLV  HW2      154    1.148417676   -0.471920190    0.622577178
   28 SOLV  OW       155   -0.326284749    0.443850524    0.487926666
   28 SOLV  HW1      156   -0.280691384    0.397848958    0.411734595
   28 SOLV  HW2      157   -0.341197868    0.378525449    0.562158220
   29 SOLV  OW       158   -1.178733145    0.333752360   -0.472395511
   29 SOLV  HW1      159   -1.134183431    0.403816566   -0.528147023
   29 SOLV  HW2      160   -1.236695401    0.276726135   -0.530621333
   30 SOLV  OW       161    0.597556320   -0.838582085    0.529788956
   30 SOLV  HW1      162    0.577023663   -0.771736968    0.458292625
   30 SOLV  HW2      163    0.583291803   -0.796819346    0.619532783
   31 SOLV  OW       164    0.092987249    0.900887980   -1.178459214
   31 SOLV  HW1      165    0.178494885    0.864505930   -1.141494538
   31 SOLV  HW2      166    0.104259207    0.919854286   -1.276002631
   32 SOLV  OW       167    0.671849257   -1.226849793    0.071569823
   32 SOLV  HW1      168    0.588152613   -1.205776915    0.122090454
   32 SOLV  HW2      169    0.687258461   -1.156763823    0.001913287
   33 SOLV  OW       170    0.693031585   -0.080532995    0.309431114
   33 SOLV  HW1      171    0.647872647   -0.167634270    0.328823710
   33 SOLV  HW2      172    0.769623625   -0.067954272    0.372497516
   34 SOLV  OW       173   -0.959083044    1.294222355   -1.047394358
   34 SOLV  HW1      174   -0.944998079    1.368170146   -0.981551550
   34 SOLV  HW2      175   -0.907581109    1.313698207   -1.130881996
   35 SOLV  OW       176    0.270807150    1.085028389    0.138368528
   35 SOLV  HW1      177    0.231069735    1.159639073    0.084942761
   35 SOLV  HW2      178    0.237116138    0.997535365    0.103583812
   36 SOLV  OW       179   -0.210996912    0.752801116   -0.604209241
   36 SOLV  HW1      180   -0.185858762    0.814969487   -0.530013597
   36 SOLV  HW2      181   -0.194868459    0.797630149   -0.692140019
   37 SOLV  OW       182    0.507632092    0.991858161   -1.060188897
   37 SOLV  HW1      183    0.560047876    0.966099276   -0.979005618
   37 SOLV  HW2      184    0.453820666    1.073818906   -1.040479716
   38 SOLV  OW       185   -1.136101540    1.257138515   -1.512036347
   38 SOLV  HW1      186   -1.135949427    1.292614477   -1.418540017
   38 SOLV  HW2      187   -1.229792093    1.235032563   -1.539119500
   39 SOLV  OW       188   -0.037975330   -0.525706592    0.927678025
   39 SOLV  HW1      189    0.056171240   -0.559271401    0.924292340
   39 SOLV  HW2      190   -0.060645100   -0.499491395    1.021488519
   40 SOLV  OW       191   -1.201463694    0.634869748   -1.025823916
   40 SOLV  HW1      192   -1.145438718    0.572498174   -0.971302489
   40 SOLV  HW2      193   -1.159654706    0.647157531   -1.115838609
   41 SOLV  OW       194    0.817219897   -1.194166184   -0.976779996
   41 SOLV  HW1      195    0.772697081   -1.231507948   -0.895384820
   41 SOLV  HW2      196    0.899060084   -1.143471457   -0.949687413
   42 SOLV  OW       197    1.161498550   -0.524017917   -0.391619303
   42 SOLV  HW1      198    1.147788632   -0.605224692   -0.448357472
   42 SOLV  HW2      199    1.101187845   -0.450752826   -0.423185801
   43 SOLV  OW       200   -0.530877617    1.430818531    1.121273148
   43 SOLV  HW1      201   -0.558054793    1.479119652    1.204510974
   43 SOLV  HW2      202   -0.478032080    1.349510274    1.145694586
   44 SOLV  OW       203   -0.881169676   -0.498127985    0.680169246
   44 SOLV  HW1      204   -0.841091625   -0.586243923    0.655052242
   44 SOLV  HW2      205   -0.958484683   -0.513054331    0.741821806
   45 SOLV  OW       206   -0.226684445    0.988191851   -1.041549808
   45 SOLV  HW1      207   -0.190589363    1.061165616   -0.983466545
   45 SOLV  HW2      208   -0.183833256    0.993155613   -1.131776350
   46 SOLV  OW       209   -0.156935800    0.534855376    0.825718599
   46 SOLV  HW1      210   -0.215623360    0.576029963    0.755987264
   46 SOLV  HW2      211   -0.063363480    0.568328865    0.814505860
   47 SOLV  OW       212   -0.707012048    1.143690438    0.608771382
   47 SOLV  HW1      213   -0.682986844    1.127486560    0.704481126
   47 SOLV  HW2      214   -0.786919201    1.203639203    0.604179796
   48 SOLV  OW       215   -1.529802166    1.212808446   -0.618249816
   48 SOLV  HW1      216   -1.581781496    1.167332199   -0.545916372
   48 SOLV  HW2      217   -1.450105359    1.258269248   -0.578453307
   49 SOLV  OW       218    1.418463146    1.225784050    1.477606300
   49 SOLV  HW1      219    1.518414483    1.228087707    1.475164237
   49 SOLV  HW2      220    1.388193511    1.143167951    1.525143605
   50 SOLV  OW       221    1.109154861    0.524552775   -0.461692954
   50 SOLV  HW1      222    1.169360910    0.594252864   -0.422722016
   50 SOLV  HW2      223    1.014095827    0.546647687   -0.439848160
   51 SOLV  OW       224    0.703752531   -0.505458479    0.624399001
   51 SOLV  HW1      225    0.660864726   -0.430714753    0.573662977
   51 SOLV  HW2      226    0.757938874   -0.467892799    0.699583774
   52 SOLV  OW       227    0.214631257   -0.805790517    0.425743786
   52 SOLV  HW1      228    0.277162399   -0.761837721    0.490241253
   52 SOLV  HW2      229    0.131432994   -0.750930556    0.417366168
   53 SOLV  OW       230    1.222026330    0.432029546    0.690036494
   53 SOLV  HW1      231    1.263063625    0.348836018    0.652666482
   53 SOLV  HW2      232    1.294333354    0.495779429    0.716671498
   54 SOLV  OW       233    0.682327505    1.509551780   -0.798271516
   54 SOLV  HW1      234    0.597377931    1.559068753   -0.780015467
   54 SOLV  HW2      235    0.731855906    1.495617682   -0.712514063
   55 SOLV  OW       236    0.505300403    1.179740329    1.516857890
   55 SOLV  HW1      237    0.434005394    1.229188305    1.566596421
   55 SOLV  HW2      238    0.478766447    1.083796186    1.507229900
   56 SOLV  OW       239   -0.962837345   -1.269003263    0.655655481
   56 SOLV  HW1      240   -0.960978155   -1.219830913    0.568591585
   56 SOLV  HW2      241   -0.946329094   -1.204803144    0.730537178
   57 SOLV  OW       242    0.862664526   -1.101334022    1.272159900
   57 SOLV  HW1      243    0.909593700   -1.157702272    1.204186647
   57 SOLV  HW2      244    0.930124210   -1.050341126    1.325518262
   58 SOLV  OW       245   -1.418026067    1.404692677   -0.983433323
   58 SOLV  HW1      246   -1.464970410    1.316667936   -0.976378075
   58 SOLV  HW2      247   -1.417089356    1.434386626   -1.078928154
   59 SOLV  OW       248   -1.145130813    0.036438001   -0.425237755
   59 SOLV  HW1      249   -1.238552389    0.068034769   -0.441843001
   59 SOLV  HW2      250   -1.080360758    0.103030071   -0.462276807
   60 SOLV  OW       251   -0.593636302   -0.687528281   -0.733431175
   60 SOLV  HW1      252   -0.646874583   -0.707916472   -0.815600163
   60 SOLV  HW2      253   -0.553950515   -0.596068803   -0.741289865
   61 SOLV  OW       254    1.286787252    1.287388716    0.676385801
   61 SOLV  HW1      255    1.279183265    1.289743137    0.776069143
   61 SOLV  HW2      256    1.253562560    1.373721085    0.638399856
   62 SOLV  OW       257   -0.191588629   -1.232054308    0.247552399
   62 SOLV  HW1      258   -0.151471640   -1.162153235    0.306764062
   62 SOLV  HW2      259   -0.205831141   -1.315992086    0.300021953
   63 SOLV  OW       260    0.214219754   -1.192088054   -1.363038072
   63 SOLV  HW1      261    0.216038465   -1.290864837   -1.378581405
   63 SOLV  HW2      262    0.179443948   -1.146137218   -1.444774769
   64 SOLV  OW       263    0.106241142   -0.178404690    1.378992492
   64 SOLV  HW1      264    0.057963891   -0.239121533    1.442115937
   64 SOLV  HW2      265    0.061394312   -0.089021805    1.377888935
   65 SOLV  OW       266    1.341373136    0.494893776   -0.009565136
   65 SOLV  HW1      267    1.414317560    0.432858038    0.019258572
   65 SOLV  HW2      268    1.253904172    0.446448921   -0.008026759
   66 SOLV  OW       269    1.050375926    0.379842145    1.550840648
   66 SOLV  HW1      270    1.091106954    0.288776538    1.543764350
   66 SOLV  HW2      271    1.018999963    0.409403698    1.460599008
   67 SOLV  OW       272    0.470519452   -0.726187470    0.297336841
   67 SOLV  HW1      273    0.374752434   -0.738273141    0.323499325
   67 SOLV  HW2      274    0.487440391   -0.629862406    0.276431918
   68 SOLV  OW       275   -0.546854363    1.128026755   -0.083826145
   68 SOLV  HW1      276   -0.487613443    1.088640468   -0.013532138
   68 SOLV  HW2      277   -0.593679479    1.208265687   -0.046797845
   69 SOLV  OW       278    0.742521201   -1.456708444    0.669055692
   69 SOLV  HW1      279    0.677273169   -1.382035480    0.656085460
   69 SOLV  HW2      280    0.832495697   -1.418912436    0.690911610
   70 SOLV  OW       281   -0.922949662    0.047006174    1.446402024
   70 SOLV  HW1      282   -0.830101851    0.029592395    1.413568732
   70 SOLV  HW2      283   -0.986160553   -0.017379001    1.403264680
   71 SOLV  OW       284    1.365356339    0.820404018   -1.102243309
   71 SOLV  HW1      285    1.396422144    0.904704428   -1.146178118
   71 SOLV  HW2      286    1.443495734    0.759733792   -1.087574398
   72 SOLV  OW       287   -0.966160695    0.365758172    1.283105615
   72 SOLV  HW1      288   -0.896398823    0.396007599    1.218142132
   72 SOLV  HW2      289   -0.923330740    0.346460695    1.371395452
   73 SOLV  OW       290   -1.285201437    0.134852992    0.189756503
   73 SOLV  HW1      291   -1.296321076    0.211727635    0.252738844
   73 SOLV  HW2      292   -1.221179498    0.160200240    0.117238930
   74 SOLV  OW       293   -0.831986044    0.493651687   -0.170858710
   74 SOLV  HW1      294   -0.810776222    0.466725978   -0.076915745
   74 SOLV  HW2      295   -0.863306440    0.413724953   -0.222150427
   75 SOLV  OW       296   -0.781661795   -0.129675118   -1.082082356
   75 SOLV  HW1      297   -0.722512476   -0.050402266   -1.096879139
   75 SOLV  HW2      298   -0.872470277   -0.098683228   -1.053885995
   76 SOLV  OW       299    0.353001346    1.566210164   -1.092605922
   76 SOLV  HW1      300    0.398373343    1.484680197   -1.128606763
   76 SOLV  HW2      301    0.342268721    1.557369192   -0.993568304
   77 SOLV  OW       302    0.868108415    1.249679117    0.736560730
   77 SOLV  HW1      303    0.881497783    1.294994286    0.648418533
   77 SOLV  HW2      304    0.940045643    1.181570662    0.750271533
   78 SOLV  OW       305   -1.513307840    0.953129002    1.254991780
   78 SOLV  HW1      306   -1.448363255    0.878907334    1.271573660
   78 SOLV  HW2      307   -1.595273606    0.916461545    1.210961500
   79 SOLV  OW       308   -1.213265052    0.797860395    0.515616198
   79 SOLV  HW1      309   -1.279479784    0.804997143    0.441009758
   79 SOLV  HW2      310   -1.137158749    0.860501715    0.498722576
   80 SOLV  OW       311    0.563442610    1.326911737    1.073031295
   80 SOLV  HW1      312    0.613526389    1.405257608    1.109823003
   80 SOLV  HW2      313    0.475016258    1.319276557    1.119123670
   81 SOLV  OW       314   -0.371247539   -1.082614839    1.304610380
   81 SOLV  HW1      315   -0.417326085   -1.090310715    1.393035732
   81 SOLV  HW2      316   -0.292726947   -1.021276356    1.313185147
   82 SOLV  OW       317   -1.385387780   -0.644210794   -1.408660102
   82 SOLV  HW1      318   -1.341600875   -0.563960913   -1.449191000
   82 SOLV  HW2      319   -1.315821410   -0.712687538   -1.386900465
   83 SOLV  OW       320   -0.242756717    1.040435022   -1.415915735
   83 SOLV  HW1      321   -0.259824843    0.941893841   -1.416464420
   83 SOLV  HW2      322   -0.190488357    1.065642867   -1.497368278
   84 SOLV  OW       323   -0.223222092   -0.324785141   -1.042589844
   84 SOLV  HW1      324   -0.161658113   -0.266952212   -0.989045337
   84 SOLV  HW2      325   -0.268469771   -0.390277490   -0.982048950
   85 SOLV  OW       326    1.501671426    0.844744366   -0.714933392
   85 SOLV  HW1      327    1.505482958    0.874457315   -0.619515459
   85 SOLV  HW2      328    1.566125558    0.769582831   -0.729017156
   86 SOLV  OW       329    1.395842524    0.565680194   -1.386308658
   86 SOLV  HW1      330    1.296675744    0.564688338   -1.373391164
   86 SOLV  HW2      331    1.417833052    0.532256875   -1.477966069
   87 SOLV  OW       332   -0.944301105    1.030771468    0.935741833
   87 SOLV  HW1      333   -0.940652522    0.975109319    0.852735086
   87 SOLV  HW2      334   -0.891001225    1.114303626    0.922208085
   88 SOLV  OW       335   -1.262091900   -0.231258203    0.156980864
   88 SOLV  HW1      336   -1.176011957   -0.255089271    0.111993633
   88 SOLV  HW2      337   -1.247823641   -0.226556023    0.255853772
   89 SOLV  OW       338   -0.817807703   -0.512316183   -0.118671460
   89 SOLV  HW1      339   -0.860602391   -0.462566658   -0.043203088
   89 SOLV  HW2      340   -0.767291288   -0.448189541   -0.176443999
   90 SOLV  OW       341    1.268163807    1.359186038    0.097332185
   90 SOLV  HW1      342    1.281043939    1.288884270    0.167283719
   90 SOLV  HW2      343    1.288189476    1.320623527    0.007257581
   91 SOLV  OW       344   -0.530238549   -0.265883213    0.232785864
   91 SOLV  HW1      345   -0.536187264   -0.262280255    0.133018885
   91 SOLV  HW2      346   -0.586529995   -0.193201998    0.272161286
   92 SOLV  OW       347   -0.350012166    0.542555907   -0.592516118
   92 SOLV  HW1      348   -0.421599530    0.551541010   -0.523261988
   92 SOLV  HW2      349   -0.298981940    0.628320088   -0.599003018
   93 SOLV  OW       350    1.279609320   -0.482022354    0.343897056
   93 SOLV  HW1      351    1.308557363   -0.396054479    0.386011299
   93 SOLV  HW2      352    1.280935572   -0.554811764    0.412468152
   94 SOLV  OW       353    0.946342794    0.754065436    0.059620429
   94 SOLV  HW1      354    1.006780782    0.777106375    0.135886115
   94 SOLV  HW2      355    0.948913909    0.827459906   -0.008267177
   95 SOLV  OW       356   -1.548741243    0.229800680   -0.416877205
   95 SOLV  HW1      357   -1.553199867    0.322746106   -0.380230723
   95 SOLV  HW2      358   -1.505480440    0.169572713   -0.349774662
   96 SOLV  OW       359    0.290873410   -0.505296574    0.043153056
   96 SOLV  HW1      360    0.353175912   -0.574304603    0.006299001
   96 SOLV  HW2      361    0.245727589   -0.457523949   -0.032222952
   97 SOLV  OW       362    0.075349363   -1.004608959   -1.143996709
   97 SOLV  HW1      363    0.133368880   -0.967925480   -1.216729711
   97 SOLV  HW2      364    0.043967587   -0.929807885   -1.085499905
   98 SOLV  OW       365   -0.250534541    1.190020256    0.277320324
   98 SOLV  HW1      366   -0.279976147    1.197751577    0.372584828
   98 SOLV  HW2      367   -0.156352758    1.156526394    0.274174737
   99 SOLV  OW       368   -0.768740916    0.066102282    0.656983366
   99 SOLV  HW1      369   -0.705664741   -0.011460471    0.654302433
   99 SOLV  HW2      370   -0.862873004    0.032418651    0.659497477
  100 SOLV  OW       371    1.253300657    1.399378894   -0.951886735
  100 SOLV  HW1      372    1.298897070    1.470497280   -0.898377209
  100 SOLV  HW2      373    1.294519796    1.394574424   -1.042870194
  101 SOLV  OW       374    1.103634300    1.224423757    1.429840365
  101 SOLV  HW1      375    1.057847732    1.137218625    1.412505642
  101 SOLV  HW2      376    1.179456373    1.210170986    1.493475360
  102 SOLV  OW       377    1.465854146   -0.060745536   -1.276593127
  102 SOLV  HW1      378    1.463210339   -0.095531464   -1.182864705
  102 SOLV  HW2      379    1.373419445   -0.060825296   -1.314773315
  103 SOLV  OW       380   -0.412582917    1.029177218    0.121290266
  103 SOLV  HW1      381   -0.468811397    1.052276404    0.200693514
  103 SOLV  HW2      382   -0.316973489    1.051249091    0.140623132
  104 SOLV  OW       383   -1.113479421    1.505089034   -0.061405516
  104 SOLV  HW1      384   -1.145060631    1.534997747   -0.151461912
  104 SOLV  HW2      385   -1.016254164    1.482135536   -0.066131468
  105 SOLV  OW       386   -1.273830498    0.874230816   -1.514400226
  105 SOLV  HW1      387   -1.296987253    0.818417620   -1.434712057
  105 SOLV  HW2      388   -1.199204218    0.936520831   -1.490898474
  106 SOLV  OW       389   -0.771485577   -0.089091271   -0.116167935
  106 SOLV  HW1      390   -0.737103858   -0.089881301   -0.022259508
  106 SOLV  HW2      391   -0.720553972   -0.155550725   -0.170854366
  107 SOLV  OW       392    1.096361500   -0.185928625    1.000349966
  107 SOLV  HW1      393    1.027019224   -0.239071957    1.049007620
  107 SOLV  HW2      394    1.054721833   -0.141604181    0.920967526
  108 SOLV  OW       395    1.147190380    0.882514173   -0.683461879
  108 SOLV  HW1      396    1.063039086    0.854038135   -0.729387745
  108 SOLV  HW2      397    1.224793923    0.832787587   -0.722275049
  109 SOLV  OW       398    1.010284067   -1.060002485    0.633076308
  109 SOLV  HW1      399    1.008612460   -1.076793886    0.534500578
  109 SOLV  HW2      400    1.032130004   -1.145027135    0.680985912
  110 SOLV  OW       401    0.015576758    0.832285473   -0.855056663
  110 SOLV  HW1      402    0.050479621    0.853063551   -0.946443265
  110 SOLV  HW2      403   -0.078757781    0.799818208   -0.862007307
  111 SOLV  OW       404    0.526090190   -0.207504699    1.159988621
  111 SOLV  HW1      405    0.478095234   -0.162022698    1.084959676
  111 SOLV  HW2      406    0.497082978   -0.167751877    1.247050532
  112 SOLV  OW       407    1.116903936   -1.164474863    0.983839594
  112 SOLV  HW1      408    1.186421363   -1.220524718    1.028870050
  112 SOLV  HW2      409    1.026031549   -1.194077586    1.013298889
  113 SOLV  OW       410   -0.571585161    1.114405830    0.851191884
  113 SOLV  HW1      411   -0.593582754    1.054472045    0.928170774
  113 SOLV  HW2      412   -0.473676464    1.134781351    0.851752838
  114 SOLV  OW       413   -1.308955592    0.319361180    0.393224991
  114 SOLV  HW1      414   -1.365579048    0.396788081    0.364930342
  114 SOLV  HW2      415   -1.226195668    0.353222446    0.438013259
  115 SOLV  OW       416   -0.803762783   -0.709726951   -0.537528260
  115 SOLV  HW1      417   -0.869135702   -0.777539461   -0.571113591
  115 SOLV  HW2      418   -0.737146114   -0.689304546   -0.609258552
  116 SOLV  OW       419   -1.248898574   -0.806057377   -0.264464858
  116 SOLV  HW1      420   -1.160422806   -0.759439591   -0.263810642
  116 SOLV  HW2      421   -1.234618808   -0.904482885   -0.274955144
  117 SOLV  OW       422    0.730338289    0.970150348    0.272746929
  117 SOLV  HW1      423    0.691737255    1.036573397    0.336773488
  117 SOLV  HW2      424    0.657849549    0.934953788    0.213518135
  118 SOLV  OW       425    0.580529555    0.883824294   -1.303544145
  118 SOLV  HW1      426    0.545848568    0.913875668   -1.214694642
  118 SOLV  HW2      427    0.650478106    0.947822740   -1.335378329
  119 SOLV  OW       428    0.548432566    0.668672046   -0.924555422
  119 SOLV  HW1      429    0.613892062    0.741059653   -0.946389781
  119 SOLV  HW2      430    0.538182295    0.608109184   -1.003477503
  120 SOLV  OW       431    0.373010984   -0.411054348   -1.508434468
  120 SOLV  HW1      432    0.280743378   -0.448786082   -1.500402102
  120 SOLV  HW2      433    0.404937997   -0.381642781   -1.418339458
  121 SOLV  OW       434    0.184485868   -1.191329338    0.495966898
  121 SOLV  HW1      435    0.265229660   -1.132419264    0.492484592
  121 SOLV  HW2      436    0.201817530   -1.274732103    0.443568729
  122 SOLV  OW       437   -0.274332385   -0.189048348   -1.281659973
  122 SOLV  HW1      438   -0.328247787   -0.231374683   -1.354485994
  122 SOLV  HW2      439   -0.262805677   -0.254143543   -1.206615398
  123 SOLV  OW       440   -0.025742177   -0.343824316   -1.460492215
  123 SOLV  HW1      441    0.030364289   -0.415799215   -1.501399472
  123 SOLV  HW2      442   -0.035137667   -0.360635331   -1.362355439
  124 SOLV  OW       443    1.563034418   -0.844016268    0.540437279
  124 SOLV  HW1      444    1.540694840   -0.746755565    0.546984449
  124 SOLV  HW2      445    1.491708083   -0.891164034    0.488561035
  125 SOLV  OW       446   -1.305061562   -1.095445456    0.158205729
  125 SOLV  HW1      447   -1.348436321   -1.162204016    0.218733013
  125 SOLV  HW2      448   -1.375182365   -1.036943180    0.117435552
  126 SOLV  OW       449   -0.639967209   -0.360562403   -1.112237005
  126 SOLV  HW1      450   -0.573617852   -0.350107318   -1.038142784
  126 SOLV  HW2      451   -0.687049507   -0.273628446   -1.127311420
  127 SOLV  OW       452   -1.221211093   -1.317026646    0.999726964
  127 SOLV  HW1      453   -1.199490030   -1.413531248    0.984997363
  127 SOLV  HW2      454   -1.218739563   -1.296896124    1.097658391
  128 SOLV  OW       455   -1.155818056    1.345318502    0.960252311
  128 SOLV  HW1      456   -1.126945070    1.254262970    0.930638699
  128 SOLV  HW2      457   -1.211192974    1.387669879    0.888547241
  129 SOLV  OW       458    0.540374594    0.506913459   -0.349305881
  129 SOLV  HW1      459    0.562893289    0.413845289   -0.320472643
  129 SOLV  HW2      460    0.590880209    0.529078355   -0.432720451
  130 SOLV  OW       461   -0.753133960   -0.709104185    0.591875912
  130 SOLV  HW1      462   -0.685338384   -0.764130953    0.543116800
  130 SOLV  HW2      463   -0.845032233   -0.739567299    0.566808682
  131 SOLV  OW       464   -0.369156007    1.319316898   -0.989407030
  131 SOLV  HW1      465   -0.275869197    1.299815009   -0.959091264
  131 SOLV  HW2      466   -0.433449684    1.262533002   -0.937990413
  132 SOLV  OW       467   -1.323557793   -1.331924937   -1.362781139
  132 SOLV  HW1      468   -1.254549767   -1.392711976   -1.323476166
  132 SOLV  HW2      469   -1.279924020   -1.269486388   -1.427583831
  133 SOLV  OW       470   -1.371092393    0.216985549   -1.070962301
  133 SOLV  HW1      471   -1.319501035    0.167071336   -1.140593091
  133 SOLV  HW2      472   -1.394864370    0.307686656   -1.105743366
  134 SOLV  OW       473    0.167117534    0.910785364   -0.035213598
  134 SOLV  HW1      474    0.105245734    0.834083924   -0.018174186
  134 SOLV  HW2      475    0.247618545    0.878262150   -0.084845550
  135 SOLV  OW       476    1.123207850   -0.382140300    1.421142829
  135 SOLV  HW1      477    1.076446550   -0.441097680    1.355271431
  135 SOLV  HW2      478    1.196158288   -0.331770467    1.374853665
  136 SOLV  OW       479    1.333091025   -0.695811688    0.522066148
  136 SOLV  HW1      480    1.294438760   -0.779608843    0.560591062
  136 SOLV  HW2      481    1.356516679   -0.632823877    0.596119268
  137 SOLV  OW       482    0.979028282   -0.970971635   -0.893373955
  137 SOLV  HW1      483    1.059550103   -1.007774210   -0.846877310
  137 SOLV  HW2      484    0.922289082   -0.921471486   -0.827567508
  138 SOLV  OW       485   -0.227307371   -0.232439726    0.057122049
  138 SOLV  HW1      486   -0.326358384   -0.246174000    0.058425451
  138 SOLV  HW2      487   -0.204045981   -0.152360991    0.112329063
  139 SOLV  OW       488   -0.924879641    0.580474820   -1.408769376
  139 SOLV  HW1      489   -0.947129605    0.625514366   -1.322293454
  139 SOLV  HW2      490   -0.837671602    0.532352156   -1.399795403
  140 SOLV  OW       491   -0.201684726   -0.830454565    1.306409967
  140 SOLV  HW1      492   -0.193346249   -0.783083436    1.394082859
  140 SOLV  HW2      493   -0.260643934   -0.777495060    1.245408667
  141 SOLV  OW       494   -1.499710665   -1.529798248   -0.837221305
  141 SOLV  HW1      495   -1.556207155   -1.558271201   -0.914673922
  141 SOLV  HW2      496   -1.432707036   -1.462202516   -0.867926388
  142 SOLV  OW       497   -0.861037522   -0.035693351    1.086584859
  142 SOLV  HW1      498   -0.777993791   -0.055761657    1.034599258
  142 SOLV  HW2      499   -0.940831887   -0.067984395    1.035677626
  143 SOLV  OW       500   -1.351372488    1.058044294   -0.777819127
  143 SOLV  HW1      501   -1.286151092    1.132762983   -0.790656829
  143 SOLV  HW2      502   -1.436663013    1.094349829   -0.740284267
  144 SOLV  OW       503    0.898563237   -0.024360889    0.473885389
  144 SOLV  HW1      504    0.986857550   -0.068310466    0.490444955
  144 SOLV  HW2      505    0.913224304    0.064583230    0.430576645
  145 SOLV  OW       506    0.333784906   -0.731686702    1.143488267
  145 SOLV  HW1      507    0.302466636   -0.683471953    1.061656572
  145 SOLV  HW2      508    0.255081908   -0.754807534    1.200698747
  146 SOLV  OW       509    0.022201283   -0.915295828   -0.303913420
  146 SOLV  HW1      510    0.030987147   -0.824149490   -0.344126854
  146 SOLV  HW2      511   -0.062749057   -0.957587209   -0.335483748
  147 SOLV  OW       512    1.169092996    1.122982240   -1.191701602
  147 SOLV  HW1      513    1.236458370    1.079471866   -1.131961487
  147 SOLV  HW2      514    1.080770476    1.126943548   -1.144973338
  148 SOLV  OW       515    0.470346793    0.837487392    0.241406664
  148 SOLV  HW1      516    0.448815880    0.886840295    0.157131590
  148 SOLV  HW2      517    0.485208046    0.902987609    0.315503552
  149 SOLV  OW       518   -1.220076822   -1.024138364   -1.290515179
  149 SOLV  HW1      519   -1.313860183   -1.027178717   -1.255914749
  149 SOLV  HW2      520   -1.212601367   -1.082143002   -1.371640215
  150 SOLV  OW       521   -0.960451577   -1.302230296   -0.015027194
  150 SOLV  HW1      522   -0.889999105   -1.327095175   -0.081507774
  150 SOLV  HW2      523   -1.050841495   -1.316174671   -0.055483328
  151 SOLV  OW       524   -1.500281067   -0.736976375    0.955386345
  151 SOLV  HW1      525   -1.580722127   -0.709972431    0.902469843
  151 SOLV  HW2      526   -1.445410664   -0.801362761    0.902059782
  152 SOLV  OW       527    0.016962594    1.314468568    1.117540187
  152 SOLV  HW1      528   -0.023210714    1.404987986    1.131413695
  152 SOLV  HW2      529    0.113718999    1.324189067    1.094220667
  153 SOLV  OW       530    0.503791482    0.146336825   -0.962732274
  153 SOLV  HW1      531    0.441780889    0.130479507   -1.039574774
  153 SOLV  HW2      532    0.507125202    0.064605565   -0.905196397
  154 SOLV  OW       533    1.192375329   -1.501739528    1.298141158
  154 SOLV  HW1      534    1.171814133   -1.593992482    1.330831367
  154 SOLV  HW2      535    1.120164502   -1.439110659    1.327554101
  155 SOLV  OW       536   -0.265403731    0.515635360    1.076918054
  155 SOLV  HW1      537   -0.312937497    0.603556837    1.080421737
  155 SOLV  HW2      538   -0.224048608    0.503699288    0.986645197
  156 SOLV  OW       539   -0.870334162    0.155054774    0.335344373
  156 SOLV  HW1      540   -0.947630780    0.187129279    0.390100179
  156 SOLV  HW2      541   -0.869656714    0.202813478    0.247478810
  157 SOLV  OW       542   -0.413905552   -0.114547383    0.817357236
  157 SOLV  HW1      543   -0.332355516   -0.062520946    0.842749292
  157 SOLV  HW2      544   -0.392854228   -0.212304939    0.818843956
  158 SOLV  OW       545   -0.000032647   -0.746606015   -1.011360251
  158 SOLV  HW1      546    0.048038929   -0.686599008   -0.947405482
  158 SOLV  HW2      547   -0.084623660   -0.779294985   -0.969197621
  159 SOLV  OW       548   -1.069813762   -0.237466369   -0.502796053
  159 SOLV  HW1      549   -1.084668121   -0.157772309   -0.444228697
  159 SOLV  HW2      550   -0.974539397   -0.266957883   -0.495385108
  160 SOLV  OW       551   -0.250091663    0.771234779   -0.899106266
  160 SOLV  HW1      552   -0.342704634    0.733552183   -0.901236963
  160 SOLV  HW2      553   -0.238835109    0.836236310   -0.974270488
  161 SOLV  OW       554    1.048311477    0.116215689    0.148394874
  161 SOLV  HW1      555    1.095378113    0.032935598    0.119226666
  161 SOLV  HW2      556    0.949481527    0.103170447    0.140393998
  162 SOLV  OW       557    1.270874308    0.768665738    0.509599445
  162 SOLV  HW1      558    1.222384288    0.855422936    0.520724061
  162 SOLV  HW2      559    1.206296851    0.697828458    0.481075874
  163 SOLV  OW       560   -0.363347233    0.336738569    1.245569285
  163 SOLV  HW1      561   -0.397405831    0.402211306    1.313060400
  163 SOLV  HW2      562   -0.318343496    0.386032351    1.171094937
  164 SOLV  OW       563    0.341857153    0.372223395    0.407574897
  164 SOLV  HW1      564    0.298172715    0.415634953    0.486369955
  164 SOLV  HW2      565    0.366724391    0.442155310    0.340547658
  165 SOLV  OW       566    0.552945383   -0.058409807   -0.781018395
  165 SOLV  HW1      567    0.554633870   -0.059888325   -0.681033653
  165 SOLV  HW2      568    0.643789427   -0.081016061   -0.816206540
  166 SOLV  OW       569    1.154392543   -1.302123283   -0.631404650
  166 SOLV  HW1      570    1.140910376   -1.213893077   -0.676519462
  166 SOLV  HW2      571    1.066390503   -1.336637768   -0.598754861
  167 SOLV  OW       572    0.418573258   -1.075989338    0.459957953
  167 SOLV  HW1      573    0.507341111   -1.029992175    0.462458558
  167 SOLV  HW2      574    0.377152821   -1.063585252    0.369779984
  168 SOLV  OW       575    0.561924685   -0.658770076   -0.560136295
  168 SOLV  HW1      576    0.513808585   -0.572965732   -0.578139212
  168 SOLV  HW2      577    0.495481608   -0.730329170   -0.538545345
  169 SOLV  OW       578    0.622421011    1.256081329    0.413448768
  169 SOLV  HW1      579    0.555912554    1.302214058    0.354724951
  169 SOLV  HW2      580    0.580983690    1.173871012    0.452519236
  170 SOLV  OW       581   -0.685382407   -1.389586399   -1.535069977
  170 SOLV  HW1      582   -0.769662777   -1.441769574   -1.521812104
  170 SOLV  HW2      583   -0.705350806   -1.291813828   -1.528449006
  171 SOLV  OW       584    0.981762244   -1.149115125    0.378381498
  171 SOLV  HW1      585    1.040644655   -1.104620691    0.310903810
  171 SOLV  HW2      586    0.955142723   -1.239508761    0.344907900
  172 SOLV  OW       587   -1.382788895   -0.830420661   -0.905952667
  172 SOLV  HW1      588   -1.386441648   -0.857662502   -0.809794453
  172 SOLV  HW2      589   -1.291193993   -0.847939398   -0.942082582
  173 SOLV  OW       590   -1.478400367   -0.435337489    0.379181941
  173 SOLV  HW1      591   -1.391718172   -0.403739105    0.417754842
  173 SOLV  HW2      592   -1.533058343   -0.478446124    0.450974987
  174 SOLV  OW       593    0.092103270    0.235978387    0.932972306
  174 SOLV  HW1      594    0.029591359    0.259286329    1.007477340
  174 SOLV  HW2      595    0.110613344    0.317616903    0.878249687
  175 SOLV  OW       596   -0.619136237    1.199973434   -1.513907477
  175 SOLV  HW1      597   -0.622304316    1.214920262   -1.415080923
  175 SOLV  HW2      598   -0.704272918    1.232292436   -1.555227179
  176 SOLV  OW       599   -0.724026830    1.239987685   -0.667367132
  176 SOLV  HW1      600   -0.669662064    1.229137843   -0.750606179
  176 SOLV  HW2      601   -0.771239825    1.328121925   -0.669668462
  177 SOLV  OW       602   -0.618309639    0.288878588    1.065456971
  177 SOLV  HW1      603   -0.547180588    0.277570360    1.134843115
  177 SOLV  HW2      604   -0.596992832    0.231651427    0.986259819
  178 SOLV  OW       605   -0.590936527    0.806387871    0.322337027
  178 SOLV  HW1      606   -0.581517751    0.716686561    0.365544848
  178 SOLV  HW2      607   -0.579292763    0.797114264    0.223441935
  179 SOLV  OW       608    1.340813279   -1.218127827    0.265158480
  179 SOLV  HW1      609    1.389170827   -1.194897903    0.349561267
  179 SOLV  HW2      610    1.283796740   -1.140902854    0.237099538
  180 SOLV  OW       611    0.548411799   -0.600958662   -1.219713713
  180 SOLV  HW1      612    0.534766308   -0.664633443   -1.295615155
  180 SOLV  HW2      613    0.516113299   -0.510100907   -1.246233332
  181 SOLV  OW       614   -0.514111317    1.152955266   -0.849749646
  181 SOLV  HW1      615   -0.484719051    1.170453533   -0.755773332
  181 SOLV  HW2      616   -0.559750425    1.064088618   -0.854381656
  182 SOLV  OW       617   -0.887081543    0.868456511    0.271682421
  182 SOLV  HW1      618   -0.791341966    0.841119846    0.262288910
  182 SOLV  HW2      619   -0.939566416    0.833140677    0.194225342
  183 SOLV  OW       620    0.714488334    0.906863679   -0.899658462
  183 SOLV  HW1      621    0.755842224    0.993028551   -0.929105418
  183 SOLV  HW2      622    0.778131954    0.858071037   -0.839906534
  184 SOLV  OW       623    0.689766597   -0.459951700    1.064874832
  184 SOLV  HW1      624    0.688028558   -0.550936013    1.023393159
  184 SOLV  HW2      625    0.643916318   -0.462958175    1.153703613
  185 SOLV  OW       626   -0.513435341    0.810414290   -1.487965936
  185 SOLV  HW1      627   -0.430417728    0.756498699   -1.502154447
  185 SOLV  HW2      628   -0.525413180    0.873847076   -1.564339382
  186 SOLV  OW       629    1.221058705    0.158822183    1.490100118
  186 SOLV  HW1      630    1.175847083    0.095617717    1.427150912
  186 SOLV  HW2      631    1.297035626    0.203886184    1.443215775
  187 SOLV  OW       632    1.350371726   -0.958774968    1.473850539
  187 SOLV  HW1      633    1.394524554   -1.008372252    1.399069082
  187 SOLV  HW2      634    1.363715365   -0.860485756    1.461094736
  188 SOLV  OW       635   -1.492688154   -0.525298686    1.423347440
  188 SOLV  HW1      636   -1.450270164   -0.492212857    1.507656570
  188 SOLV  HW2      637   -1.518624575   -0.621236848    1.434531416
  189 SOLV  OW       638   -1.235321237    1.187877663    0.746294858
  189 SOLV  HW1      639   -1.263576958    1.092433106    0.736600746
  189 SOLV  HW2      640   -1.301267770    1.247019866    0.699870100
  190 SOLV  OW       641   -0.783172871   -1.455696614    0.533603143
  190 SOLV  HW1      642   -0.808669036   -1.495647628    0.445536973
  190 SOLV  HW2      643   -0.852910596   -1.389753932    0.561709317
  191 SOLV  OW       644   -0.471722791   -0.357236150    1.124033830
  191 SOLV  HW1      645   -0.551055462   -0.356708983    1.184924771
  191 SOLV  HW2      646   -0.388001515   -0.350640833    1.178337532
  192 SOLV  OW       647   -1.274930088   -0.010629831    1.370633868
  192 SOLV  HW1      648   -1.289862162   -0.053612036    1.459692791
  192 SOLV  HW2      649   -1.221918794   -0.072253125    1.312373368
  193 SOLV  OW       650    1.298060028   -1.281622425   -1.104790554
  193 SOLV  HW1      651    1.350796354   -1.320715164   -1.180237728
  193 SOLV  HW2      652    1.210411879   -1.248030063   -1.139300226
  194 SOLV  OW       653    1.298764858   -0.686381642    1.331294516
  194 SOLV  HW1      654    1.273647076   -0.642186574    1.245170196
  194 SOLV  HW2      655    1.218230481   -0.730631077    1.370762293
  195 SOLV  OW       656    0.729391559    0.240372131    0.552774870
  195 SOLV  HW1      657    0.684372538    0.151317835    0.559418914
  195 SOLV  HW2      658    0.762096341    0.254278931    0.459294855
  196 SOLV  OW       659    0.989011620   -1.353954179    1.415850604
  196 SOLV  HW1      660    0.936612953   -1.290831782    1.358653582
  196 SOLV  HW2      661    0.926160407   -1.410629537    1.469134557
  197 SOLV  OW       662   -0.042805575   -0.209258665   -0.890469220
  197 SOLV  HW1      663   -0.079241435   -0.142485458   -0.825544078
  197 SOLV  HW2      664    0.049940868   -0.234971114   -0.863295102
  198 SOLV  OW       665    0.304420488   -0.273718692   -0.846742512
  198 SOLV  HW1      666    0.383631900   -0.243815252   -0.899972092
  198 SOLV  HW2      667    0.333228276   -0.295366648   -0.753449970
  199 SOLV  OW       668   -1.074405694   -1.252323740    1.499425724
  199 SOLV  HW1      669   -1.117522090   -1.168270966    1.532254752
  199 SOLV  HW2      670   -0.975382797   -1.246057685    1.511945853
  200 SOLV  OW       671   -1.398613160    1.498366208    0.256600102
  200 SOLV  HW1      672   -1.445628541    1.514259323    0.343416548
  200 SOLV  HW2      673   -1.460821488    1.518328727    0.180892033
  201 SOLV  OW       674   -1.506162090    0.130399520    1.374211183
  201 SOLV  HW1      675   -1.530491849    0.111697565    1.469394558
  201 SOLV  HW2      676   -1.420488639    0.083854792    1.351959990
  202 SOLV  OW       677   -0.689602450   -1.129671372    0.307727274
  202 SOLV  HW1      678   -0.736252572   -1.042264316    0.294166237
  202 SOLV  HW2      679   -0.622446379   -1.143235716    0.234883874
  203 SOLV  OW       680   -1.141932044   -0.396796127    1.218042912
  203 SOLV  HW1      681   -1.197343574   -0.474279344    1.187588982
  203 SOLV  HW2      682   -1.175792554   -0.364287489    1.306349873
  204 SOLV  OW       683   -0.317730110   -0.842178793    0.903899847
  204 SOLV  HW1      684   -0.355280280   -0.784374793    0.976357518
  204 SOLV  HW2      685   -0.267486767   -0.785415632    0.838669393
  205 SOLV  OW       686    1.089410802   -0.359498420   -0.743420106
  205 SOLV  HW1      687    1.035325042   -0.354371839   -0.827375929
  205 SOLV  HW2      688    1.094171766   -0.268933341   -0.701284732
  206 SOLV  OW       689    0.289222146    0.487895260   -1.422757515
  206 SOLV  HW1      690    0.297644741    0.450989357   -1.515325891
  206 SOLV  HW2      691    0.290718255    0.412820746   -1.356700594
  207 SOLV  OW       692    0.922672805    1.253432165    0.060780973
  207 SOLV  HW1      693    0.851305201    1.185106469    0.045290842
  207 SOLV  HW2      694    0.945609134    1.297871823   -0.025825591
  208 SOLV  OW       695   -0.837583347    0.098189243   -1.514622054
  208 SOLV  HW1      696   -0.923731849    0.141706484   -1.488425950
  208 SOLV  HW2      697   -0.846662100   -0.001092846   -1.506740119
  209 SOLV  OW       698   -0.998658212    0.978514454   -0.915244131
  209 SOLV  HW1      699   -1.039233492    0.982842543   -1.006550442
  209 SOLV  HW2      700   -0.974187047    0.883874173   -0.894118125
  210 SOLV  OW       701    0.547032539   -1.035699990   -1.546017090
  210 SOLV  HW1      702    0.552455293   -1.091577396   -1.463251974
  210 SOLV  HW2      703    0.639384280   -1.014205789   -1.577811085
  211 SOLV  OW       704    0.386323706    1.326303816   -0.871499179
  211 SOLV  HW1      705    0.340746405    1.318902678   -0.960201056
  211 SOLV  HW2      706    0.480573456    1.293864227   -0.879667052
  212 SOLV  OW       707    0.956180253    0.364141407   -0.936430903
  212 SOLV  HW1      708    0.996145668    0.421114543   -0.864606670
  212 SOLV  HW2      709    0.992779620    0.271324043   -0.929554955
  213 SOLV  OW       710    1.525529633   -0.369575348   -0.726580249
  213 SOLV  HW1      711    1.595507156   -0.425265884   -0.681818136
  213 SOLV  HW2      712    1.464279325   -0.428806387   -0.778944471
  214 SOLV  OW       713   -0.201720346    1.414670848    0.910259624
  214 SOLV  HW1      714   -0.290001295    1.442586442    0.948039579
  214 SOLV  HW2      715   -0.128076629    1.458448375    0.961836957
  215 SOLV  OW       716    0.724475123   -0.495831433   -0.411024893
  215 SOLV  HW1      717    0.672516778   -0.572320135   -0.449102976
  215 SOLV  HW2      718    0.737377214   -0.509917873   -0.312865846
  216 SOLV  OW       719    0.549848890   -0.167938015   -1.184603885
  216 SOLV  HW1      720    0.554159326   -0.186155338   -1.282845466
  216 SOLV  HW2      721    0.639475983   -0.137388885   -1.152424206
  217 SOLV  OW       722   -0.041838151    1.056549637    1.107328062
  217 SOLV  HW1      723   -0.035014748    1.155365622    1.121130713
  217 SOLV  HW2      724    0.030800517    1.010667322    1.158514625
  218 SOLV  OW       725    1.478278435    1.074296230    0.961350911
  218 SOLV  HW1      726    1.434747366    1.160300711    0.934735776
  218 SOLV  HW2      727    1.574250709    1.075442713    0.933242988
  219 SOLV  OW       728    0.243606687   -0.719414459    1.548719259
  219 SOLV  HW1      729    0.202921737   -0.748768191    1.462204826
  219 SOLV  HW2      730    0.264649641   -0.799664690    1.604563584
  220 SOLV  OW       731    1.305633733    0.541130668    1.477829442
  220 SOLV  HW1      732    1.343314571    0.539453896    1.570452085
  220 SOLV  HW2      733    1.320698132    0.452449170    1.434123518
  221 SOLV  OW       734    0.652564797    1.266215720   -0.382236122
  221 SOLV  HW1      735    0.667654804    1.179793284   -0.334226384
  221 SOLV  HW2      736    0.682383710    1.342127874   -0.324360078
  222 SOLV  OW       737   -1.431715214    1.335393026    0.627734216
  222 SOLV  HW1      738   -1.479360033    1.259129893    0.583984977
  222 SOLV  HW2      739   -1.446085552    1.418702315    0.574301383
  223 SOLV  OW       740   -0.726523267   -0.913467461    0.159673692
  223 SOLV  HW1      741   -0.630126037   -0.938825581    0.151511670
  223 SOLV  HW2      742   -0.734001639   -0.814508778    0.172054205
  224 SOLV  OW       743   -1.440659815   -0.105980201   -0.770494731
  224 SOLV  HW1      744   -1.518122938   -0.128970375   -0.711564828
  224 SOLV  HW2      745   -1.455281328   -0.015737177   -0.811043363
  225 SOLV  OW       746    1.107972446    1.420711125   -0.625485120
  225 SOLV  HW1      747    1.102403441    1.485483185   -0.549489312
  225 SOLV  HW2      748    1.197040656    1.375252301   -0.624053068
  226 SOLV  OW       749   -0.869381680    0.707919750   -0.853711873
  226 SOLV  HW1      750   -0.878409683    0.740679581   -0.759652923
  226 SOLV  HW2      751   -0.869582327    0.607913225   -0.854320639
  227 SOLV  OW       752   -0.480602634   -1.165063989    0.145459132
  227 SOLV  HW1      753   -0.471021600   -1.188272122    0.048653824
  227 SOLV  HW2      754   -0.400746143   -1.198201679    0.195723766
  228 SOLV  OW       755    1.398173109    0.546443614    0.962493384
  228 SOLV  HW1      756    1.400196377    0.578206379    0.867684604
  228 SOLV  HW2      757    1.406234893    0.446779204    0.964417421
  229 SOLV  OW       758    0.772431906   -0.139893042   -0.134398452
  229 SOLV  HW1      759    0.684352460   -0.159035488   -0.177724426
  229 SOLV  HW2      760    0.821237060   -0.225772613   -0.118770493
  230 SOLV  OW       761   -0.592512228   -0.861628470   -0.315495531
  230 SOLV  HW1      762   -0.667634182   -0.847589059   -0.250987108
  230 SOLV  HW2      763   -0.628727777   -0.897646139   -0.401477587
  231 SOLV  OW       764    0.192753748   -0.977499024    0.128163386
  231 SOLV  HW1      765    0.156263529   -0.938241700    0.212596815
  231 SOLV  HW2      766    0.131873508   -0.955192345    0.052020956
  232 SOLV  OW       767   -0.350398594   -0.338017773   -0.680220517
  232 SOLV  HW1      768   -0.309271184   -0.401184664   -0.745936346
  232 SOLV  HW2      769   -0.363708364   -0.384839296   -0.592855657
  233 SOLV  OW       770   -0.466128485   -1.276554042   -0.120810181
  233 SOLV  HW1      771   -0.373229940   -1.304682601   -0.144908175
  233 SOLV  HW2      772   -0.527779936   -1.354895797   -0.128791793
  234 SOLV  OW       773   -1.466771988   -0.197336017    0.004762741
  234 SOLV  HW1      774   -1.472117755   -0.262887784   -0.070577223
  234 SOLV  HW2      775   -1.388836908   -0.220014311    0.063187382
  235 SOLV  OW       776   -0.570620819    0.973994595    1.218431449
  235 SOLV  HW1      777   -0.575302054    1.033479853    1.298689427
  235 SOLV  HW2      778   -0.660537877    0.933562783    1.201641822
  236 SOLV  OW       779    0.088160947    1.057790960   -0.423581542
  236 SOLV  HW1      780    0.121143201    1.014275648   -0.507369531
  236 SOLV  HW2      781    0.021125997    0.998244955   -0.379282140
  237 SOLV  OW       782    0.991110815   -1.115835864   -0.269782387
  237 SOLV  HW1      783    1.050966331   -1.176168120   -0.217081094
  237 SOLV  HW2      784    0.895940965   -1.143690432   -0.256786730
  238 SOLV  OW       785    1.207094839   -0.679202659   -0.162886242
  238 SOLV  HW1      786    1.138550275   -0.750998478   -0.175072437
  238 SOLV  HW2      787    1.214311649   -0.625425252   -0.246894320
  239 SOLV  OW       788    0.031510836   -1.358066573   -0.086440327
  239 SOLV  HW1      789   -0.061212652   -1.332756211   -0.058806934
  239 SOLV  HW2      790    0.097136351   -1.321125273   -0.020634717
  240 SOLV  OW       791   -1.133803272    0.161100667    1.177183329
  240 SOLV  HW1      792   -1.057148606    0.223107926    1.193895340
  240 SOLV  HW2      793   -1.160180717    0.116889556    1.262913710
  241 SOLV  OW       794    0.907410053    0.759122047   -0.747565870
  241 SOLV  HW1      795    0.887824727    0.669604921   -0.707504554
  241 SOLV  HW2      796    0.963461041    0.747384062   -0.829555187
  242 SOLV  OW       797   -0.220091538    1.232037908   -0.390220188
  242 SOLV  HW1      798   -0.167603483    1.271072513   -0.465872329
  242 SOLV  HW2      799   -0.175799523    1.255078875   -0.303564497
  243 SOLV  OW       800    1.373523595    0.411921733   -0.437769967
  243 SOLV  HW1      801    1.284339303    0.371975052   -0.459033004
  243 SOLV  HW2      802    1.363473068    0.510476303   -0.424075105
  244 SOLV  OW       803    0.348063043    0.020269756   -1.154978929
  244 SOLV  HW1      804    0.275584959    0.009537201   -1.223050277
  244 SOLV  HW2      805    0.407765626   -0.059939866   -1.156959336
  245 SOLV  OW       806   -1.344665712    1.312101114   -0.190498580
  245 SOLV  HW1      807   -1.285043849    1.257179196   -0.131929996
  245 SOLV  HW2      808   -1.424546778    1.257989807   -0.216812736
  246 SOLV  OW       809   -1.024988868    0.950881477   -1.426453861
  246 SOLV  HW1      810   -0.936535959    0.927505326   -1.386061647
  246 SOLV  HW2      811   -1.010625472    0.992954234   -1.516038523
  247 SOLV  OW       812   -1.107417861    0.721019404    1.014631365
  247 SOLV  HW1      813   -1.008408924    0.728838790    1.002880340
  247 SOLV  HW2      814   -1.148892827    0.691012323    0.928716768
  248 SOLV  OW       815   -0.453341724   -0.926301014    0.270731026
  248 SOLV  HW1      816   -0.466131136   -1.007322201    0.213515429
  248 SOLV  HW2      817   -0.356096002   -0.903291107    0.274643200
  249 SOLV  OW       818   -0.461227710    0.821963137   -0.491136826
  249 SOLV  HW1      819   -0.381563550    0.817626376   -0.551438356
  249 SOLV  HW2      820   -0.509161981    0.908561632   -0.505435926
  250 SOLV  OW       821    0.541424875   -0.670584552    0.767655453
  250 SOLV  HW1      822    0.585712470   -0.686304662    0.855934465
  250 SOLV  HW2      823    0.587890126   -0.596016950    0.719882304
  251 SOLV  OW       824   -1.035301792    0.368632568    0.448316410
  251 SOLV  HW1      825   -0.980182816    0.346283789    0.528715569
  251 SOLV  HW2      826   -1.038539968    0.467909483    0.436691457
  252 SOLV  OW       827    1.460738309   -1.400370082   -1.298327078
  252 SOLV  HW1      828    1.439159962   -1.461857933   -1.374180553
  252 SOLV  HW2      829    1.546689203   -1.352921133   -1.317330531
  253 SOLV  OW       830   -0.752989986   -0.267585531    0.881637916
  253 SOLV  HW1      831   -0.704248966   -0.184355690    0.908073781
  253 SOLV  HW2      832   -0.762900388   -0.270213722    0.782156297
  254 SOLV  OW       833   -0.381036783   -0.525990590    0.434363971
  254 SOLV  HW1      834   -0.325754523   -0.551175146    0.354921270
  254 SOLV  HW2      835   -0.465171271   -0.481497012    0.403652487
  255 SOLV  OW       836   -0.604982595    1.067660831    0.345434570
  255 SOLV  HW1      837   -0.647634561    1.099885599    0.429957738
  255 SOLV  HW2      838   -0.601785167    0.967703262    0.345740953
  256 SOLV  OW       839    0.382151788   -1.462113066    1.506063279
  256 SOLV  HW1      840    0.404451163   -1.535541055    1.441933624
  256 SOLV  HW2      841    0.286953422   -1.471203697    1.535324144
  257 SOLV  OW       842    0.984559187   -0.980031319    1.479221572
  257 SOLV  HW1      843    1.033893596   -1.030704531    1.549932928
  257 SOLV  HW2      844    0.990246478   -0.882036517    1.498362057
  258 SOLV  OW       845    1.250299772    0.263605340   -1.467986152
  258 SOLV  HW1      846    1.300415269    0.332511615   -1.415636389
  258 SOLV  HW2      847    1.303647997    0.237620876   -1.548477547
  259 SOLV  OW       848   -0.032277697   -0.870082710    0.036009089
  259 SOLV  HW1      849   -0.035188073   -0.804642277   -0.039559579
  259 SOLV  HW2      850   -0.091296256   -0.948008105    0.014891452
  260 SOLV  OW       851   -1.194085948    1.242785361   -0.875655875
  260 SOLV  HW1      852   -1.123439959    1.257579009   -0.944880963
  260 SOLV  HW2      853   -1.276748804    1.292964161   -0.901164916
  261 SOLV  OW       854    0.694490128    0.668848861   -1.381177689
  261 SOLV  HW1      855    0.645798303    0.754638913   -1.364715323
  261 SOLV  HW2      856    0.721920766    0.628804053   -1.293738127
  262 SOLV  OW       857    0.690236772   -0.280450699   -1.400177368
  262 SOLV  HW1      858    0.762330266   -0.349704437   -1.397294664
  262 SOLV  HW2      859    0.691497333   -0.234733517   -1.489116159
  263 SOLV  OW       860    0.715940866   -0.737716865    1.441473842
  263 SOLV  HW1      861    0.760103843   -0.650219205    1.421585685
  263 SOLV  HW2      862    0.627833390   -0.721242702    1.485827367
  264 SOLV  OW       863    1.301829390    0.292619259   -1.053737008
  264 SOLV  HW1      864    1.393210914    0.275689654   -1.090654424
  264 SOLV  HW2      865    1.260172800    0.369696460   -1.101963918
  265 SOLV  OW       866    0.576369723   -0.998015068   -0.742437425
  265 SOLV  HW1      867    0.623100433   -1.082660991   -0.767997825
  265 SOLV  HW2      868    0.533000717   -1.009588213   -0.653066479
  266 SOLV  OW       869    1.307816868   -0.193832485   -0.160575677
  266 SOLV  HW1      870    1.265437150   -0.197735737   -0.251077172
  266 SOLV  HW2      871    1.291157855   -0.279793167   -0.112254164
  267 SOLV  OW       872    1.423643342   -1.112876046   -1.504309692
  267 SOLV  HW1      873    1.429988612   -1.066056813   -1.416174391
  267 SOLV  HW2      874    1.482133631   -1.193979709   -1.503227109
  268 SOLV  OW       875   -0.226595574   -1.059172055    0.703114796
  268 SOLV  HW1      876   -0.266189669   -0.993217396    0.767019682
  268 SOLV  HW2      877   -0.127052070   -1.059254369    0.712736624
  269 SOLV  OW       878    0.476670908    0.077211476   -1.512459159
  269 SOLV  HW1      879    0.448940084    0.124157649   -1.428620750
  269 SOLV  HW2      880    0.538467958    0.136001027   -1.564676981
  270 SOLV  OW       881    1.475830976   -0.404717487   -1.246916819
  270 SOLV  HW1      882    1.545317894   -0.440071930   -1.184279199
  270 SOLV  HW2      883    1.392414644   -0.383910257   -1.195823310
  271 SOLV  OW       884    0.418198932   -1.348402951   -0.321091479
  271 SOLV  HW1      885    0.379420852   -1.355524558   -0.229183105
  271 SOLV  HW2      886    0.441176178   -1.439739038   -0.354725946
  272 SOLV  OW       887   -0.221609562   -1.003194439   -0.396921538
  272 SOLV  HW1      888   -0.219540203   -1.099121545   -0.425122863
  272 SOLV  HW2      889   -0.276498304   -0.994077031   -0.313820443
  273 SOLV  OW       890    0.551537918   -1.059398929   -0.104139899
  273 SOLV  HW1      891    0.542482873   -0.971294596   -0.057693999
  273 SOLV  HW2      892    0.510375365   -1.053499120   -0.195092427
  274 SOLV  OW       893    1.491995921   -1.030406508   -0.516538535
  274 SOLV  HW1      894    1.414099157   -1.091215948   -0.501178802
  274 SOLV  HW2      895    1.464530757   -0.935918970   -0.498667614
  275 SOLV  OW       896    0.429959672    0.165566599    1.389915403
  275 SOLV  HW1      897    0.526342467    0.140839092    1.399939183
  275 SOLV  HW2      898    0.421232337    0.239002123    1.322591374
  276 SOLV  OW       899   -1.040678307    1.325672539   -0.523502585
  276 SOLV  HW1      900   -1.005762721    1.249511057   -0.578109322
  276 SOLV  HW2      901   -0.967986840    1.392997070   -0.509907043
  277 SOLV  OW       902    0.908836890   -0.357736791   -1.058511388
  277 SOLV  HW1      903    0.956135759   -0.287026535   -1.111094076
  277 SOLV  HW2      904    0.945967702   -0.447467422   -1.082421151
  278 SOLV  OW       905    0.748216854   -0.142756967   -0.503698287
  278 SOLV  HW1      906    0.780030518   -0.048538132   -0.514225922
  278 SOLV  HW2      907    0.814505810   -0.205119825   -0.545131828
  279 SOLV  OW       908    0.541969428   -0.461571433    0.249371283
  279 SOLV  HW1      909    0.548841415   -0.426668770    0.155903330
  279 SOLV  HW2      910    0.550733585   -0.385738729    0.313979119
  280 SOLV  OW       911    0.476709538    0.975062968    1.171582789
  280 SOLV  HW1      912    0.523764925    1.040267991    1.231043759
  280 SOLV  HW2      913    0.540227760    0.902649208    1.144690707
  281 SOLV  OW       914    0.805405809    0.028379530   -1.193255326
  281 SOLV  HW1      915    0.773475271    0.120125073   -1.169483606
  281 SOLV  HW2      916    0.790951030    0.012337706   -1.290905537
  282 SOLV  OW       917   -0.649714440    0.442973190    1.556127960
  282 SOLV  HW1      918   -0.735299358    0.394948263    1.575383337
  282 SOLV  HW2      919   -0.652382872    0.479838749    1.463199267
  283 SOLV  OW       920    1.080055644    0.759058735    0.920789569
  283 SOLV  HW1      921    1.077939759    0.659620970    0.931248159
  283 SOLV  HW2      922    1.165175589    0.794797814    0.959246994
  284 SOLV  OW       923    1.323958332   -1.303731890    1.164185607
  284 SOLV  HW1      924    1.362991863   -1.231790102    1.221650792
  284 SOLV  HW2      925    1.267969174   -1.364590663    1.220424778
  285 SOLV  OW       926   -1.494407069   -0.943390159    0.007201472
  285 SOLV  HW1      927   -1.577795253   -0.904944648    0.046826132
  285 SOLV  HW2      928   -1.518074977   -1.020659046   -0.051715588
  286 SOLV  OW       929   -0.381816895    1.522169418    0.543941116
  286 SOLV  HW1      930   -0.354504021    1.500109460    0.450295894
  286 SOLV  HW2      931   -0.422053770    1.441280677    0.586835301
  287 SOLV  OW       932   -0.126560994   -0.675618807    1.519193743
  287 SOLV  HW1      933   -0.090069817   -0.613102373    1.450185875
  287 SOLV  HW2      934   -0.208348603   -0.635554506    1.560516444
  288 SOLV  OW       935    1.011810906   -0.866489056   -0.160916014
  288 SOLV  HW1      936    0.998300070   -0.953927074   -0.207543263
  288 SOLV  HW2      937    0.983945766   -0.875096601   -0.065253015
  289 SOLV  OW       938   -0.104142896   -0.645847289    0.677033110
  289 SOLV  HW1      939   -0.092434155   -0.612222916    0.770488553
  289 SOLV  HW2      940   -0.016162340   -0.643566447    0.629538217
  290 SOLV  OW       941    1.291377146    0.034839453    1.032281737
  290 SOLV  HW1      942    1.256125071    0.127960072    1.041643268
  290 SOLV  HW2      943    1.215239854   -0.028257465    1.017326936
  291 SOLV  OW       944   -0.159777833    0.480578863   -0.385770094
  291 SOLV  HW1      945   -0.215815395    0.511705707   -0.309007995
  291 SOLV  HW2      946   -0.214704073    0.480752078   -0.469343398
  292 SOLV  OW       947   -0.711807780   -0.643769668    0.196858695
  292 SOLV  HW1      948   -0.694017050   -0.580629998    0.272347229
  292 SOLV  HW2      949   -0.808724684   -0.640065027    0.172465098
  293 SOLV  OW       950    0.594082904   -0.283879887    0.447597094
  293 SOLV  HW1      951    0.659748169   -0.236097344    0.505963525
  293 SOLV  HW2      952    0.504333676   -0.284162287    0.491719206
  294 SOLV  OW       953    0.724387852   -0.386381680   -0.719702445
  294 SOLV  HW1      954    0.728032496   -0.474063583   -0.767647107
  294 SOLV  HW2      955    0.673646103   -0.397248406   -0.634208478
  295 SOLV  OW       956    0.205808377    1.299210794   -0.032065932
  295 SOLV  HW1      957    0.259039791    1.383030647   -0.020201022
  295 SOLV  HW2      958    0.193776669    1.280927583   -0.129641811
  296 SOLV  OW       959    0.493343946    0.591472592    1.066073162
  296 SOLV  HW1      960    0.396868819    0.584985540    1.040535495
  296 SOLV  HW2      961    0.524754811    0.685643254    1.053951947
  297 SOLV  OW       962   -1.226121714   -0.325968450   -0.697900030
  297 SOLV  HW1      963   -1.307364653   -0.267648303   -0.697420327
  297 SOLV  HW2      964   -1.155365926   -0.285001800   -0.640305993
  298 SOLV  OW       965   -1.492294569   -0.712413793   -0.154498273
  298 SOLV  HW1      966   -1.474049638   -0.772335279   -0.076535965
  298 SOLV  HW2      967   -1.411428371   -0.708583510   -0.213214759
  299 SOLV  OW       968   -0.621473218    0.117160483   -1.064989450
  299 SOLV  HW1      969   -0.530277691    0.083985753   -1.040816664
  299 SOLV  HW2      970   -0.622929647    0.143253614   -1.161521840
  300 SOLV  OW       971   -0.062909076    1.313206268   -0.600107241
  300 SOLV  HW1      972   -0.072332013    1.406946968   -0.633656240
  300 SOLV  HW2      973    0.025877025    1.276601487   -0.628013160
  301 SOLV  OW       974    1.109396460    0.768093081    1.468485449
  301 SOLV  HW1      975    1.189410891    0.708412713    1.462361495
  301 SOLV  HW2      976    1.068882707    0.760256858    1.559582612
  302 SOLV  OW       977   -0.859613845    0.277461903   -1.159246799
  302 SOLV  HW1      978   -0.816605488    0.356132153   -1.203534577
  302 SOLV  HW2      979   -0.790792174    0.226659374   -1.107451329
  303 SOLV  OW       980   -0.175243825   -0.601860141   -0.748601552
  303 SOLV  HW1      981   -0.187638917   -0.692812872   -0.788296658
  303 SOLV  HW2      982   -0.077755198   -0.584776243   -0.734255387
  304 SOLV  OW       983   -1.507795316   -0.786422272    0.432874376
  304 SOLV  HW1      984   -1.411693071   -0.791381953    0.405641339
  304 SOLV  HW2      985   -1.549056584   -0.877274295    0.426149259
  305 SOLV  OW       986   -0.329073023    1.113608726    1.489777767
  305 SOLV  HW1      987   -0.421210649    1.143692419    1.514427679
  305 SOLV  HW2      988   -0.306682146    1.030166860    1.540156524
  306 SOLV  OW       989   -1.207777603    0.622366710    0.776183257
  306 SOLV  HW1      990   -1.225497540    0.652857189    0.682598684
  306 SOLV  HW2      991   -1.183381298    0.525381693    0.775566550
  307 SOLV  OW       992    1.566659812    1.071046522    0.260118863
  307 SOLV  HW1      993    1.568744780    1.144847905    0.192659205
  307 SOLV  HW2      994    1.477786682    1.070330199    0.305975311
  308 SOLV  OW       995   -0.456289850   -1.272522937    1.095158252
  308 SOLV  HW1      996   -0.386088128   -1.331886125    1.055793287
  308 SOLV  HW2      997   -0.541643136   -1.323742170    1.104814911
  309 SOLV  OW       998   -1.101498589   -0.466740895   -0.890817494
  309 SOLV  HW1      999   -1.131339284   -0.428078804   -0.803554076
  309 SOLV  HW2     1000   -1.002617216   -0.455209047   -0.900282204
  310 SOLV  OW      1001    0.663749416   -1.219727718    0.913681730
  310 SOLV  HW1     1002    0.578777424   -1.225453057    0.861254598
  310 SOLV  HW2     1003    0.657917404   -1.143690889    0.978381091
  311 SOLV  OW      1004   -1.561532638    0.420614684    0.967680781
  311 SOLV  HW1     1005   -1.558524452    0.502190770    0.909906174
  311 SOLV  HW2     1006   -1.469290919    0.399100584    0.999776046
  312 SOLV  OW      1007   -1.126326662   -0.009779250    0.378043105
  312 SOLV  HW1     1008   -1.178975926    0.036636379    0.306801353
  312 SOLV  HW2     1009   -1.033840874   -0.027961198    0.344613702
  313 SOLV  OW      1010    0.113800696    0.756740844   -0.428947925
  313 SOLV  HW1     1011    0.122642831    0.810381314   -0.512889857
  313 SOLV  HW2     1012    0.045432940    0.684984880   -0.442312444
  314 SOLV  OW      1013   -1.329275267   -0.575310519   -1.007016772
  314 SOLV  HW1     1014   -1.233289615   -0.559740807   -0.983683774
  314 SOLV  HW2     1015   -1.359995228   -0.661228878   -0.966072921
  315 SOLV  OW      1016   -0.664586827    0.903247710   -0.859325222
  315 SOLV  HW1     1017   -0.596358213    0.850064295   -0.909508437
  315 SOLV  HW2     1018   -0.754417532    0.860565700   -0.869837589
  316 SOLV  OW      1019    0.871692415   -0.774780942    1.194278189
  316 SOLV  HW1     1020    0.857988886   -0.865169058    1.153752479
  316 SOLV  HW2     1021    0.826961467   -0.771219430    1.283645678
  317 SOLV  OW      1022   -0.362936114   -0.726352504   -0.385750333
  317 SOLV  HW1     1023   -0.446531484   -0.781118208   -0.382192015
  317 SOLV  HW2     1024   -0.295753668   -0.771880230   -0.444178368
  318 SOLV  OW      1025   -0.558775842   -0.622181452   -0.019659108
  318 SOLV  HW1     1026   -0.612282263   -0.565593338   -0.082388509
  318 SOLV  HW2     1027   -0.599283763   -0.618092324    0.071678056
  319 SOLV  OW      1028   -1.515539268    1.162410046   -1.004566491
  319 SOLV  HW1     1029   -1.497955165    1.138301878   -1.100019793
  319 SOLV  HW2     1030   -1.523446464    1.078947627   -0.950039560
  320 SOLV  OW      1031   -0.475446390    0.376942209   -1.218518935
  320 SOLV  HW1     1032   -0.441332654    0.426920187   -1.138892838
  320 SOLV  HW2     1033   -0.400189096    0.326623834   -1.261018401
  321 SOLV  OW      1034    0.503840862   -0.289620674    1.567558085
  321 SOLV  HW1     1035    0.509637839   -0.384843632    1.537540987
  321 SOLV  HW2     1036    0.448669960   -0.237471287    1.502453757
  322 SOLV  OW      1037    0.735721459   -0.572604646   -0.913170459
  322 SOLV  HW1     1038    0.695416226   -0.654541281   -0.953961365
  322 SOLV  HW2     1039    0.794543526   -0.527468329   -0.980287156
  323 SOLV  OW      1040   -1.160173951   -0.788632146   -1.429322876
  323 SOLV  HW1     1041   -1.086847061   -0.721919466   -1.416180662
  323 SOLV  HW2     1042   -1.135945885   -0.874197680   -1.383588530
  324 SOLV  OW      1043   -0.755864496   -0.450530586    0.396495400
  324 SOLV  HW1     1044   -0.768566545   -0.361829687    0.440907879
  324 SOLV  HW2     1045   -0.799985835   -0.521753558    0.451105303
  325 SOLV  OW      1046    1.076709271   -1.184330096   -1.271893259
  325 SOLV  HW1     1047    1.072502373   -1.281632662   -1.294614839
  325 SOLV  HW2     1048    0.992405069   -1.139499207   -1.301636711
  326 SOLV  OW      1049    0.011174007    0.955521638    0.264060557
  326 SOLV  HW1     1050   -0.004924516    0.880315596    0.200146386
  326 SOLV  HW2     1051    0.058165427    1.030006783    0.216691161
  327 SOLV  OW      1052   -1.133343536    0.928095785   -1.147582411
  327 SOLV  HW1     1053   -1.088488396    0.976383265   -1.222791901
  327 SOLV  HW2     1054   -1.210403383    0.982474024   -1.114342717
  328 SOLV  OW      1055   -0.059206827   -0.126077368    1.121483069
  328 SOLV  HW1     1056    0.029947795   -0.158241489    1.089563545
  328 SOLV  HW2     1057   -0.053058337   -0.029156188    1.145364721
  329 SOLV  OW      1058    0.438230021   -1.074362868    0.853155162
  329 SOLV  HW1     1059    0.447213516   -0.987674572    0.804119192
  329 SOLV  HW2     1060    0.367852934   -1.065607103    0.923671061
  330 SOLV  OW      1061    1.448773701   -0.524729004   -0.380412162
  330 SOLV  HW1     1062    1.351386909   -0.503646445   -0.371871848
  330 SOLV  HW2     1063    1.498939738   -0.481357910   -0.305553016
  331 SOLV  OW      1064   -1.143182310    1.423811434    1.356832411
  331 SOLV  HW1     1065   -1.237484530    1.409406206    1.326808331
  331 SOLV  HW2     1066   -1.140829634    1.431999782    1.456477777
  332 SOLV  OW      1067   -0.833387623    1.394758304    0.357803984
  332 SOLV  HW1     1068   -0.776572984    1.328900515    0.308441369
  332 SOLV  HW2     1069   -0.791215393    1.485314634    0.353017450
  333 SOLV  OW      1070    0.313130720    0.840160301   -0.253351449
  333 SOLV  HW1     1071    0.237663729    0.803445016   -0.307746242
  333 SOLV  HW2     1072    0.361999534    0.909303629   -0.306577661
  334 SOLV  OW      1073   -0.674266368    0.470144046   -1.415035113
  334 SOLV  HW1     1074   -0.640664509    0.445343048   -1.505906443
  334 SOLV  HW2     1075   -0.598854807    0.466368951   -1.349456246
  335 SOLV  OW      1076    0.324011434    0.251722919   -1.309397758
  335 SOLV  HW1     1077    0.368253376    0.222828780   -1.224489741
  335 SOLV  HW2     1078    0.252063334    0.186517399   -1.333339002
  336 SOLV  OW      1079    1.383445479    1.297101910   -0.695255787
  336 SOLV  HW1     1080    1.407424878    1.217884920   -0.751392157
  336 SOLV  HW2     1081    1.423227152    1.379626141   -0.735365013
  337 SOLV  OW      1082   -0.653665070    1.058988781    1.455001868
  337 SOLV  HW1     1083   -0.656012672    1.092287571    1.549276165
  337 SOLV  HW2     1084   -0.745616203    1.063176497    1.415894920
  338 SOLV  OW      1085   -0.537405521   -0.590287723    0.953667210
  338 SOLV  HW1     1086   -0.590731346   -0.505931025    0.960149089
  338 SOLV  HW2     1087   -0.496959367   -0.597207640    0.862464908
  339 SOLV  OW      1088    0.921017012    0.878140342    1.117186389
  339 SOLV  HW1     1089    0.993462700    0.835251378    1.063203978
  339 SOLV  HW2     1090    0.922033405    0.976948271    1.101761082
  340 SOLV  OW      1091   -0.400582439   -1.028869108   -0.174358484
  340 SOLV  HW1     1092   -0.465782950   -0.980659088   -0.232880439
  340 SOLV  HW2     1093   -0.431325887   -1.123053064   -0.160782289
  341 SOLV  OW      1094    0.654429907   -0.843854634   -0.328152802
  341 SOLV  HW1     1095    0.737020784   -0.894872609   -0.304113599
  341 SOLV  HW2     1096    0.664043492   -0.806462413   -0.420409583
  342 SOLV  OW      1097   -0.009251142    1.514738476   -0.213242369
  342 SOLV  HW1     1098    0.052899077    1.437029340   -0.223271153
  342 SOLV  HW2     1099   -0.006161388    1.570764692   -0.296027739
  343 SOLV  OW      1100    0.852884689   -1.433607396   -0.741367239
  343 SOLV  HW1     1101    0.913430222   -1.415398327   -0.663879349
  343 SOLV  HW2     1102    0.859689278   -1.530029759   -0.767021725
  344 SOLV  OW      1103    0.027450928   -0.252630138    0.567319618
  344 SOLV  HW1     1104    0.073838631   -0.304501173    0.495490467
  344 SOLV  HW2     1105   -0.070207617   -0.274153735    0.566176501
  345 SOLV  OW      1106    0.082666662    0.618246313   -1.336513154
  345 SOLV  HW1     1107    0.162709469    0.569277758   -1.371113653
  345 SOLV  HW2     1108    0.111247144    0.683202469   -1.266044185
  346 SOLV  OW      1109   -0.848706518    0.503491357   -0.658580709
  346 SOLV  HW1     1110   -0.804618887    0.476625643   -0.572927456
  346 SOLV  HW2     1111   -0.789765028    0.478875921   -0.735534661
  347 SOLV  OW      1112   -0.749736548    1.413573088    1.359248979
  347 SOLV  HW1     1113   -0.786682515    1.334125908    1.311029080
  347 SOLV  HW2     1114   -0.775555003    1.497045490    1.310590449
  348 SOLV  OW      1115    0.966236820    1.175985047   -0.491588799
  348 SOLV  HW1     1116    1.017485894    1.210128094   -0.570389210
  348 SOLV  HW2     1117    1.014392713    1.200406882   -0.407408432
  349 SOLV  OW      1118   -1.463432401    1.021144179    1.541526877
  349 SOLV  HW1     1119   -1.393972692    1.092762889    1.548452836
  349 SOLV  HW2     1120   -1.496845229    1.016135370    1.447397068
  350 SOLV  OW      1121   -0.971396470    0.300696277   -0.278374319
  350 SOLV  HW1     1122   -0.919115161    0.220517488   -0.249399105
  350 SOLV  HW2     1123   -1.056834956    0.271099642   -0.321103411
  351 SOLV  OW      1124   -0.316938966   -1.022683457   -1.148827949
  351 SOLV  HW1     1125   -0.277201269   -1.112909811   -1.132088457
  351 SOLV  HW2     1126   -0.412561815   -1.022443252   -1.119533127
  352 SOLV  OW      1127   -1.526225970    0.310753091   -0.118555217
  352 SOLV  HW1     1128   -1.519469852    0.219998677   -0.077105472
  352 SOLV  HW2     1129   -1.435689292    0.340215446   -0.149168089
  353 SOLV  OW      1130   -0.391499023    1.210067984    1.234055044
  353 SOLV  HW1     1131   -0.347250104    1.199912821    1.323164301
  353 SOLV  HW2     1132   -0.401805258    1.120139195    1.191533349
  354 SOLV  OW      1133    0.964502961    1.355331208   -1.003928460
  354 SOLV  HW1     1134    1.064447216    1.352019397   -1.005283206
  354 SOLV  HW2     1135    0.934509572    1.434354594   -0.950475105
  355 SOLV  OW      1136   -1.364805916    0.369185108    1.507127194
  355 SOLV  HW1     1137   -1.290827138    0.353310905    1.572512841
  355 SOLV  HW2     1138   -1.378323613    0.287147057    1.451565335
  356 SOLV  OW      1139   -1.359605101    0.750994263    1.309547363
  356 SOLV  HW1     1140   -1.278869902    0.692459810    1.302085816
  356 SOLV  HW2     1141   -1.438407394    0.695744333    1.336708622
  357 SOLV  OW      1142   -0.512154401   -0.960030211    1.079764864
  357 SOLV  HW1     1143   -0.444830103   -0.944137694    1.007540415
  357 SOLV  HW2     1144   -0.498188272   -1.050996639    1.118899633
  358 SOLV  OW      1145   -1.031587026    0.222151022   -1.374361424
  358 SOLV  HW1     1146   -0.970311204    0.249231608   -1.300108401
  358 SOLV  HW2     1147   -1.091337069    0.148338787   -1.343005747
  359 SOLV  OW      1148    0.254271653    0.977192163    1.414760701
  359 SOLV  HW1     1149    0.293178190    0.937205888    1.331761048
  359 SOLV  HW2     1150    0.317878636    0.964424820    1.490870512
  360 SOLV  OW      1151   -1.304273167    0.794595230   -0.812943735
  360 SOLV  HW1     1152   -1.341165626    0.885226734   -0.833595896
  360 SOLV  HW2     1153   -1.276790286    0.749649597   -0.897950067
  361 SOLV  OW      1154    0.174001603    1.231660190   -0.685444326
  361 SOLV  HW1     1155    0.233245967    1.221633101   -0.765391057
  361 SOLV  HW2     1156    0.172716711    1.145923496   -0.633971619
  362 SOLV  OW      1157    0.648478965    0.827225473    1.026964198
  362 SOLV  HW1     1158    0.628107039    0.886822740    0.949289989
  362 SOLV  HW2     1159    0.745595614    0.834236382    1.049752216
  363 SOLV  OW      1160    1.264892372    1.142628012    0.294910015
  363 SOLV  HW1     1161    1.300739411    1.112604308    0.383312894
  363 SOLV  HW2     1162    1.173804929    1.103770868    0.280958551
  364 SOLV  OW      1163    0.682913062    0.654090378    0.307633064
  364 SOLV  HW1     1164    0.637757363    0.718447399    0.245819855
  364 SOLV  HW2     1165    0.620732176    0.630399620    0.382291593
  365 SOLV  OW      1166    1.165106165    0.653432064    0.213285509
  365 SOLV  HW1     1167    1.130901486    0.594932850    0.139746330
  365 SOLV  HW2     1168    1.216530085    0.598014911    0.278742439
  366 SOLV  OW      1169    0.749263613   -0.201287911    0.637975204
  366 SOLV  HW1     1170    0.751748957   -0.182432062    0.736158723
  366 SOLV  HW2     1171    0.817932476   -0.145326154    0.591556865
  367 SOLV  OW      1172   -0.137969389   -1.241581362    1.109687382
  367 SOLV  HW1     1173   -0.215278078   -1.220492900    1.169522925
  367 SOLV  HW2     1174   -0.161627519   -1.318747545    1.050634548
  368 SOLV  OW      1175   -1.035897938   -0.841402384   -0.614208857
  368 SOLV  HW1     1176   -1.131473603   -0.824819071   -0.589947024
  368 SOLV  HW2     1177   -1.031096709   -0.880183370   -0.706248690
  369 SOLV  OW      1178   -0.105855862    0.419799871   -1.416602863
  369 SOLV  HW1     1179   -0.058780938    0.498748411   -1.377198545
  369 SOLV  HW2     1180   -0.046190574    0.375388375   -1.483455723
  370 SOLV  OW      1181   -1.498472277    0.025246105    0.958278666
  370 SOLV  HW1     1182   -1.487205684    0.115872500    0.999039790
  370 SOLV  HW2     1183   -1.418225559    0.003505173    0.902695978
  371 SOLV  OW      1184   -0.665235187   -0.749811339    1.201050740
  371 SOLV  HW1     1185   -0.638958907   -0.666964468    1.151578548
  371 SOLV  HW2     1186   -0.618365546   -0.828672729    1.161230257
  372 SOLV  OW      1187    1.438179794    0.099715114   -0.515301996
  372 SOLV  HW1     1188    1.338915291    0.098862621   -0.503156663
  372 SOLV  HW2     1189    1.463869879    0.176284035   -0.574283870
  373 SOLV  OW      1190   -0.937424264    1.053533579    1.410376352
  373 SOLV  HW1     1191   -0.963426236    1.098203178    1.324758003
  373 SOLV  HW2     1192   -0.986223349    0.966642057    1.418772720
  374 SOLV  OW      1193   -0.190943771   -0.793665881   -1.260867914
  374 SOLV  HW1     1194   -0.211928493   -0.884519815   -1.224715246
  374 SOLV  HW2     1195   -0.100043073   -0.765687590   -1.229945842
  375 SOLV  OW      1196    1.363021051   -1.255612166   -0.453563266
  375 SOLV  HW1     1197    1.279533977   -1.277235126   -0.504183875
  375 SOLV  HW2     1198    1.412500752   -1.340112471   -0.433275543
  376 SOLV  OW      1199   -0.776120237   -1.144589623   -1.491652128
  376 SOLV  HW1     1200   -0.706332166   -1.086607896   -1.449583884
  376 SOLV  HW2     1201   -0.830164705   -1.090331095   -1.555972061
  377 SOLV  OW      1202    0.388306571    0.195425484   -0.432703801
  377 SOLV  HW1     1203    0.325601906    0.270732834   -0.412737683
  377 SOLV  HW2     1204    0.479083874    0.217269436   -0.396870918
  378 SOLV  OW      1205    0.351953703    1.351751822    1.222190296
  378 SOLV  HW1     1206    0.422075475    1.388930125    1.283024827
  378 SOLV  HW2     1207    0.281210546    1.306606737    1.276572435
  379 SOLV  OW      1208    1.275234727   -1.562836585   -0.697732244
  379 SOLV  HW1     1209    1.246315202   -1.475595627   -0.658308914
  379 SOLV  HW2     1210    1.303816731   -1.548719364   -0.792522538
  380 SOLV  OW      1211    0.818393535   -1.074803896   -1.355166184
  380 SOLV  HW1     1212    0.838949696   -1.016026866   -1.433414476
  380 SOLV  HW2     1213    0.760263422   -1.025228373   -1.290627638
  381 SOLV  OW      1214    0.499629184    1.491495750    1.422988624
  381 SOLV  HW1     1215    0.506590868    1.585419651    1.389352472
  381 SOLV  HW2     1216    0.556093192    1.481164748    1.504882723
  382 SOLV  OW      1217   -1.072977724    0.020963689   -0.793542762
  382 SOLV  HW1     1218   -1.025178727    0.073477469   -0.723131893
  382 SOLV  HW2     1219   -1.145390722   -0.033419168   -0.751128701
  383 SOLV  OW      1220    0.757443740    1.106792742   -1.249694791
  383 SOLV  HW1     1221    0.800523099    1.196942886   -1.254021691
  383 SOLV  HW2     1222    0.789930408    1.058204877   -1.168544422
  384 SOLV  OW      1223   -0.978580929    0.756190819    1.355288290
  384 SOLV  HW1     1224   -1.049281324    0.688829167    1.333707470
  384 SOLV  HW2     1225   -0.918317233    0.719664002    1.426251642
  385 SOLV  OW      1226    0.393444690    0.369274638    1.196718722
  385 SOLV  HW1     1227    0.457560171    0.429173080    1.148726625
  385 SOLV  HW2     1228    0.316185011    0.423211247    1.230239351
  386 SOLV  OW      1229   -1.315403055    0.856220160   -0.198144688
  386 SOLV  HW1     1230   -1.340891327    0.942456957   -0.154381090
  386 SOLV  HW2     1231   -1.221414289    0.862417767   -0.231748845
  387 SOLV  OW      1232   -0.707763335    0.571834755   -1.064453867
  387 SOLV  HW1     1233   -0.648861151    0.609760300   -1.135827045
  387 SOLV  HW2     1234   -0.784787225    0.633603922   -1.048520756
  388 SOLV  OW      1235   -0.765246868    0.095680496   -0.321843089
  388 SOLV  HW1     1236   -0.720772402    0.040827631   -0.392659266
  388 SOLV  HW2     1237   -0.773530474    0.041612973   -0.238118744
  389 SOLV  OW      1238    1.538824221   -0.049915378   -0.265045598
  389 SOLV  HW1     1239    1.466432480   -0.079384314   -0.202654549
  389 SOLV  HW2     1240    1.498413519   -0.022070746   -0.352184385
  390 SOLV  OW      1241    0.195536803   -1.425238995    0.380844543
  390 SOLV  HW1     1242    0.265757958   -1.491448580    0.354664964
  390 SOLV  HW2     1243    0.170249017   -1.439584492    0.476535605
  391 SOLV  OW      1244    1.300321983    0.671170916   -0.337771593
  391 SOLV  HW1     1245    1.279326679    0.768710457   -0.344638799
  391 SOLV  HW2     1246    1.371583234    0.657195291   -0.269008780
  392 SOLV  OW      1247    1.049435399    1.450117907   -0.067743136
  392 SOLV  HW1     1248    1.102044765    1.404001203    0.003721156
  392 SOLV  HW2     1249    1.002209353    1.529115969   -0.028620607
  393 SOLV  OW      1250   -0.164284323   -0.177359981   -0.239334083
  393 SOLV  HW1     1251   -0.198642967   -0.245068649   -0.174256050
  393 SOLV  HW2     1252   -0.064292771   -0.178670843   -0.239086497
  394 SOLV  OW      1253   -0.149310004    0.773086152   -1.304127218
  394 SOLV  HW1     1254   -0.114382815    0.856888326   -1.262182564
  394 SOLV  HW2     1255   -0.081778050    0.700040050   -1.293842501
  395 SOLV  OW      1256    1.453488104    0.727091048   -0.098488470
  395 SOLV  HW1     1257    1.408679008    0.642154924   -0.070568183
  395 SOLV  HW2     1258    1.445720578    0.794550942   -0.025068957
  396 SOLV  OW      1259   -1.170257556   -0.459264782   -0.036180230
  396 SOLV  HW1     1260   -1.263563280   -0.477845879   -0.005376417
  396 SOLV  HW2     1261   -1.168620345   -0.453734452   -0.136023884
  397 SOLV  OW      1262    1.222305554   -0.367746352   -1.122754902
  397 SOLV  HW1     1263    1.232356447   -0.461515391   -1.089491114
  397 SOLV  HW2     1264    1.157263661   -0.318640540   -1.064804393
  398 SOLV  OW      1265   -0.045421070    0.046336372    1.422760080
  398 SOLV  HW1     1266   -0.133393724    0.072262780    1.382900726
  398 SOLV  HW2     1267   -0.041493443    0.077271945    1.517774048
  399 SOLV  OW      1268   -0.411248857    1.263643557   -0.597685455
  399 SOLV  HW1     1269   -0.478550246    1.331548093   -0.568341460
  399 SOLV  HW2     1270   -0.342057839    1.252334322   -0.526367600
  400 SOLV  OW      1271    0.600275836    0.403285625   -1.411709842
  400 SOLV  HW1     1272    0.589385389    0.502615384   -1.415837407
  400 SOLV  HW2     1273    0.554529242    0.361469552   -1.490199408
  401 SOLV  OW      1274    0.315553060   -1.529148749   -0.083616524
  401 SOLV  HW1     1275    0.372176917   -1.523992799   -0.001342949
  401 SOLV  HW2     1276    0.220001613   -1.512247847   -0.059407885
  402 SOLV  OW      1277   -0.485763830    0.709624841   -1.220378967
  402 SOLV  HW1     1278   -0.482036235    0.740359261   -1.315466246
  402 SOLV  HW2     1279   -0.414584941    0.641145280   -1.204690698
  403 SOLV  OW      1280   -1.347267263    0.690918925   -1.321230110
  403 SOLV  HW1     1281   -1.310184484    0.605799887   -1.358397858
  403 SOLV  HW2     1282   -1.331551237    0.693797459   -1.222505646
  404 SOLV  OW      1283    0.246090289    1.009121205    0.459182456
  404 SOLV  HW1     1284    0.198516308    0.933239038    0.414681858
  404 SOLV  HW2     1285    0.248783988    1.087633446    0.397294195
  405 SOLV  OW      1286    0.840481921    0.613094733   -0.478036706
  405 SOLV  HW1     1287    0.809580084    0.618350226   -0.383075724
  405 SOLV  HW2     1288    0.764510663    0.584071036   -0.536226767
  406 SOLV  OW      1289   -0.252863340   -1.418416141   -0.179645369
  406 SOLV  HW1     1290   -0.282774537   -1.462437273   -0.094974534
  406 SOLV  HW2     1291   -0.198233164   -1.482837978   -0.233189480
  407 SOLV  OW      1292    0.035006646   -0.633859211   -0.334061865
  407 SOLV  HW1     1293   -0.013534383   -0.590567382   -0.410030849
  407 SOLV  HW2     1294    0.066722850   -0.563549705   -0.270404113
  408 SOLV  OW      1295   -1.325183206    0.921240197    0.740603059
  408 SOLV  HW1     1296   -1.295526400    0.861412433    0.666163506
  408 SOLV  HW2     1297   -1.267587326    0.905621169    0.820845509
  409 SOLV  OW      1298   -1.360034205   -0.268983871   -0.990036832
  409 SOLV  HW1     1299   -1.382214469   -0.260120907   -0.892922762
  409 SOLV  HW2     1300   -1.377564436   -0.362842648   -1.019782625
  410 SOLV  OW      1301    0.178477027    1.341119908    0.856870845
  410 SOLV  HW1     1302    0.101112964    1.277852030    0.860610230
  410 SOLV  HW2     1303    0.241346444    1.312621407    0.784501981
  411 SOLV  OW      1304    0.780298143   -1.319060687   -1.477260211
  411 SOLV  HW1     1305    0.835348192   -1.376501398   -1.416664628
  411 SOLV  HW2     1306    0.771841513   -1.227550344   -1.437813837
  412 SOLV  OW      1307   -0.574302381   -0.810941940    1.457718343
  412 SOLV  HW1     1308   -0.550580029   -0.902920325    1.489003475
  412 SOLV  HW2     1309   -0.579728848   -0.810081802    1.357861724
  413 SOLV  OW      1310    1.155802355    0.178907875   -0.742335843
  413 SOLV  HW1     1311    1.238664458    0.226353795   -0.772080907
  413 SOLV  HW2     1312    1.120326764    0.222508048   -0.659616671
  414 SOLV  OW      1313   -0.085479861    1.308899267    0.667177630
  414 SOLV  HW1     1314   -0.103728162    1.370173108    0.744083596
  414 SOLV  HW2     1315   -0.021277361    1.352671601    0.604218065
  415 SOLV  OW      1316    0.947644966   -0.381648829   -0.511409995
  415 SOLV  HW1     1317    0.973829944   -0.399017544   -0.606355179
  415 SOLV  HW2     1318    0.878872530   -0.448495267   -0.483059403
  416 SOLV  OW      1319   -1.210456284   -0.681162341    1.326782209
  416 SOLV  HW1     1320   -1.117174903   -0.646163782    1.335464547
  416 SOLV  HW2     1321   -1.209317409   -0.780963606    1.333104519
  417 SOLV  OW      1322   -1.198604350   -0.415364370   -0.301735136
  417 SOLV  HW1     1323   -1.142192099   -0.493928297   -0.327140990
  417 SOLV  HW2     1324   -1.175854741   -0.337650068   -0.360429498
  418 SOLV  OW      1325    0.948086406    0.353029575   -0.227084876
  418 SOLV  HW1     1326    0.925587211    0.445096005   -0.195154482
  418 SOLV  HW2     1327    0.864355955    0.298774429   -0.233981453
  419 SOLV  OW      1328    0.130734373   -1.272422161    0.136962381
  419 SOLV  HW1     1329    0.151227889   -1.306903183    0.228565910
  419 SOLV  HW2     1330    0.152007983   -1.174808782    0.132586114
  420 SOLV  OW      1331   -1.173768099    1.549799142   -0.331684696
  420 SOLV  HW1     1332   -1.175314022    1.451584477   -0.350478613
  420 SOLV  HW2     1333   -1.237277310    1.596497970   -0.393227114
  421 SOLV  OW      1334   -1.296579346   -1.240873742    0.548815789
  421 SOLV  HW1     1335   -1.345316510   -1.249241444    0.635745049
  421 SOLV  HW2     1336   -1.351214933   -1.282096997    0.475893476
  422 SOLV  OW      1337   -0.018062993    1.241054182    0.113569509
  422 SOLV  HW1     1338    0.063861620    1.261173807    0.059851974
  422 SOLV  HW2     1339   -0.096135478    1.229415800    0.052160313
  423 SOLV  OW      1340   -1.122934393   -0.561199480    0.793027042
  423 SOLV  HW1     1341   -1.106660192   -0.634596814    0.858979411
  423 SOLV  HW2     1342   -1.197811301   -0.503335531    0.825382463
  424 SOLV  OW      1343   -1.396034253    0.659156389   -0.015491803
  424 SOLV  HW1     1344   -1.360959567    0.712360166   -0.092570879
  424 SOLV  HW2     1345   -1.319457796    0.620021390    0.035561699
  425 SOLV  OW      1346    1.309322564   -0.248632837    0.839433450
  425 SOLV  HW1     1347    1.385421352   -0.201589171    0.884129421
  425 SOLV  HW2     1348    1.232817746   -0.256441347    0.903369541
  426 SOLV  OW      1349    0.601069234   -1.535608130   -1.519037433
  426 SOLV  HW1     1350    0.540797596   -1.508581201   -1.594128051
  426 SOLV  HW2     1351    0.660068110   -1.458723269   -1.494350625
  427 SOLV  OW      1352   -0.945869294    0.167753816   -0.596141703
  427 SOLV  HW1     1353   -0.978356227    0.248873539   -0.644782684
  427 SOLV  HW2     1354   -0.872526365    0.193729823   -0.533310648
  428 SOLV  OW      1355    0.544592038   -1.484805095    0.106100909
  428 SOLV  HW1     1356    0.534746420   -1.495762633    0.205010599
  428 SOLV  HW2     1357    0.589358985   -1.397548222    0.086549724
  429 SOLV  OW      1358    1.305568036    0.973870758    1.473595231
  429 SOLV  HW1     1359    1.224417571    0.934680903    1.430228452
  429 SOLV  HW2     1360    1.387531219    0.930139811    1.436562511
  430 SOLV  OW      1361   -1.332560263   -0.407537331    0.891975117
  430 SOLV  HW1     1362   -1.396359942   -0.390149110    0.816950322
  430 SOLV  HW2     1363   -1.380557339   -0.453911197    0.966454429
  431 SOLV  OW      1364    0.258484406   -0.614710806   -0.527307004
  431 SOLV  HW1     1365    0.218922258   -0.642260771   -0.439684918
  431 SOLV  HW2     1366    0.274908315   -0.695845349   -0.583424468
  432 SOLV  OW      1367   -1.164324780    0.569707339    1.230991132
  432 SOLV  HW1     1368   -1.157420960    0.614788583    1.141987155
  432 SOLV  HW2     1369   -1.106888723    0.487838063    1.231412332
  433 SOLV  OW      1370    0.679393891    1.127131508    0.043164076
  433 SOLV  HW1     1371    0.711508245    1.118437994    0.137476246
  433 SOLV  HW2     1372    0.644926312    1.038776977    0.011429539
  434 SOLV  OW      1373    1.033951060   -0.753088172   -1.485403999
  434 SOLV  HW1     1374    1.085900338   -0.821499044   -1.434186951
  434 SOLV  HW2     1375    1.097083859   -0.687801187   -1.527281611
  435 SOLV  OW      1376   -1.137525503    1.431666757   -1.288496739
  435 SOLV  HW1     1377   -1.088229904    1.453722835   -1.204332594
  435 SOLV  HW2     1378   -1.095886856    1.480425100   -1.365236150
  436 SOLV  OW      1379   -0.826703553    0.729366990    0.923027541
  436 SOLV  HW1     1380   -0.735608143    0.690542589    0.936971239
  436 SOLV  HW2     1381   -0.832033491    0.769867394    0.831751043
  437 SOLV  OW      1382    0.704737512   -0.757329735    0.944655482
  437 SOLV  HW1     1383    0.699735610   -0.853797135    0.918752930
  437 SOLV  HW2     1384    0.786015840   -0.742113603    1.000907140
  438 SOLV  OW      1385   -1.058835467    0.800760560    0.054962076
  438 SOLV  HW1     1386   -1.133320666    0.859817741    0.086037539
  438 SOLV  HW2     1387   -1.086488259    0.705023692    0.063402792
  439 SOLV  OW      1388   -0.869259318   -0.972103565    0.883447535
  439 SOLV  HW1     1389   -0.781035482   -1.019155148    0.881390561
  439 SOLV  HW2     1390   -0.854985751   -0.873962601    0.870560704
  440 SOLV  OW      1391   -1.429754578   -1.234601297    0.786431613
  440 SOLV  HW1     1392   -1.525558930   -1.239605895    0.758181835
  440 SOLV  HW2     1393   -1.418703094   -1.279875863    0.874916422
  441 SOLV  OW      1394   -0.315194744   -0.687185827   -0.082601049
  441 SOLV  HW1     1395   -0.305156667   -0.755446275   -0.154999662
  441 SOLV  HW2     1396   -0.407866288   -0.649651132   -0.084821850
  442 SOLV  OW      1397   -0.836643868   -0.417189822   -0.535729636
  442 SOLV  HW1     1398   -0.769303329   -0.384304527   -0.601955344
  442 SOLV  HW2     1399   -0.841078969   -0.517030113   -0.539513528
  443 SOLV  OW      1400    1.318179096    0.689656732    1.198017576
  443 SOLV  HW1     1401    1.336531451    0.642992886    1.284548626
  443 SOLV  HW2     1402    1.368545901    0.644390876    1.124423910
  444 SOLV  OW      1403    1.403025431   -0.804653030   -0.348805116
  444 SOLV  HW1     1404    1.427959496   -0.823414454   -0.253787928
  444 SOLV  HW2     1405    1.438198799   -0.714881527   -0.375371498
  445 SOLV  OW      1406   -0.446686691    0.713491511    1.189524946
  445 SOLV  HW1     1407   -0.352293914    0.740759049    1.208186486
  445 SOLV  HW2     1408   -0.504370649    0.794979585    1.183699675
  446 SOLV  OW      1409   -1.240532580   -0.264058562    0.436328464
  446 SOLV  HW1     1410   -1.198366151   -0.347345960    0.472204767
  446 SOLV  HW2     1411   -1.185475430   -0.184834944    0.462675708
  447 SOLV  OW      1412   -0.341491488    1.216997646    0.546997221
  447 SOLV  HW1     1413   -0.393284740    1.143114792    0.590128467
  447 SOLV  HW2     1414   -0.262078525    1.239410646    0.603501633
  448 SOLV  OW      1415   -1.091761733    0.587387405   -0.202199194
  448 SOLV  HW1     1416   -0.994807292    0.562885685   -0.201198740
  448 SOLV  HW2     1417   -1.107968543    0.656362470   -0.272776850
  449 SOLV  OW      1418    0.097397447   -1.492125454    0.615175561
  449 SOLV  HW1     1419    0.025893532   -1.562042926    0.615922890
  449 SOLV  HW2     1420    0.080000798   -1.425904390    0.688072086
  450 SOLV  OW      1421   -0.746740468    0.936539676   -1.304647706
  450 SOLV  HW1     1422   -0.676985141    0.906755485   -1.369818451
  450 SOLV  HW2     1423   -0.704992600    0.949271280   -1.214674866
  451 SOLV  OW      1424   -1.054752232   -1.457679649   -1.302595906
  451 SOLV  HW1     1425   -1.044706112   -1.525140972   -1.375738939
  451 SOLV  HW2     1426   -0.991732194   -1.381670231   -1.318496347
  452 SOLV  OW      1427   -1.330810412    0.335858146    1.039987145
  452 SOLV  HW1     1428   -1.274173509    0.348580633    0.958548144
  452 SOLV  HW2     1429   -1.272202063    0.315991373    1.118550823
  453 SOLV  OW      1430    0.658677820   -1.053902552    1.497415758
  453 SOLV  HW1     1431    0.749699629   -1.079047827    1.464482275
  453 SOLV  HW2     1432    0.632074915   -0.965963781    1.457907395
  454 SOLV  OW      1433    0.531040824   -0.640087262   -0.121089172
  454 SOLV  HW1     1434    0.459507215   -0.706214967   -0.098459788
  454 SOLV  HW2     1435    0.598259056   -0.683059527   -0.181396849
  455 SOLV  OW      1436   -0.928197102    1.243291333    0.080968260
  455 SOLV  HW1     1437   -0.990505199    1.220255510    0.155728819
  455 SOLV  HW2     1438   -0.836282382    1.257990167    0.117542140
  456 SOLV  OW      1439   -1.490538181    0.067278387    0.051165439
  456 SOLV  HW1     1440   -1.486402348   -0.023788826    0.010039727
  456 SOLV  HW2     1441   -1.410751899    0.080968713    0.109887968
  457 SOLV  OW      1442   -0.185913382   -1.103899832    0.001114596
  457 SOLV  HW1     1443   -0.279211440   -1.101009802   -0.034742403
  457 SOLV  HW2     1444   -0.186934375   -1.141558501    0.093739308
  458 SOLV  OW      1445   -0.851935708   -0.140326284   -0.740897601
  458 SOLV  HW1     1446   -0.863333854   -0.225548234   -0.791974219
  458 SOLV  HW2     1447   -0.929179887   -0.079644850   -0.759673970
  459 SOLV  OW      1448    1.005827401    0.375350811    1.243492709
  459 SOLV  HW1     1449    1.022823465    0.473562460    1.235296245
  459 SOLV  HW2     1450    0.907248372    0.358693362    1.245986986
  460 SOLV  OW      1451   -0.556392323    0.665007090    0.948091462
  460 SOLV  HW1     1452   -0.513384546    0.685841784    1.035943578
  460 SOLV  HW2     1453   -0.518050549    0.724363655    0.877321077
  461 SOLV  OW      1454    1.290505700   -0.540538019   -0.752004407
  461 SOLV  HW1     1455    1.211511833   -0.480432711   -0.739861420
  461 SOLV  HW2     1456    1.279376373   -0.622060533   -0.695168609
  462 SOLV  OW      1457    0.665729565    0.594755814    1.304020982
  462 SOLV  HW1     1458    0.628847233    0.602876583    1.211416196
  462 SOLV  HW2     1459    0.763761997    0.614496719    1.302683841
  463 SOLV  OW      1460    0.479915639   -0.034897990    0.789030514
  463 SOLV  HW1     1461    0.425561488    0.017680580    0.854472620
  463 SOLV  HW2     1462    0.575475538   -0.036155135    0.818496275
  464 SOLV  OW      1463    1.189861420   -1.479841456   -0.306445491
  464 SOLV  HW1     1464    1.283378820   -1.496767831   -0.337560189
  464 SOLV  HW2     1465    1.127922182   -1.480972655   -0.384946073
  465 SOLV  OW      1466   -1.074559732    0.831341810   -0.332357078
  465 SOLV  HW1     1467   -0.978710726    0.857654917   -0.343427133
  465 SOLV  HW2     1468   -1.123117613    0.845301490   -0.418665740
  466 SOLV  OW      1469    0.217556957   -0.435498731   -1.049247947
  466 SOLV  HW1     1470    0.221059446   -0.371486494   -0.972499942
  466 SOLV  HW2     1471    0.277117258   -0.513563061   -1.030258374
  467 SOLV  OW      1472    0.305170104    1.289192396   -1.130284733
  467 SOLV  HW1     1473    0.329563401    1.242961575   -1.215545240
  467 SOLV  HW2     1474    0.206008142    1.301535936   -1.126270687
  468 SOLV  OW      1475    0.443201706    1.482623836    0.598645831
  468 SOLV  HW1     1476    0.485186182    1.441575518    0.679593175
  468 SOLV  HW2     1477    0.503935496    1.552929799    0.561651662
  469 SOLV  OW      1478    0.816515544    0.735574331    0.745965157
  469 SOLV  HW1     1479    0.866213605    0.761762197    0.828707974
  469 SOLV  HW2     1480    0.871863554    0.671498042    0.692740093
  470 SOLV  OW      1481   -1.156875489   -1.052986990    0.861079188
  470 SOLV  HW1     1482   -1.183088181   -1.143992128    0.893219312
  470 SOLV  HW2     1483   -1.064874786   -1.031332952    0.893773688
  471 SOLV  OW      1484   -0.790811469   -0.764619680   -0.943501743
  471 SOLV  HW1     1485   -0.839024084   -0.842581216   -0.903531343
  471 SOLV  HW2     1486   -0.856519941   -0.704755830   -0.989335591
  472 SOLV  OW      1487    0.038215939   -0.953846156   -1.469404741
  472 SOLV  HW1     1488    0.059556387   -0.876977661   -1.409090709
  472 SOLV  HW2     1489   -0.041738664   -1.002567822   -1.434254733
  473 SOLV  OW      1490    0.002802818    1.331006653   -1.099776524
  473 SOLV  HW1     1491   -0.041479205    1.420608460   -1.103283052
  473 SOLV  HW2     1492    0.016169320    1.296788396   -1.192793070
  474 SOLV  OW      1493   -1.193680202    0.475363862   -1.436360225
  474 SOLV  HW1     1494   -1.098959641    0.504761006   -1.423555750
  474 SOLV  HW2     1495   -1.204909773    0.382661283   -1.400580082
  475 SOLV  OW      1496    1.243157080    0.018089028   -1.030361543
  475 SOLV  HW1     1497    1.326334627   -0.033087448   -1.008821403
  475 SOLV  HW2     1498    1.263749880    0.115938150   -1.032087782
  476 SOLV  OW      1499    0.728606872    0.321880324    1.182120529
  476 SOLV  HW1     1500    0.725648337    0.269706301    1.096860621
  476 SOLV  HW2     1501    0.678615880    0.407692917    1.170407721
  477 SOLV  OW      1502   -0.695485298   -0.042210887    0.335507724
  477 SOLV  HW1     1503   -0.731993205    0.049913547    0.348996852
  477 SOLV  HW2     1504   -0.652725774   -0.073832388    0.420203748
  478 SOLV  OW      1505   -1.069496577   -1.389675599    0.217891965
  478 SOLV  HW1     1506   -1.027125323   -1.371616071    0.129119550
  478 SOLV  HW2     1507   -1.034043770   -1.325054861    0.285487682
  479 SOLV  OW      1508   -1.273873001   -0.726109242    0.189653144
  479 SOLV  HW1     1509   -1.321506578   -0.639734895    0.173161366
  479 SOLV  HW2     1510   -1.322854462   -0.800408856    0.144026072
  480 SOLV  OW      1511   -0.814285812    1.413278648   -1.283132915
  480 SOLV  HW1     1512   -0.727421524    1.456922687   -1.306583357
  480 SOLV  HW2     1513   -0.879216308    1.425897766   -1.358132106
  481 SOLV  OW      1514    1.381284325    0.318301697   -0.808524495
  481 SOLV  HW1     1515    1.452301200    0.382878737   -0.780455201
  481 SOLV  HW2     1516    1.371234271    0.320991136   -0.907989047
  482 SOLV  OW      1517   -1.548315847    0.594739568   -1.000637636
  482 SOLV  HW1     1518   -1.474805407    0.602469778   -0.933270724
  482 SOLV  HW2     1519   -1.572068590    0.685750948   -1.034616291
  483 SOLV  OW      1520   -0.531548281    0.940709856   -1.123294467
  483 SOLV  HW1     1521   -0.505086601    0.847812792   -1.149213274
  483 SOLV  HW2     1522   -0.463047061    0.978745815   -1.061144980
  484 SOLV  OW      1523    0.219503171    0.901050088    1.109150594
  484 SOLV  HW1     1524    0.306927496    0.947832802    1.122197762
  484 SOLV  HW2     1525    0.176471749    0.933720562    1.024992070
  485 SOLV  OW      1526    0.712925587    0.481594895    0.788883793
  485 SOLV  HW1     1527    0.730176778    0.580051206    0.785686860
  485 SOLV  HW2     1528    0.744015659    0.439537699    0.703642703
  486 SOLV  OW      1529   -1.521295712    1.124582993   -0.231919981
  486 SOLV  HW1     1530   -1.572139515    1.082515749   -0.307068298
  486 SOLV  HW2     1531   -1.517526187    1.061195454   -0.154655590
  487 SOLV  OW      1532    1.025500417   -0.536631254    0.257139315
  487 SOLV  HW1     1533    1.121936003   -0.544041473    0.282570820
  487 SOLV  HW2     1534    0.968536048   -0.568970397    0.332708692
  488 SOLV  OW      1535    0.222006785    0.625022902    1.072123486
  488 SOLV  HW1     1536    0.214666014    0.723165712    1.089895153
  488 SOLV  HW2     1537    0.204042746    0.574450497    1.156511480
  489 SOLV  OW      1538    1.485332377    1.065670939   -1.174276126
  489 SOLV  HW1     1539    1.465473216    1.131167049   -1.247198434
  489 SOLV  HW2     1540    1.584276110    1.053237947   -1.166701655
  490 SOLV  OW      1541    1.192255082   -1.000963256    0.210627461
  490 SOLV  HW1     1542    1.250753796   -0.929331580    0.248690070
  490 SOLV  HW2     1543    1.124873268   -0.959821855    0.149235357
  491 SOLV  OW      1544    0.476298819   -0.914474926    1.292849588
  491 SOLV  HW1     1545    0.428901740   -0.848965099    1.233998716
  491 SOLV  HW2     1546    0.427413036   -1.001712349    1.291729688
  492 SOLV  OW      1547    0.892505470   -0.303652211    1.151337603
  492 SOLV  HW1     1548    0.815661235   -0.356885365    1.115800159
  492 SOLV  HW2     1549    0.857841665   -0.228577170    1.207585900
  493 SOLV  OW      1550   -0.095359353   -0.521868893    1.202862982
  493 SOLV  HW1     1551   -0.167531476   -0.586774389    1.178778796
  493 SOLV  HW2     1552   -0.136573668   -0.435695486    1.232477800
  494 SOLV  OW      1553   -0.154214700   -1.251420894   -0.506647196
  494 SOLV  HW1     1554   -0.066322132   -1.271000166   -0.463133204
  494 SOLV  HW2     1555   -0.210984582   -1.333748860   -0.505585306
  495 SOLV  OW      1556   -0.500697196    0.839704735   -0.225335811
  495 SOLV  HW1     1557   -0.493783374    0.811844372   -0.321137655
  495 SOLV  HW2     1558   -0.530163743    0.935150131   -0.220445239
  496 SOLV  OW      1559    1.526914062    0.818623463    0.379258366
  496 SOLV  HW1     1560    1.450405286    0.811426566    0.443233990
  496 SOLV  HW2     1561    1.541139890    0.914562441    0.354933215
  497 SOLV  OW      1562    0.343002126   -0.838704637   -1.233080031
  497 SOLV  HW1     1563    0.382544090   -0.888035538   -1.155591064
  497 SOLV  HW2     1564    0.412113484   -0.828082196   -1.304581169
  498 SOLV  OW      1565    0.780763674   -0.976711841    0.793048504
  498 SOLV  HW1     1566    0.727670297   -1.060516680    0.805678182
  498 SOLV  HW2     1567    0.877301621   -0.999920619    0.781073547
  499 SOLV  OW      1568   -0.335226509   -0.471079001   -0.441674390
  499 SOLV  HW1     1569   -0.238118266   -0.447990540   -0.447760629
  499 SOLV  HW2     1570   -0.346322583   -0.570274546   -0.447774490
  500 SOLV  OW      1571   -0.572809466   -0.874839754   -1.097599771
  500 SOLV  HW1     1572   -0.518382607   -0.799225173   -1.133956574
  500 SOLV  HW2     1573   -0.647889021   -0.838372439   -1.042510502
  501 SOLV  OW      1574    0.627366464    0.875682383   -0.045207808
  501 SOLV  HW1     1575    0.650303251    0.919006701   -0.132378819
  501 SOLV  HW2     1576    0.594921468    0.782551079   -0.061813068
  502 SOLV  OW      1577   -1.553869452   -1.207937627   -0.111251763
  502 SOLV  HW1     1578   -1.477789896   -1.272404092   -0.103668275
  502 SOLV  HW2     1579   -1.571380469   -1.188268657   -0.207729973
  503 SOLV  OW      1580    1.367896197    1.514933533    1.291414646
  503 SOLV  HW1     1581    1.360300311    1.581523860    1.217186124
  503 SOLV  HW2     1582    1.321047055    1.430507328    1.265352430
  504 SOLV  OW      1583   -0.363947052    0.075585237   -1.421184614
  504 SOLV  HW1     1584   -0.324762149    0.138620998   -1.354157174
  504 SOLV  HW2     1585   -0.308054212   -0.007223769   -1.425690051
  505 SOLV  OW      1586    1.309675658   -1.002274059    0.873622173
  505 SOLV  HW1     1587    1.224653638   -1.040390091    0.909956487
  505 SOLV  HW2     1588    1.362540491   -0.961701066    0.948193339
  506 SOLV  OW      1589   -1.197258001    0.896141350   -0.564551267
  506 SOLV  HW1     1590   -1.203418581    0.833740586   -0.642459583
  506 SOLV  HW2     1591   -1.191724074    0.990342340   -0.597671944
  507 SOLV  OW      1592   -0.428932517    1.353361955    0.123053533
  507 SOLV  HW1     1593   -0.366630111    1.299270656    0.179569854
  507 SOLV  HW2     1594   -0.380098131    1.432287195    0.085804099
  508 SOLV  OW      1595   -0.634980940    1.413213699    0.783370137
  508 SOLV  HW1     1596   -0.551491950    1.464663041    0.802896812
  508 SOLV  HW2     1597   -0.612271321    1.331860473    0.729847858
  509 SOLV  OW      1598    0.229788566   -0.611487764    0.927964303
  509 SOLV  HW1     1599    0.283963002   -0.536929389    0.966794837
  509 SOLV  HW2     1600    0.242512711   -0.613773121    0.828795859
  510 SOLV  OW      1601    0.148897488    0.038836285   -1.319288614
  510 SOLV  HW1     1602    0.151896053   -0.023401186   -1.397515222
  510 SOLV  HW2     1603    0.053703150    0.060456701   -1.297551165
  511 SOLV  OW      1604    1.213777687   -0.087321453   -0.726659361
  511 SOLV  HW1     1605    1.214189195    0.004510552   -0.687053269
  511 SOLV  HW2     1606    1.224099237   -0.080834925   -0.825922793
  512 SOLV  OW      1607    0.440185396   -1.367978306   -0.585375948
  512 SOLV  HW1     1608    0.440393071   -1.341966249   -0.488808907
  512 SOLV  HW2     1609    0.346239160   -1.385185669   -0.615038565
  513 SOLV  OW      1610   -1.037128683   -0.133993991    1.280605747
  513 SOLV  HW1     1611   -0.986878233   -0.108974004    1.197837929
  513 SOLV  HW2     1612   -1.077306807   -0.224838512    1.269005987
  514 SOLV  OW      1613    0.481000329   -1.196239141   -1.303675201
  514 SOLV  HW1     1614    0.390151535   -1.165405946   -1.331916329
  514 SOLV  HW2     1615    0.479770033   -1.295284432   -1.289881732
  515 SOLV  OW      1616    0.166562157   -0.388356329    1.231031646
  515 SOLV  HW1     1617    0.159536032   -0.303894764    1.284125335
  515 SOLV  HW2     1618    0.075013980   -0.425174244    1.214741515
  516 SOLV  OW      1619    0.550240010   -1.264108495    0.640648103
  516 SOLV  HW1     1620    0.489940097   -1.221043315    0.707813590
  516 SOLV  HW2     1621    0.565898953   -1.201014503    0.564649688
  517 SOLV  OW      1622    1.199619887    0.928007889   -0.410485812
  517 SOLV  HW1     1623    1.159893807    1.013617620   -0.377405612
  517 SOLV  HW2     1624    1.181428239    0.918465798   -0.508360577
  518 SOLV  OW      1625    1.334067117   -1.480109214    0.935680853
  518 SOLV  HW1     1626    1.332457332   -1.439331489    1.026985695
  518 SOLV  HW2     1627    1.376972853   -1.416494668    0.871539073
  519 SOLV  OW      1628    1.123412112    0.330668825   -0.014270291
  519 SOLV  HW1     1629    1.088503202    0.263055482    0.050626913
  519 SOLV  HW2     1630    1.063707571    0.333819949   -0.094439867
  520 SOLV  OW      1631   -1.083053208   -0.646428231   -1.167994348
  520 SOLV  HW1     1632   -1.164842380   -0.589700956   -1.158367414
  520 SOLV  HW2     1633   -1.006169546   -0.589386597   -1.196894946
  521 SOLV  OW      1634   -1.011986776   -0.635609884   -0.266748964
  521 SOLV  HW1     1635   -0.940293941   -0.650091774   -0.334943834
  521 SOLV  HW2     1636   -0.972493618   -0.592741452   -0.185492099
  522 SOLV  OW      1637    0.782700829   -1.433997211   -1.140679148
  522 SOLV  HW1     1638    0.807204865   -1.369883246   -1.067953070
  522 SOLV  HW2     1639    0.865854965   -1.473933494   -1.179287088
  523 SOLV  OW      1640    1.474865083   -0.672853053    0.948700821
  523 SOLV  HW1     1641    1.526798885   -0.616046760    0.884856800
  523 SOLV  HW2     1642    1.397802202   -0.620382139    0.984869946
  524 SOLV  OW      1643    0.939644048    1.411874450    0.949714412
  524 SOLV  HW1     1644    0.880737134    1.357844627    0.889611718
  524 SOLV  HW2     1645    0.883072680    1.467890846    1.010239984
  525 SOLV  OW      1646    0.972377408    0.266455790    0.721046697
  525 SOLV  HW1     1647    1.037990585    0.295653354    0.651447223
  525 SOLV  HW2     1648    0.890079828    0.231152278    0.676523571
  526 SOLV  OW      1649   -0.364920323    0.070645618   -0.958614435
  526 SOLV  HW1     1650   -0.318182485    0.107446054   -0.878221898
  526 SOLV  HW2     1651   -0.309895560    0.088458502   -1.040202155
  527 SOLV  OW      1652   -0.309976038    1.326261624   -1.343351439
  527 SOLV  HW1     1653   -0.278886327    1.231376122   -1.348978852
  527 SOLV  HW2     1654   -0.408507710    1.328083444   -1.326333882
  528 SOLV  OW      1655    0.539098897    1.540578973   -0.488241209
  528 SOLV  HW1     1656    0.637401240    1.528980659   -0.502521928
  528 SOLV  HW2     1657    0.498878787    1.453208553   -0.460845534
  529 SOLV  OW      1658   -0.831493192   -0.423821674    1.101507293
  529 SOLV  HW1     1659   -0.797269354   -0.353555582    1.039113045
  529 SOLV  HW2     1660   -0.920192520   -0.456780021    1.069136605
  530 SOLV  OW      1661    0.311788933    0.792578062   -1.077477964
  530 SOLV  HW1     1662    0.300429089    0.699192260   -1.043535424
  530 SOLV  HW2     1663    0.394676332    0.832443305   -1.038204356
  531 SOLV  OW      1664    0.019095496    1.336975158   -1.369341276
  531 SOLV  HW1     1665   -0.079932678    1.334957734   -1.383106434
  531 SOLV  HW2     1666    0.065124416    1.314425674   -1.455207157
  532 SOLV  OW      1667   -1.035682809    0.992064461    0.472443503
  532 SOLV  HW1     1668   -1.082111831    1.072877308    0.436197678
  532 SOLV  HW2     1669   -0.965553494    0.962123641    0.407747935
  533 SOLV  OW      1670    0.918392377    1.317266435   -1.270967039
  533 SOLV  HW1     1671    0.939107087    1.322027830   -1.173241832
  533 SOLV  HW2     1672    0.958610162    1.396172225   -1.317425891
  534 SOLV  OW      1673    0.784130533    0.966673629   -0.568910964
  534 SOLV  HW1     1674    0.825949147    0.879577051   -0.594736582
  534 SOLV  HW2     1675    0.855238161    1.036430943   -0.560011749
  535 SOLV  OW      1676   -1.551758510    0.053491678   -1.319058547
  535 SOLV  HW1     1677   -1.507363842    0.003565181   -1.393477931
  535 SOLV  HW2     1678   -1.551250075   -0.002669582   -1.236309454
  536 SOLV  OW      1679   -1.553182779    0.554022304    1.478006344
  536 SOLV  HW1     1680   -1.495345484    0.476668456    1.503950558
  536 SOLV  HW2     1681   -1.535211669    0.631053360    1.539203822
  537 SOLV  OW      1682    1.026620198    1.027030009    0.832372499
  537 SOLV  HW1     1683    1.059875000    0.934938704    0.852739440
  537 SOLV  HW2     1684    1.057345722    1.090073340    0.903667343
  538 SOLV  OW      1685    0.119438201   -0.582727028   -0.800883701
  538 SOLV  HW1     1686    0.150703677   -0.579517536   -0.705942298
  538 SOLV  HW2     1687    0.194810489   -0.611848412   -0.859812722
  539 SOLV  OW      1688   -1.442592971   -0.334170191   -0.235521597
  539 SOLV  HW1     1689   -1.498975600   -0.363179960   -0.312861713
  539 SOLV  HW2     1690   -1.347829244   -0.362110453   -0.251052012
  540 SOLV  OW      1691    0.355423184    0.398979844    0.800981033
  540 SOLV  HW1     1692    0.436488565    0.446605822    0.766917864
  540 SOLV  HW2     1693    0.341790322    0.314843958    0.748680097
  541 SOLV  OW      1694   -0.049151947   -0.420986428   -0.550018449
  541 SOLV  HW1     1695   -0.086650446   -0.375559362   -0.630838606
  541 SOLV  HW2     1696    0.031092723   -0.370750545   -0.517788948
  542 SOLV  OW      1697    1.449257540   -0.203695920    0.125077406
  542 SOLV  HW1     1698    1.365529284   -0.152615289    0.105571473
  542 SOLV  HW2     1699    1.490525065   -0.234051522    0.039195983
  543 SOLV  OW      1700    1.445055586   -1.507316830   -0.376682041
  543 SOLV  HW1     1701    1.435950893   -1.574905148   -0.449828587
  543 SOLV  HW2     1702    1.541989374   -1.490155184   -0.359053657
  544 SOLV  OW      1703    1.112424992   -1.316388855    0.688243993
  544 SOLV  HW1     1704    1.106134851   -1.326973936    0.588996724
  544 SOLV  HW2     1705    1.079161752   -1.399520168    0.732789283
  545 SOLV  OW      1706    1.130115375    1.168216978   -0.835679669
  545 SOLV  HW1     1707    1.201467013    1.235433541   -0.855495864
  545 SOLV  HW2     1708    1.171789514    1.085596777   -0.797746456
  546 SOLV  OW      1709    0.913184208    1.037503956    1.419135899
  546 SOLV  HW1     1710    0.928939151    0.946703902    1.457977164
  546 SOLV  HW2     1711    0.820185363    1.042475060    1.382695673
  547 SOLV  OW      1712   -1.516265612   -0.511060988   -1.200281383
  547 SOLV  HW1     1713   -1.440565395   -0.529027603   -1.137442638
  547 SOLV  HW2     1714   -1.489273135   -0.536630052   -1.293123603
  548 SOLV  OW      1715   -0.824605836    0.914983429   -0.311294017
  548 SOLV  HW1     1716   -0.769518501    0.958326589   -0.382626377
  548 SOLV  HW2     1717   -0.797414496    0.950657542   -0.221909847
  549 SOLV  OW      1718    0.082516172   -0.722443155   -1.307740447
  549 SOLV  HW1     1719    0.045543801   -0.640003671   -1.264862981
  549 SOLV  HW2     1720    0.158009294   -0.757751367   -1.252461495
  550 SOLV  OW      1721   -0.905071334   -0.677909208   -1.460540590
  550 SOLV  HW1     1722   -0.933786672   -0.615812217   -1.533485522
  550 SOLV  HW2     1723   -0.817984490   -0.720383809   -1.485304192
  551 SOLV  OW      1724   -1.534322888   -1.250817194   -0.387793805
  551 SOLV  HW1     1725   -1.498395326   -1.344056467   -0.383603153
  551 SOLV  HW2     1726   -1.489939051   -1.201343390   -0.462522562
  552 SOLV  OW      1727    0.819294760    0.597534550   -1.096241992
  552 SOLV  HW1     1728    0.882544183    0.546943553   -1.154909670
  552 SOLV  HW2     1729    0.800154359    0.544027091   -1.013947919
  553 SOLV  OW      1730   -0.853649434   -1.188751973   -1.182509101
  553 SOLV  HW1     1731   -0.837561600   -1.153125340   -1.274552866
  553 SOLV  HW2     1732   -0.768729285   -1.227277821   -1.146392379
  554 SOLV  OW      1733    1.274815045    0.155211231   -0.205184855
  554 SOLV  HW1     1734    1.233225031    0.226126032   -0.148234125
  554 SOLV  HW2     1735    1.368455463    0.181685691   -0.228262811
  555 SOLV  OW      1736    1.203215312   -0.974312870   -1.408421835
  555 SOLV  HW1     1737    1.269867417   -0.981936370   -1.482590792
  555 SOLV  HW2     1738    1.182168969   -1.065456512   -1.373045496
  556 SOLV  OW      1739    1.237965621    1.346246151   -1.347892651
  556 SOLV  HW1     1740    1.169296145    1.416164407   -1.367828372
  556 SOLV  HW2     1741    1.194758444    1.269804023   -1.300026358
  557 SOLV  OW      1742   -0.037607157    0.267270436    1.187507242
  557 SOLV  HW1     1743   -0.089677501    0.324007150    1.251315441
  557 SOLV  HW2     1744    0.055600991    0.255524496    1.221801213
  558 SOLV  OW      1745   -1.189229873   -0.517369286    0.530195355
  558 SOLV  HW1     1746   -1.173878118   -0.529142269    0.628316218
  558 SOLV  HW2     1747   -1.163351026   -0.601170967    0.482138754
  559 SOLV  OW      1748    0.141765893    1.413439015    0.447679948
  559 SOLV  HW1     1749    0.151268657    1.510052217    0.471707530
  559 SOLV  HW2     1750    0.222077188    1.383932569    0.395899943
  560 SOLV  OW      1751    1.201578891   -0.091952221   -1.386247025
  560 SOLV  HW1     1752    1.127813920   -0.024773478   -1.379355192
  560 SOLV  HW2     1753    1.174574876   -0.176016117   -1.339281745
  561 SOLV  OW      1754   -0.453996811   -1.100106855   -0.748241675
  561 SOLV  HW1     1755   -0.354531842   -1.103864199   -0.738613978
  561 SOLV  HW2     1756   -0.492415903   -1.191151046   -0.732848121
  562 SOLV  OW      1757    1.125811364    0.989300095    0.580631744
  562 SOLV  HW1     1758    1.069859646    1.011122159    0.660590057
  562 SOLV  HW2     1759    1.206877399    1.047845511    0.579724871
  563 SOLV  OW      1760   -0.027462321    1.477059219    0.246018703
  563 SOLV  HW1     1761    0.027602798    1.439709185    0.320680379
  563 SOLV  HW2     1762   -0.062010652    1.402194655    0.189421499
  564 SOLV  OW      1763   -0.122002755    1.305279369    1.420965022
  564 SOLV  HW1     1764   -0.110546246    1.290409165    1.322742237
  564 SOLV  HW2     1765   -0.174099549    1.229498541    1.460274654
  565 SOLV  OW      1766   -1.217762380    0.601493299    1.543629493
  565 SOLV  HW1     1767   -1.266260884    0.531026829    1.491836591
  565 SOLV  HW2     1768   -1.261595913    0.690084057    1.528450921
  566 SOLV  OW      1769   -1.345533028   -1.408600324   -0.079618330
  566 SOLV  HW1     1770   -1.297766199   -1.321252439   -0.089039965
  566 SOLV  HW2     1771   -1.327538187   -1.446797434    0.011041723
  567 SOLV  OW      1772   -1.120855949   -0.125822550   -1.034913085
  567 SOLV  HW1     1773   -1.208278788   -0.171793505   -1.019232456
  567 SOLV  HW2     1774   -1.114984275   -0.044679800   -0.976746646
  568 SOLV  OW      1775    0.217003630    0.101227077   -0.893482050
  568 SOLV  HW1     1776    0.235142384    0.032063070   -0.823562196
  568 SOLV  HW2     1777    0.236449244    0.063118908   -0.983876358
  569 SOLV  OW      1778    0.187670114    1.300797575   -0.299396913
  569 SOLV  HW1     1779    0.189782404    1.370079386   -0.371489151
  569 SOLV  HW2     1780    0.153857251    1.214544530   -0.337063929
  570 SOLV  OW      1781   -0.671251251    0.424708835   -0.832459684
  570 SOLV  HW1     1782   -0.669723200    0.325368071   -0.821167092
  570 SOLV  HW2     1783   -0.683091432    0.447101363   -0.929190700
  571 SOLV  OW      1784    0.951884666   -0.882845576    0.115940256
  571 SOLV  HW1     1785    0.961287050   -0.804564339    0.177468518
  571 SOLV  HW2     1786    0.860248835   -0.921767382    0.125324162
  572 SOLV  OW      1787   -0.477163893    0.623073178   -0.867478573
  572 SOLV  HW1     1788   -0.476308191    0.583263469   -0.775738238
  572 SOLV  HW2     1789   -0.565839395    0.605905459   -0.910416772
  573 SOLV  OW      1790   -0.151449072   -1.109537068   -0.749946133
  573 SOLV  HW1     1791   -0.152419829   -1.186577293   -0.813707340
  573 SOLV  HW2     1792   -0.133549776   -1.143072444   -0.657444571
  574 SOLV  OW      1793    0.362112023    0.843391881   -1.497906406
  574 SOLV  HW1     1794    0.372961472    0.749066846   -1.529320087
  574 SOLV  HW2     1795    0.400889587    0.852627190   -1.406185691
  575 SOLV  OW      1796   -0.184018607   -0.029981781    0.222705207
  575 SOLV  HW1     1797   -0.094395198   -0.052220483    0.261087166
  575 SOLV  HW2     1798   -0.255455700   -0.055837334    0.287746043
  576 SOLV  OW      1799   -0.515032532   -0.056894842    0.588729230
  576 SOLV  HW1     1800   -0.476467549   -0.071594966    0.679815893
  576 SOLV  HW2     1801   -0.448140265   -0.083915961    0.519480592
  577 SOLV  OW      1802    0.491504064    1.363235542   -1.421190274
  577 SOLV  HW1     1803    0.434839275    1.404312514   -1.492630079
  577 SOLV  HW2     1804    0.445471507    1.282366834   -1.384542101
  578 SOLV  OW      1805    0.624511165   -1.298999453   -0.788902120
  578 SOLV  HW1     1806    0.540098040   -1.310874785   -0.736605307
  578 SOLV  HW2     1807    0.695889391   -1.357737442   -0.750738605
  579 SOLV  OW      1808    0.221076786    1.497573524   -0.771656237
  579 SOLV  HW1     1809    0.149481870    1.519605413   -0.837893575
  579 SOLV  HW2     1810    0.280487420    1.426436919   -0.809188500
  580 SOLV  OW      1811    1.459186494    1.081328092   -0.846178439
  580 SOLV  HW1     1812    1.449653787    1.064122883   -0.944233689
  580 SOLV  HW2     1813    1.472664806    0.994572030   -0.798288577
  581 SOLV  OW      1814   -0.330318018    0.588626075   -1.516862107
  581 SOLV  HW1     1815   -0.283529824    0.511668712   -1.473386697
  581 SOLV  HW2     1816   -0.268282919    0.633151675   -1.581443281
  582 SOLV  OW      1817   -1.102455353    0.581977114   -0.554819617
  582 SOLV  HW1     1818   -1.011088580    0.542349868   -0.545689728
  582 SOLV  HW2     1819   -1.096812023    0.667011712   -0.607152885
  583 SOLV  OW      1820    0.475285971    0.143132379    0.364243925
  583 SOLV  HW1     1821    0.426288912    0.228359729    0.382608229
  583 SOLV  HW2     1822    0.449347530    0.074487304    0.432190292
  584 SOLV  OW      1823    0.951978283   -1.407503729   -0.475025908
  584 SOLV  HW1     1824    0.871291718   -1.463883662   -0.457344662
  584 SOLV  HW2     1825    0.962318524   -1.340228260   -0.401754500
  585 SOLV  OW      1826    0.131883952   -0.553647260   -1.516840977
  585 SOLV  HW1     1827    0.122765161   -0.616564263   -1.594041540
  585 SOLV  HW2     1828    0.118238032   -0.603656420   -1.431315708
  586 SOLV  OW      1829   -1.377286927   -0.934005717    0.787769667
  586 SOLV  HW1     1830   -1.414298919   -1.014710476    0.741741026
  586 SOLV  HW2     1831   -1.284398009   -0.953351012    0.819378478
  587 SOLV  OW      1832    0.346816903    0.126402813    0.991787496
  587 SOLV  HW1     1833    0.376930627    0.204556219    1.046425755
  587 SOLV  HW2     1834    0.256790355    0.145742434    0.952783781
  588 SOLV  OW      1835   -0.290768567    1.163259344    0.887484404
  588 SOLV  HW1     1836   -0.263532021    1.250574582    0.847038254
  588 SOLV  HW2     1837   -0.238772658    1.147802084    0.971503477
  589 SOLV  OW      1838   -0.953547955   -0.986538537   -0.834165303
  589 SOLV  HW1     1839   -1.027205959   -0.989776881   -0.901735739
  589 SOLV  HW2     1840   -0.932323387   -1.079349105   -0.803547563
  590 SOLV  OW      1841    0.360121922    0.498541343    1.508837246
  590 SOLV  HW1     1842    0.330440457    0.420071884    1.563274799
  590 SOLV  HW2     1843    0.457957278    0.490680567    1.489649543
  591 SOLV  OW      1844    0.737544051    0.977272939   -0.281020979
  591 SOLV  HW1     1845    0.730569681    0.995460897   -0.379114315
  591 SOLV  HW2     1846    0.833734756    0.978438704   -0.253679009
  592 SOLV  OW      1847    0.802116840    0.018202504    0.091619468
  592 SOLV  HW1     1848    0.781620168   -0.047440358    0.164233243
  592 SOLV  HW2     1849    0.811090346   -0.030166443    0.004546285
  593 SOLV  OW      1850   -1.355855174   -0.112648903   -1.482693278
  593 SOLV  HW1     1851   -1.327137897   -0.038436577   -1.543272633
  593 SOLV  HW2     1852   -1.353095477   -0.199302825   -1.532546117
  594 SOLV  OW      1853    0.742507276    0.139330536   -0.578365357
  594 SOLV  HW1     1854    0.807590132    0.124793084   -0.652895077
  594 SOLV  HW2     1855    0.652078102    0.158735602   -0.616416074
  595 SOLV  OW      1856   -0.321545049    0.353449792    0.163468154
  595 SOLV  HW1     1857   -0.372593479    0.286649137    0.217630836
  595 SOLV  HW2     1858   -0.380398689    0.431661539    0.142949608
  596 SOLV  OW      1859   -0.453703124    0.322581263   -0.097733485
  596 SOLV  HW1     1860   -0.478350385    0.248885910   -0.160661178
  596 SOLV  HW2     1861   -0.516535875    0.322430025   -0.019948935
  597 SOLV  OW      1862   -0.847406112    0.977485930   -0.037399325
  597 SOLV  HW1     1863   -0.927461672    0.918654390   -0.025911083
  597 SOLV  HW2     1864   -0.866454383    1.067629136    0.001501315
  598 SOLV  OW      1865   -0.809611041   -1.173205847    1.460495082
  598 SOLV  HW1     1866   -0.842332922   -1.081402222    1.482928759
  598 SOLV  HW2     1867   -0.834558182   -1.195348221    1.366212580
  599 SOLV  OW      1868   -0.262232905    0.795978586    0.056424249
  599 SOLV  HW1     1869   -0.315400653    0.880670201    0.054949217
  599 SOLV  HW2     1870   -0.323010177    0.718811183    0.075211434
  600 SOLV  OW      1871    0.937806394    0.670830228    1.277581578
  600 SOLV  HW1     1872    0.981172263    0.714293473    1.356526326
  600 SOLV  HW2     1873    0.897426052    0.741037476    1.218910431
  601 SOLV  OW      1874   -1.369534036   -0.580721538   -0.672960742
  601 SOLV  HW1     1875   -1.312794733   -0.500207761   -0.690232553
  601 SOLV  HW2     1876   -1.431683872   -0.594822680   -0.750023352
  602 SOLV  OW      1877    1.059694885   -0.764102750   -0.527654512
  602 SOLV  HW1     1878    1.110047673   -0.839298121   -0.485089608
  602 SOLV  HW2     1879    0.991578892   -0.801154817   -0.590811129
  603 SOLV  OW      1880    1.178695023   -0.970057008   -0.430383683
  603 SOLV  HW1     1881    1.115031209   -1.036655916   -0.391481488
  603 SOLV  HW2     1882    1.226359624   -0.922428596   -0.356482810
  604 SOLV  OW      1883   -1.515592633   -0.243674707    1.211212212
  604 SOLV  HW1     1884   -1.537900377   -0.173367154    1.143675063
  604 SOLV  HW2     1885   -1.426695148   -0.283908648    1.189290623
  605 SOLV  OW      1886    0.612298106    0.246518304   -0.294821401
  605 SOLV  HW1     1887    0.705701504    0.211935931   -0.303866248
  605 SOLV  HW2     1888    0.573168032    0.214588943   -0.208500404
  606 SOLV  OW      1889   -0.151202652   -1.146255990   -1.409753537
  606 SOLV  HW1     1890   -0.113256185   -1.187942645   -1.327147289
  606 SOLV  HW2     1891   -0.125312109   -1.200775927   -1.489494957
  607 SOLV  OW      1892    0.237160838   -1.062740106   -0.314080249
  607 SOLV  HW1     1893    0.216349495   -1.158317609   -0.334907798
  607 SOLV  HW2     1894    0.152143854   -1.013369085   -0.295736824
  608 SOLV  OW      1895    0.904840280    0.082205779   -0.780638091
  608 SOLV  HW1     1896    0.853468607    0.023138297   -0.842864083
  608 SOLV  HW2     1897    1.002280583    0.076924717   -0.802537277
  609 SOLV  OW      1898   -0.775827722    0.654957564   -0.375075935
  609 SOLV  HW1     1899   -0.809067361    0.591211805   -0.305551370
  609 SOLV  HW2     1900   -0.785573422    0.748722020   -0.341681289
  610 SOLV  OW      1901    1.256462200    0.429103345    0.384439666
  610 SOLV  HW1     1902    1.343906988    0.440799116    0.431537839
  610 SOLV  HW2     1903    1.213571200    0.343903655    0.414489208
  611 SOLV  OW      1904    0.849761637    1.444597599   -0.577511392
  611 SOLV  HW1     1905    0.941881377    1.435333062   -0.615324569
  611 SOLV  HW2     1906    0.837384168    1.378610972   -0.503388240
  612 SOLV  OW      1907    0.031190140   -1.332897103    1.302477145
  612 SOLV  HW1     1908    0.029624371   -1.304019877    1.398204593
  612 SOLV  HW2     1909   -0.060864789   -1.325812902    1.264036526
  613 SOLV  OW      1910   -1.068435171   -0.930556650    1.216113185
  613 SOLV  HW1     1911   -1.010964452   -1.012324125    1.219478853
  613 SOLV  HW2     1912   -1.162710668   -0.956925553    1.195695012
  614 SOLV  OW      1913   -1.454618747    0.258558934   -1.441305593
  614 SOLV  HW1     1914   -1.468006811    0.333206699   -1.376110212
  614 SOLV  HW2     1915   -1.492040013    0.173981584   -1.403250071
  615 SOLV  OW      1916    1.042032837    1.024262180   -1.429596010
  615 SOLV  HW1     1917    0.964488537    1.073169209   -1.389657128
  615 SOLV  HW2     1918    1.122838752    1.037381190   -1.372164435
  616 SOLV  OW      1919   -0.392682463   -0.634737151    0.700233197
  616 SOLV  HW1     1920   -0.432049092   -0.590895024    0.619426205
  616 SOLV  HW2     1921   -0.293629345   -0.642625449    0.688929734
  617 SOLV  OW      1922    0.280905935   -0.759390886   -0.247044768
  617 SOLV  HW1     1923    0.290570745   -0.857930559   -0.261128641
  617 SOLV  HW2     1924    0.183845190   -0.735347416   -0.245322544
  618 SOLV  OW      1925    0.833849349    0.100260093   -0.273201536
  618 SOLV  HW1     1926    0.809779797    0.004875725   -0.255194887
  618 SOLV  HW2     1927    0.914696745    0.103693787   -0.331968766
  619 SOLV  OW      1928   -1.213105462   -1.189693745   -0.076971045
  619 SOLV  HW1     1929   -1.218534784   -1.138463071    0.008746234
  619 SOLV  HW2     1930   -1.210618364   -1.125803534   -0.153869479
  620 SOLV  OW      1931    1.447187903    1.304461552   -0.434902761
  620 SOLV  HW1     1932    1.440131919    1.288624021   -0.533396346
  620 SOLV  HW2     1933    1.401926295    1.390563446   -0.411677458
  621 SOLV  OW      1934   -1.034815961   -1.520707781    0.910626048
  621 SOLV  HW1     1935   -1.052369416   -1.423521889    0.894852251
  621 SOLV  HW2     1936   -0.942808277   -1.543539763    0.878762792
  622 SOLV  OW      1937   -0.798291197    0.849117234    1.173350854
  622 SOLV  HW1     1938   -0.825593286    0.855050451    1.077324070
  622 SOLV  HW2     1939   -0.879798278    0.850254276    1.231290363
  623 SOLV  OW      1940    0.475528250    0.648404246    0.560283599
  623 SOLV  HW1     1941    0.401862432    0.696116771    0.512342775
  623 SOLV  HW2     1942    0.511073356    0.706795643    0.633279699
  624 SOLV  OW      1943   -1.320821020   -1.508305572    0.188884749
  624 SOLV  HW1     1944   -1.223073003   -1.487696265    0.184165909
  624 SOLV  HW2     1945   -1.334767300   -1.591534118    0.242551593
  625 SOLV  OW      1946    0.694788952    1.276306092   -0.954137094
  625 SOLV  HW1     1947    0.793844995    1.276381024   -0.967899312
  625 SOLV  HW2     1948    0.670761535    1.344050426   -0.884603948
  626 SOLV  OW      1949   -0.994693596   -0.982498088    0.073044204
  626 SOLV  HW1     1950   -0.921358008   -0.958464303    0.136625016
  626 SOLV  HW2     1951   -1.076473229   -1.008073316    0.124582681
  627 SOLV  OW      1952   -1.296552140   -1.448465769   -0.650378186
  627 SOLV  HW1     1953   -1.317213050   -1.355667239   -0.619341547
  627 SOLV  HW2     1954   -1.380501115   -1.492320153   -0.682487456
  628 SOLV  OW      1955    0.735299600   -1.226509620   -0.251258031
  628 SOLV  HW1     1956    0.729017320   -1.320537202   -0.284737512
  628 SOLV  HW2     1957    0.715938944   -1.224709850   -0.153159100
  629 SOLV  OW      1958    0.390640467   -0.373869147   -1.244719646
  629 SOLV  HW1     1959    0.427442189   -0.298360306   -1.190444385
  629 SOLV  HW2     1960    0.317725677   -0.419272547   -1.193497384
  630 SOLV  OW      1961   -1.348398797    0.522395979   -0.705711967
  630 SOLV  HW1     1962   -1.383172455    0.487417682   -0.618720909
  630 SOLV  HW2     1963   -1.353433121    0.622269527   -0.705853884
  631 SOLV  OW      1964    0.080319326    0.960824873    0.879946994
  631 SOLV  HW1     1965    0.070399260    0.986295800    0.783746402
  631 SOLV  HW2     1966    0.007104694    1.003145081    0.933334848
  632 SOLV  OW      1967    1.384458529   -1.262460917    0.794081116
  632 SOLV  HW1     1968    1.305907132   -1.300927411    0.745585439
  632 SOLV  HW2     1969    1.363955252   -1.168478916    0.821444623
  633 SOLV  OW      1970   -0.554646096    0.480395800    0.128791998
  633 SOLV  HW1     1971   -0.552983422    0.511686253    0.033817653
  633 SOLV  HW2     1972   -0.641302592    0.506918333    0.171090357
  634 SOLV  OW      1973   -0.365436235   -1.291575545    0.700339327
  634 SOLV  HW1     1974   -0.316016768   -1.204662646    0.702337721
  634 SOLV  HW2     1975   -0.446058351   -1.282710121    0.641845149
  635 SOLV  OW      1976    0.209616530   -0.155979287    1.001834833
  635 SOLV  HW1     1977    0.263752555   -0.237514601    0.981342849
  635 SOLV  HW2     1978    0.254697810   -0.075466069    0.963312640
  636 SOLV  OW      1979   -0.297554556   -0.808751356   -1.538681878
  636 SOLV  HW1     1980   -0.266803259   -0.815497257   -1.443766222
  636 SOLV  HW2     1981   -0.219807995   -0.822886543   -1.599966126
  637 SOLV  OW      1982   -0.619502529    0.543885631    1.319964155
  637 SOLV  HW1     1983   -0.677964158    0.515912476    1.243794902
  637 SOLV  HW2     1984   -0.542055946    0.596567187    1.284911560
  638 SOLV  OW      1985   -0.679129957   -1.447000707    0.014831156
  638 SOLV  HW1     1986   -0.707614972   -1.387905145    0.090315947
  638 SOLV  HW2     1987   -0.753122719   -1.510446392   -0.007558930
  639 SOLV  OW      1988    1.014986824    0.262011490   -0.502093901
  639 SOLV  HW1     1989    0.918320303    0.247962463   -0.523539657
  639 SOLV  HW2     1990    1.025645233    0.346984414   -0.450445085
  640 SOLV  OW      1991   -1.374634300    0.185162371   -0.596215867
  640 SOLV  HW1     1992   -1.406594135    0.159796685   -0.687521279
  640 SOLV  HW2     1993   -1.452864990    0.210961334   -0.539507799
  641 SOLV  OW      1994    1.305761714   -0.274879121    1.248945043
  641 SOLV  HW1     1995    1.390308883   -0.250361294    1.296387452
  641 SOLV  HW2     1996    1.265269508   -0.192866787    1.208516731
  642 SOLV  OW      1997    1.503260826    0.455420944    0.501990233
  642 SOLV  HW1     1998    1.513286456    0.516579027    0.580482544
  642 SOLV  HW2     1999    1.559125014    0.489088123    0.426178038
  643 SOLV  OW      2000   -0.866425692    0.279592156    0.083850495
  643 SOLV  HW1     2001   -0.834609864    0.359232018    0.135283716
  643 SOLV  HW2     2002   -0.791988561    0.213318449    0.075665175
  644 SOLV  OW      2003    0.517130781   -0.540329708    1.269627266
  644 SOLV  HW1     2004    0.455896386   -0.590642569    1.208630017
  644 SOLV  HW2     2005    0.502239552   -0.570257818    1.363883284
  645 SOLV  OW      2006   -0.634654959   -0.348501515   -0.700099532
  645 SOLV  HW1     2007   -0.656431145   -0.251027670   -0.694963731
  645 SOLV  HW2     2008   -0.535370854   -0.360419586   -0.701643452
  646 SOLV  OW      2009    0.983798974    0.561646660    0.609705076
  646 SOLV  HW1     2010    1.063722535    0.514596247    0.647128251
  646 SOLV  HW2     2011    0.966546149    0.529172346    0.516701676
  647 SOLV  OW      2012   -1.203504159   -1.362970410    1.275354782
  647 SOLV  HW1     2013   -1.165210156   -1.319064465    1.356631862
  647 SOLV  HW2     2014   -1.239660949   -1.452892681    1.299987317
  648 SOLV  OW      2015   -0.210766041    1.244237091   -0.057121518
  648 SOLV  HW1     2016   -0.309791294    1.255493710   -0.048826260
  648 SOLV  HW2     2017   -0.190823366    1.158056895   -0.103776267
  649 SOLV  OW      2018   -1.113523042    0.181673321   -0.008495740
  649 SOLV  HW1     2019   -1.021168388    0.212560490    0.014267163
  649 SOLV  HW2     2020   -1.128263510    0.190483684   -0.107017846
  650 SOLV  OW      2021    1.413788780   -1.087944062   -0.868486715
  650 SOLV  HW1     2022    1.490924722   -1.124621420   -0.816459212
  650 SOLV  HW2     2023    1.384175477   -1.155374209   -0.936149097
  651 SOLV  OW      2024    0.548673504   -0.798173674   -1.421015829
  651 SOLV  HW1     2025    0.552532527   -0.731506570   -1.495465068
  651 SOLV  HW2     2026    0.552543940   -0.890656300   -1.458884098
  652 SOLV  OW      2027    0.365439588   -0.409282511    1.055781931
  652 SOLV  HW1     2028    0.288460417   -0.401312358    1.119123872
  652 SOLV  HW2     2029    0.448524331   -0.375313403    1.099878057
  653 SOLV  OW      2030    0.556095408    1.101014424   -0.662200539
  653 SOLV  HW1     2031    0.571597771    1.195697638   -0.633975069
  653 SOLV  HW2     2032    0.628307230    1.042839477   -0.624743395
  654 SOLV  OW      2033    0.257600566   -1.425460810    1.228207448
  654 SOLV  HW1     2034    0.317327975   -1.346500049    1.214076360
  654 SOLV  HW2     2035    0.163504472   -1.394158780    1.241164717
  655 SOLV  OW      2036    1.009372017   -0.532553882    1.221402626
  655 SOLV  HW1     2037    0.962629414   -0.446801704    1.199869256
  655 SOLV  HW2     2038    0.958916433   -0.608992442    1.181236426
  656 SOLV  OW      2039    1.437330206    0.632101495    0.697402609
  656 SOLV  HW1     2040    1.379612823    0.684415782    0.634682246
  656 SOLV  HW2     2041    1.512879134    0.689555518    0.728918531
  657 SOLV  OW      2042    1.200956144    0.611604574   -1.111523589
  657 SOLV  HW1     2043    1.270814590    0.682996784   -1.116480652
  657 SOLV  HW2     2044    1.161174782    0.597566006   -1.202198203
  658 SOLV  OW      2045    1.195507009   -0.084992161    0.063463016
  658 SOLV  HW1     2046    1.237907268   -0.108636888   -0.023972981
  658 SOLV  HW2     2047    1.135942647   -0.159742761    0.092895363
  659 SOLV  OW      2048    0.823084945   -0.609328595   -0.154929317
  659 SOLV  HW1     2049    0.893165488   -0.673075661   -0.186947405
  659 SOLV  HW2     2050    0.822260599   -0.608208004   -0.054938543
  660 SOLV  OW      2051   -1.315059752    1.338922532   -0.488219074
  660 SOLV  HW1     2052   -1.216945325    1.344946607   -0.506632509
  660 SOLV  HW2     2053   -1.329507869    1.313591052   -0.392556627
  661 SOLV  OW      2054    0.455097591    0.494111003   -0.063762571
  661 SOLV  HW1     2055    0.551508154    0.489550460   -0.037603539
  661 SOLV  HW2     2056    0.447920521    0.502752052   -0.163130360
  662 SOLV  OW      2057    0.625273463   -0.776190349   -1.035554542
  662 SOLV  HW1     2058    0.605615612   -0.708218708   -1.106230132
  662 SOLV  HW2     2059    0.619628484   -0.867898901   -1.075042329
  663 SOLV  OW      2060    1.285996071    0.145922686    0.288952641
  663 SOLV  HW1     2061    1.362508522    0.175475913    0.231733385
  663 SOLV  HW2     2062    1.214221505    0.107084244    0.231146774
  664 SOLV  OW      2063    0.705389581    0.483875585    0.063693984
  664 SOLV  HW1     2064    0.693760272    0.562315006    0.124634835
  664 SOLV  HW2     2065    0.703885482    0.399492381    0.117349444
  665 SOLV  OW      2066    0.506903405    1.009378206    0.455773726
  665 SOLV  HW1     2067    0.542144333    0.959018227    0.534665219
  665 SOLV  HW2     2068    0.406975499    1.011222159    0.459359577
  666 SOLV  OW      2069    0.255745388   -0.849504545   -0.675457250
  666 SOLV  HW1     2070    0.257899997   -0.865767278   -0.774111835
  666 SOLV  HW2     2071    0.272837323   -0.935391058   -0.627155346
  667 SOLV  OW      2072    0.530067893    0.095177122   -0.078629179
  667 SOLV  HW1     2073    0.461518881    0.113638532   -0.008199488
  667 SOLV  HW2     2074    0.617177365    0.072339413   -0.035149653
  668 SOLV  OW      2075   -1.221498816   -0.459212967   -1.497954853
  668 SOLV  HW1     2076   -1.179701214   -0.410255489   -1.421416799
  668 SOLV  HW2     2077   -1.221319280   -0.400661656   -1.579032468
  669 SOLV  OW      2078   -0.555193186   -1.357222335   -0.766967497
  669 SOLV  HW1     2079   -0.641762445   -1.331437913   -0.724037372
  669 SOLV  HW2     2080   -0.571918789   -1.427606862   -0.836020410
  670 SOLV  OW      2081   -0.676959430    0.452739009    0.778819050
  670 SOLV  HW1     2082   -0.655452893    0.515656440    0.853524293
  670 SOLV  HW2     2083   -0.633044497    0.364521341    0.795880128
  671 SOLV  OW      2084    0.128316509   -1.150380274   -0.836225774
  671 SOLV  HW1     2085    0.191423928   -1.148839474   -0.913792139
  671 SOLV  HW2     2086    0.066068103   -1.072348681   -0.842364696
  672 SOLV  OW      2087   -0.832027119    1.276184188    0.952854376
  672 SOLV  HW1     2088   -0.906350505    1.337443113    0.925957008
  672 SOLV  HW2     2089   -0.747810993    1.303580975    0.906388779
  673 SOLV  OW      2090    0.092608975   -1.403362577    0.893345618
  673 SOLV  HW1     2091    0.002312381   -1.386340566    0.932819909
  673 SOLV  HW2     2092    0.159426748   -1.341889921    0.935273437
  674 SOLV  OW      2093    0.564823735   -0.401216640   -0.013460623
  674 SOLV  HW1     2094    0.555285729   -0.488212756   -0.061858381
  674 SOLV  HW2     2095    0.545497605   -0.325846663   -0.076289191
  675 SOLV  OW      2096    1.049478261   -0.126713958   -1.150721243
  675 SOLV  HW1     2097    0.973481224   -0.067309562   -1.177131895
  675 SOLV  HW2     2098    1.127075174   -0.070653212   -1.121773765
  676 SOLV  OW      2099    0.350517271   -0.626264559   -0.931907811
  676 SOLV  HW1     2100    0.317111017   -0.720528112   -0.932381580
  676 SOLV  HW2     2101    0.449899154   -0.626085170   -0.943088827
  677 SOLV  OW      2102   -0.405294001   -0.612508805   -1.160579602
  677 SOLV  HW1     2103   -0.451827765   -0.568340435   -1.237296702
  677 SOLV  HW2     2104   -0.325992673   -0.663178799   -1.194424587
  678 SOLV  OW      2105    1.017483034   -0.287064465    0.129936525
  678 SOLV  HW1     2106    1.016943109   -0.353081893    0.205055793
  678 SOLV  HW2     2107    0.958652997   -0.320106274    0.056120656
  679 SOLV  OW      2108    1.481277417   -1.446739857    0.316569184
  679 SOLV  HW1     2109    1.425283557   -1.366221973    0.296994194
  679 SOLV  HW2     2110    1.524470664   -1.478597650    0.232183479
  680 SOLV  OW      2111   -1.286152909    1.046217398    0.135045977
  680 SOLV  HW1     2112   -1.370394205    1.026267382    0.084972992
  680 SOLV  HW2     2113   -1.260828385    1.141918749    0.120846329
  681 SOLV  OW      2114   -1.328761988   -1.099571231   -0.523964781
  681 SOLV  HW1     2115   -1.305711592   -1.118227081   -0.619475836
  681 SOLV  HW2     2116   -1.358854075   -1.004629970   -0.514889141
  682 SOLV  OW      2117    0.723597751   -1.502523998   -0.361509460
  682 SOLV  HW1     2118    0.737412025   -1.564460831   -0.284223442
  682 SOLV  HW2     2119    0.630891767   -1.513974951   -0.397210528
  683 SOLV  OW      2120    0.522327615    0.487526832   -1.127521916
  683 SOLV  HW1     2121    0.490289046    0.482559625   -1.222128809
  683 SOLV  HW2     2122    0.589560753    0.415294856   -1.111280341
  684 SOLV  OW      2123    0.598406938    1.429356256   -1.196484752
  684 SOLV  HW1     2124    0.543331112    1.407048806   -1.276927633
  684 SOLV  HW2     2125    0.620518866    1.345355622   -1.146916842
  685 SOLV  OW      2126    1.035925597   -1.440803654   -1.307362771
  685 SOLV  HW1     2127    1.090233391   -1.467146689   -1.387102912
  685 SOLV  HW2     2128    1.042718281   -1.511983035   -1.237440558
  686 SOLV  OW      2129    1.218058496   -0.896854913    0.644481700
  686 SOLV  HW1     2130    1.124181785   -0.931332103    0.644588138
  686 SOLV  HW2     2131    1.272083330   -0.947108483    0.711990233
  687 SOLV  OW      2132    0.924975878   -0.207036570    1.515280945
  687 SOLV  HW1     2133    0.981532543   -0.270808407    1.462988802
  687 SOLV  HW2     2134    0.836174139   -0.196774001    1.470458831
  688 SOLV  OW      2135   -1.465851919    1.039529384   -1.259185352
  688 SOLV  HW1     2136   -1.515347842    0.974244284   -1.316527661
  688 SOLV  HW2     2137   -1.428917511    1.112776758   -1.316375926
  689 SOLV  OW      2138    0.740621795   -0.119249157    0.894203316
  689 SOLV  HW1     2139    0.821493698   -0.062701398    0.910441698
  689 SOLV  HW2     2140    0.714709036   -0.165466902    0.979020783
  690 SOLV  OW      2141   -0.906602811    0.857667137    0.685819981
  690 SOLV  HW1     2142   -0.940019691    0.918549295    0.613858648
  690 SOLV  HW2     2143   -0.808514935    0.842411720    0.673661430
  691 SOLV  OW      2144   -0.954918814   -0.295232450    0.045479647
  691 SOLV  HW1     2145   -1.030470462   -0.360523392    0.039953122
  691 SOLV  HW2     2146   -0.964126032   -0.227376725   -0.027405511
  692 SOLV  OW      2147   -0.704651228   -0.338376064   -0.279265196
  692 SOLV  HW1     2148   -0.617389379   -0.304961111   -0.314913826
  692 SOLV  HW2     2149   -0.764106334   -0.364097329   -0.355458205
  693 SOLV  OW      2150    1.368777599    0.814106955    0.142480520
  693 SOLV  HW1     2151    1.432749649    0.775964087    0.209220579
  693 SOLV  HW2     2152    1.275420441    0.806007719    0.177413282
  694 SOLV  OW      2153   -0.303845039    0.085587829    1.362810498
  694 SOLV  HW1     2154   -0.325081178    0.108363634    1.457848026
  694 SOLV  HW2     2155   -0.339767676    0.156928999    1.302630386
  695 SOLV  OW      2156   -0.946442193    1.095822908   -0.671180445
  695 SOLV  HW1     2157   -0.860522698    1.146641590   -0.677252550
  695 SOLV  HW2     2158   -0.976223355    1.069640569   -0.762990550
  696 SOLV  OW      2159    0.911966187    1.454116889    0.248902060
  696 SOLV  HW1     2160    0.900885366    1.369608575    0.196580195
  696 SOLV  HW2     2161    0.993671819    1.502376081    0.217323087
  697 SOLV  OW      2162    0.922169251   -0.649327899    0.492883781
  697 SOLV  HW1     2163    0.840108597   -0.612767173    0.536809740
  697 SOLV  HW2     2164    0.945434212   -0.737505968    0.533913768
  698 SOLV  OW      2165   -0.865712808   -0.479269428   -1.238781254
  698 SOLV  HW1     2166   -0.830283462   -0.521747730   -1.322102205
  698 SOLV  HW2     2167   -0.789370179   -0.452512548   -1.179977622
  699 SOLV  OW      2168    0.886660710   -1.303271450    1.059996036
  699 SOLV  HW1     2169    0.899619360   -1.402383216    1.063228284
  699 SOLV  HW2     2170    0.803831893   -1.282177052    1.008073562
  700 SOLV  OW      2171    0.664744857    0.272695999    0.921765739
  700 SOLV  HW1     2172    0.570140794    0.244676300    0.905431530
  700 SOLV  HW2     2173    0.683495754    0.357346340    0.871921546
  701 SOLV  OW      2174   -0.260689826   -1.437435704    0.471788056
  701 SOLV  HW1     2175   -0.352200983   -1.476849286    0.463169343
  701 SOLV  HW2     2176   -0.249699451   -1.398421219    0.563215723
  702 SOLV  OW      2177    1.016690217    0.033536585    1.373323292
  702 SOLV  HW1     2178    0.948847939    0.106983751    1.371135752
  702 SOLV  HW2     2179    0.977698821   -0.046481476    1.418914981
  703 SOLV  OW      2180   -0.945634024   -0.948114395    1.520889539
  703 SOLV  HW1     2181   -1.027838705   -0.953936354    1.577549337
  703 SOLV  HW2     2182   -0.962049206   -0.885427604    1.444714488
  704 SOLV  OW      2183   -0.657890606   -0.369620155    1.299013896
  704 SOLV  HW1     2184   -0.688603111   -0.312685845    1.375272118
  704 SOLV  HW2     2185   -0.735493094   -0.390040465    1.239323943
  705 SOLV  OW      2186   -1.163940966    0.524016729    0.056977119
  705 SOLV  HW1     2187   -1.193408327    0.430611592    0.036757440
  705 SOLV  HW2     2188   -1.112539344    0.560298258   -0.020761080
  706 SOLV  OW      2189   -0.438302638    0.165752255    0.301704218
  706 SOLV  HW1     2190   -0.494544432    0.129362194    0.375962348
  706 SOLV  HW2     2191   -0.359968992    0.105439395    0.286609371
  707 SOLV  OW      2192    1.004818217    0.919596586   -0.178361056
  707 SOLV  HW1     2193    1.037908343    1.013742369   -0.171795470
  707 SOLV  HW2     2194    1.066626013    0.866526749   -0.236368377
  708 SOLV  OW      2195   -0.913273044   -0.674238267    1.310084986
  708 SOLV  HW1     2196   -0.888484297   -0.667682380    1.406751763
  708 SOLV  HW2     2197   -0.836406162   -0.712048976    1.258474061
  709 SOLV  OW      2198    0.161437797   -0.852955089    1.320210090
  709 SOLV  HW1     2199    0.063829577   -0.863264545    1.301066405
  709 SOLV  HW2     2200    0.205256492   -0.942838048    1.319177712
  710 SOLV  OW      2201    0.276338526   -1.137700712    1.326165224
  710 SOLV  HW1     2202    0.197369932   -1.194284011    1.349913822
  710 SOLV  HW2     2203    0.338677636   -1.133056188    1.404228557
  711 SOLV  OW      2204   -0.611065508    0.142848412   -1.335920013
  711 SOLV  HW1     2205   -0.527834888    0.115380660   -1.384086073
  711 SOLV  HW2     2206   -0.686589258    0.149637159   -1.401125626
  712 SOLV  OW      2207   -1.172281743    0.347711239    0.743187592
  712 SOLV  HW1     2208   -1.214159490    0.261567901    0.714425733
  712 SOLV  HW2     2209   -1.072971572    0.341447022    0.733190103
  713 SOLV  OW      2210   -0.423173040   -1.409120194    1.388285024
  713 SOLV  HW1     2211   -0.389626705   -1.473369202    1.319376060
  713 SOLV  HW2     2212   -0.408784576   -1.315459463    1.356312413
  714 SOLV  OW      2213   -0.355622361   -0.651159718    1.151497371
  714 SOLV  HW1     2214   -0.412917686   -0.620545280    1.075461451
  714 SOLV  HW2     2215   -0.398883483   -0.625948952    1.238067248
  715 SOLV  OW      2216   -1.321317398   -1.361018096   -1.006610637
  715 SOLV  HW1     2217   -1.307659930   -1.432937519   -1.074737005
  715 SOLV  HW2     2218   -1.236378954   -1.309519347   -0.995059454
  716 SOLV  OW      2219    1.039223701    0.988716113    0.301178242
  716 SOLV  HW1     2220    1.080542446    0.972193164    0.390742832
  716 SOLV  HW2     2221    0.942466116    0.963574003    0.303982003
  717 SOLV  OW      2222   -0.825626696   -1.366506969   -0.276478837
  717 SOLV  HW1     2223   -0.838880335   -1.268477454   -0.261828055
  717 SOLV  HW2     2224   -0.741649651   -1.395954068   -0.230841099
  718 SOLV  OW      2225   -0.415475616   -1.128128736   -1.459901214
  718 SOLV  HW1     2226   -0.472005588   -1.058696059   -1.415345859
  718 SOLV  HW2     2227   -0.320649617   -1.118299120   -1.429686331
  719 SOLV  OW      2228    0.667891229    1.146697396    1.310493083
  719 SOLV  HW1     2229    0.602648620    1.180704129    1.378232264
  719 SOLV  HW2     2230    0.711313413    1.224042547    1.264300056
  720 SOLV  OW      2231   -0.965546310    1.277225998    0.619087758
  720 SOLV  HW1     2232   -0.979100063    1.250854599    0.523576227
  720 SOLV  HW2     2233   -1.032719942    1.230335298    0.676450916
  721 SOLV  OW      2234   -1.541835235    0.689862524   -0.305807220
  721 SOLV  HW1     2235   -1.444423658    0.672423876   -0.291364803
  721 SOLV  HW2     2236   -1.579514034    0.736659040   -0.225857264
  722 SOLV  OW      2237   -1.110920214   -1.489796088    0.488183591
  722 SOLV  HW1     2238   -1.131169583   -1.418312615    0.555117935
  722 SOLV  HW2     2239   -1.091461737   -1.447851372    0.399515115
  723 SOLV  OW      2240    0.671328669   -1.001829088    1.127752024
  723 SOLV  HW1     2241    0.598799761   -0.959591133    1.182117816
  723 SOLV  HW2     2242    0.743733903   -1.034525421    1.188485227
  724 SOLV  OW      2243    0.995646679   -0.033809908    0.796468217
  724 SOLV  HW1     2244    1.052011027   -0.086847218    0.733127294
  724 SOLV  HW2     2245    0.969446172    0.052573500    0.753417983
  725 SOLV  OW      2246   -0.506132281    0.522849039   -0.394396372
  725 SOLV  HW1     2247   -0.603617421    0.544824198   -0.390425139
  725 SOLV  HW2     2248   -0.470119256    0.514221130   -0.301495412
  726 SOLV  OW      2249   -1.133359655   -1.087446762   -0.326112053
  726 SOLV  HW1     2250   -1.199359382   -1.127014074   -0.389988898
  726 SOLV  HW2     2251   -1.043509602   -1.082644027   -0.369766417
  727 SOLV  OW      2252    0.077198366   -1.311114564   -0.354880936
  727 SOLV  HW1     2253    0.044371690   -1.294676091   -0.261852834
  727 SOLV  HW2     2254    0.101881051   -1.407506702   -0.364948570
  728 SOLV  OW      2255   -1.455019818   -0.526109659    1.109220089
  728 SOLV  HW1     2256   -1.440692628   -0.620016116    1.077972704
  728 SOLV  HW2     2257   -1.473314102   -0.526091334    1.207523151
  729 SOLV  OW      2258   -0.223433650    0.235288319   -1.267299748
  729 SOLV  HW1     2259   -0.165284471    0.192357405   -1.198179211
  729 SOLV  HW2     2260   -0.180548738    0.319880618   -1.299033741
  730 SOLV  OW      2261    1.415563175   -0.842987365    0.272490156
  730 SOLV  HW1     2262    1.504590772   -0.831383818    0.228434724
  730 SOLV  HW2     2263    1.393813583   -0.761164211    0.325719999
  731 SOLV  OW      2264   -1.513161885    1.039126588    0.573593894
  731 SOLV  HW1     2265   -1.540826274    0.970794471    0.506013185
  731 SOLV  HW2     2266   -1.446944372    0.998677297    0.636686595
  732 SOLV  OW      2267    1.498759001   -1.218383614    0.052292622
  732 SOLV  HW1     2268    1.440542744   -1.207899178   -0.028336599
  732 SOLV  HW2     2269    1.441998762   -1.218075951    0.134622876
  733 SOLV  OW      2270   -1.488534120   -0.072940140    0.509640171
  733 SOLV  HW1     2271   -1.428014555   -0.127570905    0.451721429
  733 SOLV  HW2     2272   -1.539749827   -0.008487965    0.452855446
  734 SOLV  OW      2273    0.211793136   -1.089879243    1.067994722
  734 SOLV  HW1     2274    0.115302235   -1.070667223    1.050091205
  734 SOLV  HW2     2275    0.222936280   -1.118630002    1.163122606
  735 SOLV  OW      2276    1.544664999   -0.066232822    0.687873002
  735 SOLV  HW1     2277    1.605744832   -0.036468021    0.761254726
  735 SOLV  HW2     2278    1.451208947   -0.072704467    0.722883071
  736 SOLV  OW      2279   -0.503452907   -1.542035413    0.331830724
  736 SOLV  HW1     2280   -0.599623500   -1.566165959    0.318766411
  736 SOLV  HW2     2281   -0.465664164   -1.507958458    0.245735001
  737 SOLV  OW      2282    1.095996076    0.497401373   -0.735617748
  737 SOLV  HW1     2283    1.167373451    0.558308783   -0.770221688
  737 SOLV  HW2     2284    1.093282747    0.502604434   -0.635780634
  738 SOLV  OW      2285    0.784397501   -0.581685459    0.145910787
  738 SOLV  HW1     2286    0.858081749   -0.523388463    0.180169459
  738 SOLV  HW2     2287    0.696270378   -0.537833792    0.163579810
  739 SOLV  OW      2288    0.441813041   -1.370715696   -0.996026717
  739 SOLV  HW1     2289    0.462342963   -1.439009055   -1.066144745
  739 SOLV  HW2     2290    0.525839712   -1.346502037   -0.947496447
  740 SOLV  OW      2291   -0.118740465   -1.298760668   -0.916477957
  740 SOLV  HW1     2292   -0.173336677   -1.307871627   -0.999771582
  740 SOLV  HW2     2293   -0.023551061   -1.280210787   -0.940899254
  741 SOLV  OW      2294    1.456490362   -0.262162582    0.407904441
  741 SOLV  HW1     2295    1.547787054   -0.236021181    0.439260914
  741 SOLV  HW2     2296    1.440485075   -0.224338472    0.316718663
  742 SOLV  OW      2297   -0.365902047    0.522798161    1.515070022
  742 SOLV  HW1     2298   -0.448403275    0.469125960    1.532798624
  742 SOLV  HW2     2299   -0.391365458    0.617430481    1.495125550
  743 SOLV  OW      2300   -1.480864587   -0.958230826   -1.166395920
  743 SOLV  HW1     2301   -1.527246052   -1.043322617   -1.141700313
  743 SOLV  HW2     2302   -1.460671704   -0.906029829   -1.083516547
  744 SOLV  OW      2303   -0.596066996   -0.122742221    1.044305081
  744 SOLV  HW1     2304   -0.555235132   -0.212454779    1.061218443
  744 SOLV  HW2     2305   -0.526048085   -0.060248289    1.009758705
  745 SOLV  OW      2306    0.354871273   -0.915812585   -0.917342458
  745 SOLV  HW1     2307    0.337742797   -0.998584371   -0.970795970
  745 SOLV  HW2     2308    0.444057623   -0.922881416   -0.872647998
  746 SOLV  OW      2309   -1.035865100    0.007967266    0.639182992
  746 SOLV  HW1     2310   -1.108735811    0.027101214    0.704951991
  746 SOLV  HW2     2311   -1.070864143    0.019934414    0.546266208
  747 SOLV  OW      2312    0.661768895    1.060254443    0.866374386
  747 SOLV  HW1     2313    0.733919522    1.121001403    0.833115204
  747 SOLV  HW2     2314    0.645047428    1.078343864    0.963303104
  748 SOLV  OW      2315   -1.104024105   -0.996289489    0.558356673
  748 SOLV  HW1     2316   -1.164668554   -1.075773725    0.560920911
  748 SOLV  HW2     2317   -1.101085966   -0.953701401    0.648798133
  749 SOLV  OW      2318    0.330223869    1.315702871    0.288622341
  749 SOLV  HW1     2319    0.343496783    1.401656059    0.239250723
  749 SOLV  HW2     2320    0.319508628    1.240940408    0.223068887
  750 SOLV  OW      2321    0.379643512   -0.276400505    0.616052867
  750 SOLV  HW1     2322    0.402869056   -0.204296482    0.681346813
  750 SOLV  HW2     2323    0.281466397   -0.273885952    0.597171379
  751 SOLV  OW      2324   -0.012935470   -1.298983099   -1.201103968
  751 SOLV  HW1     2325    0.068408613   -1.244147717   -1.220547919
  751 SOLV  HW2     2326    0.011750122   -1.395889188   -1.199783882
  752 SOLV  OW      2327    0.426356825   -0.851387209    0.048963361
  752 SOLV  HW1     2328    0.462488054   -0.813115761    0.134000715
  752 SOLV  HW2     2329    0.345161368   -0.906238150    0.068966315
  753 SOLV  OW      2330   -0.158601951    0.910004584    0.477187375
  753 SOLV  HW1     2331   -0.122684758    0.975615932    0.543570058
  753 SOLV  HW2     2332   -0.095792467    0.903283923    0.399654496
  754 SOLV  OW      2333   -0.473131462   -0.575758723    1.402740896
  754 SOLV  HW1     2334   -0.515231486   -0.653844726    1.448914365
  754 SOLV  HW2     2335   -0.539425880   -0.501157430    1.396302345
  755 SOLV  OW      2336   -1.394635886    1.328441592   -1.258631412
  755 SOLV  HW1     2337   -1.299926502    1.359807959   -1.265444033
  755 SOLV  HW2     2338   -1.449270424    1.371632958   -1.330392566
  756 SOLV  OW      2339    1.226038809    0.290297878    1.116708180
  756 SOLV  HW1     2340    1.156981252    0.279426844    1.188226045
  756 SOLV  HW2     2341    1.192183318    0.353573796    1.047052932
  757 SOLV  OW      2342    0.629911830    0.545393734   -0.662618992
  757 SOLV  HW1     2343    0.601209689    0.579671296   -0.752079335
  757 SOLV  HW2     2344    0.611621778    0.447224468   -0.657125504
  758 SOLV  OW      2345   -1.484543855    0.174799764   -0.820439475
  758 SOLV  HW1     2346   -1.456686989    0.177466409   -0.916444548
  758 SOLV  HW2     2347   -1.540723981    0.254928296   -0.799818224
  759 SOLV  OW      2348    0.827604773    0.599737878   -0.165146775
  759 SOLV  HW1     2349    0.790770550    0.568593038   -0.077538647
  759 SOLV  HW2     2350    0.883363234    0.681488445   -0.150668846
  760 SOLV  OW      2351   -0.412843880    0.277970548   -0.583787481
  760 SOLV  HW1     2352   -0.510235629    0.258963047   -0.596184688
  760 SOLV  HW2     2353   -0.395034443    0.374479324   -0.602996084
  761 SOLV  OW      2354   -1.270125911    0.370677110   -0.211934596
  761 SOLV  HW1     2355   -1.201127835    0.441309110   -0.196051352
  761 SOLV  HW2     2356   -1.262855822    0.337564563   -0.306021932
  762 SOLV  OW      2357    1.072116651    0.481652700    0.928118138
  762 SOLV  HW1     2358    1.117100922    0.449694961    0.844710226
  762 SOLV  HW2     2359    0.997753814    0.419153182    0.951902910
  763 SOLV  OW      2360   -0.613248721    0.139864034    0.102255667
  763 SOLV  HW1     2361   -0.550764707    0.106631246    0.031592642
  763 SOLV  HW2     2362   -0.564316588    0.147336614    0.189156037
  764 SOLV  OW      2363    1.383681905    0.313648858    1.349302608
  764 SOLV  HW1     2364    1.338071946    0.302351043    1.261020267
  764 SOLV  HW2     2365    1.482073877    0.299770210    1.337985110
  765 SOLV  OW      2366    1.288725279    0.190362611    0.555038237
  765 SOLV  HW1     2367    1.380833615    0.194496679    0.593756355
  765 SOLV  HW2     2368    1.292673091    0.149120087    0.464024177
  766 SOLV  OW      2369   -0.899230423    0.316671066    0.708075230
  766 SOLV  HW1     2370   -0.848593991    0.233927310    0.683759614
  766 SOLV  HW2     2371   -0.835439642    0.393048311    0.718027296
  767 SOLV  OW      2372   -0.567039685    1.238626892   -1.256318412
  767 SOLV  HW1     2373   -0.629197121    1.270661566   -1.184818029
  767 SOLV  HW2     2374   -0.548696319    1.141178562   -1.243303724
  768 SOLV  OW      2375   -0.337998685   -0.177562053    0.400661992
  768 SOLV  HW1     2376   -0.298754532   -0.241231258    0.467054123
  768 SOLV  HW2     2377   -0.393062289   -0.228304831    0.334367430
  769 SOLV  OW      2378   -0.105208194    0.531952216    1.324851566
  769 SOLV  HW1     2379   -0.152835065    0.565175664    1.243430718
  769 SOLV  HW2     2380   -0.160333181    0.551466216    1.405981120
  770 SOLV  OW      2381   -0.058688443   -0.987366043    1.119902095
  770 SOLV  HW1     2382   -0.119306427   -0.929970626    1.174959843
  770 SOLV  HW2     2383   -0.099478416   -1.078015394    1.108995063
  771 SOLV  OW      2384    0.929309697   -1.423888950    0.324276833
  771 SOLV  HW1     2385    1.014035109   -1.456623992    0.366129656
  771 SOLV  HW2     2386    0.855539102   -1.488665210    0.343344140
  772 SOLV  OW      2387   -0.816095292    1.474830488   -0.101674403
  772 SOLV  HW1     2388   -0.726649029    1.444269369   -0.134316625
  772 SOLV  HW2     2389   -0.843421384    1.419665034   -0.022869914
  773 SOLV  OW      2390   -0.948807341   -1.209127883    1.208567886
  773 SOLV  HW1     2391   -1.035185071   -1.252027344    1.234999196
  773 SOLV  HW2     2392   -0.918423046   -1.246626638    1.120973962
  774 SOLV  OW      2393    0.154999095   -1.500254263   -1.082550986
  774 SOLV  HW1     2394    0.234697602   -1.440485836   -1.073745610
  774 SOLV  HW2     2395    0.174606050   -1.588458609   -1.039688781
  775 SOLV  OW      2396    0.826631608   -0.846375168   -0.677853220
  775 SOLV  HW1     2397    0.814767178   -0.748404068   -0.661642672
  775 SOLV  HW2     2398    0.737165981   -0.888979138   -0.691366534
  776 SOLV  OW      2399    1.011290931    0.761539465   -0.993407654
  776 SOLV  HW1     2400    0.942723591    0.699636862   -1.031728927
  776 SOLV  HW2     2401    1.102579180    0.731105426   -1.020650835
  777 SOLV  OW      2402    1.478077342   -0.932352086   -0.107494383
  777 SOLV  HW1     2403    1.432946618   -0.891640119   -0.028074921
  777 SOLV  HW2     2404    1.447708880   -1.027038981   -0.118163921
  778 SOLV  OW      2405   -0.712819387    1.397659698   -0.914299188
  778 SOLV  HW1     2406   -0.684879529    1.307292152   -0.946778708
  778 SOLV  HW2     2407   -0.649637367    1.466720143   -0.949519053
  779 SOLV  OW      2408   -1.511088657    0.869410689   -0.578618568
  779 SOLV  HW1     2409   -1.427792837    0.910061068   -0.616161122
  779 SOLV  HW2     2410   -1.487631586    0.811563741   -0.500480885
  780 SOLV  OW      2411    0.329248585   -0.573252096    0.638865536
  780 SOLV  HW1     2412    0.366303926   -0.486594816    0.605414892
  780 SOLV  HW2     2413    0.399160810   -0.621071825    0.692035693
  781 SOLV  OW      2414    1.559042792    0.039276117    1.128904833
  781 SOLV  HW1     2415    1.461439089    0.051476885    1.110836844
  781 SOLV  HW2     2416    1.593978819    0.118887456    1.178333797
  782 SOLV  OW      2417   -1.307350648    0.130457510    0.596078850
  782 SOLV  HW1     2418   -1.289062839    0.174931087    0.508391013
  782 SOLV  HW2     2419   -1.367323317    0.051740114    0.581644583
  783 SOLV  OW      2420    0.951615824    1.469512112    1.375352417
  783 SOLV  HW1     2421    0.984986395    1.562080205    1.393220868
  783 SOLV  HW2     2422    1.028642847    1.410358799    1.351489187
  784 SOLV  OW      2423   -0.491938101    1.538221742   -1.070243984
  784 SOLV  HW1     2424   -0.424224809    1.469678579   -1.043441876
  784 SOLV  HW2     2425   -0.510016204    1.530624728   -1.168310636
  785 SOLV  OW      2426    0.913698999    0.536512347    0.349404554
  785 SOLV  HW1     2427    0.975296898    0.590250684    0.291786128
  785 SOLV  HW2     2428    0.821194054    0.574033674    0.343323744
  786 SOLV  OW      2429   -0.620175840   -1.231633481    0.553379844
  786 SOLV  HW1     2430   -0.642274259   -1.167567901    0.479832338
  786 SOLV  HW2     2431   -0.664413639   -1.319510783    0.535420218
  787 SOLV  OW      2432    0.853758195    1.393484404    0.496259724
  787 SOLV  HW1     2433    0.896623958    1.408262006    0.407129019
  787 SOLV  HW2     2434    0.764104050    1.351071449    0.483478262
  788 SOLV  OW      2435    1.114118346    1.235608427   -0.249257791
  788 SOLV  HW1     2436    1.202549300    1.196243358   -0.224118042
  788 SOLV  HW2     2437    1.097642491    1.317935426   -0.194922050
  789 SOLV  OW      2438    0.678213584    0.240794661    0.204132545
  789 SOLV  HW1     2439    0.611486009    0.192870087    0.261160669
  789 SOLV  HW2     2440    0.715474378    0.177580430    0.136182874
  790 SOLV  OW      2441   -0.280923463   -0.341615616    0.858104788
  790 SOLV  HW1     2442   -0.314554710   -0.327044686    0.951153809
  790 SOLV  HW2     2443   -0.194907531   -0.392528053    0.861358014
  791 SOLV  OW      2444    1.125405644   -0.176724586    0.577876378
  791 SOLV  HW1     2445    1.216129816   -0.185589201    0.618994151
  791 SOLV  HW2     2446    1.094322038   -0.266316519    0.546140201
  792 SOLV  OW      2447   -0.293088259   -1.459351305   -0.769632621
  792 SOLV  HW1     2448   -0.227236937   -1.386719367   -0.789373171
  792 SOLV  HW2     2449   -0.385963368   -1.422935575   -0.776680262
  793 SOLV  OW      2450    1.534203227   -0.671027163    1.462703701
  793 SOLV  HW1     2451    1.596701469   -0.609555205    1.414569879
  793 SOLV  HW2     2452    1.445853495   -0.672085533    1.415854643
  794 SOLV  OW      2453   -0.736394768    1.120067655   -1.040519402
  794 SOLV  HW1     2454   -0.831987025    1.134530426   -1.014930399
  794 SOLV  HW2     2455   -0.702626746    1.036438755   -0.997302403
  795 SOLV  OW      2456   -0.223471900    0.185488180   -0.757460156
  795 SOLV  HW1     2457   -0.288058016    0.223634848   -0.691326963
  795 SOLV  HW2     2458   -0.138394409    0.237985231   -0.755016712
  796 SOLV  OW      2459   -0.625067561    0.171405001   -0.775638038
  796 SOLV  HW1     2460   -0.653035215    0.168677739   -0.871618463
  796 SOLV  HW2     2461   -0.555885897    0.101107169   -0.759088325
  797 SOLV  OW      2462    0.718213259   -1.118813356    0.427596633
  797 SOLV  HW1     2463    0.809721071   -1.154805290    0.409354406
  797 SOLV  HW2     2464    0.724446747   -1.043739583    0.493375249
  798 SOLV  OW      2465    1.490634897   -1.125004918    0.477331455
  798 SOLV  HW1     2466    1.488790791   -1.155244082    0.572641069
  798 SOLV  HW2     2467    1.584579347   -1.102721791    0.451262466
  799 SOLV  OW      2468   -1.513497733    1.079038810    1.013123871
  799 SOLV  HW1     2469   -1.514374322    1.054212139    1.109997403
  799 SOLV  HW2     2470   -1.419291747    1.078939163    0.979557065
  800 SOLV  OW      2471    0.615947511   -1.041882534   -1.132519902
  800 SOLV  HW1     2472    0.705291534   -1.065199355   -1.094102299
  800 SOLV  HW2     2473    0.572237167   -1.124625406   -1.167803613
  801 SOLV  OW      2474   -1.241895820    1.321665707    0.111088464
  801 SOLV  HW1     2475   -1.195613878    1.388260719    0.052564620
  801 SOLV  HW2     2476   -1.309547853    1.368565488    0.167881362
  802 SOLV  OW      2477    0.019646436    1.052808051    0.623449363
  802 SOLV  HW1     2478   -0.014645497    1.145257936    0.640155786
  802 SOLV  HW2     2479    0.111431611    1.057935530    0.584065107
  803 SOLV  OW      2480   -0.583426800   -0.925743454   -0.592699968
  803 SOLV  HW1     2481   -0.591663684   -0.848249991   -0.655366133
  803 SOLV  HW2     2482   -0.521278622   -0.993675869   -0.631724076
  804 SOLV  OW      2483   -0.971826559   -1.197975877    0.378694635
  804 SOLV  HW1     2484   -0.877087251   -1.179789328    0.352323577
  804 SOLV  HW2     2485   -1.026450745   -1.115187943    0.365888667
  805 SOLV  OW      2486   -0.236170489   -0.871217239   -0.882668959
  805 SOLV  HW1     2487   -0.288228180   -0.905984412   -0.960662832
  805 SOLV  HW2     2488   -0.254939228   -0.927653236   -0.802267405
  806 SOLV  OW      2489   -0.121139466    0.026927315   -1.122233169
  806 SOLV  HW1     2490   -0.158438821   -0.036588422   -1.189882219
  806 SOLV  HW2     2491   -0.122838802   -0.015874145   -1.031862090
  807 SOLV  OW      2492   -0.847243827   -0.704831471    0.930777226
  807 SOLV  HW1     2493   -0.854009451   -0.694807984    1.030052153
  807 SOLV  HW2     2494   -0.792935416   -0.629665497    0.893328993
  808 SOLV  OW      2495   -1.073501574    1.242836499    0.346103263
  808 SOLV  HW1     2496   -0.998747201    1.308575501    0.355603662
  808 SOLV  HW2     2497   -1.145796369    1.282547889    0.289547745
  809 SOLV  OW      2498   -0.776618547   -1.548901872   -0.525095017
  809 SOLV  HW1     2499   -0.777870552   -1.449372319   -0.534800113
  809 SOLV  HW2     2500   -0.867494823   -1.580901972   -0.498272802
  810 SOLV  OW      2501   -0.858578104   -1.105064092   -0.208037589
  810 SOLV  HW1     2502   -0.823851767   -1.011449622   -0.213726801
  810 SOLV  HW2     2503   -0.925668997   -1.111272523   -0.134131299
  811 SOLV  OW      2504   -0.644615496   -1.179768412    0.835250965
  811 SOLV  HW1     2505   -0.550117258   -1.200072833    0.860928705
  811 SOLV  HW2     2506   -0.652718760   -1.179442321    0.735572742
  812 SOLV  OW      2507   -1.015973262   -0.742981724    0.445731848
  812 SOLV  HW1     2508   -1.005098995   -0.821872722    0.506228754
  812 SOLV  HW2     2509   -1.086441791   -0.762734028    0.377571192
  813 SOLV  OW      2510   -0.172489382    0.957872554   -0.414570762
  813 SOLV  HW1     2511   -0.172328732    0.935525272   -0.317090300
  813 SOLV  HW2     2512   -0.191761095    1.055294070   -0.426381755
  814 SOLV  OW      2513   -0.241750085   -0.331908244    0.575718502
  814 SOLV  HW1     2514   -0.241565826   -0.427118475    0.545113952
  814 SOLV  HW2     2515   -0.262825837   -0.328359500    0.673416254
  815 SOLV  OW      2516   -1.449298199   -1.285280610    0.313585319
  815 SOLV  HW1     2517   -1.539412972   -1.301306669    0.273303530
  815 SOLV  HW2     2518   -1.390487120   -1.364251601    0.296123079
  816 SOLV  OW      2519    1.470300524   -0.784256393   -1.226949593
  816 SOLV  HW1     2520    1.486214535   -0.879931928   -1.251341524
  816 SOLV  HW2     2521    1.400879519   -0.745514197   -1.287626681
  817 SOLV  OW      2522   -1.361226402   -1.182019666   -0.794823547
  817 SOLV  HW1     2523   -1.460670689   -1.173520826   -0.788599866
  817 SOLV  HW2     2524   -1.337881343   -1.249484794   -0.864848934
  818 SOLV  OW      2525   -0.395751236    0.829971904    0.762583139
  818 SOLV  HW1     2526   -0.350265707    0.904286816    0.811673726
  818 SOLV  HW2     2527   -0.330619020    0.786243647    0.700558373
  819 SOLV  OW      2528    0.371730614   -1.540390865    0.729593513
  819 SOLV  HW1     2529    0.402218936   -1.481812926    0.654486713
  819 SOLV  HW2     2530    0.274856604   -1.562173179    0.717636300
  820 SOLV  OW      2531   -0.671554827    0.995165816   -0.540437863
  820 SOLV  HW1     2532   -0.673156204    1.084538592   -0.585289946
  820 SOLV  HW2     2533   -0.698512075    0.924543606   -0.605917316
  821 SOLV  OW      2534    0.123992330    0.559646090    0.820102938
  821 SOLV  HW1     2535    0.141225402    0.598431442    0.910650206
  821 SOLV  HW2     2536    0.190233165    0.486979394    0.801834062
  822 SOLV  OW      2537   -1.135755168    0.343092502   -0.782877851
  822 SOLV  HW1     2538   -1.165956356    0.250504710   -0.760139669
  822 SOLV  HW2     2539   -1.215085076    0.403809793   -0.787539017
  823 SOLV  OW      2540    0.363405676    0.561730756    0.203359551
  823 SOLV  HW1     2541    0.391125624    0.654489408    0.228442853
  823 SOLV  HW2     2542    0.376457581    0.548484322    0.105095482
  824 SOLV  OW      2543    1.352027418    1.239812736    1.199063799
  824 SOLV  HW1     2544    1.390842382    1.231860248    1.290887810
  824 SOLV  HW2     2545    1.297571649    1.158428577    1.178748772
  825 SOLV  OW      2546    0.313331859   -1.142612035   -1.057649122
  825 SOLV  HW1     2547    0.261083639   -1.159505606   -1.141224609
  825 SOLV  HW2     2548    0.377693370   -1.217704092   -1.042854901
  826 SOLV  OW      2549    1.339130069    1.329255332    0.940528958
  826 SOLV  HW1     2550    1.408088252    1.386279199    0.895867002
  826 SOLV  HW2     2551    1.334262570    1.352753024    1.037615258
  827 SOLV  OW      2552    1.131226306   -0.235990352   -0.381120963
  827 SOLV  HW1     2553    1.116420244   -0.137088948   -0.380059135
  827 SOLV  HW2     2554    1.074469495   -0.277409158   -0.452289167
  828 SOLV  OW      2555    0.848054439    0.290160214   -1.305747391
  828 SOLV  HW1     2556    0.772621142    0.321623932   -1.363379931
  828 SOLV  HW2     2557    0.820032364    0.292861789   -1.209783971
  829 SOLV  OW      2558   -0.671236665    1.262407633    0.176593371
  829 SOLV  HW1     2559   -0.655461864    1.182538056    0.234663467
  829 SOLV  HW2     2560   -0.583580971    1.304652341    0.153529241
  830 SOLV  OW      2561   -0.339793890   -1.458276858   -0.493471833
  830 SOLV  HW1     2562   -0.334730322   -1.498679721   -0.584806706
  830 SOLV  HW2     2563   -0.435037642   -1.436844675   -0.471761686
  831 SOLV  OW      2564   -0.987768884   -0.637358661    0.148694144
  831 SOLV  HW1     2565   -1.046441872   -0.581464222    0.207303109
  831 SOLV  HW2     2566   -1.040143549   -0.668997219    0.069589241
  832 SOLV  OW      2567   -0.661707875   -1.491660060    1.104392207
  832 SOLV  HW1     2568   -0.619862777   -1.576654280    1.072350864
  832 SOLV  HW2     2569   -0.744768750   -1.512783532    1.155932137
  833 SOLV  OW      2570   -0.900775225    0.752414395   -1.157057484
  833 SOLV  HW1     2571   -0.829080583    0.813946621   -1.189855706
  833 SOLV  HW2     2572   -0.974726043    0.806098579   -1.116421297
  834 SOLV  OW      2573    0.125434668    1.001343462   -1.518244009
  834 SOLV  HW1     2574    0.153421223    1.076869429   -1.577525206
  834 SOLV  HW2     2575    0.195433601    0.929937301   -1.519969028
  835 SOLV  OW      2576    0.699825617    0.127297177    1.385170112
  835 SOLV  HW1     2577    0.705048151    0.153273546    1.481596476
  835 SOLV  HW2     2578    0.724847750    0.205580023    1.328181142
  836 SOLV  OW      2579    0.006251765    0.819059261    1.428242386
  836 SOLV  HW1     2580    0.003526529    0.721453435    1.449859234
  836 SOLV  HW2     2581    0.100138347    0.845747640    1.406455190
  837 SOLV  OW      2582   -0.867349668   -0.262190769    1.463619242
  837 SOLV  HW1     2583   -0.924869074   -0.216378795    1.395835877
  837 SOLV  HW2     2584   -0.802791536   -0.196413526    1.502443882
  838 SOLV  OW      2585    1.381967086    1.096535257    0.533705231
  838 SOLV  HW1     2586    1.432459628    1.055983592    0.609915926
  838 SOLV  HW2     2587    1.338638176    1.181466736    0.563890720
  839 SOLV  OW      2588   -1.267400447   -0.309572985    1.436174272
  839 SOLV  HW1     2589   -1.281824092   -0.241824181    1.508310586
  839 SOLV  HW2     2590   -1.261969427   -0.400812674    1.476762924
  840 SOLV  OW      2591    0.024713772    0.285172063   -0.746526571
  840 SOLV  HW1     2592    0.082932840    0.222689492   -0.798564368
  840 SOLV  HW2     2593    0.042591222    0.273760338   -0.648794122
  841 SOLV  OW      2594    0.802553040    1.430882840   -0.259688708
  841 SOLV  HW1     2595    0.897504127    1.416482576   -0.231779540
  841 SOLV  HW2     2596    0.778591575    1.527250545   -0.247812814
  842 SOLV  OW      2597    0.753935831   -0.126516911    1.320632541
  842 SOLV  HW1     2598    0.680427065   -0.182333750    1.282125903
  842 SOLV  HW2     2599    0.726224423   -0.030423744    1.320762106
  843 SOLV  OW      2600    1.265087165   -0.544232686    1.081503780
  843 SOLV  HW1     2601    1.166630991   -0.555348722    1.095082040
  843 SOLV  HW2     2602    1.290332686   -0.448767194    1.097334212
  844 SOLV  OW      2603    0.793067601    1.502499038    1.163425254
  844 SOLV  HW1     2604    0.858908762    1.503449750    1.238697592
  844 SOLV  HW2     2605    0.740677653    1.587687071    1.163916028
  845 SOLV  OW      2606   -0.800291853   -0.838173536   -0.122166821
  845 SOLV  HW1     2607   -0.803186644   -0.740005191   -0.103281539
  845 SOLV  HW2     2608   -0.852455478   -0.887096466   -0.052256617
  846 SOLV  OW      2609   -0.451792018    0.621688527   -0.083360447
  846 SOLV  HW1     2610   -0.364764936    0.572693682   -0.088629830
  846 SOLV  HW2     2611   -0.451595732    0.697098061   -0.149051409
  847 SOLV  OW      2612   -0.025706188   -0.460697340   -1.203091180
  847 SOLV  HW1     2613    0.050423805   -0.444134138   -1.140389549
  847 SOLV  HW2     2614   -0.110637946   -0.427782416   -1.161803031
  848 SOLV  OW      2615   -0.696745782   -0.055115520   -0.518263097
  848 SOLV  HW1     2616   -0.615584640   -0.068430810   -0.575160474
  848 SOLV  HW2     2617   -0.778815712   -0.063712462   -0.574763046
  849 SOLV  OW      2618   -1.092098504   -0.324556164   -1.267151566
  849 SOLV  HW1     2619   -1.012747461   -0.381550896   -1.245782827
  849 SOLV  HW2     2620   -1.098591660   -0.250187559   -1.200602619
  850 SOLV  OW      2621   -0.569908949    1.390347580   -0.196854771
  850 SOLV  HW1     2622   -0.496865865    1.436362153   -0.247344187
  850 SOLV  HW2     2623   -0.552411264    1.291893993   -0.195282078
  851 SOLV  OW      2624    0.250321240    0.509122244   -0.380069520
  851 SOLV  HW1     2625    0.342665606    0.497782386   -0.343408135
  851 SOLV  HW2     2626    0.238552302    0.603081980   -0.412212173
  852 SOLV  OW      2627   -1.352292809    0.842116093    0.291333093
  852 SOLV  HW1     2628   -1.331772553    0.930257123    0.248768036
  852 SOLV  HW2     2629   -1.360635097    0.772038440    0.220473060
  853 SOLV  OW      2630    0.998083032    1.161047342    1.062673744
  853 SOLV  HW1     2631    1.058194769    1.138511565    1.139357902
  853 SOLV  HW2     2632    0.978621417    1.259142133    1.063310866
  854 SOLV  OW      2633    0.341094743    1.132807439   -1.346931076
  854 SOLV  HW1     2634    0.397361810    1.050522551   -1.338879572
  854 SOLV  HW2     2635    0.271033670    1.118548562   -1.416856920
  855 SOLV  OW      2636   -0.238923153   -0.299961465    1.280827512
  855 SOLV  HW1     2637   -0.275265895   -0.266703874    1.367862172
  855 SOLV  HW2     2638   -0.176809073   -0.231654407    1.242384712
  856 SOLV  OW      2639    0.036976050   -1.078630024    0.695213579
  856 SOLV  HW1     2640    0.088719790   -1.137558686    0.633151335
  856 SOLV  HW2     2641    0.083229737   -1.074774411    0.783799263
  857 SOLV  OW      2642    1.367268140   -0.397907060    0.622780785
  857 SOLV  HW1     2643    1.366314208   -0.351814035    0.711528501
  857 SOLV  HW2     2644    1.419347662   -0.343088868    0.557326918
  858 SOLV  OW      2645   -0.586294276    1.497683473   -0.550723981
  858 SOLV  HW1     2646   -0.525251101    1.527179320   -0.477201875
  858 SOLV  HW2     2647   -0.548695112    1.526479187   -0.638808472
  859 SOLV  OW      2648    0.196248574    0.927170568   -0.637662479
  859 SOLV  HW1     2649    0.292520872    0.907569946   -0.656306295
  859 SOLV  HW2     2650    0.139759615    0.889447789   -0.711052394
  860 SOLV  OW      2651   -1.275649221    1.532482929    0.783649581
  860 SOLV  HW1     2652   -1.352966442    1.482192355    0.744988811
  860 SOLV  HW2     2653   -1.237786320    1.593816071    0.714321411
  861 SOLV  OW      2654   -1.185940400    0.047583443    0.885123483
  861 SOLV  HW1     2655   -1.209718330    0.104277207    0.964004163
  861 SOLV  HW2     2656   -1.121525156   -0.023501771    0.913394869
  862 SOLV  OW      2657   -0.483103583    0.770805521    1.523425401
  862 SOLV  HW1     2658   -0.502053775    0.831986185    1.446616226
  862 SOLV  HW2     2659   -0.456743641    0.824845647    1.603341490
  863 SOLV  OW      2660   -0.835641236    0.523020395    0.191103696
  863 SOLV  HW1     2661   -0.802500997    0.531792459    0.285053271
  863 SOLV  HW2     2662   -0.929885017    0.556061528    0.185800424
  864 SOLV  OW      2663    0.956347662    1.029076809   -1.031195771
  864 SOLV  HW1     2664    0.968854589    1.082002227   -0.947265923
  864 SOLV  HW2     2665    0.993042863    0.936946812   -1.018263512
  865 SOLV  OW      2666   -1.432413420   -0.510376185    0.103418901
  865 SOLV  HW1     2667   -1.515209272   -0.536783282    0.053927875
  865 SOLV  HW2     2668   -1.457581879   -0.471071853    0.191869513
  866 SOLV  OW      2669    1.162334062   -1.506770174    0.415976840
  866 SOLV  HW1     2670    1.152700666   -1.536648743    0.321031587
  866 SOLV  HW2     2671    1.239410657   -1.443482183    0.423319780
  867 SOLV  OW      2672   -0.647230032    0.807135414    0.638049563
  867 SOLV  HW1     2673   -0.638587368    0.779368458    0.542370983
  867 SOLV  HW2     2674   -0.556275828    0.814370810    0.678977738
  868 SOLV  OW      2675   -1.161799480   -0.873546168   -1.045713973
  868 SOLV  HW1     2676   -1.204763831   -0.927323623   -1.118254843
  868 SOLV  HW2     2677   -1.131548218   -0.785745049   -1.082807297
  869 SOLV  OW      2678   -1.000765346   -1.262610616   -0.778838370
  869 SOLV  HW1     2679   -1.004690633   -1.286614386   -0.875843825
  869 SOLV  HW2     2680   -1.048441237   -1.332346352   -0.725307199
  870 SOLV  OW      2681   -0.279098693    0.685126257    0.580606958
  870 SOLV  HW1     2682   -0.300589539    0.602260162    0.528906486
  870 SOLV  HW2     2683   -0.235914824    0.751942460    0.520007362
  871 SOLV  OW      2684    0.717390483    0.271754274   -1.063898505
  871 SOLV  HW1     2685    0.649689396    0.212206019   -1.020626720
  871 SOLV  HW2     2686    0.802996266    0.267839957   -1.012339829
  872 SOLV  OW      2687   -0.978150105    1.235733222    1.217246261
  872 SOLV  HW1     2688   -1.056415860    1.289574282    1.248510204
  872 SOLV  HW2     2689   -0.955438013    1.261422207    1.123299426
  873 SOLV  OW      2690    0.979523343   -0.626160301   -1.121063310
  873 SOLV  HW1     2691    0.959193707   -0.713745932   -1.164849243
  873 SOLV  HW2     2692    1.071180237   -0.629333905   -1.081180667
  874 SOLV  OW      2693    0.686870693   -0.937614640    0.209753468
  874 SOLV  HW1     2694    0.639250230   -0.854177575    0.237546074
  874 SOLV  HW2     2695    0.699467014   -0.996862078    0.289332902
  875 SOLV  OW      2696   -1.368602050    1.290313705    1.201698146
  875 SOLV  HW1     2697   -1.363426586    1.191160691    1.213615508
  875 SOLV  HW2     2698   -1.333107613    1.314918013    1.111504670
  876 SOLV  OW      2699   -0.206168054   -1.418921211    0.906767227
  876 SOLV  HW1     2700   -0.264731900   -1.400402291    0.827843169
  876 SOLV  HW2     2701   -0.188845575   -1.517215907    0.913064344
  877 SOLV  OW      2702    0.370051201   -0.131815238    1.360261912
  877 SOLV  HW1     2703    0.379038501   -0.032228013    1.362176154
  877 SOLV  HW2     2704    0.273285622   -0.156626095    1.365048436
  878 SOLV  OW      2705    1.427658978    0.262339099    0.910827511
  878 SOLV  HW1     2706    1.388060758    0.171788019    0.926127508
  878 SOLV  HW2     2707    1.470998569    0.264959138    0.820736493
  879 SOLV  OW      2708    0.594111290    1.404680752    0.806231841
  879 SOLV  HW1     2709    0.667387803    1.357401697    0.757289694
  879 SOLV  HW2     2710    0.572950936    1.355125121    0.890484200
  880 SOLV  OW      2711    0.869504683   -1.418069318    0.059965789
  880 SOLV  HW1     2712    0.892837984   -1.438732698    0.154994337
  880 SOLV  HW2     2713    0.806071114   -1.340798620    0.057284406
  881 SOLV  OW      2714    1.054204647    0.129972121   -1.357841750
  881 SOLV  HW1     2715    1.126503651    0.193024472   -1.386108269
  881 SOLV  HW2     2716    0.982948199    0.180614508   -1.309266686
  882 SOLV  OW      2717    0.075486573    0.683606423    0.573627502
  882 SOLV  HW1     2718    0.004864581    0.753220329    0.586599437
  882 SOLV  HW2     2719    0.106510786    0.650606552    0.662791732
  883 SOLV  OW      2720   -0.848145734   -1.323037097    0.966636773
  883 SOLV  HW1     2721   -0.792987459   -1.255284064    0.917968162
  883 SOLV  HW2     2722   -0.789697558   -1.398668688    0.996050361
  884 SOLV  OW      2723   -0.104816648    0.942258806   -0.125171106
  884 SOLV  HW1     2724   -0.011384323    0.906785025   -0.128878559
  884 SOLV  HW2     2725   -0.160406914    0.883605294   -0.066254512
  885 SOLV  OW      2726    1.343486189   -0.484130060   -0.010936555
  885 SOLV  HW1     2727    1.322624531   -0.492109424    0.086544671
  885 SOLV  HW2     2728    1.300189031   -0.559402016   -0.060544279
  886 SOLV  OW      2729   -0.669453066   -1.426819094    1.491946702
  886 SOLV  HW1     2730   -0.573645476   -1.436164782    1.464824585
  886 SOLV  HW2     2731   -0.702845505   -1.336297306    1.465626930
  887 SOLV  OW      2732   -0.397784488   -0.552923258   -0.899395196
  887 SOLV  HW1     2733   -0.403076087   -0.564158263   -0.998630933
  887 SOLV  HW2     2734   -0.315822354   -0.598765180   -0.865004771
  888 SOLV  OW      2735   -0.837244631   -0.449783956   -0.893448779
  888 SOLV  HW1     2736   -0.772336451   -0.412713946   -0.959892134
  888 SOLV  HW2     2737   -0.787809084   -0.480307403   -0.812045842
  889 SOLV  OW      2738   -0.629303922   -0.960204641   -1.368969199
  889 SOLV  HW1     2739   -0.659278887   -0.931757510   -1.277906644
  889 SOLV  HW2     2740   -0.625728291   -0.880506666   -1.429264619
  890 SOLV  OW      2741   -0.988577143    0.448456405   -0.977771165
  890 SOLV  HW1     2742   -0.924368362    0.393024616   -1.030744646
  890 SOLV  HW2     2743   -1.033472544    0.391083135   -0.909256738
  891 SOLV  OW      2744    0.331501016    1.255444608    0.654733284
  891 SOLV  HW1     2745    0.370836171    1.193643381    0.586651768
  891 SOLV  HW2     2746    0.359607392    1.349309054    0.634702958
  892 SOLV  OW      2747   -0.588050114   -0.921079586    0.503957549
  892 SOLV  HW1     2748   -0.538759642   -0.934753407    0.418020535
  892 SOLV  HW2     2749   -0.536325620   -0.962326356    0.578957205
  893 SOLV  OW      2750    0.507085817    0.282274440   -0.684725079
  893 SOLV  HW1     2751    0.487437493    0.267643005   -0.781688347
  893 SOLV  HW2     2752    0.454097965    0.217582459   -0.629868646
  894 SOLV  OW      2753    1.340900003   -1.552009603   -0.964650434
  894 SOLV  HW1     2754    1.439988684   -1.542293697   -0.955229625
  894 SOLV  HW2     2755    1.303283823   -1.469811917   -1.007430931
  895 SOLV  OW      2756   -0.669156400   -1.373521569   -1.097416423
  895 SOLV  HW1     2757   -0.661755104   -1.470015032   -1.072195930
  895 SOLV  HW2     2758   -0.618795142   -1.357314261   -1.182285811
  896 SOLV  OW      2759    1.098415037    0.036605178   -0.392538363
  896 SOLV  HW1     2760    1.158934520    0.089732406   -0.333237218
  896 SOLV  HW2     2761    1.041119925    0.098782399   -0.445952003
  897 SOLV  OW      2762   -0.703039036    0.064631724    1.303525114
  897 SOLV  HW1     2763   -0.607243597    0.072984884    1.276050027
  897 SOLV  HW2     2764   -0.757468631    0.033585920    1.225582566
  898 SOLV  OW      2765    1.162013356   -1.052228036   -0.705971196
  898 SOLV  HW1     2766    1.158035016   -1.021586696   -0.610854345
  898 SOLV  HW2     2767    1.236578838   -1.005073617   -0.753068937
  899 SOLV  OW      2768   -1.549680385   -1.186585060    1.087555538
  899 SOLV  HW1     2769   -1.595482316   -1.103506994    1.119209433
  899 SOLV  HW2     2770   -1.455811446   -1.164756737    1.060837171
  900 SOLV  OW      2771    1.266816290    0.978023374    1.110036268
  900 SOLV  HW1     2772    1.335513798    0.983582276    1.037570773
  900 SOLV  HW2     2773    1.273264249    0.889082476    1.155306007
  901 SOLV  OW      2774    0.847140038   -0.539277572   -1.388684432
  901 SOLV  HW1     2775    0.792011243   -0.544779208   -1.305422609
  901 SOLV  HW2     2776    0.899058165   -0.624013753   -1.399919421
  902 SOLV  OW      2777   -1.238703148    0.975705858    1.022392149
  902 SOLV  HW1     2778   -1.244962399    0.879281339    1.048146074
  902 SOLV  HW2     2779   -1.142784519    1.000286102    1.008409360
  903 SOLV  OW      2780    1.048019896   -1.329605541   -0.134566502
  903 SOLV  HW1     2781    1.093554585   -1.397678608   -0.191965919
  903 SOLV  HW2     2782    0.995537755   -1.375974248   -0.063169857
  904 SOLV  OW      2783   -1.420155460   -0.840102131   -0.574077182
  904 SOLV  HW1     2784   -1.511901647   -0.820891556   -0.539217476
  904 SOLV  HW2     2785   -1.372361791   -0.753966124   -0.591336753
  905 SOLV  OW      2786    1.464561608    1.223449705   -1.408584189
  905 SOLV  HW1     2787    1.380565399    1.275965909   -1.394858857
  905 SOLV  HW2     2788    1.541188628    1.286197451   -1.422468595
  906 SOLV  OW      2789   -0.318189005   -1.342240999   -1.106552780
  906 SOLV  HW1     2790   -0.269749052   -1.428751180   -1.119630315
  906 SOLV  HW2     2791   -0.400458595   -1.341197256   -1.163403931
  907 SOLV  OW      2792   -0.495399763    1.512795296    1.450248740
  907 SOLV  HW1     2793   -0.436673788    1.450882883    1.502385500
  907 SOLV  HW2     2794   -0.581270150    1.466547797    1.428168533
  908 SOLV  OW      2795    1.129248972    0.586196048   -1.390764510
  908 SOLV  HW1     2796    1.112420428    0.657904904   -1.458412391
  908 SOLV  HW2     2797    1.075034976    0.505354139   -1.413720156
  909 SOLV  OW      2798   -0.544390349    0.194067404    0.818206597
  909 SOLV  HW1     2799   -0.465562206    0.247735457    0.788080801
  909 SOLV  HW2     2800   -0.578185085    0.138840217    0.741986140
  910 SOLV  OW      2801    1.456441403   -0.189222488   -0.543556238
  910 SOLV  HW1     2802    1.377396140   -0.135060574   -0.572198180
  910 SOLV  HW2     2803    1.477384517   -0.257294856   -0.613766306
  911 SOLV  OW      2804   -0.660244748    0.818360677    0.051144775
  911 SOLV  HW1     2805   -0.725106595    0.884033625    0.012654858
  911 SOLV  HW2     2806   -0.606149485    0.777848945   -0.022570467
  912 SOLV  OW      2807   -0.190024460    0.822191631    1.214547420
  912 SOLV  HW1     2808   -0.149005566    0.905579800    1.177590746
  912 SOLV  HW2     2809   -0.147400956    0.800162708    1.302296262
  913 SOLV  OW      2810    0.132118937    1.244412497    1.467928375
  913 SOLV  HW1     2811    0.130743899    1.144440787    1.470225172
  913 SOLV  HW2     2812    0.039823280    1.278603278    1.450208407
  914 SOLV  OW      2813    1.440693331    1.080680547   -0.250508634
  914 SOLV  HW1     2814    1.458853168    1.149343158   -0.320906060
  914 SOLV  HW2     2815    1.419085636    0.993274831   -0.294022294
  915 SOLV  OW      2816    0.822699638    0.002831804   -1.474632211
  915 SOLV  HW1     2817    0.795736132    0.095403858   -1.501190527
  915 SOLV  HW2     2818    0.918565473    0.002940513   -1.446142486
  916 SOLV  OW      2819    0.474617473   -1.007014000   -0.448397199
  916 SOLV  HW1     2820    0.396352258   -1.038038348   -0.394417252
  916 SOLV  HW2     2821    0.551334593   -0.987064762   -0.387419178
  917 SOLV  OW      2822   -1.015220788   -1.335595873   -1.036942121
  917 SOLV  HW1     2823   -0.950661507   -1.298549965   -1.103738066
  917 SOLV  HW2     2824   -0.994380729   -1.432000302   -1.020392753
  918 SOLV  OW      2825   -0.468894177   -0.099236082   -0.652970832
  918 SOLV  HW1     2826   -0.409215546   -0.030397859   -0.611719351
  918 SOLV  HW2     2827   -0.415064462   -0.180144485   -0.676592630
  919 SOLV  OW      2828    1.344530393   -0.820823275   -0.809738777
  919 SOLV  HW1     2829    1.361620778   -0.912061772   -0.846935347
  919 SOLV  HW2     2830    1.414775120   -0.757730503   -0.842679186
  920 SOLV  OW      2831   -1.488082410    0.486839369    0.201325392
  920 SOLV  HW1     2832   -1.474699858    0.550788298    0.125608833
  920 SOLV  HW2     2833   -1.529208549    0.402468877    0.166802955
  921 SOLV  OW      2834   -0.889294672    0.806924744   -0.595201754
  921 SOLV  HW1     2835   -0.885539177    0.897474874   -0.552914740
  921 SOLV  HW2     2836   -0.842868808    0.740721165   -0.536352191
  922 SOLV  OW      2837    1.200711992    1.511415568    0.588170438
  922 SOLV  HW1     2838    1.156851190    1.601259047    0.590685720
  922 SOLV  HW2     2839    1.187943450    1.470632528    0.497751401
  923 SOLV  OW      2840    1.287996029    0.667307297   -0.827983161
  923 SOLV  HW1     2841    1.271826602    0.647173224   -0.924600991
  923 SOLV  HW2     2842    1.381506665    0.641413808   -0.803754324
  924 SOLV  OW      2843   -0.319431397    0.489121414   -1.048463168
  924 SOLV  HW1     2844   -0.357399890    0.531506277   -0.966220522
  924 SOLV  HW2     2845   -0.219616816    0.488016538   -1.042320923
  925 SOLV  OW      2846   -0.973679729    0.656386950    0.489735498
  925 SOLV  HW1     2847   -1.054567821    0.694468742    0.444915317
  925 SOLV  HW2     2848   -0.949689722    0.712832730    0.568730310
  926 SOLV  OW      2849    0.607828465    0.878953327    0.671274174
  926 SOLV  HW1     2850    0.588639251    0.950188923    0.738782652
  926 SOLV  HW2     2851    0.696751258    0.837604021    0.690846143
  927 SOLV  OW      2852   -0.138582654    1.209490662   -0.907010207
  927 SOLV  HW1     2853   -0.080143612    1.273195927   -0.957275965
  927 SOLV  HW2     2854   -0.088086967    1.172373825   -0.829083215
  928 SOLV  OW      2855    1.426922275   -1.412550665    1.511924855
  928 SOLV  HW1     2856    1.433233754   -1.458405281    1.423272475
  928 SOLV  HW2     2857    1.492988986   -1.453039025    1.575151767
  929 SOLV  OW      2858    0.437957497    0.846891043   -0.739410017
  929 SOLV  HW1     2859    0.475387172    0.773789595   -0.796481114
  929 SOLV  HW2     2860    0.512708523    0.903158876   -0.704082468
  930 SOLV  OW      2861    0.170534368    0.497858148    1.303330937
  930 SOLV  HW1     2862    0.222284399    0.525786064    1.384223680
  930 SOLV  HW2     2863    0.072652580    0.501419878    1.323532562
    3.077767162    3.077767162    3.077767162
   90.000000000   90.000000000   90.000000000
    0.000000000   -0.000000000    0.000000000
    0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000000000

Perform Emin

Now we will perform the solvent box energy minimization with the restrained peptide.

# run emin
out_eminBox_system = emin(in_gromos_system=in_eminBox_system,



Script:  /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/simulations/hpc_queuing/job_scheduling/schedulers/

Simulation Setup:

steps_per_run:  3000
equis:  0
simulation runs:  1

 submit final analysis part

ANA jobID: 0

Whoops what happened here? What you see is the effect of the periodic box and the peptide placed directly at the corners of the box. This is absolutely ok and there is nothing to worry about. We can recenter the peptide and then we see the expected same configuration like from the vacuum emin.

#show resulting coordinates
view = out_eminBox_system.cnf.view

Now lets fix that!


recentered_view = out_eminBox_system.cnf.view
out_eminBox_system_path ="/emin_box_result.obj")

Thermalisation and equilibration.

In the previous steps you have generated a topology and initial coordinates of your system. At this point, you have to generate initial velocities. In the process of thermalisation and equilibration, initial velocities are sampled from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at a low temperature and the system is slowly heated up to the final production simulation temperature. The atoms of the solute are again positionally restrained and these restraints are loosened while heating up. With the help of these restraints you make sure that the random initial velocities do not disrupt the initial conformation too much.

Simulation Paramters

To performe the described equilibration we require additional Simulation Parameter blocks that will be described in the following. First we will load a simulation parameter template for MD simulations.

from import template_md_tut as template_md
from pygromos.files.simulation_parameters import imd

md_imd_file = imd.Imd(template_md) #in_eq_system.imd

Initialise Block

In the INITIALISE block the NTIVEL tells GROMOS whether it should generate the initial velocities or read them from the configuration file. NTISHK is used to restore bond length constraints (SHAKE). NTINHT and NTINHB are only used for Nose-Hoover thermo- and barostats and can be ignored in our case. Every time an atom is leaving the periodic box and entering it from the opposite site this incident is recorded in the so-called lattice shift vectors. Using NTISHI we want to make sure that these vectors are initialised to zero. As you don’t want to use roto-translational constraints NTIRTC can be ignored. NTICOM is used for initial removal of centre of mass motion. NTISTI is used to reset the stochastic integrals used in stochastic dynamics (SD) simulations. IG is the random number generator seed and TEMPI the initial temperature used to generate the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for generation of initial velocities. See also 4-94 for more information.

Help on INITIALISE in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class INITIALISE(_generic_imd_block)
 |  INITIALISE(NTIVEL: bool = False, NTISHK: int = 0, NTINHT: bool = False, NTINHB: bool = False, NTISHI: bool = False, NTIRTC: bool = False, NTICOM: int = 0, NTISTI: bool = False, IG: int = 0, TEMPI: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  INITIALISE block
 |      This block controls the Initialisation of a simulation.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTIVEL: bool
 |      0,1 controls generation of initial velocities
 |      0: read from configuration (default)
 |      1: generate from Maxell distribution at temperature TEMPI
 |  NTISHK: int
 |      0..3 controls shaking of initial configuration
 |      0: no intial SHAKE (default)
 |      1: initial SHAKE on coordinates only
 |      2: initial SHAKE on velocities only
 |      3: initial SHAKE on coordinates and velocities
 |  NTINHT: bool
 |      0,1 controls generation of initial Nose-Hoover chain variables
 |      0: read from configuration (default)
 |      1: reset variables to zero.
 |  NTINHB: bool
 |      0,1 controls generation of initial Nose-Hoover (chain) barostat variables
 |      0: read from strartup file (if applicable) (default)
 |      1: reset variables to zero
 |  NTISHI: bool
 |      0,1 controls initial setting for lattice shift vectors
 |      0: read from configuration (default)
 |      1: reset shifts to zero.
 |  NTIRTC: bool
 |      0,1 controls initial setting of positions and orientations for roto-translational constraints
 |      0: read from configuration (default)
 |      1: reset based on initial configuraion of startup file
 |  NTICOM: int
 |      0,1,2 controls initial removal of COM motion
 |      0: no initial system COM motion removal (default)
 |      1: initial COM translation is removed
 |      2: initial COM rotation is removed
 |  NTISTI: bool
 |      0,1 controls generation of stochastic integrals
 |      0: read stochastic integrals and IG from configuration (default)
 |      1: set stochastic integrals to zero and use IG from here.
 |  IG: int
 |      random number generator seed
 |  TEMPI:  float
 |      initial temperature
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTIVEL: bool = False, NTISHK: int = 0, NTINHT: bool = False, NTINHB: bool = False, NTISHI: bool = False, NTIRTC: bool = False, NTICOM: int = 0, NTISTI: bool = False, IG: int = 0, TEMPI: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Args:
 |          NTIVEL:
 |          NTISHK:
 |          NTINHT:
 |          NTINHB:
 |          NTISHI:
 |          NTIRTC:
 |          NTICOM:
 |          NTISTI:
 |          IG:
 |          TEMPI:
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'IG': <class 'int'>, 'NTICOM': <class 'int'>, 'NTIN...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'INITIALISE'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

And now we will check the set options in our template:

#        NTIVEL          NTISHK          NTINHT          NTINHB
         1       0       0       0
#        NTISHI          NTIRTC          NTICOM
         1       0       1
#        NTISTI
#        IG      TEMPI
         12416   300.000000

System Block

In the SYSTEM block you would need to replace NSM with the number of solvent molecules in your system, but the prepare_simulation function takes care of that for you.

#The last SOLV molecule can be found out like this:
'  930 SOLV  HW2     2863    0.186473330    0.337573696    1.044135675\n'
#the template currently contains these values - note NSM is 1172, which is wrong!
#        NPM     NSM
         1       5

STEP Block

In the STEP block you specify how many steps you want to simulate (NSTLIM), at what time your simulation starts (T) and how big the integration time step (DT) is. In this case you want to start at time 0 and you want to carry out a 20 ps simulation, because the time unit happens to be ps.

Help on STEP in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class STEP(_generic_imd_block)
 |  STEP(NSTLIM: int = 0, T: float = 0, DT: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  Step Block
 |      This Block gives the number of simulation steps,
 |  Attributes
 |  -----------
 |  NSTLIM: int
 |      number of simulations Step till terminating.
 |  T:  float
 |      Starting Time
 |  DT: float
 |      time step [fs]
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      STEP
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NSTLIM: int = 0, T: float = 0, DT: float = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'DT': <class 'float'>, 'NSTLIM': <class 'int'>, 'T'...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'STEP'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NSTLIM          T       DT
         1000    0.000000        0.002000


As previously described, with the BOUNDCOND block you specify which PBC you will use. With NTB=1 you specify rectangular PBC.

Help on BOUNDCOND in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class BOUNDCOND(_generic_imd_block)
 |  BOUNDCOND(NTB: int = 0, NDFMIN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  Boundary Condition Block
 |      This block describes the boundary condition of the coordinate system.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |      NTB : int, optional
 |          Boundary conditions, by default 0
 |          -1 : truncated octahedral
 |           0 : vacuum
 |           1 : rectangular
 |           2 : triclinic
 |      NDFMIN : int, optional
 |          number of degrees of freedom subtracted for temperature, by default 0
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTB: int = 0, NDFMIN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NDFMIN': <class 'int'>, 'NTB': <class 'int'>, 'nam...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'BOUNDCOND'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTB     NDFMIN
         1       3


In our case we want to run the simulation at constant temperature. For this purpose, we have to add the MULTIBATH input block (see 4-96). First we specify which algorithm we will use. In this case we will use the weak-coupling scheme (ALGORITHM=0). How many temperature baths we want to couple to the system is specified by NBATHS. You can specify the temperature using the TEMP0 parameter. TAUT is the coupling time used in the weak-coupling method for this bath. DOFSET specifies the number of distiguishable sets of degrees of freedom. LAST is pointing to the last atom for the set of degrees of freedom; thus, you put the number of last atom of your system instead of LSTATM. COMBATH is the temperature bath to which we want to couple the centre of mass motion of this set of degrees of freedom IRBATH is the temperature bath to which the internal and rotational degrees of freedom of this set of degrees of freedom are coupled.

Help on MULTIBATH in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class MULTIBATH(_generic_imd_block)
 |  MULTIBATH(ALGORITHM: int = 0, NBATHS: int = 0, TEMP0: List[float] = [], TAU: List[float] = [], DOFSET: int = 0, LAST: List[int] = [], COMBATH: List[int] = [], IRBATH: List[int] = [], NUM: int = None, content: List[str] = None)
 |      This block controls the Thermostat of a simulation. Multiple temperature baths can be coupled.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  ALGORITHM:  int
 |      temperature coupling algorithm
 |      weak-coupling(0)
 |      nose-hoover(1)
 |      nose-hoover-chains(2)   num
 |      (where num is the number of chains to use)
 |  NUM: int, optional
 |      Mumber of chains in Nosé Hoover chains scheme [only specify when needed]
 |  NBATHS: int
 |      Number of temperature baths
 |  TEMP0:  List[float]
 |      temperature of each bath (list len == NBATHS)
 |  TAU:    List[float]
 |          coupling of the temperaturebath to the system  (list len == NBATHS)
 |  DOFSET: int
 |      Number of set of Degrees of freedom.
 |  LAST:   List[int]   (list len == DOFSET)
 |      Last atoms of each DOFSet
 |  COMBATH:    List[int]   (list len == DOFSET)
 |      Index of the temperature baths
 |  IRBATH: List[int]   (list len == DOFSET)
 |      IRBAHT?
 |  See Also
 |  --------
 |      _generic_imd_block, _generic_gromos_block
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, ALGORITHM: int = 0, NBATHS: int = 0, TEMP0: List[float] = [], TAU: List[float] = [], DOFSET: int = 0, LAST: List[int] = [], COMBATH: List[int] = [], IRBATH: List[int] = [], NUM: int = None, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  adapt_multibath(self, last_atoms_bath: Dict[int, int], algorithm: int = None, num: int = None, T: Union[float, List[float]] = None, TAU: float = None) -> None
 |      adapt_multibath
 |              This function is adding each atom set into a single multibath.
 |              #TODO implementation not correct with com_bath and irbath! Works for super simple cases though
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      last_atoms_bath :   Dict[int,int]
 |          lastatom:bath
 |      algorithm : int
 |          int code for algorihtm
 |      T : float,List[float], optional
 |          temperature value
 |      TAU :   float, optional
 |          coupling var
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      None
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'ALGORITHM': <class 'int'>, 'COMBATH': typing.List[...
 |  name = 'MULTIBATH'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

# TEMP0(1 ... NBATHS)    TAU(1 ... NBATHS)
  300.0          0.1
  300.0          0.1
  73     1       1
  2863   2       2


This block is needed to remove the centre of mass motion (translation and rotation). Without this block it can happen that all the kinetic energy is converted to centre of mass translation (flying ice cube problem). With NSCM we specify how often the center-of-mass (COM) motion is removed. If NSCM is \(< 0\) translation and rotation motion are removed every \(|\) NSCM \(|\) th step. If NSCM is \(> 0\) only translation motion is removed every NSCMth step.

Help on COMTRANSROT in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class COMTRANSROT(_generic_imd_block)
 |  COMTRANSROT(NSCM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  This block controls the center of mass translation and rotation removal. (flying ice cube problem)
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NSCM : int
 |      controls system centre-of-mass (com) motion removal
 |      0: no com motion removal (default)
 |      < 0: com translation and rotation are removed every abs(NSCM) steps.
 |      > 0: com translation is removed every NSCM steps.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NSCM: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NSCM': <class 'int'>, 'name': <class 'str'>}
 |  name = 'COMTRANSROT'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NSCM


This block is needed to define which functional form we will use for bond-stretching (NTBBH), bond-angle bending (NTBAH) and for torsional dihedral (NTBDN). We just use the default options for all functional forms.

Help on COVALENTFORM in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class COVALENTFORM(_generic_imd_block)
 |  COVALENTFORM(NTBBH: int = 0, NTBAH: int = 0, NTBDN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      The COVALENTFORM Block manages the functional form of the Bonded contributions to the force field.
 |      It is optional in an imd file to define the block.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTBBH:  int
 |      0,1 controls bond-stretching potential
 |      0: quartic form (default)
 |      1: harmonic form
 |  NTBAH:  int
 |      0,1 controls bond-angle bending potential
 |      0: cosine-harmonic (default)
 |      1: harmonic
 |  NTBDN:  int
 |      0,1 controls torsional dihedral potential
 |      0: arbitrary phase shifts (default)
 |      1: phase shifts limited to 0 and 180 degrees.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTBBH: int = 0, NTBAH: int = 0, NTBDN: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NTBAH': <class 'int'>, 'NTBBH': <class 'int'>, 'NT...
 |  name = 'COVALENTFORM'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTBBH   NTBAH   NTBDN
         0       0       0


Gromos MD simulations produce a massive amount of data and it is impossible to store all the data it produces. The WRITETRAJ block meets this demand: Here you specify how often the coordinate trajectory (NTWX), the velocity trajectory (NTWV), the force trajectory (NTWF), the energy trajectory (NTWE), the free energy trajectory (NTWG) and the block averaged energy trajectory (NTWB) are written out. In the present case, we are only interested in the coordinates (NTWX) and energies (NTWE) and we write them every 100th step. The second switch (NTWSE) defines selection criterion for trajectories: if NTWSE = 0 the normal coordinate trajectory will be written, or if NTWSE \(> 0\) a minimum energy trajectory will be written.

Warning: It makes no sense to write out configurations too often. First, it needs a lot of disk space. Second, the data is highly correlated and so no additional information is gained from it ***

Help on WRITETRAJ in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class WRITETRAJ(_generic_imd_block)
 |  WRITETRAJ(NTWX: int = 0, NTWSE: int = 0, NTWV: int = 0, NTWF: int = 0, NTWE: int = 0, NTWG: int = 0, NTWB: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      The WRITETRAJ Block manages the output frequency of GROMOS. Here you can determine how often a file should be written.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTWX:   int
 |      controls writing of coordinate trajectory
 |      0: no coordinate trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write solute and solvent coordinates every NTWX steps
 |      <0: write solute coordinates every |NTWX| steps
 |  NTWSE:   int
 |      >= 0 selection criteria for coordinate trajectory writing
 |      0: write normal coordinate trajectory
 |      >0: write minimum-energy coordinate and energy trajectory (based on the
 |      energy entry selected by NTWSE and as blocks of length NTWX)
 |      (see configuration/ or ene_ana library for indices)
 |  NTWV:   int
 |      controls writing of velocity trajectory
 |      0: no velocity trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write solute and solvent velocities every NTWV steps
 |      <0: write solute velocities every |NTWV| steps
 |  NTWF:   int
 |      controls writing of force trajectory
 |      0: no force trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write solute and solvent forces every NTWF steps
 |      <0: write solute forces every |NTWF| steps
 |  NTWE:   int
 |      >= 0 controls writing of energy trajectory
 |      0: no energy trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write energy trajectory every NTWE steps
 |  NTWG:   int
 |      >= 0 controls writing of free energy trajectory
 |      0: no free energy trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write free energy trajectory every NTWG steps
 |  NTWB:   int
 |      >= 0 controls writing of block-averaged energy trajectory
 |      0: no block averaged energy trajectory is written (default)
 |      >0: write block-averaged energy variables every |NTWB| steps
 |          (and free energies if NTWG > 0) trajectory
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTWX: int = 0, NTWSE: int = 0, NTWV: int = 0, NTWF: int = 0, NTWE: int = 0, NTWG: int = 0, NTWB: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Args:
 |          NTWX:
 |          NTWSE:
 |          NTWV:
 |          NTWF:
 |          NTWE:
 |          NTWG:
 |          NTWB:
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NTWB': <class 'int'>, 'NTWE': <class 'int'>, 'NTWF...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'WRITETRAJ'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTWX    NTWSE   NTWV    NTWF    NTWE    NTWG    NTWB
         10      0       0       0       10      0       0


This block is very similar to the WRITETRAJ block but the information about the energies (NTPR) is printed to the output file (.omd). By giving NTPP, dihedral angle transitions are written to the special trajectory (.trs).

Help on PRINTOUT in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class PRINTOUT(_generic_imd_block)
 |  PRINTOUT(NTPR: int = 0, NTPP: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |  PRINTOUT block
 |      This Block manages the output frequency into the .omd/std-out file.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTPR: int
 |      print out energies, etc. every NTPR steps
 |  NTPP: int
 |      =1 perform dihedral angle transition monitoring
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      PRINTOUT
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTPR: int = 0, NTPP: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'NTPP': <class 'int'>, 'NTPR': <class 'int'>, 'name...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'PRINTOUT'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

#        NTPR    NTPP
         250     0


MD++ knows different algorithms for the generation of the pairlist, a list containing the atoms interacting with each other. Here, we use a grid based pairlist generation: the space is discretized into grid cells and only the neighboring cells are searched for interacting partners. The use of this algorithm results in a The pairlist is generated every 5th (NSNB) step. RCUTP and RCUTL are the cutoffs for the pairlist construction for the short-range and the long-range interactions. The pairlist is generated every 5th (NSNB) step. RCUTP and RCUTL are the cutoffs for the pairlist construction for the short-range and the long-range interactions.

Help on PAIRLIST in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class PAIRLIST(_generic_imd_block)
 |  PAIRLIST(ALGORITHM: int = 0, NSNB: int = 0, RCUTP: float = 0, RCUTL: float = 0, SIZE: Union[str, float] = 0, TYPE: Union[str, bool] = False, content: List[str] = None)
 |  PAIRLIST Block
 |          This block is controlling the pairlist control.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  ALGORITHM: int
 |      standard(0) (gromos96 like pairlist)
 |      grid(1) (md++ grid pairlist)
 |      grid_cell(2) (creates a mask)
 |  NSNB:   int
 |      frequency (number of steps) a pairlist is constructed
 |  RCUTPL: float
 |      short-range cut-off in twin-range
 |  RCUTL:  float
 |      intermediate-range cut-off in twin-range
 |  SIZE:   str, float
 |      grid cell size (or auto = 0.5 * RCUTP)
 |  TYPE:   str, bool
 |      chargegoup(0) (chargegroup based cutoff)
 |      atomic(1)     (atom based cutoff)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      PAIRLIST
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, ALGORITHM: int = 0, NSNB: int = 0, RCUTP: float = 0, RCUTL: float = 0, SIZE: Union[str, float] = 0, TYPE: Union[str, bool] = False, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Args:
 |          ALGORITHM:
 |          NSNB:
 |          RCUTP:
 |          RCUTL:
 |          SIZE:
 |          TYPE:
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'ALGORITHM': <class 'int'>, 'NSNB': <class 'int'>, ...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'PAIRLIST'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

         1       5       0.800000        1.400000        0.4     0


Finally, we want to restrain the position of our solute. The restraining is achieved by a harmonic special force term with a force constant of CPOR.

from pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks import POSITIONRES

Help on class POSITIONRES in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks:

class POSITIONRES(_generic_imd_block)
 |  POSITIONRES(NTPOR: int = 0, NTPORB: int = 0, NTPORS: int = 0, CPOR: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      This block allows the managment of the Position Restraints during the Simulation.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  NTPOR:
 |      0..3 controls atom positions re(con)straining.
 |      0: no position re(con)straints (default)
 |      1: restraining with force constant CPOR
 |      2: restraining with force constant CPOR weighted by atomic B-factors
 |      3: constraining
 |      0,1 controls reading of reference positions and B-factors
 |      0: read reference positions from startup file.
 |      1: read reference positions and B-factors from special file
 |      0,1 controls scaling of reference positions upon pressure scaling
 |      0: do not scale reference positions
 |      1: scale reference positions
 |  CPOR:
 |      >= 0 position restraining force constant
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, NTPOR: int = 0, NTPORB: int = 0, NTPORS: int = 0, CPOR: int = 0, content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'CPOR': <class 'int'>, 'NTPOR': <class 'int'>, 'NTP...
 |  name = 'POSITIONRES'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

md_imd_file.add_block(block=POSITIONRES(NTPOR=1, NTPORB=1, CPOR=25000))

#        NTPOR   NTPORB          NTPORS          CPOR
         1       1       0       25000

Now you should know the main blocks of the Gromos input files.

Perform Thermalisation

Next we will run multiple simulations, which will slowly heat up the simulation system. This can easily be done by modifying parameters on the run. First we will setup a gromos system and prepare it. Next we will perform the simulations.

Warning: Depending on your system’s speed this will take up to five hours. As we are using the simulation directory as the working directory there will be an error message after every job which can be ignored. ***

Hint : Have a look at all the output files eq peptide .omd. If anything goes wrong, a message will be printed to the output file.**

from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import md

## Preparing emin gromos system
in_eq_system = out_eminBox_system.copy() = "eq_thermalisation"
in_eq_system.work_folder = project_dir

### Build position restraints
restrain_res = [k for k in in_eq_system.cnf.residues if(not k in ("CL-", "SOLV"))]

### Check simulation params
in_eq_system.imd = md_imd_file

### Set simulation lengths:
in_eq_system.imd.STEP.NSTLIM = 1000 # each temperature will do 1000 steps, this might take some time!

sys_same =


GROMOS SYSTEM: eq_thermalisation
WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System
LAST CHECKPOINT: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/emin_box_result.obj

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/data/simulation_parameters_templates/md_tut.imd
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/eq_thermalisation.cnf
        posres: None
        refpos: None
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        []  resID: []  natoms: 0
        Non-LIGANDS:    ['CL-']  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 2
        SOLVENT:        SOLV  nmolecules: 930  natoms: 2790

After preparing the system we can now start simulating.

## run Thermalisation.
from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import simulation

temperatures = [60, 120, 180, 240, 300] #the temperatures we want to simulate.

print("Heating upt to: ", end="\t")
for runID, temperature in enumerate(temperatures):
    print(temperature, end="\t")

    #adapt temperature
    in_eq_system.imd.MULTIBATH.TEMP0 = [temperature for x in range(in_eq_system.imd.MULTIBATH.NBATHS)]

    #turn off the posres for the last run.
    if(runID+1 == len(temperatures)): #Last Run
        in_eq_system.imd.POSITIONRES.NTPOR = 0
        in_eq_system.imd.POSITIONRES.CPOR = 0

        out_eq_system = simulation(in_gromos_simulation_system=in_eq_system,
        out_eq_system = simulation(in_gromos_simulation_system=in_eq_system,

    in_eq_system = out_eq_system

Heating upt to:         60      120     180     240     300     ################################################################################


Script:  /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/simulations/hpc_queuing/job_scheduling/schedulers/

Simulation Setup:

steps_per_run:  1000
equis:  0
simulation runs:  5

 submit final analysis part

ANA jobID: 0
#This took some time, so lets store it! So we can use it later again.
out_eq_therm_system_path ="/eq_therm_result2.obj")

Analysis of Thermalisation:

Next we want to check the results of our Thermalisation. We will have a look at the coordinate trajectory and the temperatures of the system.

Check the coordinate traj

First we will check the trajectory of the termalisation. Again we first need to shift the coordinates, so we can se the fully connected peptide.

coordinate_traj = out_eq_system.trc
view = coordinate_traj.view

Check the temperature

After this, we would like to see the temperature development. First lets collect all temperature calculations from the simulation:

energy_traj = out_eq_system.tre
temperatures= energy_traj.get_temperature()
bath1 bath2
0.00 339.434523 378.651407
0.02 140.118831 389.835477
0.04 160.978927 383.542770
0.06 202.329896 379.484185
0.08 151.866737 349.959059
... ... ...
9.90 335.579171 309.355612
9.92 275.800192 310.621616
9.94 265.092556 307.698791
9.96 300.889369 300.488861
9.98 318.342788 305.876061

500 rows × 2 columns

Next we want to visualize the data to get an impresstionof what happened. Can you see how the Temperature was constantly raised per simulation and started to equilibrate forming plateus?

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.plot(temperatures.bath1, label="TBath1")
plt.plot(temperatures.bath2, label="TBath2")

Text(0.5, 0, '$t~[ps]$')

Molecular dynamics sampling simulation.

The equilibration period already produced a short simulation at constant temperature and volume. At this point we want to elongate the simulation to a nanosecond under constant temperature and pressure.

Simulation Paramters

First, we don’t use position restraining anymore and so, the POSITIONRES block in the next step. Next we want to simulate under constant pressure rather than constant volume (NVT-> NPT). For this purpose we have to add an additional block:

from import template_md_tut as template_md
from pygromos.files.simulation_parameters.imd import Imd

imd_file = Imd(template_md)

Help on PRESSURESCALE in module pygromos.files.blocks.imd_blocks object:

class PRESSURESCALE(_generic_imd_block)
 |  PRESSURESCALE(COUPLE: int = 0, SCALE: int = 0, COMP: float = 0, TAUP: float = 0, VIRIAL: int = 0, SEMIANISOTROPIC: List[int] = [], PRES0: List[List[float]] = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], content: List[str] = None)
 |  This block controls the barostat of the simulation
 |  Attributes
 |  -----------
 |  COUPLE: int
 |      off(0), calc(1), scale(2)
 |  SCALE:  int
 |      off(0), iso(1), aniso(2), full(3), semianiso(4)
 |  COMP:   float
 |      compessibility
 |  TAUP:   float
 |      coupling strength
 |  VIRIAL: int
 |      none(0), atomic(1), group(2)
 |  SEMIANISOTROPIC:    List[int]
 |      (semianisotropic couplings: X, Y, Z)
 |      e.g. 1 1 2: x and y jointly coupled and z separately coupled
 |      e.g. 0 0 1: constant area (xy-plane) and z coupled to a bath
 |  PRES0:  List[List[float]]
 |      reference pressure
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      _generic_imd_block
 |      pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, COUPLE: int = 0, SCALE: int = 0, COMP: float = 0, TAUP: float = 0, VIRIAL: int = 0, SEMIANISOTROPIC: List[int] = [], PRES0: List[List[float]] = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], content: List[str] = None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  read_content_from_str(self, content: List[str])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __annotations__ = {'COMP': <class 'float'>, 'COUPLE': <class 'int'>, '...
 |  __slotnames__ = []
 |  name = 'PRESSURESCALE'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _generic_imd_block:
 |  block_to_string(self) -> str
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __copy__(self)
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
 |  __eq__(self, _generic_gromos_block__o: object) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  get_name(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from pygromos.files.blocks._general_blocks._generic_gromos_block:
 |  __hash__ = None

In the PRESSURESCALE block we tell Gromos to calculate and scale the pressure by setting COUPLE to \(2\). As the box should be isotropically scaled we set SCALE equal to \(1\). The weak-coupling method (Sec. 2-12.2.2) uses two additional parameters: COMP is the isothermal compressibility and TAUP is the coupling time. We are calculating the molecular virial (VIRIAL is equal to \(2\)), so intramolecular forces don’t contribute to the pressure. The next line is only used for semi-anisotropic pressure coupling and can be ignored in our case. Finally, we have to specify the reference pressure in a tensor form

#        COUPLE          SCALE   COMP    TAUP    VIRIAL
         2       1       0.000458        0.500000        2
         1       1       1
#        PRES0(1...3,1...3)
         0.06102         0.0     0.0
         0.0     0.06102         0.0
         0.0     0.0     0.06102

Perform MD - Production

In the other blocks only minor things have changed: the temperature was set to 300K and the trajectories are written out less often (every 250th step only). Next we are going to set up the Gromos System. We will remove the position restraints and the old trajectories.

from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import md

in_md_system = out_eq_system.copy()

in_md_system.work_folder = project_dir = "md"

### Check simulation params
in_md_system.imd = imd_file

## imd parameters
in_md_system.imd.STEP.NSTLIM = 1000
in_md_system.imd.WRITETRAJ.NTWX = 10
in_md_system.imd.WRITETRAJ.NTWE = 10
in_md_system.imd.INITIALISE.NTIVEL = 0



WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System
LAST CHECKPOINT: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/eq_therm_result2.obj

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/data/simulation_parameters_templates/md_tut.imd
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/f_eq_thermalisation.cnf
        posres: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/f_eq_thermalisation.pos
        refpos: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/f_eq_thermalisation.rpf
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        ['CL6', 'CL7']  resID: [6, 7]  natoms: 2
        Non-LIGANDS:    []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0
        SOLVENT:        SOLV  nmolecules: 930  natoms: 2790

out_md_system = md(in_gromos_system=in_md_system,


Script:  /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/pygromos/simulations/hpc_queuing/job_scheduling/schedulers/

Simulation Setup:

steps_per_run:  1000
equis:  0
simulation runs:  3

 submit final analysis part

ANA jobID: 0

WORKDIR: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System
LAST CHECKPOINT: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/eq_therm_result2.obj

GromosXX_bin: None
GromosPP_bin: None
        imd: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/g_md/input/g_md.imd
        top: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/g_md/input/
        cnf: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/g_md/analysis/data/g_md.cnf
        posres: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/g_md/input/g_md.pos
        refpos: /home/mlehner/PyGromosTools/docs/sphinx_project/Tutorials/example_files/Tutorial_System/g_md/input/g_md.rpf
        PROTEIN:        protein  nresidues: 5 natoms: 71
        LIGANDS:        ['CL6', 'CL7']  resID: [6, 7]  natoms: 2
        Non-LIGANDS:    []  nmolecules: 0  natoms: 0
        SOLVENT:        SOLV  nmolecules: 930  natoms: 2790

out_md_system_path ="/md_result.obj")

After all the jobs are finished, you should start to analyse the trajectories.


First Look Analysis

Let’s first have a look on the final coordinates.

coordinate_traj = out_md_system.trc

view = coordinate_traj.view
/home/mlehner/anaconda3/envs/pygro2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mdtraj/core/ UserWarning: top= kwargs ignored since this file parser does not support it
  warnings.warn('top= kwargs ignored since this file parser does not support it')

Energy Analysis

The program calculates the average of the specified properties as well as the root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) and a statistical error estimate (error est.). The error estimate is calculated from block averages of growing sizes extrapolating to infinite block size1

Warning: Sometimes the error estimates are NaN (not a number), which is due to the fact that we do not have enough values to calculate a meaningful error estimate. ***

energy_traj = out_md_system.tre
total_energies = energy_traj.get_totals()
totene totkin totpot totcov totbond totangle totimproper totdihedral totcrossdihedral totnonbonded ... eds_vmix eds_vr eds_emax eds_emin eds_globmin eds_globminfluc entropy totqm totbsleus totrdc
0.00 -47298.79052 1618.643530 -48917.43405 252.617847 0.0 120.249867 38.645933 93.722048 0.0 -49170.05190 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.02 -46269.03164 2464.331707 -48733.36335 221.036528 0.0 89.627692 45.038378 86.370457 0.0 -48954.39987 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.04 -45353.28866 3010.497757 -48363.78641 279.233662 0.0 123.663886 51.890773 103.679003 0.0 -48643.02008 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.06 -44504.63121 3341.937138 -47846.56835 292.535309 0.0 139.711508 45.975944 106.847857 0.0 -48139.10366 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.08 -43753.16520 3684.261609 -47437.42681 288.216128 0.0 129.742936 56.731466 101.741727 0.0 -47725.64294 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5.90 -33587.58374 7335.329137 -40922.91288 229.219891 0.0 115.319382 49.971611 63.928898 0.0 -41152.13277 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.92 -33587.32408 7184.037953 -40771.36203 224.153707 0.0 90.114185 48.815956 85.223565 0.0 -40995.51574 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.94 -33542.19033 7240.118961 -40782.30929 209.515148 0.0 100.347480 44.342135 64.825533 0.0 -40991.82444 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.96 -33532.49241 7225.276174 -40757.76858 210.539388 0.0 103.851765 39.627214 67.060410 0.0 -40968.30797 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.98 -33536.24937 7231.265778 -40767.51515 236.970723 0.0 98.997937 58.265716 79.707070 0.0 -41004.48587 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

300 rows × 43 columns

#Next we plot some data of the energies to se their development.

time_axis = energy_traj.time
total_energies.totene.plot(xlabel="t [ps]", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", title="Simulation Data", legend=True)

<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Simulation Data'}, xlabel='t [ps]', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>

In the Following we want to see the different contributions of the molecules with their VdW and Culomb interaxtions. we add up the van der Waals and Coulomb energies of the peptide-peptide interactions.

Now we want to look at two variables: * peptide_water_nonbonded * peptide_Cl_nonbonded

The information about the nonbondeds can be retrieved from the ForceGroup Nonbonded contributions. If you check the used imd file, you reckognize three Force groups in the FORCEGROUP block. These are limited by the last atom of the group and you can check the group atoms in the topology or coordinate file. They should correspond here to: 1. Peptide 2. 2 Cl- ions 3. Water molecules

The interactions of these forcegroups are stored in the following pattern, which can be adapted to any force group number (PseudoCode: for i in range(1+nFroceGroups) for j in range(i, nFroceGroups)):

  1. ForceGroup - 1. ForceGroup: intra force group nonbondeds (peptide - peptide)

  2. ForceGroup - 2. ForceGroup: inter force group nonbondeds between force group 1 and 2 (peptide - Cl-)

  3. ForceGroup - 3. ForceGroup: inter force group nonbondeds between force group 1 and 3 (peptide - Water)

  4. ForceGroup - 2. ForceGroup: intra force group nonbondeds (Cl- - Cl-)

  5. ForceGroup - 3. ForceGroup: inter force group nonbondeds between force group 2 and 3 (Cl- - Water)

  6. ForceGroup - 3. ForceGroup: intra force group nonbondeds (Water - Water)

#First lets get the Force Group Energy contributions:
forceGroupNonbondedContributions = energy_traj.get_nonbondedContributions()

#Here we give each Force Group contribution category nice names:
peptide_peptide_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[1][1]
peptide_Cl_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[1][2]
peptide_water_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[1][3]

Cl_Cl_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[2][2]
Cl_water_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[2][3]

water_water_nonbonded = forceGroupNonbondedContributions[3][3]
#Here we look at the different Nonbonded contributions of each
peptide_peptide_nonbonded.plot(title="Peptide_intra_Nonbondeds", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", xlabel="writeOuts", subplots=True)
Cl_Cl_nonbonded.plot(title="CL_intra_Nonbondeds", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", xlabel="writeOuts", subplots=True)
water_water_nonbonded.plot(title="Water_intra_Nonbondeds", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", xlabel="writeOuts", subplots=True)
array([<AxesSubplot:xlabel='writeOuts', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>,
       <AxesSubplot:xlabel='writeOuts', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>,
       <AxesSubplot:xlabel='writeOuts', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>,
       <AxesSubplot:xlabel='writeOuts', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>],
#Next we calculate the sum of all contributions
#The sum over the axis 1 sums up all contribution types for a timestep t.
peptide_peptide_nonbonded.sum(axis=1).plot(label="peptide - peptide", legend=True)
peptide_Cl_nonbonded.sum(axis=1).plot(label="peptide - Cl-", legend=True)
peptide_water_nonbonded.sum(axis=1).plot(label="peptide - Water", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", xlabel="writeOuts", title="Peptide Nonbondeds", legend=True)
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Peptide Nonbondeds'}, xlabel='writeOuts', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>
# Here we look at the total nonbonded Contributions of the peptide
peptide_nonbonded = peptide_peptide_nonbonded+peptide_Cl_nonbonded+peptide_water_nonbonded
#The sum over the axis 1 sums up all contribution types for a timestep t.
peptide_nonbonded.sum(axis=1).plot( label="peptide", ylabel="V [kJ/mol]", xlabel="steps", title="Total Nonbonded Contributions of peptide", legend=True)

<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Total Nonbonded Contributions of peptide'}, xlabel='steps', ylabel='V [kJ/mol]'>

Coordinate Analysis

In the next step, we want to have a look at the coordinates of our simulation. first we will dcalculate the rmsd, second we will analyse the distance of the CL- to the positive charged atoms in the peptide.

Warning: Under Development ;) ***

final_coordinate = out_md_system.cnf
coordinate_traj = out_md_system.trc

coordinate_traj.rmsd(1).sum(axis=1).plot(ylabel="RMSD", xlabel="t [ps]")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='t [ps]', ylabel='RMSD'>

Distance CL- to the peptide

print("CL- atoms:", [(ap.atomType, ap.atomID) for ap in final_coordinate.POSITION if(ap.resName == "CL-")])
print("ARG atoms:", [(ap.atomType, ap.atomID) for ap in final_coordinate.POSITION if(ap.resName == "ARG")])
print("LYSH atoms:", [(ap.atomType, ap.atomID) for ap in final_coordinate.POSITION if(ap.resName == "LYSH")])
print("NTERM atoms:", [(ap.atomType, ap.atomID) for ap in final_coordinate.POSITION if(ap.resName == "VAL")])
CL- atoms: [('CL', 72), ('CL', 73)]
ARG atoms: [('N', 29), ('H', 30), ('CA', 31), ('CB', 32), ('CG', 33), ('CD', 34), ('NE', 35), ('HE', 36), ('CZ', 37), ('NH1', 38), ('HH11', 39), ('HH12', 40), ('NH2', 41), ('HH21', 42), ('HH22', 43), ('C', 44), ('O', 45)]
LYSH atoms: [('N', 46), ('H', 47), ('CA', 48), ('CB', 49), ('CG', 50), ('CD', 51), ('CE', 52), ('NZ', 53), ('HZ1', 54), ('HZ2', 55), ('HZ3', 56), ('C', 57), ('O', 58)]
NTERM atoms: [('H1', 1), ('H2', 2), ('N', 3), ('H3', 4), ('CA', 5), ('CB', 6), ('CG1', 7), ('CG2', 8), ('C', 9), ('O', 10)]

Calculate the distances now to the different CL- ions.

coordinate_traj.distances(atom_pairs=[[72, 37], [73, 37]]).plot(label="CL-1/2 - ARG-CZ", legend=True, xlabel="t [ps]", ylabel="r [nm]")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='t [ps]', ylabel='r [nm]'>
coordinate_traj.distances(atom_pairs=[[72, 53], [73, 53]]).plot(label="CL-1/2 - LYSH-NZ", legend=True, xlabel="t [ps]", ylabel="r [nm]")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='t [ps]', ylabel='r [nm]'>
coordinate_traj.distances(atom_pairs=[[72, 3], [73, 3]]).plot(label="CL-1/2 - N-TERM", legend=True, xlabel="t [ps]", ylabel="r [nm]")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='t [ps]', ylabel='r [nm]'>
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